Nick carries out research on wildlife ecology in general and especially on terrestrial insect ecology. He has particular research interests in the groups Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and Auchenorrhyncha (plant bugs). His current work focuses especially on how biodiversity responds to changes in land management and includes coordination of the Glen Finglas grazing experiment as well as work on upland habitat restoration schemes. Nick also works on endangered species and is currently carrying out work to support the Scottish Wildcat Conservation Action Plan.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Hancock, M.H.; Newey, S.; Shackelford, G.; Toney, R. (2021) Use of a novel camera trapping approach to measure small mammal responses to peatland restoration., European Journal of Wildlife Research, 67, Article No. 12
- Malm, L.E.; Pearce-Higgins, J.W.; Littlewood, N.A.; Karley, A.J.; Karaszewska, E.; Jaques, R.; Pakeman, R.J.; Redpath, S.M.; Evans, D.M. (2020) Livestock grazing impacts components of the breeding productivity of a common upland insectivorous passerine: Results from a long-term experiment., Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, 1514-1523.
- Pravia, A.; Andersen, R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Pakeman, R.J.; Littlewood, N.A. (2019) Restoration trajectory of carabid functional traits in a formerly afforested blanket bog., Acta Zoologica Academiaea Scientiarum Hungaricae, 65, 33-56.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Fielding, D.A.; Everts, L.; Littlewood, N.A. (2019) Long term impacts of changed grazing regimes on the vegetation of heterogeneous upland grasslands., Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, 1794-1805.
- Pozsgai, G.; Baird, J.; Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Young, M.R. (2018) Phenological changes of the most commonly-sampled ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) species in the UK environmental change network., International Journal of Biometeorology, 62, 1063-1074.
- Stockan, J.A.; Robinson, E.J.H.; Littlewood, N.A. (2017) Surveys for Formicoxenus nitidulus in northern Scotland., British Journal of Entomology and Natural History, 30, 245-246.
- Calladine, J.; Humphreys, E.M.; Gilbert, L.; Furness, R.W.; Robinson, R.A.; Fuller, R.J.; Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Ferguson, J.; Thompson, C. (2017) Continuing influences of introduced hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus as a predator of wader (Charadrii) eggs four decades after their release on the Outer Hebrides, Scotland., Biological Invasions, 19, 1981-1987.
