Melvin Woodhouse

Senior International Development Officer
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
Melvin has an academic background in Water Resources, Environmental Biology, Water Law and Policy. He has 40 years of international experience living and working in several countries working for multilateral and bilateral agencies, national and community-based organisations, the private sector and as a self-employed consultant. Melvin works as a Senior International Development Officer with HNIC and the SPARKE project and is exploring opportunities and mechanisms to enable sharing of Hutton Science through collaboration and partnering approaches beyond current audiences.

Past research

Mar 2024: Peebles D, Woodhouse M, et al. Evaluation of the Sida support to the implementation of the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) Strategy 2018-2023. Sida, Stockholm.

Aug 2018: Abbott P.A, Woodhouse M, 2018 Decentralising the Governance of the Nexus: the challenges of politics and power in finding workable solutions to a democratic management of the landscape: Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference August 2018 – UK.

 April 2017: Stephen McCaffrey, John Murray, Melvin Woodhouse. “Promoting Equity, Cooperation and Innovation in the Fields of Transboundary Waters and Natural Resources Management”. The Legacy of Dr David J.H. Phillips.” BRILL/Nijhoff Publishing. International Water Law Series ISBN 978-90-04-31400-9

2014 – Mark Zeitoun,M, Woodhouse,M et al. Transboundary Water Justice: a Combined Reading of Critical Transboundary Water Interaction Analysis and Justice. Water Policy Vol 16 Supplement 2 2014 ISSN 1366-7017.

2012 – Peer reviewer – Shaping a New Water Governance – inter-governmental agencies contribution to the realization of the human right to water – Waterlex. (21st Session of the UN Human Rights Council).

2009 – Phillips, D.J.H & Woodhouse. M “Benefit Sharing on the Nile Basin” – nominated as Best Paper from World Water Week 2009 – SIWI Stockholm.

2009- Woodhouse.M. & Langford.M. Crossfire debate “There is no human right to water for livelihoodsWaterlines. Vol 28 No 1. January 2009

2009- Woodhouse. M. & Musse. H.A. “Water Policy in Puntland State Somalia.” Waterlines. Vol 28 No 1. January 2009

2008- Technical Reviewer. Global Corruption Report – Corruption in the Water Sector. Transparency International. Cambridge University Press.

2008-Woodhouse. M. & Zeitoun M. “Hydro Hegemony and International Water Law”. Water Policy Vol 10 S2 2008

 2005- Woodhouse. M. & Baur.P.  “Pandora’s Water Closet: competition, finance and water supplies for the poor”. Waterlines Vol 24 No2 October 2005.

2004- Woodhouse. M. “Threshold, Reporting and Accountability for a Right to Water under International Law”.  Water Law Review.  University of Denver. Vol 8 No 1.

2004- Woodhouse. M. & Baur.P. “The Legal, Institutional and Financial Framework to Enable Small Scale Service Provision of Rural Water Supplies in Africa”. Proceedings of “Good Water Governance” American Water Resources Association / University of Dundee. International Conference. Dundee

 2004- Woodhouse. M. “Realizing the Right to Water”. Waterlines Vol 23 No 1 July 2004.

 2003- Woodhouse. M. “Is Public Participation a rule of the law of International Watercourses?” Natural Resources Journal Vol.43 No1.

2002- Woodhouse. M. “How is ‘Democratic Accountability’ Being Established in the Scottish Water Industry?” J. Water Law Vol. 13 –2 April 2002 ISSN 0959 9754 LawText Publishing UK.

2001- Woodhouse. M. “Water Law and the Liberalized European Thermal Energy Market”. Proceedings of “Globalisation and Water Management” American Water Resources Association / University of Dundee. International Conference. Dundee.

2001 Editor. The Water Users Group Concept in Tanzania. SKAT ISBN 3-908156-01-7

1999- Woodhouse. M. “The status of latrines in Tanzania” , “Crisis monitoring of the Dar es Salaam Water Supply – predictive hydrology of the Ruvu catchment”– and “Field experiences from shallow well programmes in Tanzania.- a multi-agency study” Internal Technical Reports. UNICEF Tanzania.

1995- Drangert,J, Swiderski,R, & and M.Woodhouse,M. Editors. Linköping University, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Moi University. Proceedings of a conference on “Safe Water Environments”. Contains a paper “Local perceptions of ground water quality” by M. Woodhouse. ISBN 91-7871-715-9

1995- Woodhouse. M. World Bank RWSG EA. Hardware elements of hand pump technology. RWSG EA technical report.

1995- Woodhouse. M. Salinity and shallow wells: a view from the field. In Groundwater Quality, Ed Nash & Young. Chapman & Hall ISBN 0 412 58620 7.

1994- Woodhouse. M. van Dongen. P, Woodhouse. M. Finding Groundwater. A project managers’ guide to techniques and how to use them. Technical Report. Pub. IBRD/World Bank.

1992- Woodhouse. M. Community based evaluation. A video developed from slides. IDRC Canada.

1992- Woodhouse. M. Locating wells using Dowsing and Earth Conductivity in Kenya. J. British Society of Dowsers. Vol 35 Number 235 March 1992.

1992- Woodhouse. M. Natural indictors of ground water in Kibwezi Division, Kenya. J East African Natural History Society and Museums. Vol 81 No 197.

1990- Woodhouse. M. The Review, the involvement of local people in water supply and sanitation project evaluation. Presented at a joint UNDP/PROWWESS/ IDRC meeting, Geneva.

1990- Woodhouse. M. Well Construction Techniques in Kibwezi, Kenya. (RNC bulletin) AMREF.

1990- Woodhouse. M. Consumer Involvement in Bacteriological Testing of Well Water in Kibwezi, Kenya. Waterlines. Vol 4 No 8.

1989- Woodhouse. M. Community Participation and Sustainability, the case of Kibwezi Water Project, Kenya. J. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.

1989- Woodhouse. M. Operation and maintenance of Kibwezi Water Project. World Health Organisation, Division of Environmental Health. WHO/CWS/89.19

1989- Woodhouse. M. Safety in Well Construction. (RNC bulletin) AMREF