Zisis’ research interests comprise:
- Soil-water relationships and soil hydrological pathways’ influence on river flows and chemistry at a catchment scale.
- Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) techniques for predictive spatial modelling of soil properties and functions.
- Spatial decision support systems for environmental modelling.
- Climate change impacts on Natural Capital (habitats, soils, waters), including wildfire danger and risk.
Past research
Zisis has previously worked in the James Hutton Institute as a Macaulay Development Trust (MDT) Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2016-2019) in coupling Digital Soil Mapping with hydropedology by developing and applying DSM techniques for spatial predictive modelling of soil hydrological properties and functions.
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2024) Spatial disaggregation of a legacy soil map to support digital soil and land evaluation assessments in Scotland, Geoderma Regional, 38, Art. E00833
- Negri, C.; Mellander, P.; Schurch, N.; ; Gagkas, Z.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Adams, K.; Glendell, M. (2024) Bayesian network modelling of phosphorus pollution in agricultural catchments with highresolution data, Environmental Modelling & Software, 178, Art. 106073
- Fielding, D.; Newey, S.; Pakeman, R.J.; Miller, D.; Gagkas, Z.; Matthews, K.; Smith, S.W. (2024) Limited spatial co-occurrence of wildfire and prescribed burning on moorlands in Scotland, Biological Conservation, 296, Art. 110700
- Yebra, M.; Scortechini, G.; Adeline, K.; Aktepe, N.; Almoustafa, T.; Bar-Massada, A.; Beget, M.E.; Boer, M.; Bradstock, R.; Brown, T.; Castro, F.X.; Chen, R.; Chuvieco, E.; Danson, M.; Değirmenci, C.U.; Delgado-Dávila, R.; Dennison, P.; Di Bella, C.; Domenech, O.; Féret, J.-B.; Forsyth, G.; Gabriel, E.; Gagkas, Z.; Gharbi, F.; Granda, E.; Griebel, A.; He, B.; Jolly, M.; Kotzur, I.; Kraaij, T.; Kristina, A.; Kütküt, P.; Limousin, J.-M.; Martín, M.P.; Monteiro, A.T.; Morais, M.; Moreira, B.; Mouillot, F.; Msweli, S.; Nolan, R.H.; Pellizzaro, G.; Qi, Y.; Quan, X.; Resco de Dios, V.; Roberts, D.; Tavşanoğlu, Ç.; Taylor, A.; Taylor, J.; Tüfekcioğlu, İ.; Venura, A.; Cardenas, N.Y. (2024) Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research, Scientific Data, 11, Art. 332
- Minasny, B.; Adetsu, D.V.; Aitkenhead, M.; Artz, R.; Baggaley, N.; Barthelmes, A.; Beucher, A.; Caron, J.; Conchedda, G.; Connolly, J.; Deragon, R.; Evans, C.; Fadnes, D.; Gagkas, Z.; Gilet, L.; Gimona, A.; Glatzel, S.; Greve, M.H.; Habib, W.; Hergoulac’h, K.; Hermansen, C.; Kidd, D.B.; Koganti, T.; Kopansky, D.; Large, D.J.; Larmola, T.; Lilly, A.; Liu, H.; Marcus, M.; Middleton, M.; Morrison, K.; Petersen, R.J.; Quaife, T.; Rochefort, L.; Rudiyanto; Toca, L.; Tubiello, F.N.; Weber, P.L.; Weldon, S.; Widyatmanti, W.; Williamson, J.; Zak, D. (2024) Mapping and monitoring peatland conditions from global to field scale, Biogeochemistry, 167, 383-425
- Chongo Mzyece, C.; Glendell, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Quilliam, R.S.; Jones, I.; Pagaling, E.; Akoumianaki, I.; Newman, C.; Oliver, D.M. (2024) Eliciting expert judgements to underpin our understanding of faecal indicator organism loss from septic tank systems, Science of the Total Environment, 921, Art. 171074
- Stutter, M.; Baggaley, N.; Davies, J.; Gagkas, Z.; Basett, VJ.; Laudon, H.; Lilly, A.; Lupon, A.; Musolff, A.; Hagarth, P.; Trojahn, S. (2023) The riparian reactive interface: a climate-sensitive gatekeeper of global nutrient cycles, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, Art. 1213175
- Glendell, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Stutter, M.; Richards, S.; Lilly, A.; Vinten, A.; Coull, M. (2022) A systems approach to modelling phosphorus pollution risk in Scottish rivers using a spatial Bayesian Belief Network helps targeting effective mitigation measures, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, Art. 976933
- Troldborg, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Vinten, A.; Lilly, A.; Glendell, M. (2022) Probabilistic modelling of the inherent field-level pesticide pollution risk in a small drinking water catchment using spatial Bayesian belief networks, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26(5), 1261-1293
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; Baggaley, N. (2021) Digital soil maps can perform as well as large-scale conventional soil maps for the prediction of catchment baseflows, Geoderma, 400, Article No. 115230
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2019) Downscaling soil hydrological mapping used to predict catchment hydrological response with random forests., Geoderma, 341, 216-235.
