Rebekka Artz

Research Leader
Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)
Rebekka is a research leader working on peatland ecosystem functioning and other high organic carbon content soils. She has over 20 years of experience on research projects that span multiple disciplines including ecology, atmospheric sciences, remote sensing, ecohydrology, social sciences and in bridging science and policy. She currently co-ordinates multiple, high value, and long-term research projects. She has authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications, as well as numerous research reports, two book chapters and interactive media content (such as included in the Virtual Peatland Pavilion for the UNFCCC COP26). Please visit the Publications section for details of these outputs.

She currently leads multiple large scale research projects (see Research) that aim to deliver better tools to understand the impacts of climate change on many aspects of peatland functioning and to evaluate the impacts of partial or full rewetting and other management strategies for peatland management. This includes the overall scientific oversight of the developing SCO2FLUX network of long-term peatland monitoring sites (funded via a series of Capital equipment grants of £2.5mi from RESAS and Peatland ACTION over the period 2018-2022).

Rebekka serves as Assistant Editor for the European Journal of Soil Science, and contributes on the Technical Advisory Board of the UK Peatland Code and the Peatland Scientific and Technical Advisory Group for Scottish Government.  She was included in the ENDS Power List 2022. The wider peatland team was recognised in the 2023 Nature of Scotland Conservation Science award.

Rebekka was a Co-I on the Implementation report for peatlands into the UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory, led by Prof Chris Evans at UKCEH, which found that the overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of peatlands could exceed the equivalent of around 20 megatonnes of CO2 each year.


Her current research covers the following areas:

  • 2022-2027. NERC Large Grant. “Improving modelling approaches to assess climate change-related thresholds and ecological range shifts in the Earth’s Peatland ecosystems (MOTHERSHIP). Lead co-ordinator and PI for £3.7 mi programme.
  • 2022-2027. Strategic Research Programme JHI-D3-2 (CentrePeat). Principal Investigator. £3mi.
  • 2022-2027 Underpinning National Capacity grant UNC-F3-5 (Grassland emissions on peat) Principal Investigators. £3mi. This project is part of the wider Scottish Government RESAS portfolio of UNC projects.
  • 2022-2026. Horizon Europe via UKRI Innovate UK. Improving wetland knowledge and developing tools to enhance protection and restoration of Europe’s wetlands (WetHorizons). €6mi. Co-Investigator and lead co-ordinator for Hutton contributions.
  • She is also currently involved in the following projects:
  • 2020-2023. BEIS. Greenhouse gas emissions from wasted peat. Co-Investigator within project led by Prof Chris Evans, UKCEH.
  • 2023-2024. RESAS RFF-006-23. Improving area estimates and greenhouse gas emissions data for peat under grassland conversion in Scotland. £94k. Co-Investigator with Dr Tom Parker (lead).

Current PhD students

  • Gillian Donaldson-Selby (University of Western England) 2018 – present. Understanding and evaluating peatland degradation and restoration dynamics through hydrological monitoring and modelling.
  • Will Pallier (University of Aberdeen & University of Highlands and Islands) 2020-present. Linking microbial physiology with carbon transformations in peatlands under land use change. Will is primarily based in Ashish Malik’s lab.
  • Callum Thompson (University of the Highlands and Islands). 2022 – present. A trait-based approach to understand Sphagnum responses to hydrological stress in the context of peatland restoration. Callum is primarily based at the ERI within University of the Highlands and Islands (Roxane Andersen’s lab).
  • Claire McNamee (University of Aberdeen). 2023- present. Impact of multiple climate stressors on microbial processes and carbon sequestration in peatlands. Claire is based in Ashish Malik’s lab.

Past research

Previous PhD students with year of completion:

Helen Gordon (2007); Clare Trinder (2007), Hannah Toberman (2008), Pauline Currey (2008); Sam Quin (2012); Mike Whitfield (2012), Ully Kritzler (2013); Ainoa Pravia (2018); Kirsten Lees (2019); Linda Toca (2023).


