Roy is a soil ecologist at the James Hutton Institute where he leads the Plant-Soil Interactions Research Group within the Ecological Sciences Departments and is the Hutton lead for the Centre for Agricultural Sustainable Innovation (CASI).

Roy has a long-standing interest in the impact of land use change, management practices and environmental drivers on soil function and biodiversity to support resilient production ecosystems.

Roy is a strong advocate of strengthening the evidence base to support informed decision-making, practice, and adoption of land management practices to maintain and protect soil function and its biodiversity, and this includes the development of indicators to monitor change.

In addition to Scottish systems, Roy has worked in agricultural, forest and natural systems in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

His research is captured in over 150 peer-reviewed research papers, seven book chapters and several reports.

Roy is a member of the following committees/panels:

BBRSC Pool of Experts

Science advisory group of WG2 of the International Network on Soil Biodiversity managed by UN-FAO

The NatureScot Scientific Advisory Committee Expert Panel: JNCC Soil Health Indicator Expert Panel

A vice-chair of the Sustainable Agriculture working group of the European Technology Platform

Steering Committee of the Angus Council Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)

Roy sits on the editorial boards of Biology and Fertility of Soils (2018-), Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2020-) & Soil Use and Management (2017-2022)

Engaging citizens in soil science: the road to healthier soils (ECHO)(2023-2027): An Horizon Europe funded project, will engage EU citizens in soil health increasing their knowledge, by generating new data on the health status of EU soils to complement existing soil mapping and soil monitoring in EU Member States, and awareness on the ecological and societal importance of soils.

Climate-smart resilience through diversified cropping systems – Identifying springboards in Nordic and Baltic agriculture (AgroMixNorth) (2023-2027), funded by NordForsk, the project is constructed around the central hypothesis that diversified cropping systems, due to their spatial and temporal niche complementary, are more climate-smart and resilient cropping systems compared with mono-culture systems.

Healthy Soils for a Green Recovery (2022-2027) funded by Scottish Government and aims to strengthen the evidence base to support and inform decision-making, practice and uptake for sustainable management and minimization of degradation and loss of Scotland’s soils, considering both their intrinsic value and the benefits (ecosystem services) that they provide.

IPMWorks (2021-2026), funded by the European Union, is an EU-wide farm network demonstrating and promoting cost-effective IPM strategies.

A decision support tool for potato blackleg disease (DES-BL) (2020-2024), funded by BBSRC, aims to develop tools to help farmers, agronomists and policymakers manage the disease.

Nematode diagnostics (2004-present), through James Hutton Limited, we deliver a commercial diagnostic service for the identification of free-living nematode species relevant to UK agriculture. We also provide a detection service for Tobacco Rattle Virus.

Roy also contributes to two further projects:

  • The Effects of Grass Seed Intentionally containing Endophytes on the Environment (EndoScot) (2020-2024), funded by the Scottish Government, and will develop a risk framework for future products that may contain endophytes.
  • Are chitin amendments to soil a means to control potato cyst nematodes? (2023-2024), funded by BBSRC, which is an industry collaboration to determine the efficacy of chitin-amended compost derived from waste products for the control of potato cyst nematode.


Chariman Ecology Standing Committee, Society of Nematologists, 2007-2009

EAB Examination Board, University of Dundee, 2006-

Vice-chairman Ecology Standing Committee, Society of Nematologists, 2004-2007

Governing Board Member of European Society of Nematologists, 2000-2004

Current students

Beth Evans – Can UK agroforestry systems contribute to improved soil function in agri-environments? Funded by ACCE DTP and partnered with the National History Museum and the University of York.

Vongai Chekanai – Utilisation of single and multiple species cover crops for the suppression of soil borne nematodes of Narcissus. Co-funded by the James Hutton Institute and a consortium of industry partners from the UK Narcissus sector and partnered with Harper Adams University.

Francis Kawayla – Optimisation of partial biofumigation for the management of potato cyst nematodes. Funded by SAI CTP and partnered with Harper Adams University

Starting October 2023

Kira Lutter- Moving to net zero barley production. Funded by Baritone CTP and partnered with Glenmorangie and the University of Dundee.

