Pietro (Pete) Iannetta (Prof.)

Head of Ecological Food Systems
Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)
Pete is a plant biologist and ecologist, who studies the complex interactions which determine the sustainability of food- and feed-systems, including those of the brewing, distilling and aquaculture industries. He delivers key research programmes to support the Scottish Government’s strategic research program, and by securing layered funding builds international research and development networks and programmes. Pete is also an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Dundee, and his research is strongly focused on legume-supported cropped systems, from production to consumption. This includes developing the use of underutilised crops and novel cropped systems, plus the implementation of additional innovations beyond the farm-gate that encourage greater resource use efficiency, improved ecosystem functions, and realisation of circular economies. To facilitate this, Pete develops and exploits various system-function and -accounting tools from the genetics and genomics of plant growth promoting microbes and the soil microbiome, to tools which are ‘data driven’ - such as agri-food system modelling, including Life Cycle Analysis. He works very closely with a wide range of industry and applied-science stakeholders, and provides extension services to value-chain actors, including policymakers. Pete is also a Visiting Professor (Auxiliary) at the Centro de Biotecnologia e Quimica Fina (BCQF), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto; where he is also a lecturer, plus supervisor for under- and post-graduate students of: Nutritional Sciences - Production Systems and Sustainability (Degree); European Master's Degree in Food Science, Technology and Business (BiFTec); and, Food Engineering: Environmental Practices and Sustainability (MRes).
  • EU-Horizon Europe ‘legumES’, Catholic Uni. Porto, leading, €6.3M, Coordinator.
  • DEFRA/InnovateUK, NUE-Leg, Germinal leading, £4.7M, PI/WP Leader.
  • DEFRA/InnovateUK, NCS Project, PGRO leading, £5.9M, PI/WP Leader.
  • EU-Horizon Europe ‘econutri‘, Agricultural Uni. of Athens leading, €6M, PI/WP Leader.
  • EU-H2020 ‘RADIANT’, Catholic Uni. Porto leading, 2021-25, €6M, PI/Deputy-Coordinator.
  • EU-H2020 ‘FRAMEwork’, James Hutton Institute leading, 2021-25, €9M, Co-I.
  • RESAS, Scottish Government, James Hutton Institute leading, 2022-27, CoI  for:
    • B2, ‘Impact of novel crops and farming practices on the Scottish agricultural landscape’; and.
    • C2, ‘Towards carbon positive through improved farming’.

Past research

  • Principal Investigator (2012-2016): Technology Strategy Board, Beans4feeds project. This project aims to deliver improved faba beans for sustainable protein production for (primarily) the farmed fish market
  • Partner:EU-FP7 AMIGA (2012-2016): Assessing and Monitoring Impacts of Genetically modified plants on agroecosystems
  • Partner:EU-FP7 PURE (2011-2015): Pesticide Use-and-risk Reduction in European farming systems with Integrated Pest Management
  • Principal Investigator (2011-2016): Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS): to work packages: 3.4, ‘Understanding of the responses of Scotland’s biodiversity to climate change and land-use change: to inform policy‘, and; 1.1, “Mapping key ecosystem services in Scotland at appropriate spatial and temporal scales
  • Work package Leader (2010-14):Novel Rotation Design, EU-FP7 Legume Futures


Books / chapters

  • Vasconcelos, M.W.; Gomes, A.M.; Pinto, E.; Ferreira, H.; Vieira, E.D.F.; Martins, A.P.; Santos, C.S.; Balázs, B.; Kelemen, E.; Hamann, K.T.; Williams, M.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2020) The push, pull, and enabling capacities necessary for legume grain inclusion into sustainable agri-food systems and healthy diets, In: Biesalski, H.K. (ed.). Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems. How to Combat the Double Burden of Malnutrition? World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, Volume 121. Basel: Karger, Chapter 22, pp 193-211
  • Vasconcelos, M.W.; Grusak, M.A.; Pinto, E.; Gomes, A.; Ferreira, H.; Balázs, B.; Centofanti, T.; Ntatsi, G.; Savvas, D.; Karkanis, A.; Williams, M.; Vandenberg, A.; Toma, L.; Shrestha, S.; Akaichi, F.; Oré Barrios, C.; Gruber, S.; James, E.K.; Maluk, M.; Karley, A.J.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2020) The Biology of Legumes and Their Agronomic, Economic, and Social Impact, In: Hasanuzzaman, M., Araújo, S., Gill, S. (eds.) The Plant Family Fabaceae: Biology and Physiological Responses to Environmental Stresses, Springer, 3-25
