Jonathan’s MSc and PhD research at Durham University were on projects within the subject areas of physical geography (fluvial processes and sediment transport) and natural hazards (flooding, including risk perceptions and responses to flash flooding). He joined the James Hutton Institute in 2013 and has worked as a Research Scientist since 2017. Additionally, he is currently a member of the Institute’s Research Ethics Committee.
- Jonathan leads the project “Informing a socially and spatially just future for the Scottish rural economy: Pinpointing opportunities, assets and support needs” within the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme (2022-27)
- Researcher: “Realising change: working with communities to inform a resilient recovery process in remote, rural and island communities” (Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme (2022-27))
- Scotland-based project leader on “Tracking rural vibrancy and loss: the role of rural schools as keystone services” (funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh).
- Co-lead: “Provision of Scottish Islands Survey 2023” (funder: Scottish Government).
- Researcher: “Giving Rural Actors Novel Data and Re-Usable Tools to Lead Public Action in Rural Areas” (funder: EU Horizon Europe).
- Supervisor: Kirsten Clarke (PhD, CCRI, University of Gloucestershire)
Past research
Jonathan’s past research has included contributions to a number of long-term and short-duration research projects for multiple funders, including the Scottish Government and European Union. He has also led research funded by the SEFARI Gateway Responsive Opportunity Initiative (“ToWards Inclusive Growth”) and the Macaulay Development Trust.
- Hopkins, J.; Currie, M.; Schurch, N.; Martinez Sanchez, G.; Farinelli, V. (2024) Enhancing inclusive growth to create new evidence of rural diversity: an analysis in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Regional Studies, 11(1), 324-350
- Sutherland, L-A.; McKee, A.; Hopkins, J.; Hasler, H. (2023) Breaking Patriarchal Succession Cycles: How Land Relations Influence Women’s Roles in Farming, Rural Sociology, 88(2), 512-545
- Barnes, A. P.; MacMillan, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Hopkins, J.; Thomson, S. G. (2022) Farmer intentional pathways for net zero carbon: Exploring the lock-in effects of forestry and renewables, Land Use Policy, 112, Article No. 105861
- Wilson, R.; Hopkins, J. (2019) The changing shape of Scotland’s digital divide., European Countryside, 11, 563-583.
- Waylen, K.A.; Holstead, K.L.; Colley, K.; Hopkins, J. (2018) Challenges to enabling and implementing Natural Flood Management in Scotland., Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11, S1078-S1089.
- Sutherland, L-A.; Hopkins, J.; Toma, L.; Barnes, A.; Matthews, K.B. (2017) Adaptation, resilience and CAP reform: a comparison of crofts and livestock farms in Scotland., Scottish Geographical Journal, 133, 192-213.
- Holstead, K.L.; Kenyon, W.; Rouillard, J.J.; Hopkins, J.; Galan-Diaz, C. (2017) Natural flood management from the farmer’s perspective: criteria that affect uptake., Journal of Flood Risk Management, 10, 205-218.
- Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L.A.; Ehlers, M.; Matthews, K.B.; Barnes, A.; Toma, L. (2017) Scottish farmers’ intentions to afforest land in the context of farm diversification., Forest Policy and Economics, 78, 122-132.
- Sutherland, L-A.; Toma, L.; Barnes, A.P.; Matthews, K.B.; Hopkins, J. (2016) Agri-environmental diversification:linking environmental, forestry and renewable energy engagement on Scottish farms., Journal of Rural Studies, 47, 10-20.
- Copus, A.; Hopkins, J.; Creaney, R. (2016) The transaction footprints of Scottish food and drink SMEs, European Countryside, 8, 227-249
- Hopkins, J.; Warburton, J. (2015) Local perception of infrequent, extreme upland flash flooding: prisoners of experience?, Disasters, 39, 546-569.
- Slee, B.; Hopkins, J.; Vellinga, N. (2015) Could the creative class be a factor in Scottish rural development?, Scottish Affairs, 24, 207-226.
Technical / contract reports
- Kirsch, A.; Dupont, A.; Berchoux, T.; Jain, P.; Damari, Y.; Chahid, N.; Ysebaert, R; Sorichetta, A.; Steele, J.; Voepel, H.; McCallum, I.; Tapia, C.; Slätmo, E.; Stjernberg, M.; Miller, D.; Hopkins, J.; Wang, C.; Stortini, F.; Ntabuhashe, M.; Chasset, L.; Bahta, M.; Doval, M.; Martins, B.; Ricci, M.; Kurdys-Kujawska, A. (2025) GRANULAR, Data Management Plan(2). Update, D1.4, Report to the European Commission, Project: Giving Rural Actors Novel data and re-Useable tools to Lead public Action in Rural areas (GRANULAR), D1.4
- Matthews, K.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Blackstock, K.; Hopkins, J. (2025) Landscapes of Consumption Land Use Transformations Project (JHIC31) Milestone 34, Internal Report. pp5
- Hopkins, J.; Piras, S.; Marshall, A.; Bender, F. (2024) Identifying scenarios of economic change in rural Scotland. Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme 202227 JHIE11 Milestone 321, Zenodo, record 14034772
- Hopkins, J.; Farinelli, V.; Wilson, R. (2023) Rural assets enabling a wellbeingfocused economic recovery: an inventory to inform data collection and analysis, Zenodo.
