Steve has experience in both laboratory and field-based studies and an interest in modelling microbial processes in soil. He has contributed to investigations on soil organic matter turnover, quantifying and determining the influence of chemical structure and soil conditions on the decomposition processes. Recent work has increasingly focused on organic soils and peatlands. He has led a research program evaluating the effect of global warming on soil respiration, methanogenesis and methane oxidation in deep peats. He has ongoing interest in the sulphur cycle in soil, the emission of volatile sulphur from soils and in sulphate reduction, particularly in peatlands. He was European coordinator of a EU-funded project on peatland restoration and biodiversity in peatlands – RECIPE. He is involved in developing microbial diversity measurements for assessing soil quality and health using both phospholipid fatty acid analysis and physiological profiling methods, which has been patented in the UK (MicroResp). These were also applied in studies of afforestation on moorland (MOORCO). Steve was the MLURI coordinator of two SEERAD-funded projects, led by Aberdeen University, which resulted in the development of the ECOSSE model which looks at carbon turnover in organic soils and predicts the influences of climate and land use change. Ongoing research is concerned with characterising carbon stocks in Scottish soils and looking at ways to determine changes in soil carbon due to land use change.
- Liu, C.C.; Wang, C.W.; Yao, H.Y.; Chapman, S.J. (2021) Pretreatment is an important method for increasing the conversion efficiency of rice straw by black soldier fly larvae based on the function of gut microorganisms., Science of the Total Environment, 762, Article No. 144118
- Li, Y.Y.; Zhang, Y.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H.Y. (2021) Biological nitrification inhibition by sorghum root exudates impacts ammonia-oxidizing bacteria but not ammonia-oxidizing archaea., Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57, 399-407
- Zhang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H.; Zheng, N.; Müller, C. (2021) Tea plantation affects soil nitrogen transformations in subtropical China., Journal of Soils and Sediments, 21, 441-451
- Meng, X.; Li, Y.; Yao, H.; Wang, J.; Dai, F.; Wu, Y.; Chapman, S.J. (2020) Nitrification and urease inhibitors improve rice nitrogen uptake and prevent denitrification in alkaline paddy soil., Applied Soil Ecology, 154, Article No. 103665.
- Zheng, N.G.; Yu, Y.X.; Wang, J.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H.Y.; Zhang, Y.Y. (2020) The conversion of subtropical forest to tea plantation changes the fungal community and the contribution of fungi to N20 production., Environmental Pollution, 265, Article No. 115106.
- Liu, C.C.; Yao, H.Y.; Chapman, S.J.; Su, J.Q.; Wang, C.W. (2020) Changes in gut bacterial communities and the incidence of antibiotic resistance genes during degradation of antibiotics by black soldier fly larvae., Environment International, 142, Article No. UNSP 105834.
- Zhu, Y.; Li, Y.; Zheng, N.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H. (2020) Similar but not identical resuscitation trajectories of the soil microbial community based on either DNA or RNA after flooding., Agronomy, 10, Article No. 502.
- Chen, Z.M.; Wang, Q.; Ma, J.W.; Chapman, S.; Zou, P.; Ye, J .; Yu, Q.G.; Sun, W.C.; Lin, H.; Jiang, L.N. (2020) Soil microbial activity and community composition as influenced by application of pig biogas slurry in paddy field in southeast China., Paddy and Water Environment, 18, 15-25.
- Zhang, Y.; Zheng, N.; Wang, J.; Yao, H.; Qiu, Q.; Chapman, S.J. (2019) High turnover rate of free phospholipids in soil confirms the classic hypothesis of PLFA methodology., Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 135, 323-330.
- Wang, J.; Chapman, S.J.; Ye, Q.; Yao, H. (2019) Limited effect of planting transgenic rice on the soil microbiome studied by continuous (CO2)-C-13 labeling combined with high-throughput sequencing., Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103, 4217-4227.
- Sloan, T.J.; Payne, R.J.; Anderson, A.R.; Bain, C.; Chapman, S.; Cowie, N.; Gilbert, P.; Lindsay, R.; Mauquoy, D.; Newton, A.J.; Andersen, R. (2019) Peatland afforestation in the UK and consequences for carbon storage., Mires and Peat, 23, Article No.1.
