• Stable transformation (GM) of potato
  • Barley Transformation
  • Gene editing

Past research

  • Abiotic stress in potato
  • Potato Tuber greening
  • Potato Flavour and texture
  • Carotenoid metabolism in potato tubers


Technical / contract reports

  • Ross, H.A.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Hancock, R.D.; Verrall, S.R.; Morris, J.A.; Stewart, D.; Hedley, P.E.; McDougall, G.J.; Taylor, M.A. (2011) The role of pectin methyl esterase in determining potato tuber textural quality., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2010, pp32-33.
  • Campbell, R.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, W.L.; Hedley, P.E.; Bryan, G.J.; Ramsay, G.; Taylor, M.A. (2010) The role of carotenoid cleavage products in heat responses of potato., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2009, pp11-13.
  • Taylor, M.A.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, W.L.; Hedley, P.E.; Millam, S. (2004) Isoprenoid metabolic networks in potato tubers., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2003/2004, pp140-141.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Millam, S.; Stewart, D.; Griffiths, D.W.; Davies, H.V.; Taylor, M.A. (2003) Carotenogenesis in potato tubers., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2002/2003, pp109.

Conference papers

  • Hancock, R.D.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, J.; Usman, M.; Verrall, S.R.; Hedley, P.E.; Taylor, M.A. (2013) High temperature inhibition of potato tuberisation is associated with altered redox status and associated transcript profiles., 11th International PCA Conference – Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, Warsaw, 17-19 July 2013.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Campbell, R.; McDougall, G.J.; Ramsay, G.; Bryan, G.J.; Hedley, P.E.; Taylor, M.A. (2009) Potato tuber quality traits and secondary metabolism., SOL 2009, New Delhi, 8-13 November 2009.
  • Campbell, R.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, J.A.; Scandura, M.C.; Ramsay, G.; Bryan, G.J.; Hedley, P.E.; Taylor, M.A. (2009) The role of carotenoid cleavage products in tuber apical meristem activation and deactivation processes., SOL 2009, New Delhi, 8-13 November 2009.
  • Taylor, M.A.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Ross, H.A.; McDougall, G.J.; Bryan, G.J.; Hedley, P.E. (2008) Quality trait dissection in potato tubers using comparative metabolite and transcript analysis., 5th Solanaceae Genome Workshop 2008, Cologne, Germany, 12-16 October 2008.
  • Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, W.L.; Taylor, M.A. (2007) Molecular dissection of sensory traits in tuber., 91st Annual Meeting of Potato Association of America, Idaho Falls, USA, 12-16 August 2007.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Griffiths, D.W.; Stewart, D.; Davies, H.V.; Bryan, G.J.; Hedley, P.E.; Millam, S.; Taylor, M.A. (2004) Characterisation and transgenic modification of carotenogenesis during tuber development and storage in potato., Scottish Plant Molecular Biology Meeting, Dundee, 9 January 2004.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Griffiths, D.W.; Stewart, D.; Davies, H.V.; Taylor, M.A. (2004) Carotenoid accumulation during potato tuber development and storage., SEB Annual Meeting, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 29 March – 2 April 2004.
  • Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, W.L.; Millam, S.; Taylor, M.A. (2004) Transgenic manipulation of tuber carotenoid content in Solanum phureja and Solanum tuberosum., SEB Annual Meeting, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 29 March – 2 April 2004.
  • Taylor, M.A.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Davies, H.V.; Millam, S. (2004) Metabolic engineering of carotenoid biosynthesis in potato tubers., Aspects of Applied Biology, 72, 155-162.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Griffiths, D.W.; Stewart, D.; Lacomme, C.; Davies, H.V.; Taylor, M.A. (2003) Characterisation and transgenic modification of carotenogenesis during tuber development and storage in potato., Gordon Conference – Carotenoids 2004, California, USA, 4-9 January 2004.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Craita Bita, E.; Trapero-Mozos, A.; Hancock, R.D.; Taylor, M.A. (2017) Climate proofing potato: Understanding the response to heat and drought., Potatoes in Practice, Balruddery Farm, Dundee, 10 August, 2017. (Poster)
  • Hancock, R.D.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Morris, J.; Usman, M.; Verrall, S.R.; Hedley, P.E.; Taylor, M.A. (2013) High temperature inhibition of potato tuberisation is associated with altered redox status and associated transcript pro¿les., UK Plant Science Conference, West Park Centre, Dundee, 16-17 April 2013. (Poster)
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.; Usman, M.; Hedley, P.; Verrall, S.; Zhang, R.; Morris, J.; Hancock, R.D. (2013) A physiological, biochemical and transcriptomic approach to understanding the response of potato to elevated temperature., UK Plant Science Conference, West Park Centre, Dundee, 16-17 April 2013. (Poster)
  • Hein, I.; Gilroy, E.; Hornyik, C.; Bryan, G.; Milne, I.; Toth, I.K.; Ducreux, L.; Torrance, L.; Milne, L.; Cock, P.; Pritchard, L.; Sharma, K.; MacFarlane, S.; Zhang, R.; Hedley, P.; Jones, J.; Birch, P.; Taylor, M.; Dale, F.; McNaughton, I.; Wright, J.; Prashar, A.; Blok, V.; Carnegie, P.; Chapman, S. (2013) Utilising the potato genome., Potatoes in Practice 2013, Balruddery Farm, Invergowrie, Dundee, 8 August 2013.
  • Ducreux, L.; Morris, W.; Fraser, P.; Lacomme, C.; Millam, S.; Taylor, M.A. (2010) Manipulation of isoprenoid metabolism in potato tubers: implications for nutritional quality and the potato, Poster.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; McDougall, G.J.; Ross, H.A.; Hedley, P.E.; Morris, J.; Bryan, G.J.; Taylor, M.A. (2010) Understanding potato quality traits important to consumers., 7th Solanaceae Conference 2010, Dundee, 5-9 September 2010, 166. (Poster)
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Hedley, P.E.; Morris, J.; Bryan, G.J.; Ross, H.A.; Taylor, M.A. (2009) Investigating key determinants of potato flavour and texture., Euro Food Chem XV – Food for the Future Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-8 July 2009 (Poster).
  • Campbell, R.; Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Ramsay, G.; Bryan, G.J.; Taylor, M.A. (2009) The role of carotenoid cleavage products in tuber apical meristem activation and deactivation processes., 4th Plant Dormancy Symposium, Fargo, North Dakota, USA, 8-10 June 2009 (Poster).
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Ross, H.A.; Bryan, G.J.; Taylor, M.A. (2008) Molecular dissection of sensory traits in the potato tuber., Scottish Plant Biology, Dundee, 11 January 2008.
  • Morris, W.L.; Ducreux, L.J.M.; Hedley, P.E.; Bryan, G.J.; Ross, H.A.; Taylor, M.A. (2008) Molecular dissection of sensory traits in the potato tuber., 4th EPSO Conference 2008 on Plants for Life, Toulon, France, 22-26 June 2008.