Maria Nijnik is a natural resource, ecological and climate change economist and a social scientist: Science Group Leader – Land and People; Research Leader – Natural Capital Valuation and Member of the Institute’s Science Strategy Group. Maria has worked at the Institute since 2002, after a period of postdoctoral research at the Free University, Amsterdam, and Wageningen University, in the Netherlands. She has a PhD in Social Sciences from Wageningen University in co-operation with the University of Victoria in Canada. Also, she has post-graduate qualifications from the Mansholt Institute and the Netherlands Network of General and Quantitative Economics (NAKE), a MSc in Environmental Policy and Management (EPCEM) from the Network of Dutch Universities, and a MSc/Dipl. Engineer’s degree with Distinction in forestry and wood-processing technology. She also has PhD in Economics, and is Professor in Forest Policy and Economics, Awardee of the Scientific Achievement Award of the International Union of Forest Ressearch Organizations (IUFRO) for her outstanding contributions to social science research on forestry, climate change and stakeholder evaluation, Awardee of Scientific Achievement Honour in recognition of her destinquished research in the field and her effectual Scientific Knowledge Exchange with Ukraine, the IUFRO-2022 Recognition, and she is a holder of several of BBSRC exceptional Performance Awards.
Maria’s work centres on the socio-economic aspects of global changes, including climate change, and land-use and landscape changes, with a particular focus on the resilience of social-ecological systems of forests, and multifunctional and sustainable management and use of natural assets. This includes work on the institutional aspects and economics of tackling climate change through LULUCF, the role of woodlands and forestry in the development of marginalised rural areas and communities, with a special focus on mountain regions, evaluation of ecosystem services, stakeholder evaluation and public attitudes to identifying resilient interventions for multiple benefits from using natural assets and managing of trade-offs, human dimensions of global changes and social innovation. The total list of publications exceeds 650 items, with about 70 scientific journal articles. She is a reviewer and Guest Editor for top ranking in her field of science international journals, books, tenders and projects. Maria co-supervised several PhD students, who have been exceptionally successful, including Dr Peter Orrell – the winner of the Converge Challenge 2018 Award and Dr Mariana Melnykovych who completed her PhD research under the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Forestry University (UNFU), Ukraine and the James Hutton Institute.
- Member of Defra Nature for Climate Fund Tree Planting Programme Evaluation Steering Group
- Member of UK Government Expert Committee on Forest Science
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the European Forest Institute(EFI) and SAB EFI Observer in the Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) for Policy Support in Europe
- Evaluator of proposals for a number of funding bodies, including the European Commission, NERC, BBSRC, and other Research Councils.
- Member of the Scientific Advisry Council of EURAC, Institute for Regional Development
- International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) Office holder – Coordinator of Unit 4.05.05 – Social Innovation and entrepreneurship
- Member member of the Steering Committee of Science for the Carpathians, expert of the Caprathian Convention, UNEP
- Maria took a lead in the Netherlands’ Palace Symposium “Depopulation of rural areas: analyses and perspectives” held on June 15, 2017, in the Royal Palace of Amsterdam. The ideas from the symposium were met with interest and encouragement by the honourable audience, which included HMs the King and Queen of the Netherlands, members of the Dutch Royal Family, representatives of the Amsterdam Royal Palace Foundation, the Mayor’s Office of Amsterdam City, Heads of Municipalities and others.
- Maria belongs to the international worksing group of the EFI co-authorising the Think Forest (from Science to Policy) Publication on the Future of Plantation Forests in Europe launched in Brussels. An EFI book “What Science Can Tell Us: Forest Bioenergy for Europe” – collaborative effort of experts from 12 countries with a leading role of Maria is advertised here, while the FAO ‘Forestry for a low-carbon future: Integrating forests and wood products in climate change strategies’ publication was launched in the Sheik Zayed Centre, Rome during COFO 23.
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of natural capital and ecosystem services valuation and the potential of social innovation to improve the livelihoods of communities were at the centre of discussions at at least 50 international conference sessions co-organised by Maria and her teams since 2016.
- Maria has been the Guest Edtor of a number of special journals issues. The most recent one, in the journal of Environmental Policy & Governance, was the issue on Social innovation to steer sustainable governance of nature. The Call is now open for submission of manuscripts to the Special Issue Innovation, Transition and Reconstruction of Forestry Oriented by Policies in the journal of Forests.
Coordinator of the Bringing in participatory approaches to widen the scope of natural capital valuation project funded by the Scottish Government (SG) RESAS Strategic Research Programme (SRP) 2022-2027; Contributor to the SG SRP projects on Climate change impacts on Natural Capital (led by Mike Rivington) and on Informing a socially and spatially just future for the Scottish rural economy (led by Jon Hopkins).
Maria has played a leading role in 8 EU funded projects and 4 COST Actions. She was Coordinator of H2020 project on Social Innovation (SI) in Marginalised Rural Areas No: 677622 – SIMRA – RIA, Topic: ISIB-03-2015 – Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and SI (2016-2020): The Consortium consisted of 26 partners from 15 countries; with 15 more involved, including Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Ukraine. It was rated by the EC and the media as an exceptionally successful project.
Maria is Principal investigator on the Horizon Europe project RURACTIVE – EMPOWERING RURAL COMMUNITIES TO ACT FOR CHANGE, 2023-2027.
She is Team member of the H2020 projects Sherpa (Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors) and FirEuRisk (Developing a holistic, risk-wise strategy for European wildfire management).
Maria has been HUTTON’s leading economist on Natural Assets of the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme (2016-2022) and Coordinator of the strand on Social Innovation. She contributed to EUH2020 (Project Agricultural knowledge: linking farmers, advisors & researchers to boost innovation) AgriLink, and led on Knowledge Integration, Scenarios and Recommendations for the Future of EU COST Action on “Enhancing the resilience capacity of sensitive mountain forest ecosystems under environmental change (SENSFOR)”, and was a Member of the Steering and Management Committees of SENSFOR.