- Lin, H.; Chapman, S.J.; Freitag, T.E.; Kyle, C.; Ma, J.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, Z. (2019) Fate of tetracycline and sulfonamide resistance genes in a grassland soil amended with different organic fertilizers., Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 170, 39-46.
- Liao, H.; Chapman, S.J.; Li, Y.Y.; Yao, H.Y. (2018) Dynamics of microbial biomass and community composition after short-term water status change in Chinese paddy soils., Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 2932-2941.
- Li, Y.; Chapman, S.J.; Nicol, G.W.; Yao, H. (2018) Nitrification and nitrifiers in acidic soils., Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 116, 290-301.
- Chapman, S.J.; Farmer, J.; Main, A.; Smith, J. (2017) Refining pedotransfer functions for estimating peat bulk density., Mires and Peat, 19, Article No. 23, 1-11.
- Pan, F.; Chapman, S.J.; Li, Y.; Yao H. (2017) Straw amendment to paddy soil stimulates denitrification but biochar amendment promotes anaerobic ammonia oxidation., Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 2428-2437.
- Lisboa, F.; Mitchell, R.J.; Chapman, S.J.; Potts, J.; Berbara, R. (2017) Collinearity does not affect Procrustes analysis outputs: directions for plant and soil ecologists., PeerJ, 5, Article No. e3272v1.
- Wijedasa, L.S.; Jauhiainen, J.; Kononen, M.; Lampela, M.; Vasander, H.; LeBlanc, M.-C.; Evers, S.; Smith, T.E.L.; Yule, C.M.; Varkkey, H.; Lupascu, M.; Parish, F.; Singleton, I.; Clements, G.R.; Aziz, S.A.; Harrison, M.E.; Cheyne, S.; Anshari, G.Z.; Meijaard, E.; Goldstein, J.E.; Waldron, S.; Hergoualc’h, K.; Dommain, R.; Frolking, S.; Evans, C.D.; Posa, M.R.C.; Glaser, P.H.; Suryadiputra, N.; Lubis, R.; Santika, T.; Padfield, R.; Kurnianto, S.; Hadisiswoyo, P.; Lim, T.W.; Page, S.E.; Gauci, V.; van der Meer, P.J.; Buckland, H.; Garnier, F.; Samuel, M.K.; Choo, L.N.L.K.; O’Reilly, P.; Warren, M.; Suksuwan, S.; Sumarga, E.; Jain, A.; Laurance, W.F.; Couwenberg, J.; Joosten, H.; Vernimmen, R.; Hooijer, A.; Malins, C.; Cochrane, M.A.; Perumal, B.; Siegert, F.; Peh, K.S.-H.; Comeau, L.-P.; Verchot, L.; Harvey, C.F.; Cobb, A.; Jaafar, Z.; Wösten, H.; Manuri, S.; Müller, M.; Giesen, W.; Phelps, J.; Yong, D.L.; Silvius, M.; Wedeux, B.M.M.; Hoyt, A.; Osaki, M.; Takashi, H.; Takahashi, H.; Kohyama, T.S.; Haraguchi, A.; Nugroho, N.P.; Coomes, D.A.; Quoi, L.P.; Dohong, A.; Gunawan, H.; Gaveau, D.L.A.; Langner, A.; Lim, F.K.S.; Edwards, D.;P., Giam, X.; van der Werf, G.; Carmenta, R.; Verwer, C.C.; Gibson, L.; Grandois, L.; Graham, L.L.B.; Regalino, J.; Wich, S.A.; Rieley, J.; Kettridge, N.; Brown, C.; Pirard, R.; Moore, S.; Ripoll Capilla, B.; Ballhorn, U.; Ho, H.C.; Hoscilo, A.; Lohberger, S.; Evans, T.A.; Yulianti, N.; Blackham, G.; Onrizal Husson, S.; Murdiyarso, D.; Pangala, S.; Cole, L.E.S.; Tacconi, L.; Segah, H.; Tonoto, P.; Lee, J.S.H.; Schmilewski, G.; Wulffraat, S.; Putra, E.I.; Cattau, M.E.; Clymo, R.S.; Morrison, R.; Mujahid, A.; Miettinen, J.; Liew, S.C.; Valpola, S.; Wilson, D.; D’Arcy, L.; Gerding, M.; Sundari, S.; Thornton, S.A.; Kalisz, B.; Chapman, S.J.; Su, A.S.M.; Basuki, I.; Itoh, M.; Traeholt, C.; Sloan, S.; Sayok, A.K.; Andersen, R. (2017) Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences., Global Change Biology, 23, 977-982.