- McKee, A.; Beingessner, N.; Pinker, A.; Marshall, A.; Currie, M.; Hopkins, J. (2023) The Social and Economic Impacts of Green Land Investment in Rural Scotland, Published on Scottish Government website
- Pakeman, R.J.; Eastwood, A.; Duckett, D.; Waylen, K.; Hopkins, J.; Bailey, D. (2023) Understanding the Indirect Drivers of Biodiversity Loss in Scotland, NatureScot Research Report 1309 – Understanding the Indirect Drivers of Biodiversity Loss in Scotland
- Blackstock, K.; Flanigan, S.; Creaney, R.; Matthews, K.; Hopkins, J.; Miller, D.; Chabdu, A.; Bacigalupo, A.; Thompson, C. (2022) D43 Participatory value chain analysis: Report on the structure and valorisation of 23 mountain value chains across Europe, including evaluation of telecoupling, assemblage, and enabling institutions and infrastructure, MOVING external website and on Hutton MOVING webpage.
- Hopkins, J.; McKee, A.; Flanigan, S.; Barlagne, C.; Somervail, P. (2022) Scottish Farmers Intentions to Develop Agritourism ,
- Somervail, P.; Flanigan, S.; McKee, A.; Hopkins, J. (2022) Agritourism in Scotland a review of literature, current context, and trajectory ,
- Hopkins, J.; Piras, S.; Kapour, G. (2022) ‘Untapped potential’? Linking regional economic futures and the prospects for demographic recovery in sparsely populated Scotland, RESAS RD 3.4.1: Demographic change in remote areas, Objective 6.5, The James Hutton Institute
- Matthews, K.; Creaney, R.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Gandossi, G.; Hopkins, J.; Chabdu, A.; Rees, N.; Blackstock, K. (2022) Vulnerability Analysis Water quantity in connection with Speyside Malt Whisky production, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
- Creaney, R.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Gandossi, G.; Hopkins, J.; Chabdu, A.; Rees, N.; Blackstock, K. (2022) Report on MOVING Task 33 activities Vulnerability of the Speyside whisky industry to environmental change, MOVING.
- Creaney, R.; Blackstock, K.; Hopkins, J.; Flanigan, S. (2022) First Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting Report,
- Blackstock, K.; Creaney, R.; Hopkins, J.; Matthews, K.B. (2022) UK – Scotland Speyside Malt Whisky, Policy Brief, MOVING.
- Currie, M.; Mc Morran, R.; Hopkins, J.; McKee, A.; Glass, J.; Wilson, R.; Meador, E.; Noble, C.; Craigie, M.; Piras, S.; Bruce, F.; Williams, A.; Pinker, A.; Jones, S.; Maynard, C.; Atterton, J. (2021) Understanding the response to Covid-19 – Exploring options for a resilient social and economic recovery in Scotland’s rural and island communities, SEFARI
- Wilson, R.; Hopkins, J.; Currie, M.; Potts, J.; Somervail, P.; Stevenson, T. (2021) National Islands Plan Survey Final Report, Social Research Report for the Scottish Government.
- Hopkins, J.; Schurch, N.; Sarjeant, A.; MacNeil, C.; Currie, M.; MacDonald, E.; Forrest, R.; Smith, H.; Clarke, R. (2021) Measuring inclusive growth in the Highlands and Islands a typology, Online report.
- Creaney, R.; Blackstock, K.; Hopkins, J.; Flanigan, S. (2021) First Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting Report, MOVING, The James Hutton Institute, 12pp.
- Hopkins, J.; Thomson, S.; Miller, D.G.; Sutherland, L-A.; Barlagne, C.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; McMillan, J. (2021) How often does intended farm management behaviour match ‘actual’ behaviour? Insights for thirteen farm activities (2013-18)., Farmer Intentions Survey Briefing Note, March 2021, 8pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A..; Barnes, A.; MacMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M. (2021) Scottish farms, internet access and social media. Farmer intentions survey briefing note, March 2021
, RESAS Policy Briefing, Farmer Intentions Survey, March 2021, 10pp. - McMillan, J.; Barnes, A.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, S.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Wardell-Johnson, D. (2020) Farmer responses to Brexit: Intentions to deliver more ‘public goods for public money’., 2018 Farmers’ Intention Survey: SEFARI Briefing Note 2, October 2019, 7pp.
- McMillan, J.; Barnes, A.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, S.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Wardell-Johnson, D. (2020) Farmer intentions survey: Regional dimensions to change., 2018 Farmers’ Intention Survey, SEFARI Briefing Note 3, January 2020, 7pp.
- Barnes, A.; MacMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Matthews, K.B. (2020) Farmer responses to Brexit: an examination of different outlooks to Brexit., SEFARI Briefing Note, 6pp.