  • Mitchell, C.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Birch, A.N.E.; Begg, G.; Karley, A. (2018) An agroecological approach for weed, pest and disease management in Rubus plantations, In: Graham, J. & Brennan, R. (eds.) Raspberry: Breeding, Challenges and Advances. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 63-81
  • Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Ianetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Begg, G. (2016) Ecosystem services from croplands., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R. (eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp24-25.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2014) Ethylene production in strawberry formation and ripening (in Hebrew)., In: Starr, C.,Taggart, R., Evers, C. & Starr, L. Biology: the Unity and Diversity of Life. Open University of Israel, 13th International edition.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2011) Capsella., In: Kole, C. (ed.). Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources – Oilseeds. 1st edition. Springer, Heidelberg, 37-62.
  • Parish, D.M.B.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Squire, G.R. (2009) The contribution of arable weeds to biodiversity., In: Kingely, R. (ed.). Weeds: Management, Economic Impacts and Biology. Nova Publishing, New York, USA, pp61-76.

Technical / contract reports

  • Miller, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Artz, R.R.E.; Baggaley, N.; Black, H.; Iannetta, P.; Irvine, K.; Lilly, A.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D.; Nijnik, M.; Lopez, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D. (2022) Perth and Kinross Council Carbon Sequestration Study, Contract report to Perth and Kinross Council.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; Burgess, P.; Begg, G.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Stewart, D. (2021) Post-COVID-19 land use options to achieve food security, healthy diets and a sustainable environment, Online.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Begg, G.; Polhill, G.; Loades, K.; Newton, A.; Aitkenhead, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Neilson, R.; Gandossi, G.; Stewart, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Udugbezi, E.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A.; Benton, T.; King, R., Burgess, P. (2021) An overview assessment of the COVID19 pandemic on the UK food and nutrition security, Online.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; P. Burgess; Begg, G.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Stewart, D. (2021) Post-COVID-19 land use options to achieve food security, healthy diets and a sustainable environment: A report on the opportunities and constraints of UK food and land management options in terms of production potential and environmental impacts, The James Hutton Institute.
  • Rivington, M.; Duckett, D.; P. Burgess; Begg, G.; Iannetta, P.; Hawes, C.; Stewart, D. (2021) Post-COVID-19 land use options to achieve food security, healthy diets and a sustainable environment: A report on the opportunities and constraints of UK food and land management options in terms of production potential and environmental impacts, The James Hutton Institute.
  • Rivington, M.; King, R.; Duckett, D.; Iannetta, P.; G. Benton, T.; Burgess, P. J.; Hawes, C.; Wellesley, L.; Polhill, G.; Aitkenhead, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L. M.; Begg, G.; Williams, A. G.; Newton, A.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A.; Neilson, R.; Watts, C. (2021) UK Food and nutrition security during and after the COVID19 pandemic Project Report and Recommendations, The James Hutton Institute.
  • Balázs, B.; Debeljak, M.; Hamann, K.; Kolmans, A.; Kelemen, E.; Maaß, H.; Squire, G.R.; Vasconcelos, M.W.; Williams, M.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2018) Creating an effective science-policy interface to support legume supported cropping systems and food and feed supply chains., Report on Co-design of Policy Analysis. Transition paths to sUstainable legume-based systems in Europe (TRUE) Deliverable 7.1 (D40), 63pp.