- Beckert, M.R.; Smith, P.; Lilly, A.; Chapman, S.J. (2016) Soil and tree biomass carbon sequestration potential of silvopastoral and woodland pasture systems in North East Scotland., Agroforestry Systems, 90, 371-383.
- Pan, F.X.; Li, Y.Y.; Chapman, S.J.; Khan, S.; Yao, H.Y. (2016) Microbial utilization of rice straw and its derived biochar in a paddy soil., Science of the Total Environment, 559, 15-23.
- Wang, J.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H.Y. (2016) Incorporation of C-13-labelled rice rhizodeposition into soil microbial communities under different fertilizer applications., Applied Soil Ecology, 101, 11-19.
- Lin, H.; Sun, W.; Zhang, Z.; Chapman, S.J.; Freitag, T.E.; Fu, J.; Zhang, X.; Ma, J. (2016) Effects of manure and mineral fertilization strategies on soil antibiotic resistance gene levels and microbial community in a paddy-upland rotation system., Environmental Pollution, 211, 332-337.
- Pan, F.X.; Li, Y.Y.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H.Y. (2016) Effect of rice straw application on microbial community and activity in paddy soil under different water status., Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 5941-5948.
- Li, Y.Y.; Wang, J.; Pan, F-X.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H-Y. (2016) Soil nitrogen availability alters rhizodeposition carbon flux into the soil microbial community., Journal of Soils and Sediments, 16, 1472-1480.
- Muller, F.L.L.; Chang, K.C.; Lee, C.L.; Chapman, S.J. (2015) Effects of temperature, rainfall and conifer felling practices on the surface water chemistry of northern peatlands., Biogeochemistry, 126, 343-362.
- Thornton, B.; Martin, G.; Procee, M.; Miller, D.R.; Coull, M.C.; Yao, H.-Y.; Chapman, S.J.; Hudson, G.; Midwood, A.J. (2015) Distributions of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in Scotland’s topsoil: a national-scale study., European Journal of Soil Science, 66, 1002-1011.
- Lilly, A.; Chapman, S.J. (2015) Assessing changes in carbon stocks of Scottish soils: lessons learnt., Earth and Environmental Science, 25, Article No. 012016.
- Yao, H-Y.; Chapman, S.J.; Thornton, B.; Paterson, E. (2015) C-13 PLFAs: a key to open the soil microbial black box?, Plant and Soil, 392, 3-15.
- Wang, J.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H. (2015) The effect of storage on microbial activity and community structure of drained and flooded paddy soils., Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15, 880–889.
- Huang, Y.; Long, X.; Chapman, S.J.; Yao, H.Y. (2015) Acidophilic denitrifiers dominate the N2O production in a 100-year-old tea orchard soil., Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 4173-4182.
Books / chapters
- Beckert, M.; Smith, P.; Chapman, S.J. (2016) Of trees and sheep: Trade-offs and synergies in farmland afforestation in the Scottish uplands., In: Niewohner, J., Bruns, A., Hostert, P., Kreuger, T., Nielson, J.O., Haberl, H., Lauk, C., Lutz, J. & Muller, D. (eds.). Land Use Competition: Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives. Springer, Switzerland, pp183-192.
- Chapman, S.J. (2009) Carbon sequestration in soils., In: Hester, R.E. & Harrison, R.M. (eds.). Carbon Capture: Sequestration and Storage. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology 29, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, Chapter 7.
- Sutton, M.A.; Chapman, S.; Christensen, T.; Emmett, B.; Erisman, J.W.; Fowler, D.; Hoosbeek, M.R.; Jones, M.; Milford, C.; Nemitz, E.; Pilegaard, K.; Riedo, M.; Schjoerring, J.K.; Wookey, P.A. (2000) TERRICA Working Group 6: Trace gas fluxes and ecosystem functioning., In: Terrestrial Ecosystem Research in Europe: Successes, Challenges and Policy (eds. M.A. Sutton, J.M. Moreno, W.H. van der Putten and S. Struwe). European Commission, Brussels, pp65-74.
