Sanjeev Kumar Sharma is a member of the Potato Genetics and Breeding group at the James Hutton Institute in Dundee. He earned his Bachelor’s in Forestry and Master’s in Biotechnology from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India and pursued his PhD at the University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom under a prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship award.
Sanjeev has over 25 years’ experience in crop basic and applied research covering potato developmental biology, molecular biology, transgenics, genetics, genomics, marker development, sequence-based genotyping, next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics. With longstanding experience in potato genetics and genomics, he was a member of the international consortium responsible for the development of the first potato genome sequence (PGSC, 2011), led the development of the first physical genetic map of potato (Sharma et al., 2013), has undertaken numerous genetic studies for key potato traits (Campbell et al., 2023; Gartner et al., 2024; Morris et al., 2019; Morris et al., 2014; Pasare et al., 2013; Sharma & Bryan, 2017; Sharma et al., 2018; Sharma et al., 2021; Sharma et al., 2024) and has extensive track record in developing modern genotyping tools for potato, e.g., whole-exome capture (Sharma et al., 2021), genotyping-by-sequencing (Sharma et al., 2024), and single-primer enrichment technology (Sharma et al., 2022). He is utilizing these novel technologies along with modern genetic analysis approaches (e.g., genome-wide association studies, sequence-based bulk-segregant analysis, genomic selection) for trait analyses and allele mining in potato targeting important agronomic, processing and disease resistance traits. Sanjeev is Co-I in UKRI funded PACE project on optimizing genetics by management interactions to enhance productivity and quality in indoor plant cultivation; Scottish Govt funded projects on Potato cyst nematode and identifying genetic elements underlying abiotic stress tolerance in potato. Overall, here his broader focus of research is to exploit genetic, genomic, and biotechnological approaches for furthering potato research and accelerate breeding efficiencies in potato.
Sanjeev has collaborated on several national and international projects related to potato and other crops; chaired and coordinated the project monitoring meetings of the international potato genome sequencing consortium; served as member of the Scientific Program Committee for the 18th International Solanaceae Genome Conference (SOL2023, Canada), Advisory Board Panel for Plant Genomics Congress Europe (2015-2016), editorial board for the journals ‘Genes’ and ‘Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics’; has acted as reviewer for British Council Newton Fund (2018-2022) applications; evaluator for KAPPA Programme grants 2020 TACR Czech Republic; performed peer reviewing for scientific journals; invited to several international conferences as invited speaker and to deliver platform talks; and co-organised India-Scotland Research Symposium at Hutton.

Past research
Sanjeev has developed a prototype for advanced and accelerated propagation system in potato using somatic embryo-derived synthetic seeds. Before relocating to the UK, he acquired considerable experience in commercial plant tissue culture notably managing technical operations in a large micropropagation facility (Sheel Biotech Ltd, Gurugram, India – established in collaboration with Cultiss, Holland B.V.) with an annual capacity of >5 million plants. He also established an R&D-cum-pilot scale plant tissue culture laboratory at Thapar Centre for Industrial Research, Patiala, India along with developing indigenous protocols for large-scale production of potato microtubers and upscaled it for generating over 0.5 million microtubers and 1.2 million minitubers per annum. There, he also worked on the selection and micropropagation of elite Eucalyptus trees for the pulp and paper industry including establishment of a clonal demonstration plantation using tissue culture raised Eucalypt saplings.
