Phoebe Somervail

Research Assistant
Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

I am a research assistant in the Sustainable Transitions and Behaviours group of the Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences department (SEGS). I joined the institute as a graduate research assistant in 2021 and progressed to my current role in May of the same year. 

The main duties of my role involve contributing to the delivery of qualitative and quantitative research projects by assisting with method design, stakeholder engagement, interviews, workshops, data entry and synthesis, report writing and literature reviews. I also help run the SEGS department Twitter account (@HuttonSEGS).


Technical / contract reports

  • Nazli Koseoglu, M.; Engelmann, T.; Somervail, P.; Piras, S. (2024) D45 Policy brief food waste prevention and reduction in the fish supply chain, H2020 Lowinfood deliverable, pp.1-14
  • Colley, K.; Chen, J.; Somervail, P.; Britton, A.; Miller, D. (2024) Key household behaviours impacting on outdoor air quality, The Scottish Government
  • MacLean, L.; Marshall, A.; Somervail, P.; Conniff, A.; Irvine, K. (2023) Children and young people’s engagement with nature: A narrative review, Interim report.
  • Hopkins, J.; McKee, A.; Flanigan, S.; Barlagne, C.; Somervail, P. (2022) Scottish Farmers Intentions to Develop Agritourism ,
  • Somervail, P.; Flanigan, S.; McKee, A.; Hopkins, J. (2022) Agritourism in Scotland a review of literature, current context, and trajectory ,
  • Piras, S.; Somervail, P.; Engelmann, T. (2022) MS10: Supply chain dialogue in the fish value chain can start following the agreed protocol, H2020 Lowinfood milestone
  • Piras, S.; Engelmann, T.; Somervail, P.; Maclean, L.; Koseoglu, N.; Sandison, F.; Kapour, G.; Pietrangeli, R.; Nasso, M. (2022) D4.1 Protocol for the stakeholder dialogue – fish, H2020 Lowinfood deliverable
  • Wilson, R.; Hopkins, J.; Currie, M.; Potts, J.; Somervail, P.; Stevenson, T. (2021) National Islands Plan Survey Final Report, Social Research Report for the Scottish Government.
  • Dumitru, A.; Lema Blanco, I.; Albulescu, P.; Antosz, P.; Bouman, L.; Colley, K.; Craig, T.; Jager, W.; Macsinga, I.; Meskovic, E.; Mischkowski, N.; Pellegrini Masini, G.; Polhill, G.; Quinti, G.; Salt, D.; Somervail, P.; Wilson, R. (2021) Policy recommendations for each cluster of casestudies Insights from policy scenario workshops, SMARTEES Deliverable 5.2.
  • Koseoglu, N.M.; Piras, S.; Somervail, P.; MacLean, L. (2021) D1.4 Socio-economic data collection protocol, H2020 Lowinfood, pp. 1-203.
  • Scherhaufer, S.; Giordano, C.; Koseoglu, N.; Di Fiore, G.N.; Carloni, E.; Piras, S.; Gollnow, S.; MacLean, L.; Somervail, P.; Falasconi, L.; Obersteiner, G. (2021) D1.1 Methodological framework, H2020 LOWINFOOD Public Deliverables, pp.1-94.
  • Wilson R.; Colley, K.; Somervail, P.; Polhill, J.G.; Craig, T.; Salt, D.; Scalco, A.; Tiru, L-G.; Albulescu, P.; Macsinga, I.; Pellegrini-Masini, G.; Löfström, E.; Jager, W.; Antosz, P.; Bouman, L.; Dumitru, A. (2021) Integrated overview of choice behaviour and energy transitions in SMARTEES case studies, Report for SMARTEES Deliverable 4.2

Conference papers

  • Chen, J.; Colley, K.; Craig, T.; Somervail, P.; Polhill, G.; Hague, A.; Wooldridge, T.; Martinez Sanchez, G.; Lorenzo-Arribas, A.; Roxburgh, N. (2024) Social Representation of Everyday Circularity: For a better understanding of ideas and practices of circular economy through second-hand purchasing, Presentation at the 28th International Conference Association of People-Environment Studies, 2-5 July 2024, Barcelona
  • Hague, A.; Wooldridge, T.; Bender, F.; Somervail, P.; Colley, K.; Chen, J.; Craig, T. (2024) Being circular in a linear economy – perspectives from practitioners, Presentation at the 28th International Conference Association of People-Environment Studies, 2-5 July 2024, Barcelona
  • Colley, K.; Craig, T.; Scholz, G.; Hague, A.; Wilson, R.; Polhill, G.; Salt, D.; Somervail, P.; Nazli Koseoglu, M.; Wooldridge, T. (2022) The role of individuals and households in the transition to a circular economy a social simulation approach, International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS) 2022 conference, online
  • Hague, A.; Stevenson, T.; Craig, T.; Colley, K.; Somervail, P. (2022) Acting locally intermediary actors and the transition to a low carbon economy, IAPS 2022 Conference, 4 – 8 July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal and Online

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Chen, J.; Craig, T.; Colley, K.; Hague, A.; Heban, S.; Somervail, P.; Wooldridge, T.; Martinez Sanchez, G.; Polhill, G.; Ballesteros Figueroa, A. (2023) Poster presentation in 2023 Social Simulation Conference, Social Simulation Conference 2023, 4-8 September 2023, Glasgow
  • Hague, A.; Colley, K.; Wooldridge, T.; Somervail, P.; Chen, J.; Ballesteros Figueroa, A.; Craig, T. (2023) Transitioning to a circular economy: Everyday circular behaviours, Poster, SEFARI
  • Colley, K.; Wilson, R.; Craig, T.; Polhill, G.; Salt, D.; Pinker, A.; Somervail, P. (2021) SMARTEES: Modelling household uptake of a city-wide district heat network in Aberdeen, Scotland. Virtual poster for Behavior, Environment and Climate Change Conference 2021, Virtual poster for Behavior, Environment and Climate Change Conference 2021, 8-10 November 2021, Online