- Mitchell, R.J.; Broome, A.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Ellis, C.J.; Hester, A.J.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Iason, G.R.; Littlewood, N.A.; Newey, S.; Pozsgai, G.; Ramsay, S.; Riach, D.; Stockan, J.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2017) Challenges in assessing the ecological impacts of tree diseases and mitigation measures: the case of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Fraxinus excelsior., Baltic Forestry, 23, 116-140.
- Hudson, L.N.; Newbold, T.; Contu, S.; Hill, S.L.L.; Lysenko, I.; De Palma, A.; Phillips, H.R.R.; Alhusseini, T.I.; Bedford, F.E.; Bennett, D.J.; Booth, H.; Burton, V.J.; Chngh, C.W.T.; Choimes, A.; Correia, D.L.P.; Day, J.; Echeverria-Londono, S.; Emerson, S.R.; Gao, D.; Garon, M.; Harrison, M.L.K.; Ingram, D.J.; Jung, M.; Kemp, V.; Kirkpatrick, L.; Martin, C.D.; Pan, Y.; Pask-Hale, G.D.; Pynegar, E.L.; Robinson, A.N.; Sanchez-Ortiz, K.; Senior, R.A.; Simmons, B.I.; White, H.J.; Zhang, H.; Aben, J.; Abrahamczyk, S.; Adum, G.B.; Aguilar-Barquero, V.; Aizen, M.A.; Albertos, B.; Alcala, E.L.; Alguacil, M.; Alignier, A.; Ancrenaz, M.; Andersen, A.N.; Arbelaez-Cortes, E.; Armbrecht, I.; Arroyo-Rodriquez, V.; Aumann, T.; Axmacher, J.C.; Azhar, B.; Azpiroz, A.B.; Baeten, L.; Bakayoko, A.; Baldi, A.; Banks, J.E.; Baral, S.K.; Barlow, J.; Barratt, B.I.P.; Barrico, L.; Bartolommei, P.; Barton, D.M.; Basset, Y.; Batary, P.; Bates, A.J.; Baur, B.; Bayne, E.M.; Beja, P.; Benedick, S.; Berg, A.; Bernard, H.; Berry, N.J.; Bhatt, D.; Bicknell, J.E.; Bihn, J.H.; Blake, R.J.; Bobo, K.S.; Borges, P.A.V.; Borges, S.H.; Boutin, C.; Bouer, J.; Bragagnolo, C.; Brandt, J.S.; Buczkowski, G.; Buddle, C.M.; Bugter, R.; Buscardo, E.; Buse, J.; Cabra-Garcia, J.; Caceres, N.C.; Cagle, N.L.; Calvino-Cancela, M.; Cameron, S.A.; Cancello, E.M.; Caparros, R.; Cardoso, P.; Carpenter, D.; Carrijo, T.F.; Carvalho, A.L.; Cassano, C.R.; Castro, H.; Castro-Luna, A.A.; Cerda, B.R.; Cerezo, A.; Chapman, K.A.; Chauvat, M.; Christensen, M.; Clarke, F.M.; Cleary, D.F.R.; Colombo, G.; Connop, S.P.; Craig, M.D.; Cruz-Lopez, L.; Cunningham, S.A.; D’Aniello, B.; D’Cruze, N.; da Silva, P.G.; Dallimer, M.; Danquah, E.; Darvill, B.; Dauber, J.; Davis, A.L.V.; Dawson, J.; de Sassi, C.; de Thoisy, B.; Deheuvels, O.; Dejean, A.; Devineau, J.L.; Diekotter, T.; Dolia, J.V.; Dominguez, E.; Dominguez-Haydar, Y.; Dorn, S.; Draper, I.; Dreber, N.; Dumont, B.; Dures, S.G.; Dynesius, M.; Edenius, L.; Eggleton, P.; Eigenbrod, F.; Elek, Z.; Entling, M.H.; Esler, K.J.; De Lima, R.F.; Faruk, A.; Farwig, N.; Fayle, T.M.; Felicioli, A.; Felton, A.M.; Fensham, R.J.; Fernandez, I.C.; Ferreira, C.C.; Ficetola, G.F.; Fiera, C.; Filgueiras, B.K.C.; Firincioglu, H.K.; Flaspohler, D.; Floren, A.; Fonte, S.J.; Fournier, A.; Fowler, R.E.; Franzen, M.; Fraser, L.H.; Fredriksson, G.M.; Freire, G.B.; Frizzo, T.L.M.; Fukuda, D.; Furlani, D.; Gaigher, R.; Ganzhorn, J.U.; Garcia, K.P.; Garcia, J.C.; Garden, J.G.; Garilleti, R.; Ge, B.M.; Gendreau-Berthiaume, B.; Gerard, P.J.; Gheler