Employment history
- 2015 – present: Senior Research Scientist/Senior Molecular Geneticist, James Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK
- 2011 – 2015: Molecular Geneticist, James Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK
- 2009 – 2011: Molecular Geneticist, SCRI, Dundee, UK
- 2007 – 2009: Scientist E, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India
- 2006 – 2007: Molecular Geneticist, SCRI, Dundee, UK
- 2002 – 2006: Commonwealth Doctoral Scholar, University of Dundee, UK
- 1995 – 2002: Research Scientist (2000-2002); Assistant Research Scientist (1999-2000); Senior Scientific Assistant (1995-1999); Thapar Centre for Industrial R&D, Patiala, India
- 1994 – 1995: Senior Scientific Officer, M/s Sheel Biotech Ltd (Established in collaboration with Cultiss, Holland B.V.), Gurgaon, India
- 1994 – 1994: Research Associate, Department of Genetics, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India
- Sliwka, J.; Wasilewicz-Flis, I.; Jakuczun, H.; Janiszewska, M.; Smyda-Dajmund, P.; McLean, K.; Zimnoch-Guzowska, E.; Bryan, G.; Sharma, S.K. (2025) Historical data provide new insights into inheritance of traits important for diploid potato breeding, Planta, 261, Article 69
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Hedley, P.; Dale, F.; Daniels, S.; Bryan, G. (2024) Genotyping-by-sequencing targets genic regions and improves resolution of genome-wide association studies in autotetraploid potato, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 137, Art. 180
- Leuenberger, J.; Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Pelle, R.; Berard, A.; Lesage, M.; Porhel, D.; Dantec, M.; Chauvin, J.; Bryan, G.; Pilet-Nayel, M.; Kerlan, M.; Esnault, F. (2024) A genomic dataset integrating genotyping-by-sequencing, SolCAP array and PCR marker data on tetraploid potato advanced breeding lines, Frontiers in Plant Science, 15
- Gartner, U.; Armstrong, M.; Sharma, S.K.; Jones, J.; Blok, V.; Hein, I.; Bryan, G. (2024) C haracterisation and mapping of a Globodera pallida resistance derived from the wild potato species Solanum spegazzinii, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 137, Art. 106
- Bilton, T.P.; Sharma, S.K.; Schofeld, M.R.; Black, M.A.; Jacobs, J.M.E.; Bryan, G.; Dodds, K.G. (2024) Construction of relatedness matrices in autopolyploid populations using low-depth high-throughput sequencing data, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 137, Art. 64
- Campbell, R.; Ducreux, L.; Cowan, G.; Young, V.; Chinoko, G.; Chitedze, G.; Kwendani, S.; Chiipanthenga, M.; Bita, C. E.; Mwenye, O.; Were, H.; Torrance, L.; Sharma, S.; Hancock, R.; Bryan, G.; Taylor, M. (2022) Allelic variants of a potato HEAT SHOCK COGNATE 70 gene confer improved tuber yield under a wide range of environmental conditions, Food and Energy Security, 12(1), Art. E377
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Colgan, R.J.; Rees, D.; Young, S.; Sønderkær, M.; Terry, L.A.; Turnbull, C.; Taylor, M.A.; Bryan, G.J. (2021) Combining conventional QTL analysis and whole-exome capture-based bulk-segregant analysis provides new genetic insights into tuber sprout elongation and dormancy release in a diploid potato population, Heredity, 127, 53-265
- Gartner, U.; Hein, I.; Brown, L.H.; Chen, X.; Mantelin, S.; Sharma, S.K.; Dandurand, L.-M.; Kuhl, J.C.; Jones, J.T.; Bryan, G.J.; Blok, V.C. (2021) Resisting potato cyst nematodes with resistance, Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, Art. 661194
- Morris, W.L.; Alamar, M.C.; Lopez-Cobollo, R.M.; Cañete Castillo, J.; Bennett, M.; Van der Kaay, J.; Stephens, J.; Sharma, S.K.; Thompson, A.J.; Terry, L.A.; Turnbull, C.G.N.; Bryan, G.J.; Taylor, M.A. (2019) A member of the TERMINAL FLOWER 1/CENTRORADIALIS gene family controls sprout growth in potato tubers., Journal of Experimental Botany, 70, 835-843.
- Sharma, S.K.; MacKenzie, K.; McLean, K.; Dale, F.; Daniels, S.; Bryan, G.J. (2018) Linkage disequilibrium and evaluation of genome-wide association mapping models in tetraploid potato., G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 8, 3185-3202.
- Dale, M.F.B.; Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J. (2016) Potato breeding now and into the genomics era., Acta Horticulturae, 1118, 1-10.