Prior to appointment

  • Artz, R.R.E.; Semple, K.T.; Killham, K.; Prosser, J.I.; Paton, G.I. (2002) The potential for anaerobic mineralisation of hydrocarbon constituents of oily drill cuttings from the North Sea seabed., Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4, 553-557.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Killham, K. (2002) Survival of Escherichia coli O157 : H7 in private drinking water wells: influences of protozoan grazing and elevated copper concentrations., FEMS Microbiology Letters, 216, 117-122.
  • van der Maarel, M.J.E.C., Artz, R.R.E., Haanstra, R., and Forney, L.J. (1998) Association of marine archaea with the digestive tracts of two marine fish species., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64, 2894-2898.
  • van der Giezen, M.; Sjollema, K.A.; Artz, R.R.E.; Alkema, W.; Prins, R.A. (1997) Hydrogenosomes in the anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix frontalis have a double membrane but lack an associated organelle genome., FEBS Letters, 408, 147-150.

Books / chapters

  • Grelet, G.; Martino, E.; Dickie, I.A.; Tajuddin, R.; Artz, R.R.E. (2016) Ecology of Ericoid Mycorrhizal fungi: what insight have we gained with molecular tools and what’s missing?, In: Martin, F. (ed.). Molecular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Wiley-Blackwell, Chapter 22, pp405-420.
  • Artz, R.R.E. (2009) Microbial community structure and carbon substrate use in Northern peatlands., In: Northern Peatlands and Carbon Cycling (eds. A. Baird, L. Belyea, X. Comas, A. Reeve and L. Slater). American Geophysical Union, pp111-129.