  • Howard, R.L.; Herold, L.; Scrimshaw, J.; Belcher, S.; Glover, R.; Vickers, R.; Tran, F.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2018) Report of the Atlantic Legume Innovation and Networking (LIN) Workshop., Developed by the EU-H2020 Project TRUE (‘Transition paths to sustainable legume-based systems in Europe’), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Number 727973, 21pp.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; Black, K.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.j.; James, E.K.; Maluk, M.; Newton, A.; Squire, G.R.; Walker, G.; White, P. (2017) Teaming up for good: intercropping and farming-science partnership at the James Hutton Institute., NGO Report for www.LEAF.org, 8 November 2017.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2017) The role of grain legumes in finfish nutrition., Report
    to the Aquaculture Research Collaborative Hub UK (ARCHUK), Working Work Group 1, 10 September 2017.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; Black, K.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.J.; James, E.K.; Maluk, M.; Newton, A.C.; Squire, G.R.; Walker, G.; White, P.J. (2017) Sustainable legume systems for improved primary produce., SAB Annual Report, May 2017.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2017) Animal feeds for Food Standards Scotland., Comments and Report to the Advisory Committee on Animal feeds for Food Standards Scotland, 13 December 2017.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Squire, G.R. (2017) Report to Scottish Government on the Draft Climate Change Plan: Draft Third Report on Policies and Proposals 2017-2032, 7 February 2017.,
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.; Karley, A.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R. (2017) Crop mixtures in the Strategic Research Programme., Workshop Report, James Hutton Institute, Dundee, 27 July 2017. Report circulated to workshop attendees.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Technical advice and guidance given to a pea grower whose crops are suffering yield decline, 5 November 2016.,
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Edits to the 10-year strategy for pulse crops., Technical Report

    Eits on behalf of Christine Negra, Emerging Agriculture, and the Global Pulse Confederation, 3 November 2016.

  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Comments to Quality Meat Scotland on the potential air fractionated of faba bean co-products and co-products from pulse fermentation. 13 August 2016.,
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) The use of foliar urea to enhance the yield of Vicia faba L., Technical Report: a representation to ADAS for a government review of RB209, 4 April 2016.
  • Squire, G.R.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; James, E.K.; Karley, A.J.; Young, M.W. (2011) Scotland’s wild arable plants., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2010, pp21-23.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Murphy-Boken, D.; Rees, R.; Stoddard, F.; Topp, K.; Watson, C.; Williams, M.; Zander, P. (2010) Legume Futures consultation – contribution to an EU White paper., BIOECONOMY 2030: Towards a European Bioeconomy that Delivers Sustainable Growth by Addressing the Grand Societal Challenges
  • Murphy-Boken, D.; Rees, R.; Stoddard, F.; Topp, K.; Watson, C.; Williams, M.; Zander, P.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2010) Legume Futures Consultation Report., Third Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR), 40457, Brussels
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2010) A consultation report on the draft of the 3rd foresight expert group (FEG3)., Sustainable Food Consumption and Production in a Resource-Constrained World, Brussels.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.S.; Wishart, J.; Young, M.W.; Karley, A.J.; Valentine, T.A.; Hawes, C.; Squire, G.R. (2006) Common wild plants as biodiversity indicators., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2006, pp42-43.
  • Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Begg, G.S.; Elliott, M.J.; Parish, A.M.; Young, M.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2004) Persistence of GM herbicide-tolerant plants., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2003/2004, pp167-168.
  • Birch, A.N.E.; Boag, B.; Newton, A.C.; Gordon, S.C.; Fenton, B.; Malloch, G.; Hallett, P.D.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Stephens, S.E.; Neilson, S.; Wright, G.M.; Marshall, B.; McKenzie, B.M.; Squire, G.R.; Gill, P.; Wheatley, R.E. (2004) The SCRI LEAF Innovation Centre: Agro-ecosystem research which develops and promotes sustainable agriculture strategies and policies for Scotland, UK and Europe., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2003/2004, pp107-114.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Jones, C.S.; Stewart, D.; Taylor, M.A.; McNicol, R.J.; Davies, H.V. (1998) Multidisciplinary approaches to improve red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruit quality., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 1997/98, pp99-103.