- Amar, D.; Frades, I.; Danek, A.; Goldberg, T.; Sharma, S.K.; Hedley, P.; Proux-Wera, E.; Andreasson, E.; Shamir, R.; Tzfadia, O.; Alexandersson, E. (2014) Evaluation and integration of functional annotation pipelines for newly sequenced organisms: the potato genome as a test case., BMC Plant Biology, 14, 329.
- Prashar, A.; Hornyik, C.; Young, V.; McLean, K.; Sharma, S.K.; Dale, M.F.B.; Bryan, G.J. (2014) Construction of a dense SNP map of a highly heterozygous diploid potato population and QTL analysis of tuber shape and eye depth., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127, 2159-2171.
- Campbell, R.; Pont, S.D.A.; Morris, J.A.; McKenzie, G.; Sharma, S.K.; Hedley, P.E.; Ramsay, G.; Bryan, G.J.; Taylor, M.A. (2014) Genome-wide QTL and bulked transcriptomic analysis reveals new candidate genes for the control of tuber carotenoid content in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127, 1917-1933.
- Morris, W.L.; Hancock, R.D.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, J.A.; Usman, M.; Verrall, S.R.; Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J.; McNicol, J.W.; Hedley, P.E.; Taylor, M.A. (2014) Day length dependent restructuring of the leaf transcriptome and metabolome in potato genotypes with contrasting tuberisation phenotypes., Plant Cell and Environment, 37, 1351-1363.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bolser, D.; de Boer, J.; Sonderkaer, M.; Amoros, W.; Carboni, M.F.; D’Ambrosio, J.M.; de la Cruz, G.; Di Genova, A.; Douches, D.S.; Eguiluz, M.; Guo, X.; Guzman, F.; Hackett, C.A.; Hamilton, J.P.; Li, G.C.; Li, Y.; Lozano, R.; Maass, A.; Marshall, D.; Martinez, D.; McLean, K.; Mejia, N.; Milne, L.; Munive, S.; Nagy, I.; Ponce, O.; Ramirez, M.; Simon, R.; Thomson, S.J.; Torres, Y.; Waugh, R.; Zhang, Z.H.; Huang, S.W.; Visser, R.G.F.; Bachem, C.W.B.; Sagredo, B.; Feingold, S.E.; Orjeda, G.; Veilleux, R.E.; Bonierbale, M.; Jacobs, J.M.E.; Milbourne, D.; Martin, D.M.A.; Bryan, G.J. (2013) Construction of reference chromosome-scale Pseudomolecules for potato: integrating the potato genome with genetic and physical maps., G3-Genomes Genomes Genetics, 3, 2031-2047.
- Pasare, S.A.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, W.L.; Campbell, R.; Sharma, S.K.; Roumeliotis, E.; Kohlen, W.; van der Krol, S.; Bramley, P.M.; Roberts, A.G.; Fraser, P.D.; Taylor, M.A. (2013) The role of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) CCD8 gene in stolon and tuber development., New Phytologist, 198, 1108-1120.
- Jupe, F.; Pritchard, L.; Etherington, G.; MacKenzie, K.; Cock, P.J.A.; Wright, F.; Sharma, S.K.; Bolser, D.; Bryan, G.J.; Jones, J.; Hein, I. (2012) Identification and localisation of the NB-LRR gene family within the potato genome., BMC Genomics,13, 1-14.