Technical / contract reports

  • Matthews, K.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Gandossi, G.; Aitkenhead, M.; Artz, R. (2023) Farm Payments and Peatlands Analysis Phase 1 Report (2023 Revision), Published via Land Use Transformations website, 26pp, Online
  • Pakeman, R.J.; Britton, A.; Hawes, C.; Stockan, J.; Stutter, M.; Wilkinson, M.; Artz, R.; Brooker, R.; Mitchell, R.; Addy, S. (2023) Calldown Request – James Hutton Institute – Reviewing priority actions according to their impact on halting biodiversity decline in the delivery plan for Scotlands Biodiversity Strategy, Report to NatureScot.
  • Roberts, M.; Mzek, T.; Nazli Koseoglu, M.; Parker, T.; Artz, R. (2023) Scottish peat values and ecosystem services Evidence Map of literature, Directly to stakeholders.
  • Artz, R.R.E; Coyle, M.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Cooksley, S.; Gimona, A.; Pakeman, R.; Hare, M. (2023) A Working Paper Scoping a National Peatland Monitoring Framework, ClimateXChange Scotland website.
  • Coyle, M.; Cash, J.; Johnson-Marshall, A.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Yeluripati, J.; Artz, R. (2022) The Scottish GHG Flux Network – Review of site operation and data status – October 2022, Zenodo, 10.5281/zenodo.7386016.
  • Parker, T.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Artz, R.R.E. (2022) Sources of Uncertainty in Estimating Emissions Factors for Particulate Organic Carbon Loss from Eroding Peatlands Review Protocol, Zenodo, 10.5281/zenodo.7129014.
  • Aitkenhead, M.; McKeen, M.; Sideris, K.; Rees, N.; Gurd, J.; Hague, A.; Artz, R. (2022) Accelerating Peatland Restoration in Northern Ireland, Submitted directly to Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
  • Miller, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Artz, R.R.E.; Baggaley, N.; Black, H.; Iannetta, P.; Irvine, K.; Lilly, A.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D.; Nijnik, M.; Lopez, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D. (2022) Perth and Kinross Council Carbon Sequestration Study, Contract report to Perth and Kinross Council.
  • Aitkenhead, M.; Castellazzi, M.; McKeen, M.; Hare, M.; Artz, R.; Reed, M. (2021) Peatland restoration and potential emissions savings on agricultural land: an evidence assessment, ClimateXChange.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Freitag, T.; Pravia, A.; Littlewood, N. (2021) Case Study: Ecosystem resilience – peatland restoration., SEFARI Case Study.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Ball, J.; Gimona, A. (2021) Peatland restoration: Modelling efficacy using earth observations., Research Note.
  • Neilson, R.; Lilly, A.; Aitkenhead, M.; Artz, R.R.E.; Baggaley, N.; Giles, M.E.; Holland, J.; Loades, K.; Ovando Pol, P.; Rivington, M.; Roberts, M.; Yeluripati, J. (2020) Measuring the vulnerability of Scottish soils to a changing climate., ClimateXChange Report, 42pp.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and contributors (2020) Peatland mapping and monitoring – Recommendations and technical overview., Report to FAO.
  • Rivington, M.; Spencer, M.; Gimona, A.; Artz, R.R.E.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Ball, J. (2019) Snow cover and climate change in the Cairngorms National Park: Summary assessment., ClimateXChange Website, December 2019, 31pp.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Evans, C.; Crosher, I.; Hancock, M.; Scott-Campbell, M.; Pilkington,M.; Jones, P.; Chandler, D.; McBride, A.; Ross, K.; Weyl, R. (2019) The State of UK Peatlands: an update, IUCN UK Peatland Programme webpage
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Ball, J.; Gimona, A.; Blake, D.; McBride, A. (2019) Access to peatland for restoration – physical limitations., ClimateXChange Report, 8pp.