-Costa, C.; Gilbert, B.; Giordani, P.; Giordano, S.; Golodets, C.; Gomes, L.G.L.; Gould, R.K.; Goulson, D.; Gove, A.D.; Granjon, L.; Grass, I.; Gray, C.L.; Grogan, J.; Gu, W.B.; Guardiola, M.; Gunawardene, N.R.; Gutierrez, A.G.; Gutierrez-Lamus, D.L.; Haarmeyer, D.H.; Hanley, M.E.; Hanson, T.; Hashim, N.R.; Hassan, S.N.; Hatfield, R.G.; Hawes, J.E.; Hayward, M.W.; Hebert, C.; Helden, A.J.; Henden, J.A.; Henschel, P.; Hernaandez, L.; Herrera, J.P.; Herrmann, F.; Herzog, F.; Higuera-Diaz, D.; Hilje, B.; Hofer, H.; Hoffmann, A.; Horgan, F.G.; Hornung, E.; Horvath, R.; Hylander, K.; Isaacs-Cubides, P.; Ishida, H.; Ishitani, M.; Jacobs, C.T.; Jaramillo, V.J.; Jauker, B.; Hernandez, F.J.; Johnson, M.F.; Jolli, V.; Jonsell, M.; Juliani, S.N.; Jung, T.S.; Kapoor, V.; Kappes, H.; Kati, V.; Katovai, E.; Kellner, K.; Kessler, M.; Kirby, K.R.; Kittle, A.M.; Knight, M.E.; Knop, E.; Kohler, F.; Koivula, M.; Kolb, A.; Kone, M.; Korosi, A.; Krauss, J.; Kumar, A.; Kumar, R.; Kurz, D.J.; Kutt, AS.; Lachat, T.; Lantschner, V.; Lara, F.; Lasky, J.R.; Latta, S.C.; Laurance, W.F.; Lavelle, P.; Le Feon, V.; LeBuhn, G.; Legare, J.P.; Lehouck, V.; Lencinas, M.V.; Lentini, P.E.; Letcher, S.G.; Li, Q.; Litchwark, S.A.; Littlewood, N.A.; Liu, Y.H.; Lo-Man-Hung, N.; Lopez-Quintero, C.A.; Louhaichi, M.; Lovei, G.L.; et al. (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of ecological Diversity in Changing Terrestrial Systems)., Ecology and Evolution, 7, 145–188.
- Pozsgai, G.; Baird, J.; Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Young, M.R. (2016) Interspecific networks in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages., Ecological Indicators, 68, 134-141.
- Mitchell, R.J.; Pakeman, R.J.; Broome, A.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Brooker, R.W.; Ellis, C.J.; Hester, A.J.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Iason, G.R.; Littlewood, N.A.; Pozsgai, G.; Ramsay, S.; Riach, D.; Stockan, J.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2016) How to replicate the functions and biodiversity of a threatened tree species? the case of Fraxinus excelsior in Britain., Ecosystems, 19, 573-586.
- Pozsgai, G.; Baird, J.; Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Young, M. (2016) Long-term changes in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in Scotland., Ecological Entomology, 41, 157-167.
- Evans, D.M.; Villar, N.; Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Evans, S.A.; Dennis, P.; Skartveit, J.; Redpath, S.M. (2015) The cascading impacts of livestock grazing in upland ecosystems: a 10 year experiment., Ecosphere, 6(3), Article No. 42.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Nau, B.S.; Pozsgai, G.; Stockan, J.A.; Stubbs, A.; Young, M.R. (2015) Invertebrate species at risk from ash dieback in the UK., Journal of Insect Conservation, 19, 75-85.