Maria was the module leader of EC FP7 REDD-ALERT project on Reducing Emissions form Deforestation and Degradation; member of the Scottish Centre of Expertise on Climate Change and of the Ecosystem Service Community Scotland (ESCOM, Process area co-Leader). Maria has been a Member of the Scientific Advisory Boards on H2020 projects of InnoForESt (Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and PES) and MATILDE (Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas), and a member of the Committees on EC COST Actions FP1203 (Non-Wood Forest Products) and FP1207 (Forest-Related Policies).
Past research
Maria coordinated/contributed to EU projects/tenders of VISULANDS, ALTER-NET and REDD-ALERT, FORMOUNT, including H2020 SIMRA Coordination, BIOMES, UPDERPIN and many others. Among numerous projects of the past, she co-ordinated the UK component of COST Action FP0703 “Expected Climate Change and Options for European Silviculture” (ECHOES) and co-led on Climate Change Mitigation through forestry-based activities for Europe (34 countries). She led the Ecosystem Services Valuation component of the project on Nature Conservation and Ecosystem Service Delivery funded by the JNCC The coordinated by Maria project “Forestry and Climate Change: a Socio-Economic Perspective” was the Institute’s contribution to the first National Assessment of Forestry and Climate Change (“Combating Climate Change – A Role for UK Forests“).
- Sarkki, S.; Ludvig, A.; Fransala, J.; Melnykovych, M.; Zivojinovic, I.; Ravazzoli, E.; Bengoumi, M.; Nijnik, M.; Dalla Torre, C.; Górriz-Mifsud, E.; Labidi, A.; López Marco, L.; Sfeir, P.; Valero, D.; Joyce, K.; Chorti, H. (2024) Women-led social innovation initiatives contribute to gender equality in rural areas: Grounded theory on five initiatives from three continents, European Countryside
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Martino, S. (2024) Innovation in natural capital valuation, Trees, the magazine of UK Chartered Foresters
- Martino, S.; Martinat, S.; Joyce, K.; Poskitt, S.; Nijnik, M. (2024) A Classification and Interpretation of Methodological Approaches to Pursue Natural Capital Valuation in Forest Research, Forests, 15, 1716
- Xu, J.; Nijnik, M.; Cao, M.; Zhang, X. (2022) Social innovation in a typical social-ecological system in China: Identifying linkages between the dependence of key stakeholders on ecosystem services and the level of their multi-dimensional human well-being, Environmental Policy and Governance, 32(6), 532-545
- Sarkki, S.; Ludvig, A.; Nijnik, M.; Kopiy, S. (2022) Embracing policy paradoxes: EU’s Just Transition Fund and the aim “to leave no one behind”, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 22, 761-792
- Akinsete, E.; Vassilopoulos, A.; Secco L.; Pisani, E.; Nijnik, M.; Marini-Govigli, V.; Koundouri P.; Kafetzis, A. (2022) Social innovation for developing sustainable solutions in a fisheries sector, Environmental Policy and Governance, 32(6), 504-519
- Brnkalakova, S.; Melnykovych, M.; Nijnik, M.; Barlagne, C.; Pavelka, M.; Udovc, A.; Marek, M.; Kovac, U.; Kluvankova, T. (2022) Collective forestry regimes to enhance transition to climate smart forestry, Environmental Policy and Governance, 32(6), 492-503
- Sarkki, S.; Jokinen, M.; Heikkinen, H.I.; Nijnik, M.; Melnykovych, M.; Kluvankova, T. (2022) “Going out to get in”-Roles of forest conflicts in bottom-linked environmental governance progressing toward socio-political innovations, Environmental Policy and Governance, 32(6), 478-491
- Nijnik, M.; Kluvankova, T.; Melnykovych, M. (2022) The power of social innovation to steer sustainable governance of nature, Environmental Policy and Governance, 32(6), 453-458
- Barlagne, C.; Bézard, M.; Drillet, E.; Larade, A.; Diman, J.L.; Alexandre, G.; Vinglassalon, A.; Nijnik, M. (2021) Stakeholders engagement platform to identify sustainable pathways for the development of multi-functional agroforestry in Guadeloupe, French West Indies., Agroforestry Systems, 97, 463-479
- Nijnik, M.; Kluvánková, T.; Melnykovych, M.; Nijnik, A.; Kopiy, S.; Brnkalaková, S.; Sarkki, S.; Kopiy, L.; Fizyk, I.; Barlagne, C.; Miller, D.R. (2021) An institutional analysis and reconfiguration framework for sustainability research on post-transition forestry: a focus on Ukraine., Sustainability, 13(8), Article No. 4360
- Barlagne, C.; Melnykovych, M.; Miller, D.R.; Hewitt, R.J.; Secco, L.; Pisani, E.; Nijnik, M. (2021) What are the impacts of social innovation? A synthetic review and case study of community forestry in the Scottish Highlands., Sustainability, 13(8), Article No. 4359
- Kluvankova, T.; Nijnik, M.; Spacek, M.; Sarkki, S.; Lukesch, R.; Perlik, M.; Melnykovych, M.; Valero, D.; Brnkalakova, S. (2021) Social innovation for sustainability transformation and its diverging development paths in marginalised rural areas., Sociologia Ruralis, 61, 344-371
- Ravazzoli, E.; Dalla Torre, C.; Da Re, R.; Govigli, V.M.; Secco, L.; Górriz-Mifsud, E.; Pisani, E.; Barlagne, C.; Baselice, A.; Bengoumi, M.; Dijkshoorn-Dekker, M.; Labidi, A.; Lopolito, A.; Melnykovych, M.; Perlik, M.; Polman, N.; Sarkki, S.; Manfred Perlik, Nico Polman, Simo Sarkki, Vassilopoulos, A.; Koundouri, P.; Miller, D.R.; Streifeneder, T.; Nijnik, M. (2021) Can social innovation make a change in European and Mediterranean marginalized areas? Social innovation impact assessment in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development., Sustainability, 13(4), Article No. 1823
- Vercher, N.; Barlagne, C.; Hewitt, R.; Nijnik, M.; Esparcia, J. (2021) Whose narrative is it anyway? Narratives of social innovation in rural areas – a comparative analysis of community-led initiatives in Scotland and Spain., Sociologia Ruralis, 61(1), 163-189
- Sarkki, S.; Dalla Torre, C.; Fransala, J.; Zivojinovic , I.; Ludvig, A.; Górriz-Mifsud, E.; Melnykovych, M.; Sfeir, P.R.; Arbia, L.; Bengoumi, M.; Chorti, H.; Gramm, V.; López Marco, L.; Ravazzoli, E.; Nijnik, M. (2021) Reconstructive social innovation cycles in women led initiatives in rural areas., Sustainability, 13(3), Article No. 1241
- Nijnik, M.; Kluvánková, T.; Nijnik, A.; Kopiy, S.; Melnykovych, M.; Sarkki, S.; Barlagne, C.; Brnkalakova, S.; Kopiy, L.; Fizyk, I.; Miller, D.R. (2020) Is there scope for social innovation in Ukrainian forestry?, Sustainability, 12, Article No. 9674.
