Potato Breeding
The James Hutton Institute Scientific Services backed by the expertise of The James Hutton Institute is one of the world’s foremost potato research centres and has been a pioneer in potato breeding for over 100 years.
Our experienced team of breeders work closely with the potato industry to develop improved varieties that meet the diverse needs of growers, packers, processors, and consumers
Shaping the future of potatoes – innovation, diversity, and tailored solutions
Potatoes are a nutritional and versatile food suited to many different markets. They are a good source of healthy carbohydrates, low in fat, and high in vitamin C and have a range of other essential vitamins and nutrients.
There are over 120 recognised species of Solanum, yet today, the global potato industry predominantly relies on just one species (Solanum tuberosum). Native to South America, the potato has become the world’s third most important food crop. Since its introduction in Europe in the late 1500’s, there have been many repeated expeditions to collect specimens from diverse habitats in South America. This has created a rich reservoir of potato diversity for breeding and research.
Today, the James Hutton Institute maintains the Commonwealth Potato Collection (CPC), a genebank comprising over 80 tuber-bearing Solanum species. This collection is one of a global network of repositories of potato germplasm serving as a vital foundation for both our commercial breeding programmes and the scientific research for preservation of potatoes. This genetic reservoir is a key resource for identifying useful traits including adaptation of potatoes to different and extreme environments and resistance to pests and diseases.
Vanessa Young, Head of Molecular Diagnostics/Potato Breeder
We focus on blending environmental sustainability while also optimising agronomic traits to boost both productivity and quality.

Since 1921, James Hutton Institute Scientific Service and its predecessors have developed more than 110 commercial potato cultivars. We collaborate closely with the potato industry to breed varieties that align with evolving grower practises, market demands, and consumer preferences. Responding to industry needs, our experienced breeders deliver tailored programmes that combine environmental resilience with desired quality traits. Our commercial breeding solutions serve both the fresh and processing sectors, providing bespoke crosses using proprietary germplasm. Our breeding programmes are carefully tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers while using a range of growing and post-harvest crop evaluations, aided by a suite of robust molecular markers we can develop new and improved varieties.
Contact for more information
Dr Eleanor Gilroy
Commercialisation and Licensing Manager
Based in Dundee
T: +44 (0)1382568827
- BSc Genetics (Hons) (1997-2001) Edinburgh University
- PhD Molecular Plant Pathology (2001-2005) Edinburgh University/SCRI
- Researcher specializing in plant immune responses to Phytophthora diseases affecting potato and raspberries (2005- 2024) SCRI/James Hutton Institute
- Published 32 papers (with 6 in preparation)
- Google Scholar h-index=31
- Commercialisation and Licensing Manager in James Hutton Limited the trade mark name for James Hutton Institute Scientific Services (2024- present)