General research questions:
- Motivations and barriers to the adoption of pro-environmental practices by farmers
- Design of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) schemes and agri-environmental policies
- Lessons from behavioural sciences to improve agri-environmental policies
- How to evaluate the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes
This research relies on a variety of methodological tools such as:
- Experimental economics and discrete choice experiments
- Surveys (face to face, online)
- Statistical / econometric analysis: discrete choice modelling, matching estimators
Main ongoing research projects:
- COMBINE: “Co-designing and implementing best-fit farming practices” (JHI-B3-1), funded by Scottish Government RESAS strategic research programme 2022-2027
- H2020 FRAMEWORK, “Farmer clusters for Realising Agrobiodiversity Management across Europe” (2020-2025)
- H2020 FOODLAND, “FOOD and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity” (2020-2025)
- Horizon Europe NemEmerge: “Counteracting the emergence of invasive and virulent plant-parasitic nematodes” (2024-2027)
- Kahsay, H. B.; Piras, S.; Kuhfuss, L.; Setti, M.; Marini Govigli, V. (2024) Understanding inconsistencies in risk attitude elicitation games: Evidence from smallholder farmers in five African countries, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- Kuhfuss, L.; Burns, V.; Shortall, O.; Vinten, A. (2024) Obstacles to local payments for ecosystem services schemes for water management at the catchment scale: A case study from Eastern Scotland, Land Use Policy 139, 107057
- Riegel, S.; Kuhfuss, L.; Stojanovic, T. (2023) Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation: Assessing the Scottish Public’s preferences for saltmarsh carbon storage, Ecological Economics, 211, Art. 107863
- Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J.; Baaken, M.C.; Barreiro-Hurle, J.; Bougherara, D.; Cembalo, L.; Cerjak, M.; Cop, T.l Czajkowski, M.; Espinosa-Goded, M.; Hohler, J.; Kuhfuss, L.; Lagerkvist, C.-J.; Lapierre, M.; Lefebvre, M.; Matzdorf, B.; Ott, E.; Paparella, A.; Quendler, E.; Rodriguez-Entrena, M.; Schulze, C.; Sumrada, T.; Tensi, A.; Thoyer, S.; Maksan, M. T.; Vecchio, R.; Willinger, M.; Zagorska, K. (2022) Farmers’ risk preferences in 11 European farming systems: A multi-country replication of Bocquého et al. (2014), Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2022, 1-22
- Curzi, D.; Chabé-Ferret, S.; Di Falco, S.; Kuhfuss, L.; Lefebvre, M.; Matthews, A. (2022) Using Experiments to Design and Evaluate the CAP: Insights from an Expert Panel, EuroChoices, 21(2), 28-34
- Kuhfuss, L.; Préget, R.; Thoyer, S.; de Vries, F.P.; Hanley, N. (2022) Enhancing spatial coordination in payment for ecosystem services schemes with non-pecuniary preferences, Ecological Economics, 192, Art. 107271
- Tanaka, K.; Hanley, N.; Kuhfuss, L. (2022) Farmers’ preferences toward an outcome-based payment for ecosystem service scheme in Japan, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73(3), 720-738
- Lefebvre, M.; Barreiro-Hurle, J.; Blanchflower, C.; Colen, L.; Kuhfuss, L.; Rommel, J.; Sumrada, T.; Thomas, F.; Thoyer, S. (2021) Can economic experiments contribute to a more effective CAP?, EuroChoices, 20(3), 42-49
- Börger, T.; Thi Khanh Ngoc, Q.; Kuhfuss, L.; Hien, T.T.; Hanley, N.; Campbell, D. (2021) Preferences for coastal and marine conservation in Vietnam: accounting for differences in individual choice set formation., Ecological Economics, 180, Article No. 106885
- Tanaka, K.; Hanley, N.; Kuhfuss, L. (2019) Farmers’ preferences towards outcome-based payment for ecosystem service schemes., Journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 12-13 Decembre 2019, Bordeaux, France.
- Vinten, A.J.A.; Kuhfuss, L.; Shortall, O.; Stockan, J.; Ibiyemi, A.; Pohle, I.; Addy, S.; Gabriel, M.; Gunn, I.; May, L. (2019) Water for all: towards an integrated approach to wetland conservation and flood risk reduction in a lowland catchment in Scotland., Journal of Environmental Management, 246, 881-896.
- Faccioli, M.; Kuhfuss, L.; Czajkowski, M. (2019) Stated preferences for conservation policies under uncertainty: insights on individuals’ risk attitudes in the environmental domain., Environmental and Resource Economics, 73, 627-659.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Subervie, J. (2018) Do European agri-environment measures help reduce herbicide use? Evidence from viticulture in France., Ecological Economics, 149, 202-211.
- Hérivaux, C.; Rey-Valette, H.; Rulleau, B.; Agenais, A-L.; Grisel, M.; Kuhfuss, L.; Maton, L.; Vinchon, C. (2018) Benefits of adapting to sea level rise: the importance of ecosystem services in the French Mediterranean sandy coastline., Regional Environmental Change, 18, 1815-1828.
