Helen Watson

Research Assistant
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

Helen completed her academic study at the University of Aberdeen and then began her career at the Institute in 1998. She is an experienced technical assistant with both field and laboratory based skills.

She is responsible for mentoring and coordinating technical staff, their skills and the available resources to support research scientists and their associated projects with the catchment management group.


Books / chapters

  • Roberts, D.; Torrance, L.; Stirton, G.; Britton, A.J.; Craig, C.-A.; Kyle, C; Newman, C.; Macaulay, C.; Fielding, D.; Watson, H.; Pohle, I.; Robertson, J.; Maxwell, J.; Irvine, K.; Sutherland, L-A.; Dawson, L.A.; Shepherd, L.; Miller, P.; Ellis, R.; Richards, S.; Blok, V.; Hackett, C.; Kettle, H. (2018) Women in Science, The James Hutton Institute, 25pp
  • Watson, H.A.; Delbos, E.M.; Dawson, J.J.C.; Monteith, D. (2012) Volcanic ash deposition across the UK: Evidence from Environmental Change Network sites., In: Proceedings of the 2011 INEF Conference, Cambridge, UK, 25-27 July 2011. Environmental Forensics, pp181-193.

Technical / contract reports

Conference papers

  • Zak, D.; Carstensen, M.V.; Audet, J.; Hoffmann, C.C.; Hille, S.; Knudsen, M.; Kronvang, B.; Stutter, M.I.; Stockan, J.; Watson, H. (2019) The multi-functionality of integrated buffer zones in Northwest Europe., Land Use and Water Quality (LuWQ 2019) Conference, Agriculture and the Environment, Aarhus, Denmark, 3-6 June 2019.
  • Wilkinson, M.; Quinn, P.; Addy, S.; Watson, H.; Barber, N.; Jonczyk, J.; Nicholson, A. (2014) Using a natural flood management approach to mitigate flooding, water quality and sediment problems., River Restoration: Delivering Multiple Benefits, River Restoration Centre, 15th Annual Network Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 7 and 8 May 2014.

    Sheffield Hallam university, Sheffield, UK, 7 and 8 May 2014

  • Watson, H.A.; Delbos, E.M.; Dawson, J.J.C.; Monteith, D. (2011) Volcanic ash in the UK: Evidence from Environmental Change Network sites., Presented at the 2nd International Network of Environmental Forensics Conference on Advances in Environmental Forensics at St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 25-27 July 2011.
  • Vinten, A.J.A.; Stutter, M.I.; Potts, J.; Watson, H.; Abel, C.; Taylor, C.; Cook, Y. (2010) Assessment of catchment scale efficacy of diffuse pollution mitigation using turbidity probes: a cost-effective approach to monitoring in priority catchments?, Joint SAC/SEPA Biennial Conference 2010, Climate, Water and Soil: Science: Policy and Practice, Edinburgh, 31 March – 1 April 2010.
  • Stutter, M.I.; Lumsdon, D.G.; Futter, M.N.; Watson, H. (2009) Dissolved organic carbon release from UK organic soils in response to fourteen years of environmental change., In: Predicting the Future for Highly Organic Soils, British Society of Soil Science, Spring Conference, Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 5-7 May 2009.
  • Vinten, A.J.A.; Artz, R.R.E.; Singh, B.K.; Langan, S.J.; Watson, H.; Cook, Y.; Taylor, C.; Abel, C.; Thomas, N.; Reid, E. (2007) Assessing the potential of stream microbial biofilm community analysis to identify impacts of agricultural pollution on water quality., 11th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and the 1st Joint Meeting of the IWA Diffuse Pollution and Urban Drainage Specialist Groups, Belo Horizonte-MG, 26-31 August 2007.
  • Stutter, M.; Deeks, L.; Billet, M.F.; Bengough, A.G.; Zhang, X.; Young, I.M.; Crawford, J.W.; Watson, H.; Edwards, A. (2002) Solute transport through natural upland soils., Biogeomon 2002, 4th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour, Reading, August 2002.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Gomez-Banderas, J.; Freitag, S.; Cooper, P.; Watson, H.; Zhang, Z. (2023) Assessment of pharmaceutical levels in the River Dee a Scottish priority catchment, Poster at #EnvChem2023: Chemistry of the Whole Environment, 1-2 June 2023, Glasgow
  • Watson, H.; Stockan, J (2018) The UK Environmental Change Network – The value of long term monitoring data., Climate Week, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, 1-5 October 2018. (Poster)
  • Stockan, J.A.; Stutter, M.I.; Iason, G.R.; Baird, J.; Young, M.R.; Langan, S.J.; Watson, H.; McNicoll, D.; Van de Weyer, R.; Humes, D.; Friberg, N.; Bergfur, J. (2017) Buffers for biodiversity: trade-offs and interactions., LuWQ 2017, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land use and Water Quality, Effect of Agriculture on the Environment, The Hague, The Netherlands, 29 May – 1 June 2017. Abstract No. 84
  • Wilkinson, M.; Addy, S.; Ghimire, S.; Kenyon, W.; Nicholson, A.; Quinn, P.; Stutter, M.I.; Watson, H. (2013) Natural flood risk management in flashy headwater catchments: managing runoff peaks, timing, water quality and sediment regimes., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-11592-1.
  • Addy, S.; Cooksley, S.L.; Watson, H.; Johnston, L.; Sime, I. (2011) A fluvial audit of a regulated Highland river important for freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) conservation., Advances in River Science Workshop, Swansea, 18-21 April 2011. (Poster)
  • Stutter, M.I.; Watson, H.; Cook, Y.; Marshall, K.; Langan, S.J. (2011) The Tarland catchment initiative community website., Catchment Science 2011, Catchment Scale Research and Evaluation for Agriculture and Water Quality, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 September 2011.
  • Vinten, A.J.A.; Blackstock, K.L.; Stutter, M.I.; Watson, A.; Coull, M.C. (2009) Lunan monitored priority catchment., Knowledge Scotland KTE Event, SEPA, Stirling, 29 May 2009.
  • Glenk, K.; Black, H.I.J.; Towers, W.; Watson, C. (2008) Ecosystem services or soil functions? A closer look at the interface between natural and social sciences., Eurosoil 2008, Soil-Society-Environment. Session: Society’s Demands for and Perception of Soil Conservation. Conference Proceedings, Vienna, Austria, 25-29 August 2008.
  • Langan, S.J.; Vinten, A.; Crooks, B.; Sinclair, A.; Watson, H. (2007) Monitoring of water quality for evidence based policy., Making Scotland’s Rural Environment More Sustainable, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 25 June 2007.
  • Stutter, M.I.; Billett, M.F.; Deeks, L.K.; Bengough, A.G.; Zhang, X.; Young, I.M.; Crawford, J.W.; Watson, H.; Edwards, A.C. (2002) Scale dependency and solute transport in soils from temperate upland catchments., Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-21 August, 2002. Volume 1, Paper 834, p80.
  • Deeks, L.K.; Zhang, X.; Bengough, A.G.; Stutter, M.I.; Watson, H.; Young, I.M.; Crawford, J.W.; Chessell, J.M.; Edwards, A.C.; Billett, M.F. (2002) Measurement and simulation of solute transport in structured soil integrated over pore and core scales., Proceedings of the World Congress of Soil Science, 17th, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-21 August, 2002. Volume 1, Paper 1258, p11.
  • Edwards, A.C., Watson, H. and Cook, Y. (2002) Contrasting the pathways and delivery mechanisms of nitrogen, phosphorus and coliforms to an agriculturally situated first order stream., 9th International Conference on River Basin Management. Abstract. Unpublished.