- Metzger, M.J.; Dick, J.; Gardner, A.; Bellamy, C.; Blackstock, K.L.; Brown, C.; Chisholm, R.; Cochrane, P.; Drewitt, J.; Gimona, A.; Hester, A.J.; Mathieson, S.; Nijnik, M.; McVittie, A.; Petr, M.; Smith, R.; Smith, M. (2019) Knowledge sharing, problem solving and professional development in a Scottish ecosystem services community of practice., Regional Environmental Change, 19, 2275-2286.
- Secco, L.; Pisani, E.; Da Re, R.; Rogelja, T.; Burlando, C.; Vicentini, K.; Pettenella, D.; Masiero, M.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2019) Towards a method of evaluating social innovation in forest-dependent communities: First suggestions from a science-stakeholder collaboration., Forest Policy and Economics, 104, 9-22.
- Sarkki, S.; Ficko, A.; Miller, D.R.; Barlagne, C.; Melnykovych, M.; Jokinen M.; Soloviy I.; Nijnik, M. (2019) Human values as catalysts and consequences of social innovations., Forest Policy and Economics, 104, 33-44.
- Sarkki, S.; Parpan, T.; Melnykovych, M.; Zahvoyska, L.; Derbal, J.; Voloshyna, N.; Nijnik, M. (2019) Beyond participation! Social-ecological innovations facilitating movement from technocratic state to collaborative landscape governance in Ukraine., Landscape Ecology, 34, 1601-1618.
- van Kooten, G.C.; Nijnik, M.; Bradford, K. (2019) Can carbon accounting promote economic development in forest-dependent indigenous communities?, Forest Policy and Economics, 100, 68-74.
- Nijnik, M.; Secco, L.; Miller, D.R.; Melnykovych, M. (2019) Can social innovation make a difference to forest-dependent communities?, Forest Policy and Economics, 100, 207-213.
- Kopiy, M.; Nijnik, A.; Kopiy, S.; Nijnik, M.; Kopiy, L.; Presner, R.; Fizyk, I.; Agij, V.; Zholobchuk, I. (2018) Forest restoration on the former industrial land of Sulphur quarry in the Ukrainian Roztochya., REFORESTA, 6, 15-30.
- Ludvig, A.; Weiss, G.; Sarkki, S.; Nijnik, M.; Zivojinovic, I. (2018) Mapping European and forest related policies supporting social innovation for rural settings., Forest Policy and Economics, 97, 146-152.
- Kluvánková, T.; Brnkal’áková. S.; Spacek, M.; Slee, R.; Nijnik, M.; Valero, D.; Miller, D.R.; Bryce, R.; Kozová, M.; Polman, N.; Szabo, T.; Gezik, V. (2018) Understanding social innovation for the well-being of forest-dependent communities: a preliminary theoretical framework., Forest Policy and Economics, 97, 163-174.
- Nijnik, M.; Nijnik, A.; Sarkki, S.; Munoz-Rojas, J.; Miller, D.R.; Kopiy, S. (2018) Is forest related decision-making in European treeline areas socially innovative? A Q methodology enquiry into the perspectives of international experts., Forest Policy and Economics, 92, 210-219.
- Melnykovych, M.; Nijnik, M.; Soloviy, I.; Nijnik, A.; Sarkki, S.; Bihun, Y. (2018) Social-ecological innovation in remote mountain areas: Adaptive responses of forest-dependent communities to the challenges of a changing world., Science of the Total Environment, 613-614, 894-906.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R. (2017) Valuation of ecosystem services: paradox or Pandora’s box for decision-makers?, One Ecosystem Journal, 2, Article No. e14808.
- Sarkki, S.; Jokinen M.; Nijnik, M.; Zahvoyska L.; Abraham, E.M.; Alados, C.L.; Bellamy, C.; Bratanova-Dontcheva, S.; Grunewald, K.; Kollar, J.; Krajcí, J.; Kyriazopoulos, A.P.; La Porta, N.; Monteiro, A.T.; Munoz-Rojas, J.; Parpan, T.; Sing, L.; Smith, M.; Sutinen, M.L.; Tolvanen, A.; Zhyla, T. (2017) Social equity in governance of ecosystem services: synthesis from European treeline areas., Climate Research, 73, 31-44.