- Hudson, L.N.; Newbold, T.; Contu, S.; Hill, S.L.L.; Lysenko, I.; De Palma, A.; Phillips, H.R.P.; Senior, R.A.; Bennett, D.J.; Booth, H.; Choimes, A.; Correia, D.L.P.; Day, J.; Echeverria-Londono, S.; Garon, M.; Harrison, M.L.K.; Ingram, D.J.; Jung, M.; Kemp, V.; Kirkpatrick, L.; Martin, C.D.; Pan, Y.; White, H.J.; Aben, J.; Abrahamczyk, S.; Adum, G.B.; Aguilar-Barquero, V.; Aizen, M.A.; Ancrenaz, M.; Arbelaez-Cortes, E.; Armbrecht, I.; Azhar, B.; Azpiroz, A.B.; Baeten, L.; Baldi, A.; Banks, J.E.; Barlow, J.; Batary, P.; Bates, A.J.; Bayne, E.M.; Beja, P.; Berg, A.; Berry, N.J.; Bicknell, J.E.; Bihn, J.H.; Bohning-Gaese, K.; Boekhout, T.; Boutin, C.; Bouyer, J.; Brearley, F.Q.; Brito, I.; Brunet, J.; Buczkowski, G.; Buscardo, E.; Cabra-Garcia, J.; Calvino-Cancela, M.; Cameron, S.A.; Cancello, E.M.; Carrijo, T.F.; Carvalho, A.L.; Castro, H.; Castro-Luna, A.A.; Cerda, R.; Cerezo, A.; Chauvat, M.; Clarke, F.M.; Cleary, D.F.R.; Connop, S.P.; D’Aniello, B.; da Silva, P.G.; Darvill, B.; Dauber, J.; Dejean, A.; Diekotter, T.; Dominguez-Haydar, Y.; Dormann, C.F.; Dumont, B.; Dures, S.G.; Dynesius, M.; Edenius, L.; Elek, Z.; Entling, M.H.; Farwig, N.; Fayle, T.M.; Felicioli, A.; Felton, A.M.; Ficetola, G.F.; Filgueiras, B.K.C.; Fonte, S.J.; Fraser, L.H.; Fukuda, D.; Furlani, D.; Ganzhorn, J.U.; Garden, J.G.; Gheler-Costa, C.; Giordani, P.; Giordano, S.; Gottschalk, M.S.; Goulson, D.; Gove, A.D.; Grogan, J.; Hanley, M.E.; Hanson, T.; Hashim, N.R.; Hawes, J.E.; Hebert, C.; Helden, A.J.; Henden, J.A.; Hernandez, L.; Herzog, F.; Higuera-Diaz, D.; Hilje, B.; Horgan, F.G.; Horvath, R.; Hylander, K.; Isaacs-Cubides, P.; Ishitani, M.; Jacobs, C.T.; Jaramillo, V.J.; Jauker, B.; Jonsell, M.; Jung, T.S.; Kapoor, V.; Kati, V.; Katovai, E.; Kessler, M.; Knop, E.; Kolb, A.; Korosi, A.; Lachat, T.; Lantschner, V.; Le Feon, V.; LeBuhn, G.; Legare, J.P.; Letcher, S.G.; Littlewood, N.A.; Lopez-Quintero, C.A.; Louhaichi, M.; Lovei, G.L.; Lucas-Borja, M.E.; Luja, V.H.; Maeto, K.; Magura, T.; Mallari, N.A.; Marin-Spiotta, E.; Marshall, E.J.P.; Martinez, E.; Mayfield, M.M.; Mikusinski, G.; Milder, J.C.; Miller, J.R.; Morales, C.L.; Muchane, M.N.; Muchane, M.; Naidoo, R.; Nakamura, A.; Naoe, S.; Nates-Parra, G.; Navarrete Gutierrez, D.A.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Noreika, N.; Norfolk, O.; Noriega, J.A.; Noske, N.M.; O’Dea, N.; Oduro, W.; Ofori-Boateng, C.; Oke, C.O.; Osgathorpe, L.M.; Paritsis, J.; Parra-H.A.; Pelegrin, N.; Peres, C.A.; Persson, A.S.; Petanidou, T.; Phalan, B.; Philips, T.K.; Poveda, K.; Power, E.F.; Presley, S.J.; Proenca, V.; Quaranta, M.; Quintero, C.; Redpath-Downing, N.A.; Reid, J.L.; Reis, Y.T.; Ribeiro, D.B.; Richardson, B.A.; Richardson, M.J.; Robles, C.A.; Rombke, J.; Romero-Duque, L.P.; Rosselli, L.; Rossiter, S.J.; Roulston, T.H.; Rousseau, L.; Sadler, J.P.; Safian, S.; Saldana-Vazquez, R.A.; Samnegard, U.; Schuepp, C.; Schweiger, O.; Sedlock, J.L.; Shahabuddin, G.; Sheil, D.; Silva, F.A.B.; Slade, E.M.; Smith-Pardo, A.H.; Sodhi, N.S.; Somarriba, E.J.; Sosa, R.A.; Stout, J.C.; Struebig, M.J.; Sung, Y.H.; Threlfall, C.G.; Tonietto, R.; Tothmeresz, B.; Tscharntke, T.; Turner, E.C.; Tylianakis, J.M.; Vanbergen, A.J.; Vassilev, K.; Verboven, H.A.F.; Vergara, C.H.; Vergara, P.M.; Verhulst, J.; Walker, T.R.; Wang, Y.; Watling, J.I.; Wells, K.; Williams, C.D.; Willig, M.R.; Woinarski, J.C.Z.; Wolf, J.H.D.; Woodcock, B.A.; Yu, D.W.; Zaitsev, A.S.; Collen, B.; Ewers, R.M.; Mace, G.M.; Purves, D.W.; Scharlemann, J.P.W.; Purvis, A. (2014) The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts., Ecology and Evolution, 4, 4701-4735.