Technical / contract reports
- Vanguelova, E.; Chapman, S.J.; Perks, M.; Yamulki, S.; Randle, T.; Ashwood, F.; Morison, J. (2018) Afforestation and restocking on peaty soils: new evidence assessment., Report to CXC (ClimateXChange), January 2018.
- Rees, R.M.; Buckingham, S.; Chapman, S.J.; Jones, S.; Lilly, A.; Mathews, R.B.; Morison, J.I.L.; Perks, M.; Vanguelova, E.I.; Yamulki, S.; Yeluripati, J. (2018) Soil carbon and land use in Scotland., Final Report to ClimateXChange, Rapid Evidence Assessment.
- Khomik, M.; Perks, M.; Bathgate, S.; Chapman, S.J.; Yeluripati, J.; Morison, J. (2017) Agroforestry in Scotland: potential benefits., Report for CXC (ClimateXChange), December 2017.
- Chapman, S.J.; Hester, A.J.; Irvine, R.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2017) Muirburn peatland and peat soils – an evidence assessment., Final Report to CXC calldown.
- Chapman, S.J. (2017) Estimating peatland carbon stocks – the way forward., Internal Report, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen.
- Irvine, R.J.; Miller, D.R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Brooker, R.; Chapman, S.J.; Newey, S.; Hester, A.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2016) Scoping a strategic vision for the uplands: A response from the James Hutton Institute., Response to a Consultation for Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Potts, J.; Chapman, S.; Wilson, D.; Heinemeyer, A.; Evans, C.; Renou-Wilson, F. (2016) Emission factors applicable to UK peatlands., Workpackage Report to the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
- Lilly, A.; Chapman, S.J.; Perez-Fernandez, E.; Potts, J. (2016) Changes to C stocks in Scottish soils due to afforestation., Contract Report to Forestry Commission, 33pp.
- Waldron, S.; Yeluripati, J.B.; Saunders, M.; Conniff, A.; Chapman, S.J.; Miller, D.G.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, J.; Govan, S. (2015) The peatland carbon calculator – its use and future potential., CXC Final Report, 14 December 2015, 92pp.
- Towers, W.; Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Miller, D.R. (2015) Carbon-rich soil, deep peat and priority peatland habitats map., Consultation response to Scottish Natural Heritage from the James Hutton Institute.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Moss, A. (2015) Set of CXC adaptation indicators for peatlands. NB 11 Extent of key habitats: deep peat; NB13 Condition of key habitats: area of modified deep peat soils; NB18 annual greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions from degraded peatlands; NB22a Peatland restoration area., Report to CXC.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Poggio, L. (2015) Determination of organic carbon stocks in blanket peat soils in different condition – assessment of peat condition., Final Project Report to SEPA (TT1401).
- Waldron, S.; Yeluripati, J.B.; Saunders, M.; Conniff, A.; Chapman, S.J.; Miller, D.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, J.; Govan, S. (2015) Use of and priorities for extending the Peatland Carbon Calculator., Draft Report to CxC.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Balana, B.; Chapman, S. (2014) WISE Peatland Choices – A decision support tool for peatland restoration in Scotland., Version 2- September 2014, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, 16pp.
- Hough, R.L.; Bengough, A.G.; Chapman, S.J.; Daniell, T.; Matthews, R.; Squire, G.; Towers, W.; White, P.J. (2014) Heat in the soil form (NIA-NGGT0017)., Interim Report for National Grid.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Balana, B.; Chapman, S.J. (2013) WISE peatland choices – a decision support tool for peatland restoration in Scotland., ClimateXChange Scotland, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen.
- Chapman, S.J.; Thomson, K.; Matthews, R.B. (2013) AFOLU accounting: implications for implementing peatland restoration – costs and benefits., CXC Enquiry Number 1208-01, Edinburgh, ClimateXChange.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D. (2012) Carbon savings from peat restoration., Climate XChange Enquiry Number 1205-02, Edinburgh, ClimateXChange.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Donnelly, D.; Matthews, R. (2012) Potential abatement from peatland restoration., Briefing Note to Scottish Government.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Andersen, R.; Mitchell, R.; Chapman, S.J.; Smith, J.; Smith, P.; Cummins, R.; Balana, B.; Cuthbert, A. (2012) Managing and restoring blanket bog to benefit biodiversity and carbon balance – a scoping study., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report.