Books / chapters
- Mitrofanenko , T.; Melnykovych, M; Kubal-Czerwinska, M.; Kuras, K.; Nijnik, M. (2023) Science-policy-practice collaborations towards sustainable development in the Carpathian Region, In: Schneiderbauer, S., Pisa, P., Szarzynski, J., Shroder, J. (eds.) Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems. A Global Challenge: Facing Emerging Risks, Adapting to Changing Environments and Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide. Elsevier
- Vacik H.; Wiersum, F.; Mutke, S.; Kurttila, M.; Sheppard, J.; Wong, J.; de Miguel, S.; Nijnik, M.; Spiecker, H.; Miina, J.; Huber P.; Melnykovych, M.; Tsioras, P.; Abraham, E.; Enescu, M.; Kyriazopoulos, A. (2020) Considering NWFP in multi-purpose forest management., In : Vacik, H. (eds.) Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe, Ecology and Management of Mushrooms, Tree Products, Understory Plants and Animal Products, Outcomes of the COST Action FP1203 on European NWFPs, BoD, Norderstedt, 79-123
- Freer-Smith, P.; Muys, B.; Bozzano, M.; Drossler, L.; Farrelly, N.; Jactel, H.; Korhonen, J.; Minotta, G.; Nijnik, M.; Orazio, C. (2019) Plantation forests in Europe: challenges and opportunities., From Science to Policy 9, European Forest Institute, 52pp.
- McVittie, A.; Novo-Nunez, P.; Nijnik, M. (2016) Valuation and natural capital accounting., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R.J. (eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp12-13.
- Nijnik, M. (2016) Multiple functions: an example of woodlands in Great Britain., In: Miller, D.R., Fry, G., Quine, C.P. & Morrice, J. (eds.). Managing and Planning Landscape Change: The Role of Visualisation Tools for Public Participation. Springer.
- Nijnik M.; Pajot, G. (2015) Accounting for uncertainties and time preference in economic analysis of tackling climate change through forestry and selected policy implications for Scotland and Ukraine., In: Ometto, J.P., Bun, R., Jonas, M. & Nahorski, Z. (eds.). Uncertainties in Greenhouse Gas Inventories – Expanding our Perspective. Springer International Publishing, pp227-240.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R. (2013) Chapter 25: Targeting sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services with special focus on carbon sequestration., In: Matyssek, R., Clarke, N., Cudlin, P., Mikkelsen, T.N., Tuovinen, J-P., Wieser, G. & Paoletti, E. (eds.). Climate Change, Air Pollution and Global Challenges: Understanding and Solutions from Forest Research. Elsevier. Chapter 25.9, pp547-568.
- Nijnik, M. (2010) Carbon capture and storage in forests., In: Hester, R. E. & Harrison, R.M. (eds.). Carbon Capture: Sequestration and Storage. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, 29, 203-238.
- Nijnik, M.; Bebbington, J.; Pajot, G.; Slee, B. (2009) Forestry and climate change: A socio-economic perspective., In: Read, D., Freer-Smith, P.H., Morison, J., Hanley, N., West, C., Snowdon, P. & Broadmeadow, M. (eds.). Combating Climate Change – a role for UK forests. An Assessment of the Potential of the UK’s Trees and Woodlands to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change, The Stationery Office, Edinburgh, Chapter 12, 201-208.
- Miller, D.R.; Vogt, N.; Nijnik, M.; Brondizio, E.; Fiorini, S. (2009) Integrating analytical and participatory techniques for planning the sustainable use of land resources and landscapes., In: Geertman, S.C.M. & Stillwell, J. (eds.). Planning Support Systems: New Methods and Best Practice. Advances in Spatial Science, Springer, New York, 317-345.
- Nijnik, M. (2008) MAB (Man and the biosphere); Protection and sustainable use of land; Forestry in woodlands used for recreation; Forest zoning for recreation; Resources for Recreation; Recreation; UNEP(united Nations Environmental Programme)., Ukrainian Encyclopaedia of Forestry, Volume 2, National Academy of Sciences, the Scientific Society and the Ukraine’s State Committee.
- Nijnik, M. (2008) Geography of forests; Mountain forests.; Forestry enterprises; Forestry used for recreation; Optimum share of forest area; Forest resources; Forest Zoning; Forest economic zoning; Forest science; Forest harvesting designated Area; Silvi-steppe zone, Ukrainian Encyclopaedia, Volume 1, National Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Society and the Ukraine’s State Committee of Forestry, various pages.
- Nijnik, M.; Soloviy, I.; Deyneka, A.; Nijnik, A. (2008) Challenges and potential policy responses towards sustainable mountain development and nature conservation in the Ukrainian Carpathians., In: Nature Conservation Management: from Idea to Practical Results (ed. T.J. Chmielewski). PWZN Print, Lublin, Poland, pp133-149. ISBN: 83-87414-98-0
- Nijnik, M.; Slee, B. (2008) Towards sustainable development of Scottish native woodlands., In: Nature Conservation Management: from Idea to Practical Results (ed. T.J. Chmielewski). PWZN Print, Lublin, Poland. pp113-132. ISBN: 83-87414-98-0
- Kaljonen, M.; Primmer, E.; de Blust, G.; Nijnik, M.; Kulvik, M. (2008) Multifunctionality and biodiversity conservation – institutional challenges., In: Nature Conservation Management: from Idea to Practical Results (ed. T.J. Chmielewski). PWZN Print, Lublin, Poland, pp54-69. ISBN: 83-87414-98-0
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, A.; Morrice, J.G. (2007) Multi-functional landscapes in Scotland., In: Pedroli, B., van Doorn, A. & de Blust, G. (eds.). Europe’s Living Landscapes: Essays Exploring our Identity in the Countryside. KNNV Publications, 105-123. ISBN: 9789050112581
- Nijnik, M.; Bizikova, L. (2006) The European Union sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation policies from a transition countries perspective., In: Sustainable Forestry : From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science (ed. K.M. Reynolds). CAB International, Wallingford, pp56-74.
- Nijnik, M.; Mather, A. (2006) Analysing institutions and public perspectives to identify the future of British forests., In: Sustainable Forestry : From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science (ed. K.M. Reynolds). CAB International, Wallingford, pp171-188.
- Nijnik, M. (2002) Mitigating climate change via afforestation., In: Forestry in Ukraine at the Crossroads. Analyses and Ideas for a Sustainable Development, (eds. H. Essman and D. Pettenella), ENARECO Publications, pp160-175.
- Nijnik, M. (2002) Managing forest sustainability., In: Forestry in Ukraine at the Crossroads. Analyses and Ideas for a Sustainable Development, (eds. H. Essman and D. Pettenella), ENARECO Publications, pp25-45.