- Mitchell, R.J.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Broome, A.; Chetcuti, J.; Eaton, S.; Ellis, C.J.; Gimona, A.; Harmer, R.; Hester, A.J.; Hewison, R.L.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Iason, G.R.; Kerr, G.; Littlewood, N.A.; Newey, S.; Potts, J.M.; Pozsgai, G.; Ray, D.A.; Stockan, J.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2014) Ash dieback in the UK: a review of the ecological and conservation implications and potential management options., Biological Conservation, 175, 95-109.
- Pozsgai, G.; Littlewood, N.A. (2014) Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) population declines and phenological changes: is there a connection?, Ecological Indicators, 41, 15-24.
- Gilbert, L.; Karley, A.; Becker, L.; Littlewood, N. (2014) Can changing land management help deliver biodiversity benefits?, In: Agriculture and the Environment. Delivering Multiple Benefits from our Land: Sustainable Development in Practice. Proceedings of the SRUC and SEPA Biennial Conference, Edinburgh April 2014.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Greenwood, S.; Quin, S.L.O.; Pakeman, R.J.; Woodin, S.J. (2014) Long-term trends in restored moorland vegetation assemblages., Community Ecology, 15, 104-112.
- Quin, S.L.O.; Artz, R.R.E.; Coupar, A.M.; Littlewood, N.A.; Woodin, S.J. (2014) Restoration of upland heath from a graminoid- to a Calluna vulgaris-dominated community provides a carbon benefit., Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 185, 133-143.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2013) Detection and identification of immature drake Black Scoters., Scottish Birds, 31, 82-87.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Stewart, A.J.A.; Woodcock, B.A. (2012) Science into practice – how can fundamental science contribute to better management of grasslands for invertebrates?, Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5, 1-8.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Pozsgai, G. (2012) Grazing impacts on Auchenorrhyncha diversity and abundance on a Scottish upland estate., Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5, 67-74.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Black scoter at Murcar and Blackdog, June – August 2011 – a first for North-east Scotland., Scottish Birds, 31, 288–290.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Stewart, A.J.A. (2011) Upland Auchenorrhyncha at Glen Finglas, Perthshire., The Glasgow Naturalist, 25, 61-65.
- Pozsgai, G.; Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Changes in the phenology of the ground beetle Pterostichus madidus (Fabricius, 1775)., Insect Science, 18, 462-472.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Philophorus cinnamopterus (Kirschbaum, 1865) (HET.: MIRIDAE) in Edinburgh – a new species for Scotland., Entomologist’s Journal and Record of Variation, 123, 53-54.
- Morecroft, M.D.; Bealey, C.E.; Beaumont, D.A.; Benham, S.; Brooks, D.R.; Burt, T.P.; Critchley, C.N.R.; Dick, J.; Littlewood, N.A.; Monteith, D.T.; Scott, W.A.; Smith, R.I.; Walmesley, C.; Watson, H. (2009) The UK Environmental Change Network: Emerging trends in the composition of plantand animal communities and the physical environment., Biological Conservation, 142, 2814-2832.
