Glensaugh is managed as an upland livestock farm, just over 1,000 ha in area, with sheep, cattle and red deer, improved and extensive pastures, moorland, woodland and peatland. The Highland Boundary Fault divides Glensaugh into two distinct geological zones.
Glensaugh currently has about 17% woodland cover, which is being proactively managed and expanded – for carbon storage, biodiversity and other benefits – reflecting the ambitions of the UK and Scottish Governments.
Glensaugh is unique in also having an area of mature agroforestry, planted in the 1980s, to explore the production benefits of integrating trees within a livestock farming system. This has provided a living demonstration of the longer-term practicalities of agroforestry management as well as the wider environmental benefits for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Book Glensaugh for your next corporate away day
Glensaugh offers a stunning backdrop to any corporate away day or conferencing requirements. There are two rooms available, each can hold up to 40 people, theatre style. The rooms can also be used in boardroom style.
Climate-Positive Farming Initiative
Tackling the climate and biodiversity crises with transformative farming and technological innovations
Our research farm is at the centre of ground-breaking work to help make agriculture more sustainable and environmentally-friendly, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting biodiversity and helping farms become self-sufficient in renewable energy.
Our pioneering activities at Glensaugh will help develop and test new tools for farmers to reduce their emissions, protect their natural resources and increase their resilience into the future.