Technical / contract reports
- Miller, D.; Schwarz, G.; Chartier, O.; Salle, E.; Zomer, B.; Bognar, J.; Arcuri, S.; Černič Istenič, M.; Martino, G.; Moodie, J.; Vilcu, R.; Irvine, K.; Nijnik, M.; Wang, C. (2023) Second Set of Recommendations for Future Research Agendas, Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors (SHERPA), D7.4
- Joyce, K.; Martino, S.; Poskitt, S.; Nijnik, M. (2023) Milestone M1.2 – An analysis of knowledge gaps in natural capital valuation, Report for RESAS Milestone M1.2, 28pp
- Joyce, K.; Martino, S.; Poskitt, S.; Rivington, M.; Nijnik, M. (2023) Engagement workshop with stakeholder experts to discuss values of forest natural capital and gaps in implementing vlues and valuation methods, Milestone 3.1: report on Joint D5-1 / D5-2 Natural Capital Stakeholder Workshop – 19th May 2023 for the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Servies Division of the Scottish Government through it’s Stratefic Research Programme (2022-2027).
- Aitkenhead, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Pakeman, R.; Nijnik, M.; Gimona, A.; Glendell, M.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; McKeen, M.; Donnelly, D.; Jabloun, M.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Salt, D.; Sideris, K.; Udugbezi, E. (2022) D52 Deliverable D11 Risk and Opportunities Assessment Framework Scope, Concepts and Structure, Technical report submitted to RESAS.
- Miller, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Artz, R.R.E.; Baggaley, N.; Black, H.; Iannetta, P.; Irvine, K.; Lilly, A.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D.; Nijnik, M.; Lopez, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D. (2022) Perth and Kinross Council Carbon Sequestration Study, Contract report to Perth and Kinross Council.
- Kluvánková, T.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Spacek, M.; Perlik, M.; Lukesch, R.; Valero, D.; Brnkalakova, S.; Bryce, R. (2020) SIMRA D2 3 Operationalization of stakeholder engagement: a guide., Deliverable D2.3, Report to the European Union, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), 53pp.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Barlagne, C. (2020) Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme., 3rd Periodic and Final Report to the European Commission, Brussels.
- Blackstock, K.L.; Calo, A.; Currie, M.; Dinnie, L.; Eastwood, A.; MacLeod, K.; Matthews, K.B.; McKee, A.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M.; Sutherland,L-A.; Waylen, K.A. (2020) Issues arising from SLC’s Interim Report on Regional Land Use Partnerships – Evidence from the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme 2016-2021, Scottish Land Commission, Advice to Scottish Government on Regional Land Use Partnership, Appendix 3, 33pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Melnykovych, M. (2019) Integrated ecosystemic value-enhancement of the Guadeloupe forest agrobiodiversity., Internal Report 5.4.s – Analytical- Informative Case Studies (Case Study Type B). Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), 28pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Melnykovych, M.; Hewitt, R.; Kerschbaum, D.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2019) Analytical case studies (Type A case study) Lochcarron Community Development Company – Strathcarron, Scotland, UK., Internal Project Report 5.4j – Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), 59pp.
- Secco, L.; Pisani, E.; Da Re, R.; Vicentini, K.; Rogelja, T.; Burlando, C.; Ludvig, A.; Weiss, G.; Zivojinovic, I.; Górriz-Mifsud, E.; Govigli, V.M.; Martínez de Arano, I.; Melnykovych, M.; Tuomasiukka, D.; Den Herde, M.; Lovric, M.; Ravazzoli, E.; Dalla Torre, C.; Streifeneder, T.; Vassilopoulus, A.; Akinsete, E.; Koundouri, P.; Lopolito, A.; Prosperi, M.; Baselice, A.; Polman, N.; Dijkshoorn, M.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Barlagne, C.; Hewitt, R.; Prokofieva, I.; Kuvlankova-Oravska, T.; Spacek, M.; Brnkalakova, S.; Gezik, V. (2019) Manual on innovative methods to assess social innovation and its impacts (D4.3)., Report to European Commission for Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas Project (SIMRA), Deliverable D4.3. pp176. In addition, Technical Annex and Spreadsheet Calculator.
- Govigli, V.M.; Melnykovych, M.; Górriz-Mifsud, E.; Dalla Torre, C.; Ravazzoli, E.; Da Re, R.; Pisani, E.; Secco, L.; Vincentini, K.; Ludvig, A.; Weiss, G.; Zivojinovic, I.; Kluvánková, T.; Spacek, M.; Akinsete, E.; Barlagne, C.; Baselice, A.; Bengoumi, M.; Dijkshoorn-Dekker, M.; Egartner, S.; Gibson, H.; Gramm, V.; Herrmann, P., Hewitt, R.; Kozova, M.; Labidi, A.; Lolini M.; Lopolito, A.; Miller, D.R.; Niedermayr, J.; Nijnik M.; Perlik, M.; Polman, N.; Prokofieva, I.; Prosperi, M.; Fernández-Blanco, C.R.; Sarkki S.; Vassilopoulos A.; Wagner K. (2019) Deliverable D5.3. Report on social innovation assessment in each selected case study., H2020 SIMRA Project, Deliverable D5.3, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas Project (SIMRA), Report to the European Commission, pp38.
- Msika, J.; Barlagne, C.; Hewitt, R.; Nijnik, M. (2018) Social innovation in rural areas in Scotland., Workshop Report, Social Innovation in Rural Areas in Scotland, James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, 31 May 2018, 13pp.
- Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2017) Data Management Plan: Scientific activities and outputs., Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas Project (SIMRA), Deliverable D1.3. Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp14.
- Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2017) Data Management Plan: Administration and management., Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas Project (SIMRA), Deliverable D8.2. Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp15.