- Vandenberge, C.; Prior, G.; Littlewood, N.A.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J. (2009) Influence of livestock grazing on meadow pipit foraging behaviour in upland grassland., Basic and Applied Ecology, 10, 662-670.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Woodin, S.J. (2009) Isolation of habitat patches limits colonisation by moorland Hemiptera., Journal of Insect Conservation, 13, 29-36.
Books / chapters
- Littlewood, N.A. (ed.) (2011) North East Scotland Bird Report 2009., North East Scotland Bird Club, ISSN 0962-6417.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Shoveler., In: The Breeding Birds of North East Scotland (ed. M. Cook and I. Francis). Scottish Ornithologist’s Club, Aberdeen, pp70-71.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Pintail., In: The Breeding Birds of North East Scotland (ed. M. Cook and I. Francis). Scottish Ornithologist’s Club, Aberdeen, pp66-67.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Mallard., In: The Breeding Birds of North East Scotland (ed. M. Cook and I. Francis). Scottish Ornithologist’s Club, Aberdeen, pp64-65.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Gadwall., In: The Breeding Birds of North East Scotland (ed. M. Cook and I. Francis). Scottish Ornithologist’s Club, Aberdeen, pp58-59.
- Littlewood, N. (ed.) (2010) North East Scotland Bird Report 2010., North East Scotland Bird Club, ISSN 0962-6417.
- Littlewood, N.A. (ed.) (2009) North East Scotland Bird Report 2008., North East Scotland Bird Club, ISSN 0962-6417.
- Littlewood, N.A. (ed.) (2009) North East Scotland Bird Report 2007., North East Scotland Bird Club, February 2009. ISSN 0962-6417.
Technical / contract reports
- Humphreys, E.M.; Gilbert, L.; Furness, R.W.; Littlewood, N.; Mitchell, R.J.; Pakeman, R.; Fuller, R.J.; Calladine, J. (2015) Scoping report to Uist Wader Research: Suggested research programme 2012-2014., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 497.
- Calladine, J.; Gilbert, L.; Humphreys, E.M.; Fuller, R.J.; Robinson, R.A.; Littlewood, N.A.; Mitchell, R.J.; Pakeman, R.J.; Furness, R.W. (2015) Predation studies on breeding waders of the Uist machair: Final report covering fieldwork undertaken in 2012-2014., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 811.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Campbell, R.D.; Dinnie, L.; Gilbert, L.; Hooper, R.; Iason, G.; Irvine, R.J.; Kilshaw, L.; Kitchener, A.; Lackova, P.; Newey, S.; Ogden, R.; Ross, A. (2014) Survey and scoping of wildcat priority areas., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report, No 768.
- Mitchell, R.J.; Broome, A.; Harmer, R.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Brooker, R.W.; Duncan, R.; Ellis, C.J.; Hester, A.J.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Iason, G.R.; Littlewood, N.A.; Mackinnon, M.; Pakeman, R.J.; Pozsgai, G.; Ramsey S.; Riach, D.; Stockan, J. A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2014) Assessing and addressing the impacts of ash dieback on UK woodlands and trees of conservation importance (Phase 2)., Natural England Report.
- Calladine, J.; Furness, B.; Gilbert, L.; Humphreys, L.; Fuller, R.; Littlewood, N.; Mitchell, R.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2013) Predation studies on breeding waders of the Uists machair: second interim report describing fieldwork undertaken in 2012-2013., Interim Report to Scottish Natural Heritage, November 2013.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Dinnie, E.; Gilbert, L.; Hooper, R.J.; Iason, G.R.; Irvine, R.J.; Lackova, P.; Newey, S. (2013) Scoping and survey of wildcat priority areas: interim report., Unpublished Report to Scottish Natural Heritage, November 2013.