Conference papers

  • Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Hawes, C.; Young, M.W.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Iannetta, P.P.M.I.; Newton, A.C. (2020) Crop species mixtures as part of integrated farm management., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Production Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020, pp143-147.
  • Karley, A.J.; Banfield-Zanin, J.A.; Bickler, C.; Bliss, K.; Brooker, R.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Midmer, A.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Pearce, B.; Tippin, L.; George, D.R. (2019) Knowledge Exchange in ‘Plant Team’ Cropping with on-farm participatory research., European Conference on Crop Diversification, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 September 2019. Book of Abstracts, pp56-57.
  • Karley, A.J.; Bickler, C.; Brooker, R.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Kiær, L.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Scherber, C.; Weih, M.; Pearce, B.; Schöb, C. (2018) Harnessing innovations in Plant Team cropping through science-practitioner information exchange., XV European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), Geneva, Switzerland, 27-31 August 2018. PS-6-01, p38 (Presentation)
  • Black, K.; Walker, G.; White, P.J.; Squire, G.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2018) Intercropped barley for brewing and distilling., In: Jack, F., Dabrowska, D., Davies, S., Garden, M., Maskell, D. & Murray, D. (eds.). Proceedings of the 6th Worldwide Distilled spirits Conference 2017, Local Roots, Global Reach: Delivering Distilling Expertise to the World. Context, Packington, Chapter 9, pp45-97.
  • Karley, A.J.; Newton, A.C.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Guy, D.; Mitchell, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Weih, M.; Scherber, C.; Klaer, L. (2018) DIVERSify-ing for sustainability using cereal-legume “plant teams”., Association of Applied Biologists Meeting, Advances in Legume Science, Glasgow, UK, 21-22 March 2018. Aspects of Applied Biology, 138, 57-62.
  • Black, K.; Walker, G.; White, P.J.; Squire, G.R.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2017) Intercropped barley for brewing and distilling., In: F. Jack, D. Dabrowska, S. Davies, M. Garden, D. Maskell & D. Murray (eds.). Proceedings of the Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2017: Local roots; global reach: delivering distilling expertise to the world. Packington: Context, Chapter 1:4, pp45-47, 6th
    Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 19 May – 1 June 2017.
  • Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Banks, G.; Ford, L.; Young, M.; Quesada, N.; Begg, G. (2017) Aphid infestations and biocontrol in cereal crops in Scotland: effects of winter cropping across three regions., 7th Meeting of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity in Conjunction with a British Ecological Society Agricultural Ecology Special Interest Group Meeting, Dundee, 29-31 March 2017. Landscape management for functional biodiversity IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 122, 90-93.
  • Kontopoulou, C.K.; Giagkou, S.; Stathi, E.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Savvas, D. (2016) Responses of hydroponically-grown common bean to N-starvation combined by root inoculation with N2-fixing bacteria., In: Benko, B, Toth, N. & Zutic, I. (eds.). Proceedings of the VI Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 September – 2 October 2014. ISHS Acta Horticulturae, No.1142, pp31-36.
  • Black, K.; Walker, G.; White, P.J.; Maluk, M.; Squire, G.R.; James, E.K.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Intercropping: pea supported production of barley for brewing and distilling., In: Abstracts of the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Liverpool, 11-14 December 2016. Conference paper and presentation
  • Black, K.; Walker, G.; White, P.J.; Karley, A.; Ramsay, L.; Ramsay, G.; James, E.K.; Squire, G.R.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Mainstream pulses: exploring local solutions to supply chain limitations., 2nd Conference of the International Legume Society, Legumes for a Sustainable World, Tróia, Portugal, 11-14 October 2016. Conference paper and presentation.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.; Ramsay, L.; Ramsay, G.; James, E.K.; Squire, G.R. (2016) Sustainable and profitable protein production using faba bean., 14th Congress of the European Society of Agronomy, in association with Association of Applied Biologists, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-9 September 2016. Conference paper and presentation.