- Cummins, R.P.; Hewison, R.L.; Dunn, S.M.; Fielding D.A.; Chapman S.J.; Hooper, R. (2011) St Fergus moss – Continuaton of peat extraction. Environmental impact assessment., Contract Report for Northern Peat and Moss Company.
- Stutter, M.I.; Baggaley, N.; Barry, C.; Chapman, S.J.; Dawson, J.J.C.; Helliwell, R.C.; Higgins, A.; Howden, N.; Jackson-Blake, L.; Lumsdon, D.G.; Malcolm, I.; Sample, J.; Potts, J.; Worrall, F. (2011) Assessment of the contribution of aquatic carbon fluxes to carbon losses from UK peatlands. Final report, SNIFFER Contract Report ER18, July 2011.
- Beesley, L.; Cuthbert, A.; Balana, B.; Towers, W.; Chapman, S.J.; Bruneau, P. (2011) Development of soil guidance – Scoping study., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report.
- Bain, C.G.; Bonn, A.; Stoneman, R.; Chapman, S.J.; Coupar, A.; Evans, M.; Gearey, B.; Howat, M.; Joosten, H.; Keenleyside, C.; Labadz, J.; Lindsay, R.; Littlewood, N.; Lunt, P.; Miller, C.J.; Moxey, A.; Orr, H.; Reed, M.; Smith, P.; Swales, V.; Thompson, D.B.A.; Thompson, P.S.; van de Noort, R.; Wilson, J.D.; Worrall, F. (2011) IUCN UK Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands., IUCN UK Peatland Programme, Edinburgh. ISBN 978-0-9570572-1-0
- House, J.; Clar, J.; Gallego-Sala, A.; Orr, H.; Aylen, J.; Bardgett, R.; Billett, M.; Bonn, A.; Caporn, S.; Chapman, S.; Clutterbuck, B.; Evans, C.; Evans, M.; Farewell, T.; Freeman, C.; Grayson, R.; Hall, J.; Holden, J.; McMorrow, J.; Milledge, D.; Nayak, D.; Ostle, N.; Parry, L.; Prentice, C.; Stevens, C.; Smith, J.; Smith, P.; Vanguelova, E.; Ward, S.; Waldron, S.; White, S.; Worrall, F.; Yallop, A. (2011) Vulnerability of upland peatland services to climate change., Environment Agency Science Report SC070036/SR.
- Smith, J.U.; Fitton, N.; Smith, P.; Miller, D.G.; Buchan, K.; Coull, M.; Lilly, A.; Matthews, K.B.; Chapman, S.J.; Baggaley, N.; Milne, R.; Thomson, A.M. (2010) Pilot project to determine the suitability of integrated administration and control system (IACS) data to provide land use change data for annual greenhouse gases emission estimates., Final Report for Scottish Government (CR/2009/17), pp76.
- Towers, W.; Hester, A.J.; Pakeman, R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Littlewood, L.; Legg, C. (2010) Review of muirburn impacts on soil carbon and biodiversity., Invited presentation to the Scottish LFA Stakeholder Group.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Smith, J.U.; Smith, P. (2010) Expert workshop to establish the current state of knowledge of and future evidence needs for the extent and condition of carbon stocks in Scottish peatlands., Report to the Scottish Government on Project CR/2009/06.
- Slee, B.; Chapman, S.; Pajot, G.; Stutter, M.I.; Donnelly, D. (2009) A scoping study of the nature and extent of soil carbon reserves and of the actual and potential for carbon sequestration on the John Muir Trust’s Skye estates., Report to the John Muir Trust, October 2009, 63pp.
- Chapman, S.J. (2009) S-oxidation final report., OMEX Agriculture, Tupholme, Lincoln.
Conference papers
- Lilly, A.; Chapman, S.J. (2014) Assessing changes in carbon stocks of Scottish soils: lessons learnt., Soil Change Matter Workshop, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, 24-27 March 2014.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Aitkenhead, M.; Cummins, R.; Smith, J.; Smith, P.; Bain, C.; Coupar, A. (2012) WISE peatland choices – a GIS based tool to prioritise restoration opportunities on the peatlands of Scotland., 14th International Peat Congress, “Peatlands in Balance”, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-8 June 2012.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Towers, W.; Aitkenhead, M.; Andersen, R.; Coupar, A.; Bain, C.; Hughes J. (2012) WISE peatland choices – a scoping tool for the prioritisation of restoration needs of peatlands in Scotland., British Ecological Society Joint BES and IUCN UK Symposium, Bangor University, Wales, 26-28 June 2012.
