Eric Paterson

Root Physiologist / Biochemist
Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

Eric has more than 25 years’ experience of working on plant-soil interactions in the context of sustainable crop production systems, soil health and mitigation of environmental impacts. His group have developed novel stable isotope approaches that allow quantification of plant-mediated impacts on soil C and N cycling processes, identifying the importance of these interactions in the contexts of soil GHG exchanges and nutrient supply in semi-natural and agroecosystems. Most recently he has applied these approaches to study interactions between plant genotype, management and environment (G x M x E) in UK, European and African agricultural systems, to optimise of crop production, while fostering the sustainability of the soil resource. He is a Subject Editor for the journals Plant & Soil and Soil Biology & Biochemistry, and has more than 90 ISI listed publications (WoK h-index = 34). His research has been supported by Scottish Government, BBSRC, NERC, British Council, EU and industry. He currently co-ordinates Soils research within the Scottish Government Strategic Research Programme, is a board member of the NERC Soils Training and Research Studentships CDP (STARS) and has served as a review panel member for NERC, BBSRC and international research funders.

The research group has developed novel methodologies for continuous, steady-state 13CO2-labelling of plants that enable quantification of plant-derived C-fluxes to soil and to the various components of the soil biota (e.g. via compound-specific 13C-analysis of PLFA biomarkers). A key advantage of the continuous labelling approach is that isotopic mass balance can be applied to quantify turnover of soil organic matter in intact systems (i.e. including plants), such that the biological controls of soil organic matter mineralisation can be studied. A current research priority of the group is to investigate the interactions between plant-derived C-fluxes to soil and microbially mediated turnover of native soil organic matter. These interactions are being studied in the contexts of:

  1. the responses of soils to land use and environmental change (e.g. potential feedbacks to GHG-mediated climate forcing), and
  2. the sustainable productivity of agricultural systems (e.g. understanding the controls of productivity in low-input systems and optimising the use of organic amendments as fertiliser replacements).

Current research projects

  • BBSRC GCRF Foundation Award BB/P022936/1 (2017-2021): Exploiting the potential of genotype microbiome interactions to promote sustainable soil health in southern Africa. (£532k, Hutton PI).
  • BBSRC GCRF Sustainable Agriculture for Sub-Saharan Africa BBR020590/1 (2018-2022): Science-driven Evaluation of Legume Choice for Transformed livelihoods (£1.8M; Hutton PI).
  • BBSRC GCRF BB/T012552/1 (2020-2022): Africa SOIL: Soil Organic matter Improves Livelihoods (£250k, Hutton PI).
  • NERC CDP NE/M009106/1 (2017-2022): Soils Training and Research Studentships (£2.3M, Co-I)
  • PhD project, Walsh Foundation (2018-2022) Linking microbially mediated soil organic matter turnover to N availability in agricultural soils.
  • PhD project, Gatsby Foundation (2018-2022) Impacts of maize-legume intercropping on rhizosphere C:N:P stoichiometry and nutrient availability.
  • PhD project, Joint Studentship Programme (2019-2023) The interactions of plant, microbial and physico-chemical controls on carbon and nutrient cycling in the rhizosphere.


Prior to appointment

  • Paterson, E.; Kemp, J.S.; Gammack, S.M.; FitzPatrick, .A.; Cresser, M.S.; Mullins, C.E.; Killham, K. (1993) The movemnet of genetically modified bacteria through soil influence of soil type., Biology and Fertility of Soils, 15, 308-314.
  • Kemp, J.S.; Paterson, E.; Gammack, S.M.; Killham, K.; Cresser, M.S. (1992) Leaching of genetically modified Pseudomonas fluorescens through organic soils influence of temperature, soil pH, and roots., Biology and Fertility of Soils, 13, 218-224.