  • Black, K.; Walker, G.; White, P.J.; Squire, G.R.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Intercropping for brewing and distilling., The 14th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, ESA14 – Growing Landscapes – Cultivating Innovative Agricultural Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-9 September 2016. (Conference paper and poster)
  • James, E.K.; Lopez del Egido, L.; Maluk, M.; Young, M.; Hawes, C.; Squire, G.R.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Nitrogen fixation by faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in a 4 year crop rotation in East Scotland., 12th European Nitrogen Fixation Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 25-28 August 2016. (Conference paper, presentation and poster).
  • Woods, N.; Gebril, A.; Mitchell, A.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Kenicer, G.; Tate, R.J.; Pickard, B.; Gray, A.I.; Ferro, V.A. (2016) Brain changing tubers: gene expression changes following mediaeval tuber consumption., 9th Joint Natural Products Conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-28 July 2016. (Conference paper and poster).
  • Kontopoulou, C.K.; Giagkou, S.; Stathi, E.; Savvas, D.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Responses of hydroponically-grown common bean to N-starvation combined by root inoculation with N-2-fixing bacteria., VI Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 September – 2 October 2014. Acta Horticulturae, 1142, 31-36.
  • Newton, A.C.; Karley, A.J.; Schob, C.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Iannetta, P.; Guy, D.C.; Black, K. (2016) How diverse can crop mixtures be in an integrated pest management context?, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp 73-80.
  • Walker, G.M.; Ianieri, J.; Moench, M.; Palomba, G.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2015) Potential of faba bean starch for distilled spirit production., In: Fotheringham, R., Goodall, I., Murray, D., Speers, R. A., Walker, G.M. (eds.). Distilled Spirits: Future Challenges and New Solutions. Proceedings of the 5th Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference, Glasgow, 8-11 September 2014. Packington : Context, 2015, ISBN: 97818990043712, pp13-17.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; James, E.K.; Smith, B.; Davies, C.; Karley, A.J.; Lopez del Egido, L.; Hawes, C.; Young, M.; Ramsay, G.; Birch, A.N.E.; Valentine, T.A.; Warburton-Brown, C.; Goldring, A.; Hughes, T.; Sprent, J.; Wolfe, M.; Rees, R.M. (2013) Sustainable intensification: a pivotal role for legume supported cropped systems., AAB/BeS-AeG Rethinking Farmed Systems in the UK, St. Catherine’s College University of Oxford, 18-19 December 2013. Co-organiser/Invited speaker. Aspects Applied Biology 121, 73-82.
  • Squire, G.R.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J. (2012) Impacts of GMHT crops on biodiversity and ecosystem services., MEACB Meeting of the European Advisory Committee on Biosafety. Paris, France, 13-14 December 2012.
  • James, E.K.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Doherty, S.; Young, M.W.; Hawes, C.; Squire, G.R.; (2012) Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by faba bean at the Centre for Sustainable Cropping (CSC), Dundee, Scotland., 10th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference. Munich, 2-5 September 2012.
  • Squire, G.R.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.; Karley, A.J. (2012) Impacts of GMHT crops on biodiversity and ecosystem services., MEACB Meeting of the European Advisory Committee on Biosafety, Paris, France, 13-14 December 2012.
  • Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Birch, A.N.E.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Squire, G.R.; Young, M.W. (2011) Managing landscape cropping patterns in support of arable biodiversity., Association of Applied Biologists – Agricultural Ecology Research: It’s Role in Delivering Sustainable Farm Systems, Dundee, 15-16 June 2011 (Talk).