Ruth Taylor – The role of agricultural co-ops in driving change supporting the climate challenge. Funded Baritone CTP and partnered with SAOS and the University of Dundee.


Books / chapters

  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2018) The potential detrimental impact of the New Zealand flatworm to Scottish islands, In: Veitch, C.R., Clout, M.N., Martin, A.R., Russell, J.C. & West, C.J. (eds.) Island Invasives Conference 2017: Scaling up to Meet the Challenge, University of Dundee, 10-14 July 2017. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, 352-255.
  • Gorman, A.; McKenzie, B.M.; Rowan, J.S.; Neilson, R. (2018) Understanding the interactions of nematodes with soil during landscape redistribution processes, In: Sychev, V.G. & Mueller, L. (eds.). Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Volume 1 landscapes in the 21st Century: Status Analyses, Basic Processes and Research Concepts. Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Institution, 195-199
  • Roberts, D.M.; Oliveira, C.M.G.; Neilson, R.; Blok, V.C. (2016) Molecular diagnostics of plant-parasitic nematodes., In: Oliveira, C.M.G., dos Santos, M.A. & e Castro, L.H.S. (eds.). Diagnose de Fitonematoides. Millennium Editora Ltda, Campinas, Brazil, pp281-324.
  • Oliveira, C.M.G.; Neilson, R. (2016) Gêneros Xiphinema e Xiphidorus., In: Oliveira, C.M.G., dos Santos, M.A. & Castro, L.H.S. (eds.). Diagnose de Fitonematoides. Millennium Editora Ltda, Campinas, Brazil, pp123-152.
  • Neilson, R.; Creamer, R.E. (2010) Nematodes., In: Jeffrey, S., Gaqrdi, C., Jones, A., Montanarella, L., Marmot, L., Miko, L., Ritz, K., Peres, G., Rommbke, J. & van der Putten, W.H. (eds.). European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity. European Commission, Luxembourg, 102-103.
  • Neilson, R.; Donn, S.; Griffiths, B.S.; Daniell, T.J.; Rybarczyk, K.D.; van den Elsen, S.; Mooyman, P.; Helder, J. (2009) Molecular tools for analysing nematode assemblages., In: Wilson, M.J. & Kakouli-Duarte, T. (eds.). Nematodes as Environmental Indicators. CABI, Wallingford, pp188-207.
  • MacFarlane, S.A.; Neilson, R. (2009) Testing of transmission of Tobraviruses by nematodes., In: Coico, R., Kowalik, T., Quarles, J.M., Stevenson, B. & Taylor, R.K. (eds.). Current Protocols in Microbiology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chichester, UK, Chapter Suppl 12, 16B.5.1-16B.5.16.
  • Neilson, R.; Oliveira, C.M.G.; Hubschen, J. (2008) Molecular diagnostics of virus-vector nematodes., In: Rao, G.P., Valverde, R.A. & Dovas, C.I. (eds.). Techniques in Diagnosis of Plant Viruses. Studium Press LLC, Texas, USA, 249-264.
  • MacFarlane, S.A.; Neilson, R.; Brown, D.J.F. (2002) Nematodes., In: Plumb, R.T. (ed.). Advances in Botanical Research – Plant Virus Vector Interactions. Academic Press, 36, 169-198.
  • MacFarlane, S.A.; Neilson, R.; Brown, D.J.F. (2002) Plant Virus Vector Interactions., In: Plumb, R.T. (eds.). Advances in Botanical Research No 36 – Interctions Between Plant Viruses and Their Vectors. Academic Press, London and New York, pp169-198.