  • Coyle, M.; Khomik, M.; Artz, R.R.E.; Yelaputri, J. (2019) Carbon storage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from restored peatlands., Project Progress Report, April 2019.
  • Evans, C.; Artz, R.R.E.; Moxley, J.; Smyth, M.A.; Taylor, E.; Archer, N.; Burden, A.; Williamson, J.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Thomson, A.; Buys, G.; Malcolm, H.; Wilson, D.; Renou-Wilson, F. (2019) Implementation of an emissions inventory for UK peatlands., Report to the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor, 88pp.
  • Donaldson-Selby, G.H.; Artz, R.R.E. (2018) Visualisation of peatland restoration., Report for RESAS 1.1.2., James Hutton Institute, 3pp.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Faccioli, M.; Roberts, M.; Anderson, R. (2018) Peatland restoration – a comparative analysis of the costs and merits of different restoration methods., Report for ClimateXChange Scotland Website, Final report, March 2018, 48pp.
  • Williamson, J.; Morton, D.; Artz, R.R.E.; Burden, A.; Rowland, C.; Tornero, L.; O’Neill, A.; Poggio, L.; Khomik, M.; Donnelly, D.; Evans, C.D. (2018) The role of earth observation in an integrated framework for assessing peatland habitat condition and its impact on greenhouse gas accounting., Final Report to Defra, Project number MI07.
  • Blackstock, K.L.; Brooker, R.; Pakeman, R.J.; Ellis, C.; George, T.; Iason, G.; Gilbert, L.; Artz, R,.R.E.; Irvine, R.J.; McVittie, A.; Newey, S.; Mitchell, R.; Gimona, A.; Fischer, A.; Begg, G.; Maxwell, J. (2017) Ecosystems and Land Use Stakeholders Engagement Group (ELSEG) Workshop Report., Workshop, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, 20 November 2017.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Poggio, L.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.J. (2017) Comparison of remote sensing approaches for detection of peatland drainage in Scotland., Report for CxC website.
  • Taylor, E.; Smyth, M-A.; Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Evans, C.; Moxley, J.; Archer, N.J. (2017) Activity data for drainage and rewetting of organic soils 1990-2013., Report to the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (Work package 4 Project report, not for external publication), 37pp.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Evans, C.; Williamson, J.; Moxley, J.; Smyth, M-A.; Taylor, E.; Archer, N. (2017) Sourcing and compilation of baseline activity data., Report to the UK Government Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, 102pp. (Project report, Task 4.1, not for external publication).
  • Taylor, E.; Smyth, M.A.; Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Evans, C.; Moxley, J.; Archer, N. (2016) Activity data for drainage and rewetting of organic soils 1990-2013., Workpackage Report to the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
  • Irvine, R.J.; Miller, D.R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Brooker, R.; Chapman, S.J.; Newey, S.; Hester, A.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2016) Scoping a strategic vision for the uplands: A response from the James Hutton Institute., Response to a Consultation for Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Potts, J.; Chapman, S.; Wilson, D.; Heinemeyer, A.; Evans, C.; Renou-Wilson, F. (2016) Emission factors applicable to UK peatlands., Workpackage Report to the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
  • Aitkenhead, M.; Poggio, L.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Gimona, A.; Artz, R.R.E. (2016) Detection of peatland drainage with remote sensing – a scoping study., Technical Report to CxC Directorate.
  • Towers, W.; Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Miller, D.R. (2015) Carbon-rich soil, deep peat and priority peatland habitats map., Consultation response to Scottish Natural Heritage from the James Hutton Institute.