- Andersen, R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Cummins, R.; Mitchell, R.; Balana, B.; Donnelly, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Smith, J.; Smith, P. (2011) Managing and restoring blanket bogs to benefit biodiversity and carbon in Scotland: a scoping study., International Symposium on Responsible Peatland Management and Growing Media Production, Quebec City, Canada, 13-17 June 2011.
- Mitchell R.J.; Hester A.H.; Campbell C.D.; Chapman S.J.; Cameron C.M.; Hewison R.L.; Potts J.M. (2010) Predicting the soil microbial community: is vegetation composition or soil chemistry the better predictor?, British Ecological Society Conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, 7-9 September 2010.
- Wu, D.; Chen, H.; Wu, Y.; Chapman, S.J. (2010) Nitrogen fertilizer application under double cropping systems of wheat-maize impacting on the nitrate contents of ground water in North China., 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010, Chengdu, 18-20 July 2010.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Toberman, H.; Currey, P.; Trinder, C.J.; Andersen, R.; Rochefort, L.; Shephard, L.J.; Johnson, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Campbell, C.D. (2009) The functions of peatland microbiota in carbon cycling, global threats to community composition and future opportunities., International Symposium on Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle, 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-30 September 2009.
- Chapman, S.J. (2008) Estimating carbon stocks in peatlands: the Scottish experience., Proceedings of the International Peat Congress, 13th, Tullamore, Ireland, 8-14 July 2008.
- Chapman, S.J.; Francez, A.-J.; Yli-Petays, M.; Mitchell, E.A.D. (2007) The EU project RECIPE: understanding and managing peatland restoration., International Conference – Peat and Peatlands 2007. Peat in horticulture and the rehabilitation of mires after peat extraction: which issues for tomorrow? Lamoura, (French Jura), 8-11 October 2007.
- Bortoluzzi, E.; Chapman, S.J. (2007) Carbon balance of a cutover bog in the Jura mountains at different stages of regeneration., International Conference – Peat and Peatlands 2007. Peat in horticulture and the rehabilitation of mires after peat extraction: which issues for tomorrow? Lamoura, (French Jura), 8-11 October 2007.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J. Francez, A.-J.; Gattinger, A.; Hai, B.; Schloter, M. (2006) Changes in microbial diversity during the restoration of cut-over peatlands ? Can peatland biodiversity recover below-ground?, British Ecological Society, Annual Meeting, Oxford, 5-7 September 2006.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Campbell, C.D.; Buttler, A.; Francez, A-J.; Laggoun-Defarge, F.; Vasander, H.; Schloter, M.; Epron, D.; Gilbert, D.; Mitchell, E.; Chapman, S.J. (2006) Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems (RECIPE)., First Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists (European Charter), Bangor, Wales, 5-7 January 2006, p27. Abstract.
- Gill, M.; Chapman, S.J. (2004) Scotland’s soils and trees – an opportunity for carbon storage?, Climate Change: A Challenge for Scotland, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 7 December 2004. Oral presentation.
- Iason, G.R.; Dennis, P.; Lennon, J.J.; Thoss, V.; Pakeman, R.J.; Campbell, C.D.; Saari, S.; Anderson, I.C.; Chapman, S.J.; Beaton, J.; Johnstone, J.; Sim, D.; Alexander, I. (2004) The role of variation between trees in phytochemistry in determining associated diversity in a natural Scots pine ecosystem., FC/SNH, Drumnadrochit, “Ecology and management of large native pinewoods: past, present and future”., 14-16 June 2004. Oral paper.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E. (2004) Indicators of regeneration in an abandoned cut-over Scottish peatland., Proceedings of the 12th International Peat Congress, Wise Use of Peatlands, (Ed. J. Paivanen) Tampere, Finland, 6-11 June 2004, pp350-355.
- Campbell, C.D.; White, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Thoss, V. (2004) Does intra-specific variation in monoteprene profiles of Scots pine trees influence soil microbial community structure and nutrient cycling., International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, ( ISME 10), Microbial Planet: Sub-Surface to Space. Topic 18. Microbe-plant interactions, 10th, Cancum, Mexico, 22-27 August 2004.
