James Sample

Honorary Associate
Environmental and Biochemical Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

James has a background in geology with an emphasis on terrain analysis and modelling using GIS. Prior to joining the Macaulay in March 2010 he spent four years working for the British Scenery Project, looking at how geological and geomorphological processes have shaped the UK landscape.

James is currently working with flow and turbidity data from the Lunan Monitored Priority Catchment. The aim is to assess whether continuous measurements from turbidity probes offer a relatively cost effective and useful means of monitoring water quality compared to infrequent spot-sampling.


Technical / contract reports

  • Dawson, L.A.; Stutter, M.I.; Cooksley, S.; Sample, J. (2017) Hydropower research., SEFARI Gateway Report, SRP2-11-16.
  • Vinten, A.J.A.; Wilkinson, M.; Sample, J.; Rear, L.; Hoang-Cong, C.; Novo, P.; Halliday, M. (2017) Water level management in the upper Lunan Water, Angus, Scotland, Report for James Hutton Website, 35pp.
  • Akoumianaki, I.; Potts, J.; Baggio, A.; Gimona, A.; Spezia, L.; Sample, J.; Vinten, A.J.A.; MacDonald, J. (2016) Developing a method to monitor the rural diffuse pollution plan: Providing a framework for interpreting catchment data., CREW Report, CRW2014/13, 49pp.
  • Vinten, A.j.A.; Sample, J.; Ibeyemi, A.; Balana, B.; Diggins, G. (2014) Development of indicators of the impact of SRDP (2007-2013) measures on water quality and applications at national level and to the Lunan water catchment., Report for Scottish Government as part of sub-contract with rural development company on Scotland Rural Development Programme 2007-2013: Ongoing evaluation activity 2011 to 2013, Objective III Tender reference: RERAD/018/10.
  • Sample, J.; Dunn, S.M. (2013) Trend analysis of nitrate concentrations in the Ythan., CREW Report CRW2013/2.
  • Jackson-Blake, L.; Dunn, S.M.; Hershkovitz, Y.; Sample, J.; Helliwell, R.C.; Balana, B. (2013) Biophysical catchment-scale modelling in the River Dee, Scotland, Deliverable 5.3: REFRESH website.
  • Sample, J.; Vinten, A.J.A. (2012) Assessing the effectiveness of SRDP measures: a GIS handbook., Report to Scottish Government Department of Rural Statistics.
  • Dawson, J.J.C.; Redden, H.; Hough, R.L.; Sample, J.; Towers, W.; Troldborg, M. (2012) Assessment of the feasibility of co-digesting feedstocks – macroalgae and sewage sludge: 1. Value potential., CREW Publication, 2012 – Rapid Response Project (CRWRR002).
  • Brown, I.; Dunn, S.M.; Matthews, K.B.; Poggio, L.; Sample, J.; Miller, D. (2012) The water supply/demand balance and climate change., Summary Report, Centre of Expertise for Water (CREW).
  • Brown, I.; Dunn, S.M.; Matthews, K.B.; Poggio, L.; Sample, J.; Miller, D. (2012) Mapping of water supply-demand deficits with climate change in Scotland: land use implications., Technical Report, Centre of Expertise for Water (CREW).
  • Towers, W.; Dunn, S.M.; Dawson, J.J.C.; Sample, J. (2012) The potential risks to water quality from diffuse pollution driven by future land use and climate change., Project Report to CREW (call down project requested by SEPA).
  • Helliwell, R.C.; Aherne, J.; MacDougall, G.; Broadmeadow, S.; Nisbet, T.R.; Sample, J.; Jackson-Blake, L.; Doughty, R.; Malcolm, I. (2011) Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to atmospheric pollution and forestry practices in Galloway, SW Scotland., Forestry Commission Report.
  • Stutter, M.I.; Baggaley, N.; Barry, C.; Chapman, S.J.; Dawson, J.J.C.; Helliwell, R.C.; Higgins, A.; Howden, N.; Jackson-Blake, L.; Lumsdon, D.G.; Malcolm, I.; Sample, J.; Potts, J.; Worrall, F. (2011) Assessment of the contribution of aquatic carbon fluxes to carbon losses from UK peatlands. Final report, SNIFFER Contract Report ER18, July 2011.

Conference papers

  • Brown, I.; Poggio, L.; Castellazzi, M.; Dunn, S.M.; Sample, J. (2012) Implications of land use and climate change for the water balance in Scotland., IWA World Congress on Water, Climate, Energy, Dublin, Ireland, 13-18 May 2012.
  • Dunn, S.M.; Castellazzi, M.; Shahgedanova, M.; Jackson-Blake, L.; Brown, I.; Sample, J.; Helliwell, R.C. (2012) Modelling scenarios of land use and climate change on diffuse pollution from agricultural nitrate., Proceedings of the 11th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, University of Dundee, Dundee, 9-11 July 2012.
  • Sample, J.; Dunn, S.M.; Brown, I.; Towers, W. (2012) Climate change and the land use strategy for Scotland: implications for the nation’s water resources., IWA World Congress on Water, Climate, Energy. Dublin, Ireland, 12-18 May 2012 .
  • Sample, J.; Dunn, S.M.; Brown, I.; Towers, W. (2012) Scotland’s water resources: impacts of land use and climate change., Proceedings of the 11th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, University of Dundee, Dundee, 9-11 July 2012.
  • Vinten, A.J.A.; Stutter, M.I.; Sample, J.; Dunn, S.; Birkel, C.; Potts, J.; MacDonald, J.; Napier, F.; Jeffrey, W.; Christian, C. (2010) How effective is the implementation of controls on diffuse pollution under the Water Framework Directive in Scotland? Answers and questions from the Lunan Diffuse Pollution Monitored Catchment project., Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group: Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, Quebec, Canada, 12-17 September 2010.

Conference posters / abstracts