- Xu, X.; Pan, S.K.; Cheng, S.F.; Zhang, B.; Mu, D.S.; Ni, P.X.; Zhang, G.Y.; Yang, S.; Li, R.Q.; Wang, J.; Orjeda, G.; Guzman, F.; Torres, M.; Lozano, R.; Ponce, O.; Martinez, D.; de la Cruz, G.; Chakrabarti, S.K.; Patil, V.U.; Skryabin, K.G.; Kuznetsov, B.B.; Ravin, N.V.; Kolganova, T.V.; Beletsky, A.V.; Mardanov, A.V.; Genovam A.; Bolser, D.M.; Martin, D.M.A.; Guangcun, L.; Hanhui, K.; Qun, H.; Xingya, X.; Bishop, G.J.; Sagredo, B.; Mejia, N.; Zagorski, W.; Gawor, J.; Szczesny, P.; Huang, S.; Zhang, Z.; Liang, C.; He, J.; He, Y.; Xu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Xie, B.; Du, Y.; Qu, D.; Bonierbale, M.; Ghislain, M.; del Rosario Herrera, M.; Giuliano, G.; Pietrella, M.; Perrotta, G.; Facella, P.; O’Brien, K.; Feingold, S.E.; Barreiro, L.E.; Massa, G.A.; Diambra, L.; Whitty, B.R.; Vaillancourt, B.; Lin, H.; Massa, A.N.; Geoffroy, M.; Lundback, S.; DellaPenna, D.; Buell, C.R.; Sharma, S.K.; Marshall, D.F.; Waugh, R.; Bryan, G.J.; Destefanis, M.; Nagy, I.; Milbourne, D.; Thomson, S.J.; Fiers, M.; Jacobs, J.M.E.; Nielsen, K.L.; Sonderkaerz, M.; Lovene, K.; Torres, G.A.; Jiang, J.; Veilleux, R.E.; Bachem, C.W.B.; Boer, J.; Borm, T.; Kloosterman, B.; van Eck, H.; Datema, E.; Hekkert, B.; Goverse, A.; van Ham, R.C.H.J.; Visser, R.G.F. (2011) Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato., Nature, 475, 189-195.
- Sharma, S.K.; Millam, S.; Hedley, P.E.; McNicol, J.W.; Bryan, G.J. (2008) Molecular regulation of somatic embryogenesis in potato: an auxin led perspective., Plant Molecular Biology, 68, 185-201.
- Sharma, S.K.; Millam, S.; Hein, I.; Bryan, G.J. (2008) Cloning and molecular characterisation of a potato SERK gene transcriptionally induced during initiation of somatic embryogenesis., Planta, 228, 319-330.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J.; Winfield, M.O.; Millam, S. (2007) Stability of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants regenerated via somatic embryos, axillary bud proliferated shoots, microtubers and true potato seeds: a comparative phenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular assessment., Planta, 226, 1449-1458.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J.; Millam, S. (2007) Auxin pulse treatment holds the potential to enhance efficiency and practicability of somatic embryogenesis in potato., Plant Cell Reports, 26, 945-950.
- Sharma, S.K.; Millam, S. (2004) Somatic embryogenesis in Solanum tuberosum L.: A histological examination of key developmental stages., Plant Cell Reports, 23, 115-119.
Books / chapters
- Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J. (2017) Genome sequence-based marker development and genotyping in potato., In: Kumar Chakrabarti S., Xie C. & Kumar Tiwari,J. (eds.) The Potato Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham., Chapter 17, pp307-316.
- Millam, S.; Sharma, S.K. (2007) Soil-free techniques., In: Potato Biology and Biotechnology: Advances and Perspectives (eds. D. Vreugdenhil, J.E. Bradshaw, C. Gebhardt, F. Govers, D.K.L. MacKerron, M.A.Taylor, and H.A. Ross). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp705-716.
Technical / contract reports
- Sharma, S.K.; Millam, S.; Hedley, P.E.; Hein, I.; McNicol, J.W.; Bryan, G.J. (2008) Somatic embryogenesis in potato., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2007, pp18-19.
- Millam, S.; Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J.; Matti-Rokka, V.; Middlefell-Williams, J. (2004) Pathways of vegetative development via embryogenesis in Solanum tuberosum L., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2003/2004, pp124-125.