- Mitchell, R.J.; Bailey, S.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Brooker, R.W.; Broome, A.; Chetcuti, J.; Eaton, S.; Ellis, C.J.; Farren, J.; Gimona, A.; Goldberg, E.; Hall, J.; Harmer, R.; Hester, A.J.; Hewison, R.L.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Hooper, R.J.; Howe, L.; Iason, G.R.; Kerr, G.; Littlewood, N.A.; Morgan, V.; Newey, S.; Potts, J.M.; Pozsgai, G.; Ray, D.; Sim, D.A.; Stockan, J.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2013) Ash dieback: impacts on other species and understanding the ecology of ash., Report to JNCC.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Stockan, J.A. (2013) Surveillance of priority terrestrial invertebrates in Scotland., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No 609.
- Calladine, J.; Furness, B.; Gilbert, L.; Humphreys, L.; Fuller, R.; Littlewood, N.; Mitchell, R.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2012) Scoping report to Uist Wader Research – suggested research programme 2012-2014., Scottish Natural Heritage Report , January 2012.
- Calladine, J.; Furness, B.; Gilbert, L.; Humphreys, L.; Fuller, R.; Littlewood, N.; Mitchell, R.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2012) Predation studies on breeding waders of the Uists machair: second interim report describing fieldwork undertaken in 2012., Interim Report to Scottish Natural Heritage, October 2012.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Fielding, D. (2012) Response to consultation on management plan for Glen Finglas., Woodland Trust.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Assessing the ability of moorland restoration to deliver plant communities typical of long-established moors., Small Ecological Project Grant Report for British Ecological Society.
- Pakeman, R,J.; Beale, C.; Brooker, R,; Chamberlain, D.; Demars, B.O.L.; Iason, G.R.; McLeod, J.; Littlewood, N.; Lisewski, V.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2011) Prioritising species and habitat actions by Local Biodiversity Action Partnerships in Scotland., Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Bain, C.G.; Bonn, A.; Stoneman, R.; Chapman, S.J.; Coupar, A.; Evans, M.; Gearey, B.; Howat, M.; Joosten, H.; Keenleyside, C.; Labadz, J.; Lindsay, R.; Littlewood, N.; Lunt, P.; Miller, C.J.; Moxey, A.; Orr, H.; Reed, M.; Smith, P.; Swales, V.; Thompson, D.B.A.; Thompson, P.S.; van de Noort, R.; Wilson, J.D.; Worrall, F. (2011) IUCN UK Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands., IUCN UK Peatland Programme, Edinburgh. ISBN 978-0-9570572-1-0
- Brooker, R.W.; Britton, A.J.; Gimona, A.; Lennon, J.J.; Littlewood, N.A. (2011) Literature review: species translocations as a tool for biodiversity conservation during climate change., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report, No.440, Inverness.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Anderson, P.; Artz, R.R.E.; Bragg, O.; Lunt, P.; Marrs, R. (2010) Peatland biodiversity., A Technical Review for the IUCN Peatland Program.
- Towers, W.; Hester, A.J.; Pakeman, R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Littlewood, L.; Legg, C. (2010) Review of muirburn impacts on soil carbon and biodiversity., Invited presentation to the Scottish LFA Stakeholder Group.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Beale, C.M.; Britton, A.J.; Brooker, R.W.; Iason, G.R.; Langan, S.J.; Littlewood, N.A; Westaway, S. (2008) Evaluation of UK Biodiversity Action plan revised targets for Scotland., Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2007) Restoring heather on moors – taking a wider look., The Heather Trust Annual Report, 2007.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2002) Assessing moorland restoration by analysis of arthropod communities., The Heather Trust Annual Report.