Prior to appointment
- Gagkas, Z.; Heal, K.V.; Vieno, M.; Nisbet, T.; Stuart, N. (2011) Assessing the effect of broadleaf woodland expansion on acidic dry deposition and streamwater acidification., Forest Ecology and Management, 262, 1434-1442.
- Gagkas, Z.; Heal, K.; Nisbet, T.; Stuart, N. (2010) Comparison of different critical load approaches for assessing streamwater acid-sensitivity to broadleaf woodland expansion., Science of the Total Environment, 408, 1235-1244.
- Gagkas, Z.; Heal, K.; Stuart, N.; Nisbet, T. (2008) Effects of broadleaf woodland cover on streamwater chemistry and risk assessments of streamwater acidification in acid-sensitive catchments in the UK., Environmental Pollution, 154, 232-240.
Technical / contract reports
- Gagkas, Z.; Jabloun, M.; Rivington, M.; Aitkenhead, M. (2024) Climate change effects on soil properties and functions: the case of soil water balance. Deliverable 2.2a for the D5-2 Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital project, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen. Report submitted to RESAS
- Glendell, M.; Blackstock, K.; Adams, K.; Brickell, J.; Comte, J.; Gagkas, Z.; Geris, J.; Haro, D.; Jabloun, M.; Karley, A.; MacLeod, K.; Naha, S.; Paterson, E.; Rivington, M.; Thompson, C.; Upton, K.; Wilkinson, M.; Williams, K. (2024) Future predictions of water scarcity in Scotland impact on distilleries and agricultural abstractors CRW2023_05, Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW)
- Gagkas, Z.; Glendell, M.; Jabloun, M.; Adams, K. (2024) Development of a BBN model for wildfire risk Deliverable 24a for the Project D52 Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen Scotland Report submitted to RESAS
- May, L.; Glendell, M.; Adams, K.; Gagkas, Z.; Gouldsbrough, L.; Gunn, I.; Hannah, M.; Roberts, M.; Spears, B.; Taylor, P.; Thackeray, S.; Troldborg, M.; Zaja, E. (2024) Mitigating climate change impacts on the water quality of Scottish standing waters, CRW2022_03, Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW)
- Naha, S.; Macleod, K.; Glendell, M.; Gagkas, Z. (2023) Understanding the vulnerabilities of Scotland’s water resources to drought: summary of stakeholder engagement, review of related studies, and an outline of our research, Emerging Water Futures, Version 210223
- Thomson, S.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D.; Gagkas, Z.; Moxey, A. (2023) Protection of Peatlands and Wetlands – a potential new GAEC measure for Scotland, Published via Scottish Government website, 21pp
- Gagkas, Z.; Jabloun, M.; Udugbezi, E.; Rivington, M. (2023) Assessment of Natural Capital asset exposure to current and future meteorological drought Deliverables 21d and 23c for the Project D52 Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital, RESAS D5-2 deliverable
- Aitkenhead, M.; Coull, M.; Fielding, D.; Gagkas, Z.; Jabloun, M.; Lambe, S.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Macfarlane, F.; McKeen, M.; Sideris, K.; Sozanska-Stanton, G. (2023) Restoration prioritisation in Northern Ireland, A report prepared by James Hutton Institute for Ulster Wildlife and Northern Ireland Environment Agency
- Aitkenhead, M.; Rivington, M.; Coull, M.; Gagkas, Z. (2023) Identification and Assessment of Data Deliverable D1.4a for the Project D5-2 Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital, RESAS project report uploaded to ResearchFish and sent to Peter Phillips and Michael Cairns.