Conference papers
- MacKinnon, K.; McLean, K.; Sønderkær, M.; Bryan, G.; Sharma, S.K. (2024) GBS and SPUD-SPET genotyping for advancing genetics and breeding applications in potato, 22nd Triennial conference of EAPR on Sustainable Potato production: advances and applications of Potato Research, 7-12 July 2024, Oslo, Norway
- Alamar, M.C.; Tosetti, R.; Chope, G.A.; Lopez-Cobollo, R.; Turnbull, C.G.N.; Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.; Thompson, A.J.; Terry, L.A. (2024) Sustainable solutions to control potato dormancy – a mechanistic approach, 22nd Triennial conference of EAPR on Sustainable Potato production: advances and applications of Potato Research, 7-12 July 2024, Oslo, Norway
- Sharma, S.K.; Aponte, M.; Eyzaguirre, R.; Gomez, R.; Soto, J.; Bryan, G.; Lindqvist-Kreuze, H. (2023) GWAS for late blight resistance in Andean landrace potatoes, The XVIII International Solanaceae Genome Conference (SOL2023), 14-18 October 2023, Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Sønderkær, M.; Bryan, G.J. (2022) SPET genotyping within the genespace for advancing genetics and breeding applications in potato, The XVII International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae (SOL2022), 1-5 November 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Sharma, S.K. (2020) Sequence-based genotyping and genetic analysis in potato, Global Potato Conclave 2020, Gandhinagar, 28-31January 2020, Gujarat, India.
- Sharma, S.K. (2020) Advances in potato genetics and genomics, National Symposium on Trends in Plant Biotechnology & Agriculture, 6-8 February 2020, Patiala, India.
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Morris, W.; Colgan, R.J.; Rees, D.; Taylor, M.; Bryan, G. (2019) The genetic analysis of tuber dormancy and sprout growth in potato, European Association for Potato Research (EAPR) Section Meeting 12-14 March 2019, Norwich, UK.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bayer, M.; MacKenzie, K.; McLean, K.; Dale, F.; Taylor, M.; Bryan, G.J. (2018) Sequence-based genotyping and trait analysis in potato., 15th Solanaceae Conference (SOL2018), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 30 September – 4 October 2018.
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Morris, W.; Colgan, R.J.; Rees, D.; Taylor, M.; Bryan, G.J. (2018) The genetic control of tuber dormancy and sprout elongation in potato., 19th Joint Meeting of the Section ‘Breeding and Varietal Assessment’ of the EAPR and the EUCARPIA Section ‘Potatoes’, EAPR 2018 Conference, Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany, 3-6 December 2018.
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Morris, W.L.; Sønderkær, M.; Colgan, R.; Rees, D.; Taylor, M.A.; Bryan, G. (2017) The genetic control of tuber dormancy and sprout elongation in potato., XIV Solanaceae and 3rd Cucurbitaceae Joint Conference Solcuc 2017, Valencia, Spain, 3-6 September 2017.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bayer, M.; McLean, K.; MacKenzie, K.; Daniels, S.; Dale, F.; Bryan, G. (2015) Application of genotyping-by-sequencing and genome-wide association analysis in tetraploid potato, 3rd Plant Genomics Congress, 11-12 May 2015, London, UK.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bayer, M.; McLean, K.; MacKenzie, K.; Daniels, S.; Dale, F.; Bryan, G. (2015) Genome-wide association studies using high-throughput SNP analysis in tetraploid potato, 12th Solanaceae Conference (SOL 2015), 25-29 October 2015, Bordeaux, France.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bayer, M.; McLean, K.; MacKenzie, K.; Daniels, S.; Dale, F.; Bryan, G. (2014) Application of genotyping-by-sequencing for identifying SNP variation and performing genome-wide association studies in a tetraploid potato association panel, 19th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR), 6-11 July 2014, Brussels, Belgium.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bayer, M.; McLean, K.; MacKenzie, K.; Daniels, S.; Dale, F.; Bryan, G. (2014) Genotyping-by-sequencing and genome-wide association analysis in tetraploid potato, 11th Solanaceae Conference (SOL 2014), 2-6 November 2014, Porto Seguro-BA, Brazil.
- Young, V.; Prashar, A.; McLean, K.; Hornyik, C.; Sharma, S.K.; Dale, M.F.B.; Bryan, G.J. (2014) Potential for molecular marker development and utilization in potato breeding programmes based on a genetic study in a diploid potato population., Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014.