Technical / contract reports

  • Pakeman, R.; Baggaley, N.; Negassa, W.; Glendell, M.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Neilson, R.; Paterson, E.; Stutter, M.; Conington, J.; Potts, J.; Skuce, P. (2024) Understanding metrics for effective environmental measures under the Agricultural Reform Programme for Scotland, Edinburgh Research Archive – ClimateXChange Publications
  • Pakeman, R.; Baggaley, N.; Chewaka, W.; Glendell, M.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Neilson, R.; Paterson, E.; Stutter, M.; Conington, J.; Miller, G.; Skuce, P.; Potts, J. (2024) Understanding metrics for effective environmental measures under the Agricultural Reform Programme for Scotland, ClimateXChange
  • Matthews, K.; Blackstock, K.L.; Wardell-Johnson, D.H.; Miller, D.G.; Tavana, M.; Thomson, S.; Moxey, A.; Neilson, R.; Baggaley, N.; Giles, M.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Paterson, E.; Pakeman, R.; Hawes, C.; Stockan, J.; Stutter, M.; Addy, S.; Wilkinson, M.E.; Juarez-Bourke, A.; Waylen, K.A.; Rivington, M.; Aitkenhead, M.J.; Coull, M.C. (2023) Synthesis Report: Screening Enhanced Conditionality Measures, An output of RESAS commissioned project Supporting
    Scotland’s Land Use Transformations (JHI-C3-1),59pp, Published online
  • (2021) Plants for the future’s perspective on sustainable agriculture, Plant ETP report.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Begg, G.; Polhill, G.; Loades, K.; Newton, A.; Aitkenhead, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Neilson, R.; Gandossi, G.; Stewart, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Udugbezi, E.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A.; Benton, T.; King, R., Burgess, P. (2021) An overview assessment of the COVID19 pandemic on the UK food and nutrition security, Online.
  • Rivington, M.; King, R.; Duckett, D.; Iannetta, P.; G. Benton, T.; Burgess, P. J.; Hawes, C.; Wellesley, L.; Polhill, G.; Aitkenhead, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L. M.; Begg, G.; Williams, A. G.; Newton, A.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A.; Neilson, R.; Watts, C. (2021) UK Food and nutrition security during and after the COVID19 pandemic Project Report and Recommendations, The James Hutton Institute.
  • Neilson, R.; Lilly, A.; Aitkenhead, M.; Artz, R.R.E.; Baggaley, N.; Giles, M.E.; Holland, J.; Loades, K.; Ovando Pol, P.; Rivington, M.; Roberts, M.; Yeluripati, J. (2020) Measuring the vulnerability of Scottish soils to a changing climate., ClimateXChange Report, 42pp.
  • Clarkson, J.; Michel, V.; Neilson, R. (2015) Mini Paper – Biofumigation for the control of soil borne diseases., Report of EIP-AGRI Soil Borne Diseases Focus Group.
  • Neilson, R.; Roberts, D.M. (2012) Strategies for quantifying and controlling free living nematode populations and consequent damage by tobacco rattle virus to improve potato yield and quality., Interim Report for 2011 to Potato Council, AHDB and TSB.
  • Neilson, R.; Wiesel, L.; Daniell, T.J. (2012) Validation of a high-throughput nematode molecular tool as a bio-indicator of soil health and quality., Final Report for Genomia, 1-18.
  • Neilson, R.; Donn, S.; Chen, X.Y.; Griffiths, B.S.; O’Flaherty, V.; Daniell, T.J. (2011) Molecular methods for monitoring soil nematodes and their potential use as biologicalindicators of soil health., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2010, pp37-38.
  • Handley, L.L.; Scrimgeour, C.M.; Raven, J.A.; Preston, T.; Neilson, R. (2000) A Dundee contribution to science: high throughput mass spectrometry and new biological interpretations., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1999/2000, 55-65.
  • Handley, L.L.; Robinson, D.; Scrimgeour, C.M.; Neilson, R.; Johnston, A.M. (1999) Stable isotopes and biological processes., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1998/99, 165-167.
  • Handley, L.L.; Johnston, A.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D. (1998) Developing an interpretation for d15N in plants., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1997/98, pp136-139.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (1997) The potential impact of terrestrial planarians to Scottish agriculture and wildlife., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1996/97, pp125-126.
  • Neilson, R.; Wishart, J.; Hamilton, D.; Robinson, D.; Marriott, C.A.; Scrimgeour, C.M.; Boag, B.; Handley, L.L. (1996) Natural abundance of stable isotopes reveal trophic patterns in soil food webs., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1995, 91-93.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R.; Palmer, L.F.; Salowsky-Butcher, A. (1993) New Zealand flatworm in Scotland., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1992, pp101-107.