- Faccioli, M.; Kuhfuss, L.; Czajkowski, M. (2017) Stated preferences for conservation policies under uncertainty: insights on individuals’ risk attitudes in the environmental domain., Discussion Papers in Environment and Development Economics 2017-06, University of St. Andrews, School of Geography and Sustainable Development.
Prior to appointment
- Kuhfuss, L.; Preget, R.; Thoyer, S .; Hanley, N. (2016) Nudging farmers to enrol land into agri-environmental schemes: the role of a collective bonus., European Review of Agricultural Economics, 43, 609-636.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Rey-Valette, H.; Sourisseau, E.; Heurtefeux, H.; Rufray, X. (2016) Evaluating the impacts of sea level rise on coastal wetlands in Languedoc-Roussillon, France., Environmental Science and Policy, 59, 26-34.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Preget, R.; Thoyer, S.; Hanley, N.; Le Coent, P.; Desole, M. (2016) Nudges, social norms and permanence in agri-environmental schemes., Land Economics, 92, 641-655.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Hanley, N.; Whyte, R. (2016) Should historic sites protection be targeted at the most famous? Evidence from a contingent valuation in Scotland., Journal of Cultural Heritage, 20, 682-685.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Le Coent, P.; Préget, R.; Thoyer, S. (2015) Agri-environmental schemes in Europe: Switching to collective action., In: Jeff Bennett (ed.). Protecting the Environment, Privately. World Scientific Publishing, pp273-293.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Préget, R.; Thoyer, S. (2014) Individual preferences and collective incentives: what design for agri-environmental contracts? (original title: Préférences individuelles et incitations collectives: quels contrats agroenvironnementaux pour la réduction des herbicides par les viticulteurs?)., Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 95, 111-143.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Jacquet, F.; Préget, R.; Thoyer, S. (2012) French territorialized agri-environmental measures for water issue: a false good idea? (original title: Le dispositif des MAEt pour l’enjeu eau : une fausse bonne idée?)., Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 93, 395-421.
Technical / contract reports
- Miller, D.; Waylen, K.; Kuhfuss, L. (2023) What are the economic consequences of landscape scale collaborations between large-scale and or public sector organisations?, A call down report produced for Scottish Government
- Kuhfuss, L.; Attalla, L.; Begg, G.; Hawes, C.; Gimona, A.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Martinat, S.; McKeen, M.; Pakeman, R.; Roberts, M.; Zuta, A. (2022) Exploring alternative agrienvironmental payment schemes for arable land in Scotland, Online report
- Cock, P.; Gurd, J.; Kuhfuss, L.; Piras, S. (2022) Introducing experimental methods for the study of resource and landrelated decisions in rural Scotland Final project report, MDT project report.
- Piras, S.; Kuhfuss, L.; Marini Govigli, V.; Alboni, F.; Kapour, G.; Setti, M. (2022) Dataset on producers’ socioeconomic conditions, operational and technological states, and on experimental results (quantitative measures) at project level D31, H2020 FoodLAND (project report)
- Clement, J.; Suurmets, S.; Barlagne, C.; Piras, S.; Kuhfuss, L.; Marini Govigli, V.; Setti, M. (2022) Protocols to implement economic and biometric experiments with consumers D22, H2020 FoodLAND (project report)
- Lozada-Ellison, L.; Rankumar, A.; Kuhfuss, L. (2021) Strands, Strengths and Constraints of ResultBased Payment Schemes to achieve Landscapescale Environmental Benefits in Scotland , Key finding and recommendations, The James Hutton Insitute.
- Sutherland, L-A.; Macleod, K.; Koronka, J.; Kuhfuss, L.; Blackstock, K. (2021) Attitudes and drivers of behaviours of landownersland managers towards Land use change associated with Climate Change Plan targets, PAWSA Report Commissioned by RESAS, The James Hutton Institute, 75pp.
- Kuhfuss, L. (2021) Practical design principles for high performing agri-environmental payment mechanisms from actions to outcomes. Choice experiment with farmers: results from phase 2, Report to the OECD.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Rankumar, A. (2021) Practical design principles for high performing agri-environmental payment mechanisms from actions to outcomes. Choice experiment with farmers: pilot phase, Report to the OECD.
- Lozada-Ellison, L.; Ramkumar, A.; Kuhfuss, L. (2021) Strands, strengths and constraints of result-based payment schemes to achieve landscape-scale environmental benefits in Scotland., Research Brief.
- Barlagne, C.; Kyle, C.; Kuhfuss, L. (2021) Consumers’ preferences and perceptions of genetic diversity and health benefits of potatoes., RESAS WP2.3.2. Protecting Genetic Diversity. Deliverable O.3.6c, March 2021, 13pp.
- Blackstock, K.L.; Kuhfuss, L.; Addy, S. (2020) WT15115 Final Report, Supplementary Material 2., Supplementary Excel Database containing the Extracted Data from the Rapid Evidence Assessment of the National Demonstration Test Catchment, DEFRA Science Search Repository.