- Stutter, M.; Gagkas, Z. (2023) Data synthesis for developing Riparian Corridor units Deliverable D3B for Project JID22 Achieving MultiPurpose NatureBased Solutions (AiM NBS),
- Gagkas, Z.; Rivington, M.; Glendell, M.; Gimona, A.; Martino, S. (2023) Fire Danger Assessment of Scotish Habitat Types Deliverable 23b for the Project D52 Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital, Technical report for JHI-D5-2 project.
- Rivington, M.; Jabloun, M.; Gimona, A.; Martino, S.; Aitkenhead, M.; Glendell, M.; Gagkas, Z. (2023) Climate Extremes in Scotland. Deliverable D2.1b for the Project D5-2 Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital, Zenodo, 10.5281/zenodo.7699842.
- Gagkas, Z.; Rivington, M.; Pakeman, R.; Aitkenhead, M.; Gimona, A. (2023) Habitat Data layer for Natural Capital assessments Deliverable 23a for the Project D52 Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital , RESAS deliverable.
- Aitkenhead, M.; Pakeman, R.; Gagkas, Z.; Rivington, M. (2022) D12 An overview of issues concerning Climate Change Impacts on Scottish Natural Capital , Literature review submitted to RESAS.
- Aitkenhead, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Pakeman, R.; Nijnik, M.; Gimona, A.; Glendell, M.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; McKeen, M.; Donnelly, D.; Jabloun, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Salt, D.; Sideris, K.; Udugbezi, E. (2022) D52 Deliverable D11 Risk and Opportunities Assessment Framework Scope, Concepts and Structure, Technical report submitted to RESAS.
- Stutter, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2022) Landscape typing based on hillslope and floodplain soil water models to functionally target sixteen riparian management options, Webpage and Zenodo doi
- Gagkas, Z.; Haghi, R.; Robertson, J.; Lilly, A. (2022) Coupling soil spectroscopy and digital soil mapping for modelling soil available water capacity, End of project report for MDT
- Gagkas, Z.; Campbell, G.; Owen, J.; Davies, M. (2022) Provision of Analyses of Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) Incident Reporting System (IRS) Data in Relation to Wildfire Incidents, SFRS Wildfire Data Analysis.
- Hare, M.; McBride, A.; Addy, S.; Pakeman, R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Rivington, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Jabloun, M.; Lilly, A.; Wilkinson, M.; Akoumianaki, I. (2022) Moderating extremes in water availability in Scotland a review of the role of functioning wetlands, CREW report.
- Cloy, J.M.; Lilly, A.; Hargreaves, P.R.; Gagkas, Z.; Dolan, S.; Baggaley, N.J.; Stutter, M.I.; Crooks, B.; Elrick, G.; McKenzie B.M. (2022) A state of knowledge overview of identified pathways of diffuse pollutants to the water environment, CREW Report.
- Gagkas, Z. (2021) Scoping for developing an integrated digital data approach for land use statistics in Scotland, SEFARI Getaway.
- Glendell, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Richards, S.; Halliday, S. (2021) Developing a probabilistic risk model to estimate phosphorus, nitrogen and microbial pollution to water from septic tanks., CREW Report, CRW2018_12, 39pp.
- Stewart, G.B.; Glendell, M.; McMorran, R.; Troldborg, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Ovando, P.; Roberts, M.; Maynard, C.; Williams, A.; Clay, G.; Reed, M.S. (2021) Uplandia: making better policy in complex upland systems., Defra and Natural England Report, 68pp.
- Glendell, M.; Troldborg, M.; Vintent, A.; Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2020) Field level modelling of pesticide pollution risk in Jersey., James Hutton Limited Contract Report to Jersey Water, 45pp.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2018) 3D digital soil mapping for Scottish soils using remote sensing., Internal Report for RESAS.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Naha, S.; Gagkas, Z.; Schurch, N.; Johan Strömqvist, J.; Bartosova, A.; Macleod, K.; Glendell, M. (2024) Developing a national scale drought modelling and short to mediumterm forecasting framework for Scotland, EGU General Assembly 2024
- Glendell, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Niemi, L.; Gibb, S.; Taggart, M.; Arakawa, N.; Anderson, C.; Pfleger, S. (2023) Decision support tool for sustainable prescribing, SAGES ANNUAL SCIENCE MEETING 2023, 16-17 May 2023, King’s College Conference Centre, University of Aberdeen,
- Naha, S.; Macleod, K.; Gagkas, Z.; Glendell, M. (2023) Evaluating the performance of processbased models for drought simulation in Scotland, European Geosciences Union, 23-28 April, 2023, Vienna.