Conference papers

  • Matthews, K.; Blackstock, K.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Miller, D.; Tavana, M.; Thomson, S.; Moxey, A.; Nielson, R.; Baggaley, N.; Loades, K.; Paterson, E.; Pakeman, R.; Hawes, C.; Stockan, J.; Stutter, M.; Addy, S.; Wilkinson, M. (2023) Cross-scale analysis of social-ecological systems: Policy options appraisal for delivering NetZero and other environmental objectives in Scotland, In: Vaze, J., Chilcott, C., Hutley, L. and Cuddy, S.M. (eds.) MODSIM2023, 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 9-14 July 2023, Darwin, NT, Australia, 7pp
  • Brooker, R.; Hewison, R.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.; Neilson, R.; Pakeman, R.; Raubach, S.; Shaw, P.; Verrall, S.; Karley, A. (2023) Crop mixtures as part of the sustainability toolbox for the distilling industry, World Distilled Spirits Conference, 9 May 2023, EICC, Edinburgh.
  • Neilson, R. (2020) A decision support tool for potato blackleg disease (DeS-BL)., AHDB Agronomy Week 2020, Agronomists’ Preventing, Detecting and Controlling Nematodes, YouTube presentation, 3 December 2020.
  • Neilson, R. (2020) From trash to cache: the evolution of nematode ecology., Association of Applied Biologists Nematology Conference, Advances in Nematology, 15 December 2020. (Virtually via Zoom).
  • Neilson, R. (2020) Free-living nematodes., Presentation at Bayer Potato Day, Peterborough, 30 January 2020.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2020) Earthworms, the farmers friend, under threat., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020, pp55-58.
  • van der Velden, N.K.; Ambler, A.; Hager, G.; Neilson, R.; Burton, V.J. (2020) Polycultures, people and permaculture: Citizen science investigations of productivity., Polycultures and Permaculture Conference 2020, 1-6 February 2020. (Online sessions).
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R.; Hernandez, A. (2018) The exploitation of low rabbit numbers to control damage in the long term., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp43-48.
  • Neilson, R.; Roberts, D.M.; Loades, K.W.; Lozana, A.; Daniell, T. (2018) Healthy soils for crop production., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, 17-20.
  • Toth, I.K.; Lees, A.; Neilson, R.; Brierley, J.; Bienkowski, D. (2018) Research on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for potato., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp187-192.
  • Boag, B.; Hartley, G.; Campbell, S.; Neilson, R.; Hernandez, A. (2016) Where have all the rabbits gone?, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp67-72.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2014) The spread and movement of the New Zealand flatworm (Arthurdendyus Triangulatus) in Scotland., Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014. Proceedings of the Crop Protection in Northern Britain Conference, 55-59.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2013) Impact of New Zealand flatworm on Scotland’s biodiversity., Natives, Aliens and Reintroductions Conference, How does ecology inform wildlife conservation in Scotland, Graham Kerr Buildings, Glasgow University, 22-23 June 2013.
  • Boag, B.; Hernandez, A.; Cattadori, I.M.; Neilson, R. (2013) Parasite ecology information gained from survey data., British Society for Parasitology, Bristol, 8 April 2013.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2013) The New Zealand flatworm, a predator of European earthworms., International Union for the Conservation of Nature Conference, Invasive Alien Species: the Urban Dimension, Geneva, Switzerland, 6 September 2013
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2013) The New Zealand flatworm, Scotland’s unwanted alien visitor., Natives, Aliens and Reintroductions Conference, How does ecology inform wildlife conservation in Scotland, Graham Kerr Buildings, Glasgow University, 22-23 June 2013.
  • Neilson, R.; Wiesel, L.; Donn, S.; Griffiths, B.S.; Daniell, T.J. (2012) Monitoring environmental soil perturbation using molecular profiling of soil nematode communities., Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health, Galway, Ireland, 20-25 August 2012.
  • Neilson, R.; Boag, B. (2012) Nematodes as an indicator of diffuse hydrocarbon pollution., 2nd International Symposium on Nematodes as Environmental Bioindicators, Ghent University, Belgium, 5-6 July 2012 (Talk).