Conference papers
- Stockan, J.A.; Littlewood, N.A. (2009) Recent research into the ecology and conservation of narrow-headed ant (Formica exsecta) in Scotland., Royal Entomological Society, Insect Conservation Special Interest Group Meeting, “Conservation of Aculeates”, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, 1 April 2009.
- Littlewood, N.A. (2009) Grazing management influences moth community structure on a Scottish upland estate., European Congress of Conservation Biology, 2nd, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, 1-5 September 2009.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Dennis, P.; Skartveit, J. (2008) Grazing impacts on upland grassland arthropods in Scotland with particular reference to moths., Society for Conservation Biology, Annual Meeting, Chattanga, Tennessee, USA, 13-17 July 2008.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Woodin, S.; Dennis, P. (2004) The response of hemipteran assemblages to the restoration of heather moorland., Entomology 2004, National Meeting of the Royal Entomological Society, University of York, 21-23 July 2004. Oral paper.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Woodin, S.; Dennis, P. (2004) The response of hemipteran assemblages to the restoration of heather moorland., International Congress of Entomology, XXII, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 15-21 August 2004. Oral paper.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Pravia, A.; Andersen, R.; Artz, R.R.E.; Boyd, K.; Littlewood, N. (2015) Evaluating peatland management for multiple ecosystem services., 3rd Flow Country Research Conference, Research in the ‘Flow Country: Taking Stock, Thurso, Caithness 27-30 October 2015.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Smart, C.; Bourne, L.; Musk, C.; Gilbert, L.; Littlewood, N.A. (2014) Peatland restoration success monitoring in the Flow Country., IUCN Peatland Conference, Peatland Action: Learning from Success, Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, 20-22 October 2014.
- Littlewood, N.; Pozsgai, G. (2014) Insect responses to peatland restoration., Flow Country Research Conference: Looking Forward, Thurso, Caithness, 4-7 March 2014. (Poster)
- Gilbert, J.L.; Karley, A.; Becker, L.; Littlewood, N.A. (2014) Can changing land management help deliver biodiversity benefits?, SRUC and SEPA Biennial Conference, Edinburgh, April 2014.
- Pozsgai, G.; Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J. (2013) Do differences in grazing pressure affect upland ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages?, XVIth European Carabidologists Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 22-27 September 2013. Abstract of an oral presentation.
- Becker, L.; Littlewood, N.A. (2012) Peat and restoration – impacts on insect assemblages. Preliminary findings., British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Birmingham, 17-20 December 2012. (Poster)
- Becker, L.; Littlewood, N. (2012) Peatland restoration – impacts on insect assemblages. Preliminary findings., Research in the Flow Country Conference, Environmental Research Institute, Thurso, 23-25 October 2012.
- Littlewood, N. (2012) Grazing impacts on upland biodiversity., Poster presentation for Ecological Sciences Review and subsequently at Glen Finglas Woodland Trust Visitor Centre, October 2013.
- Quin, S.; Greenwood, S.; Littlewood, N.; Artz, R.R.E.; Coupar, A.; Woodin, S. (2011) Moorland restoration: biodiversity and carbon stocks., Moors for the Future – Moorland Research Seminar, 23 March 2011.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Dennis, P.; Skartveit, J. (2008) Impacts of upland grazing on invertebrate assemblages: five years of the Glen Finglas experiment., Insects in a Changing Landscape, Scottish Regional Meeting of Royal Entomological Society, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, 20-21 October 2008.
- Stockan, J.A.; Littlewood, N.A.; Dennis, P. (2007) Riparian habitats., Leaflet for distribution to Farmers and Land Owners.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Woodin, S.J. (2004) The response of plant and moth assemblages to moorland restoration., British Ecological Society, Annual Meeting, Lancaster University, 7-9 September 2004.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Woodin, S. (2004) The response of plant and insect communities to moorland restoration., “How to Assess and Measure Biodiversity Within Restoration Projects?” Annual Meeting of the Working Group for Restoration Ecology of the GfO, Institute of Ecology, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 1-3 April, 2004.