  • Karley, A.J.; Hawes, C.; Valentine, T.A.; Johnson, S.N.; Toorop, P.E.; Squire, G.R.; Young, M.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2011) Can arable weeds contribute to ecosystem service provision? Functional diversity in shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris L. Medik.)., Aspects of Applied Biology, Agricultural Ecology Research: Its role in delivering sustainable farm systems, Dundee, 15-16 June 2011, 109, pp31-38.
  • Young, M.W.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; James, E.K.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R. (2011) Increasing the sustainability of arable yield and reducing the dependence on chemical N fertilisers., Aspects of Applied Biology, Agricultural Ecology Research: Its role in delivering sustainable farm systems, Dundee, 15-16 June 2011, 109, pp81-86.
  • James, E.K.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Squire, G.R. (2010) Nodulation of agriculturally and ecologically important legumes in East Scotland by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. vicieae., Nitrogen and Global Change Conference, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, 11-14 April 2010.
  • Cristescu, C.; Harren, F.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2010) Continuous monitoring of ethylene emission from berries in planta., Berries: From Genomics to Sustainable Production Quality and Health, 28th International Horticultural Congress. Lisboa, Spain, 22-27 August 2010.
  • Deng, W.; Jeng, D.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2010) Mathematical modellingof mucilage expansion on myxospermous seeds of Capsella bursa-pastoris L. Medic (shepherd’s purse)., Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience Annual Symposium, West Park Centre, Dundee, 4 November 2010.
  • Watson, C.A.; Ball, B.C.; Hallett, P.D.; Hawes, C.; Hoad, S.P.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; McRoberts, N.; Squire, G.R.; Topp, C.F.E. (2010) Developing sustainable multi-functional cropping systems: integrating disciplinary approaches and scales., 11th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Montpellier, France, 29 August – 3 September 2010.
  • Karley, A.J.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Valentine, T.A.; Bingham, I.J.; Hoad, S.; Young, M.W.; Squire, G.R. (2010) Impact of plant traits on nitrogen-efficiency and compartmentation in arable systems., Association of Applied Biologists – Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Plants and Crops, Olde Barn Hotel, Marston, Lincs, UK 15-16 December 2010. Aspects of Applied Biology, 105, 89-96.
  • Begg, G.S.; Birch, A.N.E.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Young, M.W.; Squire, G.R. (2010) Engineering arable landscapes to balance the pros and cons of weeds., IOBC/wprs Working Group Meeting – Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity, Cambridge, 22 June – 1 July 2010.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; Boath, A.; James, E.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.J.; Maluk, M.; Ferrando Molina, F.; Newton, A.C.; Quilliam, R.; Squire, G. (2018) The potential of legume-supported food- and feed-chains to strengthen capacities for sustainable economic development., CECHR Annual Symposium, University of Dundee, Dundee, 21 May 2018.
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schöb, C. (2018) Plant genetics vs. trait diversity: impacts on weed community assembly., Scotland’s Biennial Land Use and Environment Conference XII, Rewarding the Delivery of Public Goods: How to Achieve this in Practice? Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 28-29 November 2018. (Poster).
  • Maluk, M.; Lafos, M.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; James, E.K. (2018) Developing elite rhizobial inoculants to improve the productivity of grain legume crops in the UK., XV European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), Geneva, Switzerland, 27-31 August 2018. (Poster presentation).
  • Muel, F.; Magrini, M.B.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Blosseville, N.; Vickers, R. (2018) A new era for an old challenge: legume supported food and feed chains in Europe., 7th International Food Legume Research Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 6-8 May 2018.
  • Vasconcelos, M.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2018) TRUE – TRansition paths to sUstainable legume base systems in Europe., Innovation in the Supply Chain, Workshop hosted by EC, EIP-Agri, Lyon, France, 6-7 February 2018. Poster presentation.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2018) Legumes are a foundation for sustainable food systems: but what are they?, The Beauty and Science of Plants Exhibition, Lamb Gallery, Dundee University 27 January – 28 February 2018. (Poster). Presentation at Evening Reception.