  • Neilson, R.; Wiesel, L.; Donn, S.; Griffiths, B.S.; Daniell, T.J. (2012) Using soil nematode community profiling as a proxy for monitoring enviornmental perturbation on soil., Challenges for Scotland’s Biodiversity Conservation: From the Soils to the Skies, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, 8-9 March 2012.
  • Ghee, C.; Hallett, P.D.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D.; Paterson, E. (2012) Priming effects alter the temperature response of soil organic matter mineralisation., EUROSOIL 2012, Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), Bari, Italy, 2-6 July 2012
  • Ghee, C.; Hallett, P.D.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D.; Paterson, E. (2012) Soil organic matters in sustainable cropping., Planet Under Pressure, International Conference Centre, London, 26-29 March 2012.
  • George, T.S.; Brown, L.K.; Barrett, G.; Cunnold H.; Neilson, R.; White, P.J. (2012) Interactions between root hairs and soil microorganisms – impacts on phosphate acquisition., 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, ISME14. Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 August 2012.
  • Baxter, C.; Rowan, J.S.; McKenzie, B.A.; Neilson, R. (2012) Quantifying nematode redistribution by soil erosion in agro-ecosystems., British Society of Soil Science Annual Meeting, Nottingham, 4-5 September 2012.
  • Baxter, C.; Rowan, J.S.; McKenzie, B.A.; Neilson, R. (2012) Soil erosion in agro-ecosystems: assessing the significance of nematode redistribution., British Society for Geomorphology Annual Conference 2012, Nottingham, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Boag, B.; Cattadori, I.M.; Hernandez, A.D.; Lello, J.; Neilson, R. (2012) The utility of a long term parasitological investigation., British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, University of Birmingham, 17-20 December 2012.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2012) Potential impact of the New Zealand flatworm on below and above ground biodiversity., British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, University of Birmingham, 17-20 December 2012.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R.; Cattadori, I.M.; Hernandez, A. (2012) Parasitic worms as bioindicators in animals., AAB Meeting, ‘Nematodes as Environmental Bioindicators’, Ghent, Belgium, 5-6 July 2012.
  • Roberts, D.M.; Rodenhurst, M.; Otter, J.; Dale, M.F.B.; Blok, V.C.; Neilson, R. (2012) Identifying free living nematode populations., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2012, Dundee, 28-29 February 2012.
  • George, T.S.; Brown, L.K.; Neilson, R.; White, P.J.; Cunnold, H.; Barrett, G. (2012) Interactions between root hairs and soil microorganisms impacts on phosphate., 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, ISME14, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 August 2012.
  • Chen, X.; Griffiths, B.S.; Daniell, T.J.; Neilson, R.; O’Flaherty, V. (2011) Long-term effects of P fertiliser on nematode community structure assessed by molecular and morphological methods., Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, Ireland, 14-15 March 2011.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Burton, V.J.; Ambler, A.; Neilson, R.; Hager, G.; Gonzalez, R.A.; van der Velden, N.K. (2019) How does your garden GROW? – challenges and opportunities for hypothesis and place-based citizen research in food growing., British Ecological Society, Citizen Science Special Interest Group Meeting, Place-Based Citizen-Science for Wellbeing: Conceptual and Practical Understandings of ‘Place’ for Science and Society, University of Cardiff, 14 August 2019. Abstract.
  • Loades, K.W.; Taylor, A.; Neilson, R.; Preedy, K.; Daniell, T.J.; Griffiths, B.; Roberts, D.M.; Beattie, P.; Anderson, E. (2018) SoilBio – Measurement of soil physical condition using the soil biological community., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. SSS7.1/HS8.3.9 – Interactions and Feedbacks between Soil Structure and Biogeochemical Processes in Micro-Aggregates and Beyond (co-organized). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 20, EGU2018-19209.
  • Giles, M.; Paterson, E.; Neilson, R. (2018) Selecting grass species to reduce greenhouse gas emissions., Science at the Parliament, Holyrood, 30 May 2018.
  • Bienkowski, D.; Lees, A.K.; Gallagher, C.; Neilson, R. (2016) In-field detection of potato disease can analysis of UAV imaging differentiate between crop stresses?, European Association for Potato Research Pathology & Pests Section Meeting, Dundee, 7-11 August 2016.