Conference papers

  • Hester, A.J.; Artz, R.; Blackstock, K.; Gimona, A.; Matthews, K.; Waylen, K. (2021) Delivering multiple benefits: informing land use decision-making, Keynote Presentation: Challenging our Upland Futures Symposium, 7-8 October 2021, Perth, UK.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Crosher, I. (2016) Monitoring of peatlands., Creating a Legacy for Peatland, IUCN Peatland Conference,
    Shropshire Conference Centre, Shrewsbury, 29 November – 1 December 2016.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Lewandowska, D.; Dodd, N. (2012) Forest-to-bog restoration at RSPB Forsinard:Kite-based image analysis., Flow Country Scientific Conference, Environmental Research Institute, University of the Highlands and Islands, 23-25 October 2012.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Aitkenhead, M.; Cummins, R.; Smith, J.; Smith, P.; Bain, C.; Coupar, A. (2012) WISE peatland choices – a GIS based tool to prioritise restoration opportunities on the peatlands of Scotland., 14th International Peat Congress, “Peatlands in Balance”, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-8 June 2012.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Donnelly, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Towers, W.; Aitkenhead, M.; Andersen, R.; Coupar, A.; Bain, C.; Hughes J. (2012) WISE peatland choices – a scoping tool for the prioritisation of restoration needs of peatlands in Scotland., British Ecological Society Joint BES and IUCN UK Symposium, Bangor University, Wales, 26-28 June 2012.
  • Andersen, R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Cummins, R.; Mitchell, R.; Balana, B.; Donnelly, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Smith, J.; Smith, P. (2011) Managing and restoring blanket bogs to benefit biodiversity and carbon in Scotland: a scoping study., International Symposium on Responsible Peatland Management and Growing Media Production, Quebec City, Canada, 13-17 June 2011.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Smart, C.; Toftegaard, T.; Tajuddin, R.; Chambers, S.M.; Cairney, J.W.G.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Grelet, G. (2010) Laccase genetic diversity and regulation of enzyme production in ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and related taxa within the Helotiales., International Mycological Congress, IMC9, Edinburgh, 1-6 August 2010.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Toberman, H.; Currey, P.; Trinder, C.J.; Andersen, R.; Rochefort, L.; Shephard, L.J.; Johnson, D.; Chapman, S.J.; Campbell, C.D. (2009) The functions of peatland microbiota in carbon cycling, global threats to community composition and future opportunities., International Symposium on Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle, 2nd, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-30 September 2009.
  • Vinten, A.J.A.; Artz, R.R.E.; Singh, B.K.; Langan, S.J.; Watson, H.; Cook, Y.; Taylor, C.; Abel, C.; Thomas, N.; Reid, E. (2007) Assessing the potential of stream microbial biofilm community analysis to identify impacts of agricultural pollution on water quality., 11th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and the 1st Joint Meeting of the IWA Diffuse Pollution and Urban Drainage Specialist Groups, Belo Horizonte-MG, 26-31 August 2007.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J. Francez, A.-J.; Gattinger, A.; Hai, B.; Schloter, M. (2006) Changes in microbial diversity during the restoration of cut-over peatlands ? Can peatland biodiversity recover below-ground?, British Ecological Society, Annual Meeting, Oxford, 5-7 September 2006.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Campbell, C.D.; Anderson, I.C.; Chapman, S.J. (2006) Does the regeneration of cut-over peatlands restore below-ground functions and diversity?, European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 5th, Greifswald, Germany, 22-25 August 2006.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Campbell, C.D.; Buttler, A.; Francez, A-J.; Laggoun-Defarge, F.; Vasander, H.; Schloter, M.; Epron, D.; Gilbert, D.; Mitchell, E.; Chapman, S.J. (2006) Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems (RECIPE)., First Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists (European Charter), Bangor, Wales, 5-7 January 2006, p27. Abstract.
  • Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E. (2004) Indicators of regeneration in an abandoned cut-over Scottish peatland., Proceedings of the 12th International Peat Congress, Wise Use of Peatlands, (Ed. J. Paivanen) Tampere, Finland, 6-11 June 2004, pp350-355.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Anderson, I.C.; Campbell, C.D. (2004) Diversity of fungi and potential function in naturally regenerating cut-over peatlands., Conservation Land Management, Spring 2019, 17, p24.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Mitra, B.; Yeluripati, J.; Cash, J.; Toca, L.; Coyle, M.; Artz, R. (2024) Metamodel simulation of carbon fluxes across an eroding and pristine blanket bog in Scotland, EGU General Assembly 2024, online and Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 2024, EGU24-8466
  • Donaldson-Selby, G.; Parker, T.; Coyle, M.; Johnson-Marshall, A.; Toca, L.; Smart, C.; Cash, J.; Artz, R. (2022) Investigating POC fluxes on an eroding upland blanket bog, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, Poster at the 12th IUCN UK Peatland Programme conference, 4-6 October 2022, Aberystwyth