- Barnes, A.; MacMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland L-A.; Matthews, K.B. (2020) Farmer responses to Brexit: attitudes towards risk in Scottish farming., SEFARI Briefing Note, 6pp.
- Hopkins, J.; Piras, S. (2020) Economic-demographic foresight and place-based impacts in sparsely populated Scotland., Online report.
- Hopkins, J.; Piras, S. (2020) Population projections and an introduction to economic-demographic foresight for Scotland’s sparsely populated areas (2018-43)., Research Brief for RESAS RD 3.4.1: Demographic change in remote areas, Objective 3.5 (Milestone 1), 21pp.
- Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Calo, A.; Barlagne, C.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; Thomson, S.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M. (2020) New entrants: their potential contribution to farming in Scotland by 2023., Farmer Intentions Survey Briefing Note, March 2020, 8pp.
- Barlagne, C.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Wardell Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; Thompson, S.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M. (2020) Diversification on Scottish farms: attitudes and future plans., Report o RESAS, Deliverable 242.02iib.
- Barnes, A.; McMillan, J.; Thomson, S.; Spencer, M.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Matthews, K.B. (2019) Farmer responses to Brexit: adoption of risk management behaviours., 2018 Farmers’ Intention Survey, SEFARI Briefing Note 1, July 2019, 6pp.
- Hopkins, J. (2019) Mapping indicators of population change in Scotland (2011-19)., Research Note, May 2019, 11pp.
Conference papers
- Creaney, R.; Blackstock, K.; Flanigan, S.; Hopkins, J.; Miller, D.; Matthews, K. (2022) Idealising the Rural: The Role of Scottish Mountains in Promoting the Scottish Whisky Brand, Rural Imaginations Conference, 24-26 August 2022, Amsterdam.
- Flanigan, S.; Blackstock, K.; Creaney, R.; Hopkins, J.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D. (2022) Assembling whisky production and consumption for rural resilinece A value chains case study in Speyside, Scotland, ODT Forum, 19-21 October 2022, Jura, Switzerland
- Flanigan, S.; Blackstock, K.; Creaney, R.; Hopkins, J.; Matthews, K.; Miller, D. (2022) Assembling whisky production and consumption for rural resilience A value chains case study in Speyside, Scotland, ESRS Scottish Satellite Event, 20-23 June 2022, Birnam
- Hopkins, J. (2019) Analysing and mapping the evidence base for place-based policy in Scotland., Presentation at Scottish Consortium for Rural Research Mini-Conference: Rural Science for Public Good: Sharing our best ideas, Inverness, 13 November 2019.
- Hopkins, J.; Atterton, A.; Copus, A.; Wilson, R. (2019) How can we improve the evidence base for place-based policy making?, Presentation, 17th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference, Inverness, 17-19 June 2019.
- Holstead, K.L.; Waylen, K.A.; Colley, K.; Hopkins, J. (2015) Challenges of doing something new: barriers to natural flood management., Presentation at the World Water Conference, Edinburgh, 25-29 May 2015.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Hopkins, J.; Schurch, N.; Martinez Sanchez, G.; Currie, M.; Farinelli, V. (2023) Can we understand the ‘Wellbeing Economy’ by Measuring ‘Inclusive Growth’ Insights from a Granular Analysis within Scotland, UK, Presented at Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, 14-17 June 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Online
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Valero, D.; Melnykovych, M.; Wilson, R.; Hopkins, J.; Martinat, S.; Brnkalakova, S.; Kluvankova, T. (2023) Empowering marginalised mountain communities to act for change , CANSEE2023 BY DESIGN NOT DISASTER: Grounding Economies During Uncertain Times, 11-13 October 2023, York University, Toronto, Canada
- Hopkins, J.; Maclean, L. (2022) Changing spaces from the bottom up understanding emerging community adaptations to Covid19, Presentation to session ‘366: Geographies of Covid-19’ at Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual International Conference, 2 September 2022, Newcastle.
- Hopkins, J.; Piras, S.; Kapour, G. (2022) How could a net zero economy impact rural demography? Insights from a regional model for Scotland, Presentation to session ‘Online-G03-O2 Demographic Change, Population, Migration and Mobility Behaviour’, European Regional Studies Association Congress, 22 August 2022, Pécs, Hungary.
- Barlagne, C.; Calo, A.; Holstead, K.; Hopkins, J.; Sutherland, L-A.; Matthews, K.B.; Miller, D.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Barnes, A.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M.; Thomson, S.; Toma, L. (2020) Farm Intentions Survey: Outputs and ongoing research from our work on rural industries., Key Rural Industries – WP2.4, End of Year Workshop, Saughton House, Edinburgh, 12 March 2020. (Poster and discussions with Scottish Government stakeholders).
- Hopkins, J.; Copus, A. (2017) A return to population decline? Demographic change in sparsely populated Scotland, 1991-2046., The James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, Bonar Hall, Dundee, 22 November 2017. (Poster)
- Slee, W.; Hopkins, J. (2013) The creative class in Scotland : a positive force in rural development., Theme 8 Strategic Programme Event, Birnam, October 2013.