- Secco, K.; Pisani, E.; Burlando, C.; Da Re, R.; Gatto, P.; Pettenella, D.; Vassilopoulus, A.; Akinsete, E.; Koundouri, P.; Lopolito, A.; Prosperi, M.; Tuomasiukka, D.; Den Herde, M.; Lovric, M.; Polman, N.; Dijkshoorn, M.; Soma, K.; Ludvig, A.; Weiss, G.; Zivojinovic, I.; Sarkki, S.; Ravazzoli, E.; Dalla Torre, C.; Streifeneder, T.; Slee, W.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Barlagne C.; Prokofieva, I. (2017) Set of methods to assess SI implications at different levels: instructions for WPs 5 & 6., Deliverable 4.2, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp203.
- Price, M.; Miller, D.R.; McKeen, M.; Slee, W.; Nijnik, M. (2017) Categorisation of marginalised rural areas (MRAs)., Deliverable 3.1, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp57.
- Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M.; Barlagne, C. (2017) Minutes of 1st General Assembly., Deliverable 8.4, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp23.
- Ludvig, A.; Weiss, G.; Zivojinovic, I.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Barlagne, C.; Perlik, M.; Hermann, P.; Egger, T.; Torre C.D.; Streifeneder, T.; Ravazzoli, E.; Sfeir, P.; Lukesch, R.; Wagner, K.; Egartner, S.; Clotteau, M. (2017) Political framework conditions, policies and instruments for SIs in rural areas., Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas, Deliverable 6.1, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp36.
- Kluvánková, T.; Gezik, V.; Spacek, M.; Brnkaláková, S.; Valero, D.; Bryce, R.; Slee, W.; Alkhaled, D.; Secco, L.; Burlando, C.; Kozova, M.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M.; Perlik, M.; Pisani, E.; Polman, N.; Price, M.; Sarkii, S.; Weiss, G. (2017) Transdisciplinary understanding of SI in MRAs., Deliverable 2.2, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, 58pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Bryce, R.; Valero, D.; Price, M.; Mosdale, L.; Clotteau, M.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2017) Ethical approvals for research with human participants in the SIMRA Project, Deliverable 9.5., Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, 29pp.
- Polman, N.; Slee, B.; Kluvankova, T.; Dijkshoorn, M.; Nijnik, M.; Veronika, G.; Soma, K. (2017) D2.1 Classification of social innovations for marginalized rural areas., Project Report for Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy, SIMRA.
- Secco, L.; Pisani, E.; Burlando, C.; Da Re, R.; Pettenella, D.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Slee, B.; Gezik, V.; Kluvankova, T. (2017) D4.1 Guidelines to identify and analyse existing methods to assess social innovation and impacts., Report for Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy, SIMRA, 2017.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R. (2017) D8.2 Data management plan: administration and management., Report for Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy, SIMRA.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Slee, B. (2017) D1.4 Criteria and indicators for monitoring and evaluation of scientific results., Report for Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy, SIMRA, pp17.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R. (2017) D1.3: Data management plan: Scientific activities and outputs., Report for Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy, SIMRA.
- Barlagne, C.; Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2017) Ethical clearance procedures in SIMRA., Deliverable 1.5, Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA), pp65.
- Nijnik, M. (2016) D7.2 Communication, dissemination and impact strategy and plan: scientific activities., Report for Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Bioeconomy, SIMRA.
- Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2016) Risk register: Scientific outputs., Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas Project (SIMRA), Deliverable D1.2. Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp3 and Spreadsheet.
- Miller, D.R.; Nijnik, M. (2016) Risk register: Project management., Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas Project (SIMRA). Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute, pp3 and Spreadsheet.
Conference papers
- Nijnik, M.; Sarkki, S.; Melnykovych, M.; Miller, D. (2023) Social innovation to address sustainability challenges and enlarge the opportunities provided by forests for a green and just transition of marginalised mountain areas, International IUFRO Conference, 25-27 September 2023, Ljubljana
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Price, M.; Sarkki, S.; Bryce, R.; Valero, D.; Barlagne, C.; Melnykovych, M. (2018) Social innovation to link ecological sustainability with rural development objectives in marginalized mountain areas., Proceedings of International Conference on Natural Assets Use in Regional Settings, University of Lviv, Ukraine, 4-6 October 2018, pp260-264.
- Barlagne, C.; Nijnik, M.; Hewitt, R.; Slee, B.; Miller, D.R. (2018) Re-inventing roles and rules, rethinking forest resources: community forestry as a social innovation in Scotland , 7th Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), Evidence-Based Policies to Face New Challenges for Agri-food Systems,
Conegliano(TV), Italy, 14-15 June 2018.
- Melnykovych, M.; Soloviy, I.P.; Nijnik, M. (2018) How to see the forest for the trees? Stakeholders’ perceptions of sustainable forest management in Ukraine., IUFRO Symposium, Natural Resources, Green Technology and Sustainable Development / 3-GREEN 2018, Zagreb, Croatia, 5-8 June 2018, pp47-49.
- Melnykovych, M.; Soloviy, I.; Nijnik, M.; Nijnik, A. (2017) Ecosystem services, well-being and social innovations: What the concepts mean for forest-dependent communities., Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Budapest, Hungary, 20-23 June 2017, pp337-339.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R.; Price, M.; Slee, B.; Bryce, R.; Barlagne, C. (2017) A role of social innovation in linking sustainability goals with rural development objectives in the Scottish uplands., Canadian Society for Ecological Economics Conference, Montreal, 18-22 October 2017. Book of Abstracts, 5.5.2, p102.
- Nijnik, M.; Barlagne, C.; Miller, D.R.; McKeen, M.; Hewitt, R. (2017) Enhancing the resilience of European mountain regions through social innovation., Book of Proceedings, pp34-41.
- Nijnik, M. (2017) Valuation of ecosystem services assessment and evaluation – a decision-support means or Pandora’s box for decision-makers?, International Conference on Mapping and Assessing of Ecosystem Services, Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-8 February 2017.
- Mosdale, L.; Nijnik, M.; Barlagne, C.; Burlando, C.; Perlik, M.; Price, M. (2017) Social innovation in mountain territories: insights from the conference., Mountain Regions, Territories of Innovation International Conference, Grenoble, France, 11-13 January 2017.