- Kaufman, K.; Chapman, S.J.; Campbell, C.D.; Harms, H.; Hohener, P. (2004) Optimising bioremediation conditions in contaminated soils using the microresp microtitre method., International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, ( ISME 10), Microbial Planet: Sub-Surface to Space. Topic 18. Microbe-plant interactions, 10th, Cancum, Mexico, 22-27 August 2004.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Anderson, I.C.; Campbell, C.D. (2004) Diversity of fungi and potential function in naturally regenerating cut-over peatlands., Conservation Land Management, Spring 2019, 17, p24.
- Vaisanen, K.; Dawson, L.A.; Grayston, S.J.; Chapman, S.J.; Smith, J. (2002) The effect of plant species and type of decomposing litter on the fate of carbon in soil and on the soil microbial community., British Society of Soil Science – Soils as Carbon Sinks: Opportunities and Limitations, London, 28 June 2002.
- Campbell, C.D.; Chapman, S.J. (2001) Novel rapid methods for the determination of the community level physiological profiles (CLPPs) of whole soil microbial communities., International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, 9th, Amsterdam, 26-31 August 2001. Abstract.
- Chapman, S.J.; Campbell, C.D.; Fraser, A.R.; Norrie, A.; Puri, G. (1999) FTIR spectroscopy of peat and its relationship with chemical and biological properties., International Peat Symposium 1999, Chemical, Physical and Biological Processes in Peat Soils, Jokioinen, Finland, August 23-27, 1999.
- Chapman, S.J.; Campbell, C.D.; Puri, G. (1999) Microbial parameters reflecting soil organic matter quality across a transect of natural pinewood regeneration., British Society of Soil Science, Autumn Conference. Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, September 15-17 1999.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Chapman, S.J. (2016) Gauging differences between blanket and raised bogs using legacy data., 15th International Peat Congress 2016, Sarawak, Malaysia, 15-19 August 2016. Conference Proceedings, Abstract No: A-381 pp21-23.
- Zhang Z.L.; Lin H.; Osprey M.; Chapman S.J.; Freitag T.E.; Rhind S.M.; Kyle C.E.; Hamilton D. (2016) Occurrence and changes of classic and emerging contaminants in soils treated by organic wastes., ESPP (European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform) Workshop: Pharmaceuticals in Sewage Biosolids, Malmo, 27 November 2016.
- Chapman, S.J. (2016) Gauging differences between blanket and raised bogs using legacy data., 15th International Peat Congress 2016, Sarawak, Malaysia, 15-19 August 2016. (Poster).
- Chapman, S.J. (2016) Peats., Part of Series of Soils posters being prepared by Lorna Dawson for schools.
- Muller, F.L.L.; Chang, K-C.; Lee, C-L.; Chapman, S.J. (2015) Effects of season and conifer felling on the surface water chemistry of northern peatlands., Research in the ‘Flow Country’ III: Taking stock, Thurso, Caithness, 27-30 October 2015. (Poster)
- Chapman, S.J.; Farmer, J. (2014) Relationships between physical parameters in native and cultivated tropical peat profiles., 2014 TB Conference, In the Bog: The Ecology, Landscape, Archaeology and Heritage of the Peatlands, Sheffield Hallam University, 3-5 September 2014.
- Bradley, R.; Paterson, E.; Chapman, S.J.; Thornton, B.; Sim, A. (2013) Testing the root-priming of soil organic matter decomposition using the isotopic signature of fossil fuel CO2., European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Donnell, D.; Matthews, R. (2013) Peatland restoration: potential abatement and estimation of carbon savings., IUCN Conference: Investing in Peatlands: Partnership for a New Peatland Era, York, 10-12 September 2013. (Poster)
- Pettinotti, L.; Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Moran, D.; Moxley, A. (2013) Peatland restoration: some further illustrative economics., IUCN Conference: Investing in Peatlands: Partnership for a New Peatland Era, York, 10-12 September 2013. (Poster)
- Robertson, A.H.J.; Hill, H.R.; Chapman, S.J.; Lilly, A.; Hudson, G.; NSIS team. (2012) Prediction of soil bulk density by FTIR and NIR spectroscopy., EUROSOIL 2012, Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), Bari, Italy, 2-6 July 2012.