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Dale, M.F.B.; Bryan, G.J. (2012) Application of association mapping and genomic sequencing to modern potato breeding., Potatoes in Practice, Dundee, 9 August 2012.
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Dale, M.F.B.; Bryan, G.J.; (2012) Characterisation of the genetic diversity of tetraploid potato using genome-wide high-density SNP genotyping., SOL 2012 Conference – From Bench to Innovative Applications, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2012.
- Bryan, G.J.; Prashar, A.; Young, V.; McLean, K.; Hornyik, C.; Sharma, S.K.; Dale, M.F.B. (2012) QTL analysis of a phureja-tuberosum diploid potato cross segregating for several traits., Solanaceae Conference, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2012.
- McLean, K.; Young, V.; Sharma, S.K.; Prashar, A.; Dale, M.F.B.; Bryan, G.J. (2011) Analysis of traits on a new diploid potato population., SOL & ICUGI, Japan, 28 November – 2 December 2011.
- Sharma, S.K. (2010) Anchoring the potato genome, EAPR-EUCARPIA Congress Potato Breeding after completion of the DNA Sequence of the Potato Genome, 27-30 June 2010, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Bolser, D.M.; Sharma, S.K.; de Boer, J.; Borm, T.; Bryan, G.J.; Martin, D.M.A. (2010) Anchoring the potato genome: In silico approaches., EAPR EUCARPIA Congress, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 28-30 June 2010, Potatoe Research, 53, 205.
- Sharma, S.K. (2010) The Potato Genome Sequencing Initiative., 7th Solanaceae Conference 2010, Dundee, 5-9 September 2010, 143
- de Boer, J.M.; Bolser, D.; Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J.; Bachem, C.W.B.; Visser, R.G.F. (2010) In silico integration of genetic and physical and sequence maps in potato using BAC sequence tags., 7th Solanaceae Conference 2010, Dundee, 5-9 September 2010, 139
- Sharma, S.K. (2009) The Potato Genome Sequencing Initiative., Sixth Solanaceae Genome Workshop (SOL 2009), New Delhi, India, 8-13 November 2009.
- Bryan, G.J.; Lloyd, D.; Sharma, S.K.; Bradshaw, J.E. (2008) Genetic analysis of sensory and volatile traits in potato., 17th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research, Brasov, Romania, 6-10 July 2008.
- Bryan, G.J.; Lloyd, D.; Sharma, S.K.; Hackett, C.A.; Nevison, L.; Taylor, M.A.; Bradshaw, J.E. (2008) Genetic analysis of flavour and texture in potato., 5th Solanaceae Genome Workshop 2008, Cologne, Germany, 12-16 October 2008.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J.; Millam, S. (2005) Evaluating the potential of potato somatic embryogenesis system in expediting seed potato production., 16th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research, Bilbao, Spain, 17-22 July 2005.
- Sharma, S.K.; Bryan, G.J.; Millam, S. (2004) The development of an efficient somatic embryogenesis system in potato., World Congress on In Vitro Biology, San Francisco, USA, 22-26 May 2004.
- Sharma, S.K.; Gillespie, T.; Williamson, B.; Bryan, G.J.; Millam, S. (2003) Confirmation of potato somatic embryogenesis by microscopy., 31st Scottish Microscopy Group Symposium, Dundee, 12 November 2003.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Sharma, S.K.; Yildiz, J.; Wilde, G.; McKenzie, G.; Morris, W.; Taylor, M.; Hornyik, C.; Bonar, N. (2018) Science behind the spud – Potato@Hutton., Plant Power Day 2018, Dundee, Botanic Garden, UK, 20 May 2018.
- Sharma, S.K.; McLean, K.; Dale, M.F.B.; Bryan, G.J. (2012) Application of association mapping and genomic sequencing to modern potato breeding., International Workshop on Advanced Breeding Programmes for Sustainable Crop and Livestock Production, Edinburgh, 2 May 2012.