- Secco, L.; Pisani, E.; Burlando, C.; da Re, R.; Nijnik, M.; Kluvankova, T.; Miller, D.R. (2017) Evaluation of ‘innovation’ projects and partnerships: challenges, practical experiences and methodological innovations., 27th European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) Congress, Krakow, Poland, 24-27 July 2017. Proceedings, p190.
- Melnykovych, M.; Soloviy, I.; Nijnik, M.; Nijnik, A. (2017) Ecosystem services and the well-being: What do the concepts mean for marginalized forest-dependent communities?, Ecological Society for Ecological Economics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 20-23 June, 2017. Programme and Abstract Book, pp337-339.
- Nijnik, M.; Melnykovych, M. (2016) Exploring challenges to sustainability in the provision of ecosystems services by upland forests in Scotland and Ukraine., Proceedings of the International IUFRO Symposium: Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 9-11 May 2016, pp85-86.
- Nijnik, M.; Melnykovych, M. (2016) Exploring challenges to sustainability in the provision of ecosystems services by upland forests in Scotland and Ukraine., In: Sekot, W., Toscani, P. & Ungerböck, E. (eds.). International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) Symposium Proceedings: Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting, Vienna, Austria, 9-11 May 2016, pp85-86.
- Melnykovych, M.; Nijnik, M.; Soloviy I. (2016) Non-wood forest products and the well-being of rural communities: bringing cultural or provisioning ecosystem services to the surface?, Proceedings of the COST Action FP1203 on Non-Wood Forest Products.
- Nijnik, M.; Melnykovych, M. (2016) Exploring challenges to sustainability in the provision of ecosystems services by upland forests in Scotland and Ukraine., Proceedings “Advances and Challenges in Managerial Economics and Accounting, IUFRO Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 9-11 May 2016. Extended Abstract pp85-86.
- Nijnik M.; Aalders, I.H.; Abel C.; Amponsah, N.Y.; Avery, L.; Hough, R.L.; Stockan J.A.; Troldborg, M.; Tamburini, M.; Nijnik, A. (2015) Recycling of sewage sludge and wastewater to short rotation coppice in Europe – biological and economic potential and a case from the UK., VIII International Scientific Conference: Alternative & Renewable Energy Sources as Alternative Primary Energy Sources in the Region, Lviv, Ukraine, 1-4 April 2015.
- Nijnik, M. (2012) Linking multi-functional forestry goals with the legacy of spruce plantations in Scotland., IUFRO 2012: Managing Forest for Ecosystems Services, Edinburgh, 8-11 October, 2012.
- Bizikova, L.; Nijnik, M.; Kluvankova-Oravska, T. (2011) Examining synergies and conflicts in social and economic interactions in the Slovensky Raj National Park., IUFRO Small Scale Forestry Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 24-28 July 2011.
- Nijnik, M.; Gurung, A.B.; Soloviy, I.; Munoz-Rojas, J.; Gimona, A.; Niklova, M.; Miller, D.R.; Morris, S. (2010) Multi-functionality and sustainable future of forested mountain regions in Europe., International Workshop on Forestry Mountains and Multi-functionality, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen, 1 October 2010.
- Nijnik, M.; Slee, B.; Pajot, G. (2010) Carbon offsetting and marketing: opportunities and challenges for forestry with some implications from the UK, International Conference – Forum on Emerging Economic Mechanisms and Forest Policy/Governance, FAO, Rome, 5-7 October 2010.
- Nijnik, M. (2009) Modelling carbon uptake and assessing policy options for forestry in Ukraine to mitigate climate change., IUFRO Conference “Sustainable Forest Management and Accounting – Resolutions during the Financial Crisis”, Darmstadt, Germany, 28 October 2009.
- Nijnik, M. (2009) Stakeholder attitudes to multi-functional forests in Europe., Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference – Knowledge, Learning and Action for Sustainability, 9th, London, 10-12 June 2009.
- Soloviy, I.; Nijnik, M.; Nijnik, A. (2009) Forest degradation challenges and potential policy responses: focus on the Ukrainian Carpathians., In: Seminar Proceedings, Major Reasons of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Ukraine, Kosiv, Green Cross, Ukraine.
- Nijnik, M.; Oskam, A.; Nijnik, A. (2009) Economic implications of afforestation in Ukraine for provision of multiple ecosystem services., Land Resource Management in the Framework of the Open Economy, in the framework of the conference: The Ways to Increase the Agricultural Resource Efficiency, Lvivs National Agricultural University, Ukraine, 24 September 2009.
- Nijnik, M.; Pajot, G.; Moffat, A.; Slee, B. (2009) Exploring opportunities of British forests to mitigate climate change., European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), 17th Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24-27 June 2009. Book of Conference Abstracts, pp84-85.
- Nijnik, M. (2008) The Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms, carbon markets, and opportunities and challenges for forestry., In: The European Forest-Based Sector: Bio-Responses to Address New Climate and Energy Challenges? (ed. J-L Peyron), Nancy, France, 6-8 November 2008.
- Nijnik, M.; Bizikova, L.; Nijnik, A. (2008) Small scale forestry in the context of institutional changes in Central and Eastern Europe., IUFRO Conference Proceedings, Small Scale Rural Forest Use and Management: Global Policies versus Local Knowledge, Gerardmer, France.
- Nijnik, M. (2007) Modelling bounded rationality in decision-making., Proceedings of the Conference “World Environmental Constitution” Ukraine’s Forestry University, Lviv, September 2006. Ministry of Education of Ukraine, 133-144.
- Nijnik, M. (2005) The use of Q-methodology to understand public perspectives on forests’ contribution to climate change mitigation., Sustainable Forestry in Theory and Practice, IUFRO Conference, Edinburgh, 5-8 April 2005.