- Smith, J.; Gottschalk, P.; Bellarby, J.; Chapman, S.J.; Lilly, A.; Towers, W.; Bell, J.; Coleman, K.; Nayak, D.; Richards, M.; Hillier, J.; Flynn, H.; Wattenbach, M.; Aitkenhead, M.; Yeluripurti, J.; Farmer, J.; Milne, R.; Thomson, A.; Evans, C.; Whitmore, A.; Falloon, P.; Smith, P. (2010) Use of dynamic, process-based models of soil C and N turnover to explore tradeoffs between land use change for agricultural production and carbon sequestration., Abstract for Global Land Project Workshop – Representation of Ecosystem Services in the Modelling of Land Systems, Jurys Inn, Aberdeen, 19-20 March 2010.
- Clark, J.; Gallego-Sala, A.; Billet, M.; Chapman, S.; Coppell, R.; Coyle, M.; Evans, C.; Evans, M.; Farewell, T.; Freeman, C.; Freer, J.; Gloor, E.; Heinemeyer, A.; House, J.; Lawley, R.; Monteith, D.; Nayak, D.; Orr, H.; Prentice, C.; Rose, R.; Rowson, J.; Smith, J.; Smith, P.; Vangulova, E.; Wetterhall, F.; Worrall, F. (2009) Mapping peat vulnerability to climate change to inform policy in Great Britain., International Symposium on Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle, 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-30 September 2009.
- Chapman, S.J. (2009) Estimation of dry bulk density values from archived data for the determination of peatland C stocks., International Symposium on Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle, 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-30 September 2009.
- Cameron, C.M.; Campbell, C.D.; Chapman, S.J.; White, D. (2009) MicroResp: A versatile methodology for measuring environmental quality., BSSS/SSSI Soil Quality Conference, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland, 9-11 September 2009.
- Clark, J.; Gallego-Sala, A.; Chapman, S.; Farewell, T.; Freeman, C.; House, J.; Lawley, R.; Orr, H.; Prentice, C.; Smith, P. (2009) Mapping peat vulnerability to climate change to inform policy in the UK., International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior (BIOGEOMON), 6th, The University of Helsinki, Finland, 29 June – 3 July 2009.
- Gottschalk, P.; Smith, J.U.; Chapman, S.J.; Bell, J.S.; Bellarby, J.; Hudson, G.; Lilly, A.; Towers, W.; Booth, E.; Walker, R.; Nayak, D.; Richards, M.; Yleuripurti, J.; Flynn, H.C.; Hillier, J.; Wattenbach, M.; Hastings, A.; Smith, P. (2009) Simulation of the impacts of changes in land use and climate on soil C fluxes from organic and mineral soils at national scale (ECOSSE)., Predicting the Future for Highly Organic Soils, British Society of Soil Science, Spring Conference, Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University, 5-7 May 2009. Book of Abstracts.
- Bellarby, J.; Gottschalk, P.; Chapman, S.J.; Lilly, A.; Bell, J.S.; Towers, W.; Miller, D.; Hudson, G.; Smith, P.; Smith, J.U. (2008) Soil carbon stocks in Scotland: past changes and future conservation needs., IALE-D Global Change and Landscape Response – Die Ruckkopplungen von Landschaften auf den Globalen Wandel, Geographisches Institut, Bonn, 30 October – 2 November 2008.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Johnson, D.; Trinder, C.; Chapman, S.J.; Campbell, C.D. (2008) Microbial processes governing C turnover and the potential for plant:microbial feedbacks in peatland ecosystems., International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 12), 12th, Cairns, Australia, 17-22 August 2008. Abstract No. 0218.
- Bellarby, J.; Gottschalk, P.; Chapman, S.J.; Lilly, A.; Bell, J.S.; Towers, W.; Miller, D.; Hudson, G.; Smith, P.; Smith, J.U. (2008) Soil carbon stocks in Scotland: past changes and future conservation needs., EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 13-18 April 2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 10, EGU2008-A-04070.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Campbell, C.D.; Anderson, I.C.; Chapman, S.J. (2007) Does the regeneration of cut-over peatlands restore below-ground functions and diversity?, Carbon in Peatlands: State-of-the-Art and Future Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 15-18 April 2007.