  • Parker, T.; Coyle, M.; Cash, J.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Johnson-Marshall, A.; Smart, C.; Toca, L.; Artz, R.R.E. (2022) Peatland Carbon and Hydrology Dynamics Across Scotland, The 12th IUCN UK Peatland Programme Conference, 4-6 October 2022, Aberystwyth.
  • Parker, T.; Coyle, M.; Cash, J.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Johnson-Marshall, A.; Smart, C.; Toca, L.; Artz, R.R.E. (2022) Peatland Carbon and Hydrology Dynamics Across Scotland,
  • Polhill, G.; Baggaley, N.; Castellazzi, M.; Gimona, A.; Hare, M.; Ibiyemi, A.; Lilly, A.; Loades, K.; Macdiarmid, J.; Macleod, K.; McCormick, B.; McKeen, M.; Rivington, M.; Roxburgh, N.; Salt, D.; Smith, B.; Udugbezi, E.; Wang, C.; Wilkins, B. (2022) Developing agile approaches to scientific modelling in policyrelevant contexts, iEMSs 2022, 3-8 July 2022, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Donaldson-Selby, G.; Quinn, N.; Artz, R.R.E. (2020) Design of an experimental hydrological network to record and evaluate the differences in hydrological functioning across restored, unrestored and near-natural peatland., EGU General Assembly 2020 Online, 4-8 May 2020. EGU2020-111098. Abstract.
  • Coyle, M.; Morrison, R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Yeluripati, J.; Donaldson-Selby, G. (2020) Pre-restoration carbon dioxide exchange and energy balance dynamics in an eroded upland blanket bog peatland, Scotland, UK., EGU General Assembly 2020 Online, 4-8 May 2020. EGU2020-20705. Abstract.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Yeluripati, J.; Coyle, M. (2020) Pre-restoration carbon dioxide emissions of an upland eroded peatland, Scotland, UK. , IUCN Website.
  • Donaldson-Selby, G.; Artz, R.; Yeluripati, J.; Coyle, M.; Morrison, R. (2019) Prerestoration carbon dioxide emissions of an upland eroded peatland, Scotland, UK, Poster at IUCN 2019 conference Peatlands: Investing in the Future, 1-3 October 2019, Belfast
  • Hermans, R.; Subke, J.A.; Artz, R.R.E.; Andersen, R.; Cowie, N.; The, Y.A.; Hill, T.; Govan, S.; Marks, S. (2018) Synthesizing evidence of forest-to-bog restoration impacts on carbon emissions., Research in the Flow Country Conference V, Expanding Perspectives, Thurso, 30 October – 2 November 2018. (Poster)
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Hancock, M.; Cowie, N. (2018) Further management after initial felling to waste greatly enhances the hydrological recovery of formerly afforested peatlands., Flow Country Conference V: Expanding Perspectives,
    Thurso, Caithness, 31 October – 2 November 2018.
  • Iason, G.R.; Beaton, J.K.; Reid, S.; Ellis, C.; Finger, A.; Newey, S.; Irvine, J.; McLeod, J.; Gilbert, L.; Fielding, D.; Dagleish, D.; McInnes, C.; Artz, R.; Miller, P.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Eastwood, A.; Fisher, A.; Skuce, P. (2018) RESAS Strategic Research Programme: Biodiversity and Ecosystems., Posters presented at The Wild North East – Scotland’s Natural Gem, organised by North East Scotland Biodiversity Partnership, James Hutton Institute, 13 April 2018.
  • Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Bruneau, P.; Johnson, S.; McBride, A.; Artz, R.R.E. (2018) Mapping of peatland conditions in Scotland., European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-15914.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Cowie, N.; Hancock, M.; Klein, D. (2018) Advanced forest-to-bog restoration methods are superior to fell-to-waste practice in re-establishing peatland hydrological conditions., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-15362.
  • Donaldson-Selby, G.; Artz, R.R.E. (2017) The 3D Flow Country peatland restoration model., Research in the ‘Flow Country’ IV: Thinking Big, Thurso, Caithness, 22-24 March 2017.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Smart, C.; Robertson, J.; Freitag, T. (2017) Indicators of peatland restoration success on former plantation forestry., Research in the ‘Flow Country’ IV: Thinking Big, Thurso, Caithness, 22-24 March 2017.
  • Poggio, L.; Artz, R.R.E.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Aitkenhead, M.; Donnelly, D.; Gimona, A. (2017) Peat drainage conditions assessment in Scotland., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU 2017), Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. EGU2017-8059 (Poster).
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Smart, C.; Bourne, E.; Robertson, J.; Freitag, T. (2016) Indicators of peatland restoration success on former plantation forestry., IUCN Peatland Programme Conference, Creating a Legacy for Peatlands, Shropshire Conference Centre, Shrewsbury, 29 November – 1 December 2016.
    29th November – 1st December 2016
  • Lees, K.; Quaife, T.; Khomik, M.; Sottocornola, M.; Kiely, G.; Hambley, G.; Artz, R.R.E.; Clark, J. (2016) Using MODIS data to estimate GPP over restored peatlands., IUCN Peatland Conference, Shropshire Conference Centre, Shrewsbury, 29 November – 1 December 2016.
  • Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Bruneau, P.; Johnson, S.; McBride, A.; Artz, R.R.E. (2016) Peat conditions mapping using MODIS time series., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-1472.