  • Lazarova, S.S; Brown, D.J.F.; Oliveira, C.M.G.; Fenton, B.; MacKenzie, K.; Wright, F.; Malloch, G.; Neilson, R. (2016) Diversity of endosymbiont bacteria associated with Xiphinema americanum-group parasitic nematodes., Linking Belowground Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in European Forests, 4th BioLink COST Action Meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria, 12-14 April 2016. Poster.
  • Hemment, D.; Neilson, R.; McKenzie, B.M.; (2016) The Grow Observatory: Collective intelligence and participatory citizen science for growing for food and sustainable land use., ECSA Citizen Science Conference 2016, Innovations in Open Science, Society and Policy, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin, 19-21 May 2016.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R.; Hernandez, A.; Hartley, G.; Campbell, S. (2016) The impact of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) on rabbit populations., Mammal Society Meeting, 8-10 April 2016 – Abstract. (Oral presentation).
  • Karuri, H.W.; Olago, D.; Neilson, R. (2015) Enhancing resilience of Kenyan sweet potato to climate change through selection of root knot nematode resistant genotypes., Women in Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Economic and Social Development, Kampala, Uganda, 21-23 October 2015.
  • O’Callaghan, F.; Dupuy, L.; Neilson, R.; MacFarlane, S. (2015) 3D imaging of root-nematode interactions: transparent soil for visualizing host-pathogen processes., Potato Council Meeting on Biofumigation, Harper Adams University, 9 September 2015.
  • Hopkins, D.W.; Wheatley, R.E.; Coakley, C.M.; Daniell, T.J.; Mitchell, S.; Newton, A.C.; Neilson, R. (2015) Soil carbon and nitrogen and barley yield responses to repeated additions of compost and slurry., 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter: SOM 2015, Gottingen, Germany, 20-24 September 2015.
  • Boag, B.; Hernandez, A.; Cattadori, I.; Neilson, R. (2015) Evidence that the myxoma virus compromises both macro and micro parasite immunity in rabbits., British Society of Parasitology Spring Meeting, Liverpool, 16-18 April 2015. (Poster)
  • McKenzie, B.M.; Loades, K.W.; Lewis, T.D.; Baxter, C.; Gorman, A.; Hawes, C.; Neilson, R.; Rowan, J.S. (2014) Linking soil biodiversity to agriculture – understanding the importance of soil erosion., Agriculture in Nature and Environment Protection, Vukovar, Republic of Croatia, 28-30 May 2014.
  • Boag, B.; Hernandez, A.; Cattadori, I.; Neilson, R.; Lello, J. (2014) A review and comparison of wild rabbit parasites and diseases., European Wildlife Disease Association Conference, Edinburgh, 24-29 August 2014.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2014) The spread and movement of the New Zealand flatworm (Arthurdendyus triangulatus) in Scotland., Crop Protection in Northern Britain Conference, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014. (Poster)
  • Ghee, C.; Paterson, E.; Hallett, P.D.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D. (2013) Priming is instrinsically insensitive to temperature., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013.
  • Boag, B.; Hernandez, A.; Cattadori, I.; Neilson, R. (2013) Parasite ecology information gained from survey data., British Society for Parasitology, Bristol, 8 April 2013.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R.; MacKenzie, K.; McNicol, J. (2013) Suggested sampling protocol for the New Zealand flatworm., Invasive and Non-Native Species and Biosecurity, Sharing Good Practice Event, Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby Conference Centre, Perth, 21 November 2013.
  • Boag, B.; Neilson, R. (2012) Potential impact of the New Zealand flatworm on below and above ground biodiversity., British Ecological Society, Birmingham, 18-21 December 2012. (Poster)
  • Roberts, D.M.; Neilson, R.; Blok, V.C.; Dale, M.F.B. (2012) Identifying free living nematodes., Crop Protection of Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, The Dundee Conference, The West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 28-29 February 2012. (Poster).
  • Ghee, C.; Paterson, E.; Hallett, P.D.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D. (2012) Priming effects cannot be factored together with the established respiration response to warming., EUROSOIL 2012, Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), Bari, Italy, 2-6 July 2012.