- Rivington, M.; Aitkenhead, M.; Gagkas, Z. (2022) Climate Change Impacts on Natural Capital Developing a new risk and opportunities assessment framework, Scotland’s Plant Health Conference 2022, 1 June 2022, Dundee.
- Rivington, M.; Aitkenhead, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Nijnik, M.; Gimona, A.; Martino, S. (2022) Climate Change impacts on Natural Capital Value, 4th Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion.
- Naha, S.; Macleod, K.; Gagkas, Z.; Glendell, M. (2022) Understanding the vulnerabilities of Scotland’s water resources to drought, British Hydrological Society 14th National Symposium, 12-14 September 2022, Lancaster University
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; McBride, A. (2022) Spatial disaggregation of a legacy soil map to support digital soil and land evaluation assessments in Scotland, 22nd World Congress of Soil Science, 31 July – 5 August, Glasgow
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; Baggaley, N. (2022) Risk mapping to quantitatively assess the relative contribution of pathways of phosphorus (P) agricultural diffuse pollution, 22nd World Congress of Soil Science, 31 July – 5 August, Glasgow
- Troldborg, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Vinten, A.; Lilly, A.; Glendell, M. (2022) A spatial Bayesian Belief Network for assessing fieldlevel pesticide pollution risk in a small drinking water catchment , SETAC Copenhagen – SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, 15-19 May 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Gagkas, Z.; Campbell, G.; Owen, J.; Davies, M. (2021) Analyses of Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) Incident Reporting System (IRS) data in relation to wildfire incidents, Hutton Annual Research Symposium 2021, 2 December 2021, The James Hutton Institute.
- Glendell, M.; Vinten, A.J.A.; Richards, S.; Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; Baggaley, N.; Coull, M.; Schurch, N.; Gimona, A.; Pohle, I.; Troldborg, M.; Stutter, M.I. (2020) A systems approach to modelling phosphorus pollution risk in Scottish rivers using bayesian belief networks., EGU General Assembly 2020 Online, 4-8 May 2020, EGU2020-8229. Abstract.
- Glendell, M.; Vinten, A.J.A.; Richards, S.; Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; Baggaley, N.; Coull, M.; Schurch, N.; Pohle, I.; Gimona, A.; Troldborg, M.; Stutter, M.I. (2019) Modelling phosphorus pollution risk in Scottish rivers – a decision support tool., SAGES’19 Conference ‘Global Climate Challenges for a Blue Green Economy: Scientific Evidence; its Relevance; Societal Solutions’ John McIntyre Centre, Edinburgh, 27-28 November 2019. Book of Abstracts, p16.
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2019) Application of Digital Soil Mapping to hydropedology to improve soil hydrological models., 42nd TB Macaulay Lecture, Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 2 October 2019. (Poster)
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; Stutter, M.I.; Baggaley, N. (2019) Development of framework for a RAG risk assessment on phosphorus application to land., The James Hutton ANNUAL Research Symposium 2019, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 7 November 2019. (Poster)
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2019) Deriving a set of simple rules to classify soils for predicting hydrological response., Wageningen Soil Conference 2019, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 27-30 August 2019. (Abstract)
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; Baggaley, N.J. (2018) Comparison of available water capacity predictions in Scotland from different PTFs implications for modelling., The James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, Treetops Hotel, Aberdeen, 29 November 2018. Poster.
- Lilly, A.; Baggaley, N.J.; Campbell, G.A.; Gagkas, Z. (2018) Comparison of digital and traditional soil mapping., The James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, Treetops Hotel, Aberdeen, 29 November 2018. (Poster)
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A.; Baggaley, N. (2018) Comparison of available water capacity predictions in Scotland from different PTFs: implications for modelling., British Society of Soil Science Annual Conference, Soils and Sustainable Development Goals, Lancaster University, 4-5 September 2018. (Poster)
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2017) Improving the spatial resolution of soil hydrological classes in Scotland using digital soil mapping techniques., The James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, Bonar Hall, Dundee, 22 November 2017. (Poster)
- Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2017) Application of digital soil mapping to hydropedology to improve soil hydrological models., 40th TB Macaulay Lecture, Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 4 October 2017. (Poster)