
Books / chapters

  • Khare, S.K.; Snape, J.B.; Nakajima, M. (2000) Applications of enzyme and membrane technology in the processing of oils and fats., In: Gupta, M.N. (ed.). Methods in Non-Aqueous Enzymology. Birkhauser Verlag AG, Basel, Switzerland, pp71-89.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Wardrop, J.; Snape, J.; Powell, W.; Machray, G.C. (2001) A radiation hybrid panel for barley., Abstracts of XVIth Eucarpia Congress, Edinburgh, 10-14 September 2001.
  • Wardrop, J.; Snape, J.; Powell, W.; Machray, G.C. (1999) Generation of an experimental system for the creation of whole genome radiation hybrids in plants., Abstracts of the BBSRC GAIT Workshop, Hinxton, Cambridge.