- Old, G.; Hutchins, M.; Miller, J.; Acreman, M.; Bowes, M.; Redhead, J.; Trill, E.; Blackstock, K.L.; Kuhfuss, L. (2020) Evaluation of knowledge gained from the National Demonstration Test Catchment., Final Report for Defra, WT151115, 188 pages.
- Macleod, C.J.A.; Blackstock, K.L.; Begg, G.; Eastwood, A.; Fischer, A.; Lackova, P.; Kuhfuss. L.; Shortall, O.; Vinten, A.J.A.. (2020) Landscape level management case studies for ecological, economic and social outcomes: lessons learned., Research Briefing, James Hutton Institute
- Kuhfuss, L.; Piras, S.; Flanigan, S.; Hawes, C.; Begg, G. (2019) Pro-environmental practices among farmers at a landscape scale: why and how? An interdisciplinary review of the literature., Report for RESAS (143b, deliverable D6), Interdisciplinary Review of Existing Landscape Scale Interventions Delivering multiple Benefits, 37pp.
- Kleeschulte, S.; Carrao, H.; Gregor, M.; Loehnertz, M.; Ayanu, Y.; Kleeschulte, I.; Fons, J.; Ubach, R.; Milego, R.; Weber, R.; Nilsson, K.; Turunen, E.; Nordregio, S.; Irvine, K.N.; Maxwell, J.; Kuhfuss, L.; Faccioli, M.; Blanco, G.G.; Garcia, I. (2018) GRETA – Green infrastructure: Enhancing biodiversity and ecosysTem services for territorial development., Inception Report, Version 05/02/2018, ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme, 37pp.
- Rivington, M.; Kuhfuss, L.; Roberts, M. (2018) The ‘Payment for Ecosystem Services’ approach – relevance to climate change., Draft Report PES for CXC v9 MR , 16 April 2018, 30pp.
- van Hulst, F.; Prager, K.; Irvine, R.J.; Rajagopalan, D.M.; Kuhfuss, L. (2017) The challenge of marginal land: efficient utilisation of the managed natural environment., Summary Report of Glensaugh Farm Event, Hutton Website, 13 September 2017, 3pp.
- Vinten, A.J.A.; Kuhfuss, L.; Shortall, O.; Ibiyemi, A.; Pohle, I.; Gabriel, M.; Gunn, I.; O’Hare, M.; Olszewska, J.; Corrigan, J. (2017) Summary progress report on “Water for all project”., 4th Lunan Catchment Management Group Meeting, 24 October 2017, 10pp.
Conference papers
- Piras, S.; Kuhfuss, L.; Bacigalupo, A.; Massawe, B.; Mishili, F. J.; Chimoita, E. L.; Nakyewa , P.; Setti, M. (2023) What affects smallholder farmers’ willingness to cooperate? Evidence from public good games with different design elements in three African countries, XVII EAAE Congress “Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society”, 29 August – 1 September 2023, Rennes, France
- Piras, S.; Kuhfuss, L.; Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Mokhtari, N.; Kisakye, J.; Setti, M. (2023) How to promote adoption of sustainable innovations by African smallholders? A randomised controlled trial approach, LIX Convegno SIDEA “Agricoltura, alimentazione e mondo rurale di fronte ai cambiamenti dello scenario globale: politiche e strategie per la sostenibilità e la resilienza”, 21-22 September 2023, Marina di Orosei (Italy)
- Kuhfuss, L.; Piras, S.; Flanigan, S.; Hawes, C.; Begg, G. (2021) How to promote the collective uptake of agri-environmental schemes by farmers? A literature review., Landscape 2021 Conference: Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture, 20-22 September 2021, online presentation.
- Vinten, A.J.A.; Kuhfuss, L.; Shortall, O.; Ibiyemi, A.; Pohle, I.; Addy, S.; Gabriel, M.; Gunn, I.; McPhail, P.; Corrigan, J. (2018) Water for all: an ecosystem services approach to wetland conservation and flood risk reduction in the Lunan Water, Scotland., International Water Association 3rd Regional IWA Diffuse Pollution Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand , 19-22 November 2018.
- Kuhfuss, L.; Préget, R.; Thoyer, S.; de Vries, F.; Hanley, N. (2017) Nudging participation and spatial agglomeration in payment for environmental service schemes., 19th Annual Bioecon Conference, Evidence-Based Environmental Policies and the Optimal Management of Natural Resources, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, 21-22 September 2017.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Barlagne, C.; Kufhuss, L.; Potts, J.; Lagerkvist, C.J. (2021) Consumers’ preferences for coloured fleshed potatoes: a study exploring the benefits of targeted information., EAAE Seminar 175 – The Wind of Change of Sustainability Standards – Sailing Economic, Governance, and Policy Perspectives, Gargnano, Garda Lake, Italy, 13-15 May 2021.
- Faccioli, M.; Kuhfuss, L.; Czajkowski, M. (2017) Stated preferences for conservation policies under uncertainty., Envecon 2017: Applied Environmental Economics Conference, Royal Society in London, 3 March 2017. Poster.