- Nijnik, M.; Mather, A. (2005) Q-methodology approach for the integration of ecological, socio-economic and aesthetic aspects in landscape planning in Scotland., Integrating Ecological, Socio-economic and Aesthetic Aspects in Landscape Planning, Our Shared Landscape, Ascona, Switzerland, 2-6 May 2005.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Poskitt, S.; Joyce, K.; Martino, S.; Nijnik, M. (2024) Appraising participatory natural capital valuation in research and governance for supporting improved forest resilience and pathways to societal impact (poster presentation), XXVI IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, 23-29 June 2024
- Joyce, K.; Poskitt, S.; Martino, S.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D. (2024) Identifying conditions for an enabling institutional environment for Natural Capital / Ecosystem Services via Social Innovation: an analysis of Scottish policies in the forest context, Presentation at IUFRO World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Wang, C. (2024) Stakeholder evaluation of forest multifunctionality in view of prospects for rewilding, Conference and workshop on Interdisciplinary perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of rewilding, 20-21 May 2024, University of Aberdeen
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.; Gimona, A.; Nijnik, M.; Jiang, Y. (2024) Forest Digital Twin to Support Sustainable Woodland Management and Planning, The IUFRO 2024 World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Martino, S.; Poskitt, S.; Joyce, K.; Martinat, S.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M. (2024) Incorporating participatory assessment methods into natural capital valuation, Abstract submitted for the session on “Innovation in valuation and governing of forest ES to strengthen forest resilience and create pathways to societal impacts” The IUFRO 2024 World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Valero, D.; Melnykovych, M.; Wilson, R.; Hopkins, J.; Martinat, S.; Brnkalakova, S.; Kluvankova, T. (2023) Empowering marginalised mountain communities to act for change , CANSEE2023 BY DESIGN NOT DISASTER: Grounding Economies During Uncertain Times, 11-13 October 2023, York University, Toronto, Canada
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.; Gimona, A.; Nijnik, M.; Jiang, Y. (2023) An integration of digital twin technology, GIS and VR for the service of environmental sustainability , EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienne, Austria and Online.
- Rivington, M.; Aitkenhead, M.; Gagkas, Z.; Nijnik, M.; Gimona, A.; Martino, S. (2022) Climate Change impacts on Natural Capital Value, 4th Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Martino, S.; Martinat, S.; Waylen, K.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M.; Gimona, A.; Rivington, M.; Ovando, P. (2022) Incorporating participatory assessment methods into natural capital valuation, 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Crete.
- Nijnik, M.; Martino, S.; Martinat, S.; McKeen, M.; Wang, C.; Miller, D. (2022) Safeguarding forest natural assets by incorporating participatory approaches to natural capital valuation, International IUFRO Symposium. Managerial forest economics and accounting as a base for decision making in a changing world, 5-7 September 2022, Hamburg, Germany
- Nijnik, M.; Martinat, S.; McKeen, M.; Wang, C.; Miller, D. (2022) Safeguarding forest natural assets by incorporating participatory approaches to natural capital valuation , IUFRO Div. 4.05 Conference, 5-7 September 2022, Hamburg, Germany
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Melnykovych, M.; Wilson, R. (2022) At the crossroads of possibilities for smart mountain villages the role of social innovation , Session: 60_Smart Mountain Villages, International Mountain Conference 2022, September 11-15 2022, Innsbruck, Austria
- Nijnik, M. (2021) Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Remote forest-dependent communities can benefit through social innovation., A spotlight demonstrating the importance of social innovation for forest-dependent communities and highlighting innovative research and interdisciplinary approaches of relevance to forests and people. It is based on findings of the H2020 SIMRA, our work for RESAS, our Session organised at the 125th Anniversary IUFRO Congress in Freiburg and on activities of the IUFRO Unit 4-05-05 – on Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in forestry that we coordinate. It forms part of the static content of the IUFRO World Day, taking place on 28-29 September – Home and will be shown on the interactive map throughout the event.
- Nijnik, M. (2021) From science to social innovations connecting forests and people. A spotlight demonstrating the knowledge of social innovation in forestry. It is based upon the H2020 SIMRA project brochure reflecting on scientific articles published in our Special Issue of Forest Policy and Economics journal,,
- Nijnik, M.; Barlagne, C.; Miller, D.R. (2021) At the crossroads of possibilities for marginalised rural communities: social innovation experiences in Europe and beyond , 6th International Conference of the Centre for Research on Social Innovations (CRISES) Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), 8-9 April 2021. Abstract.
- Nijnik, M. (2019) Valuation of ecosystem services: a panacea or Pandora’s box for decision-makers?
, Scientific Seminar on the Development of the Concept of Ecosystem Services Valuation and its Practical Application in Ukraine, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukraine, 27-29 November 2019.
- Nijnik, M.; Sarkki, S.; Melnykovych, M.; Zivojinovic, I. (2019) Is there a transition towards participatory forest governance in Ukraine? , XXV IUFRO World Congress: Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development, Curitiba, Brazil, 29 September – 5 October 2019.Pesq. Flor. Bras., Colombo, 39, e201902043, page 116. (Abstract)
- Melnykovych, M.; Nijnik, M.; Soloviy, I.; Henyk, Y.; Nijnik, A.; Górriz Mifsud, E.; Sarkki, S.; Henyk, O. (2019) Innovative multifunctional forest management for societal benefits: the focus on Ukraine’s Carpathians. , International IUFRO Conference: Temperate and Boreal Primeval Forests in the Face of Global Change, Lviv, Ukraine, 2-4 September 2019.
- Barlagne, C.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.R. (2019) The potential of innovation actions as social innovation laboratories for a shared vision of multifunctional cultivated forests: the case of Guadeloupean forest (FWI)., International Social Innovation Research Conference 2019, Social Innovation: Local Solutions to Global Challenges, Glasgow, 3-5 September 2019.
- Barlagne, C.; Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Diman J.L.; Larade, A.; Latchman, C.; Tormin, P.; Vinglassalon, A. (2019) Social innovation for multifunctional cultivated forests in Guadeloupe: Insights from the VALAB and SIMRA projects., 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, Le Corum Conference Centre, Montpellier, France, 20-22 May 2019. Book of Abstracts, p445.