  • Ferrando-Molina, F.; Maluk, M.; Newton, A.C.; Quilliam, R.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2018) Screening of nodulating bacteria for tolerance to desiccation stress., The James Hutton Institute PhD Student Retreat, Birnam, Dunkeld, 8-9 March 2018. Poster presentation.
  • Newton, A.C.; Iannetta, P.M.M. (2018) Case study 5: Intercropping for high productivity low input systems., Transition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe (TRUE), General Assembly, The Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, 16-20 April 2018. (Poster abstract0
  • Black, K.; Walker, G.; White, P.J.; Squire, G.R.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2017) Legume supported cereal production., Poster presentation to a visiting Chinese delegation led by Director General Dr. Jia of CRDTC the SMART FARM Imitative, Easter Howgate Farm, 16 October 2017.
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.; Karley, A.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schoeb, C. (2016) Plant genetic vs. trait diversity: impacts on weed community assembly, British Ecological Society 2016 Annual Meeting, Liverpool, 11-14 December 2016. (Poster)
  • Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Begg, G.S. (2016) Sustainable deintensification., Problems and Solutions in Food Security – from Surf to Turf. Scottish Universities Insight Institute (SUII), University of Strathclyde Glasgow, 23-24 May 2016. Poster.
  • Squire, G.R.; Young, M.W.; Banks, G.; Ford, L.; Quesada Pizarro N.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J. (2016) Deintensify or die?, SRUC-SEPA Conference, What Future for our Farming Systems? Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions. Agriculture and the Environment XI, Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh 1-2 March 2016.
  • Dello Jacovo, E.; James, E.K.; Kenicer, G.; Park, L.; Valentine, T.A.; Bonomi, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2015) Conserving rare and endangered mountain legumes in the genera Astragalus and Oxytropis., British Ecological Society, Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, 14-16 December 2015. Poster presentation.
  • Dello Jacovo, E.; James, E.K.; Kenicer, G.; Park, L.; Valentine, T.A.; Bonomi, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2015) Standardising a methodological approach to characterise wild legume seed germination and seedling performance for conservation and restoration purposes: Lathyrus and Astragalus as models., International Conference of Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France, 2-6 August 2015. Poster presentation.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M. (2014) An abstract after interview by a journalist from the Fresh Produce Journal on ‘Seed vaults’, 12 December 2014.,
  • Ianieri, J.; Moench, M.; Clark, F.; Duncan, K.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Walker, G. (2014) Faba bean for sustainable ethanol production., In: Abstracts of the Young Scientists Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, 28-30 October 2014. (Poster)
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; James, E.K.; Hawes, C.; Lopez Del Egido, L.; Karley, A.; Olukosi, O.; Houdijk, J.; Crampton, V.; Moench, M.; Palomba, G.; Ianieri, J.; Clarke, F.; Duncan, K.; Squire, G.; Walker, G.; Ramsay, G. (2014) The road less travelled: from ‘ecological services’ to ‘agronomic practice., In: Abstracts of the European Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, University of Debrecen, Hungary 25-29 September 2014. Poster presentation.
  • Woods, N.; Burns, J.; Laverack, G.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Gray, A.I.; Ferro, V.A. (2014) Chemical composition of seed oil from Borago officinalis., Science Day, University of Strathclyde, March 2014. Abstract and Poster.
  • Burchill, W.; Li, D.; Lanigan, G.; Williams, M.; James, E.K.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Humphreys, J. (2014) Comparisons of biological nitrogen (N) fixation of white clover measured using two 15N techniques under four fertiliser N input., 10th Congress on Agriculture and the Environment X, Delivering Multiple Benefits from our Land: Sustainable Development in Practice, John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh, 15-16 April 2014. (Poster presentation)
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Young, M.W.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R. (2012) Modelling the utility of legumes: increasing the sustainability of arable yield and reducing the dependence on inorganic nitrogenous fertilisers., 12th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Helsinki, Finland, 20-24 August 2012 (Poster).