Books / chapters

  • Paterson, E.; Mwafulirwa, L. (2021) Root-soil-microbe interactions mediating nutrient fluxes in the rhizosphere, In: Gupta, W.S.R. & Sharma, A.K. (eds.). Rhizosphere Biology: Interactions between Microbes and Plants. Rhizosphere Biology. Singapore: Springer Nature, Chapter 3, pp 75-91
  • Paterson, E. (2013) The use of stable isotope labelling and compound-specific analysis of microbial phospholipid fatty acids to quantify the influences of rhizodeposition on microbial community structure and function., In: de Bruijn, F.J. (ed.). Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey. Volume 1, pp141-148.
  • Balesdent, J.; Ciavatta, C.; Dennis, P.; Finlay, R.; Gessa, C.E.; Gioacchini, P.; Hacin, J.; Hodge, A.; Jones, D.; Killham, K.; Kuzyakov, Y.; Lecomte, A.; Minchin, P.E.H.; Nguyen, C.; Paterson, E.; Robin, C.; Schweizer, P.; Standing, D. (2007) Element cycling and organic matter turnover., In: Luster, J.F.R. (ed.). Handbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research. Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, 333-359. ISBN: 3-905621-35-5
  • Paterson, E.; Rattray, E.A.S.; Killham, K. (1995) Rhizosphere ecophysiology., The Encyclopaedia of Environmental Biology, 3, pp237-245. Academic Press, New York.

Technical / contract reports

  • Pakeman, R.; Baggaley, N.; Negassa, W.; Glendell, M.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Neilson, R.; Paterson, E.; Stutter, M.; Conington, J.; Potts, J.; Skuce, P. (2024) Understanding metrics for effective environmental measures under the Agricultural Reform Programme for Scotland, Edinburgh Research Archive – ClimateXChange Publications
  • Pakeman, R.; Baggaley, N.; Chewaka, W.; Glendell, M.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Neilson, R.; Paterson, E.; Stutter, M.; Conington, J.; Miller, G.; Skuce, P.; Potts, J. (2024) Understanding metrics for effective environmental measures under the Agricultural Reform Programme for Scotland, ClimateXChange
  • Matthews, K.; Blackstock, K.L.; Wardell-Johnson, D.H.; Miller, D.G.; Tavana, M.; Thomson, S.; Moxey, A.; Neilson, R.; Baggaley, N.; Giles, M.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Paterson, E.; Pakeman, R.; Hawes, C.; Stockan, J.; Stutter, M.; Addy, S.; Wilkinson, M.E.; Juarez-Bourke, A.; Waylen, K.A.; Rivington, M.; Aitkenhead, M.J.; Coull, M.C. (2023) Synthesis Report: Screening Enhanced Conditionality Measures, An output of RESAS commissioned project Supporting
    Scotland’s Land Use Transformations (JHI-C3-1),59pp, Published online
  • Brooker, R.; Paterson E.; Glendell, M.; Ellis, C.; Eastwood, A.; Fraser, F.; Wilkinson, M.; Skuce, P.; Macleod, C.; Carvalho, L.; Fischer, A.; Comerford, D.; Holland, J.; Vinten, A.J.A.; McVittie, A. (2017) Report on natural assets theme science day, James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, 2 October 2017., Theme 1 Web pages, 6pp.
  • Owen, J.; Paterson, E. (2012) Preliminary report on the suitability of ‘Struvite’ as a soil conditioner/fertiliser to sustain the growth of barley and ryegrass., Report for William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd.
  • Patersaon, E.; Owen, J. (2012) Report on chemical analysis and seed germination trials on soil samples from prospective football pitch., Report for Raeburn Drilling
  • Paterson, E.; Owen, J. (2011) Report on the analysis of crushed granite sample for elemental concentration, aqueous extractable elements, and C and N, Total C and N, extractable nitrate, loss on ignition, particle size distribution and ecotoxicity., Report for Cloburn Quarry Company Ltd.
  • Paterson, E.; Campbell, C.D.; Coull, M.C.; Shand, C.A. (2011) Geochemical atlas for Scottish topsoils., The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen, 43pp.ISBN 978-0-902701-007
  • Paterson, E. (2010) Copper in soils: potential impacts of distillery co-product applications to land., Report for Helius Energy PLC.
  • Owen, J.; Paterson, E. (2010) Report on drill cuttings for leachable and total elemental composition, particle size distribution and initial biological testing., Report for Chevron Energy Technology Company.
  • Paterson, E. (2009) Pot trials of soil conditioner formulations., Report for Helius Energy plc.

Conference papers

  • Matthews, K.; Blackstock, K.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Miller, D.; Tavana, M.; Thomson, S.; Moxey, A.; Nielson, R.; Baggaley, N.; Loades, K.; Paterson, E.; Pakeman, R.; Hawes, C.; Stockan, J.; Stutter, M.; Addy, S.; Wilkinson, M. (2023) Cross-scale analysis of social-ecological systems: Policy options appraisal for delivering NetZero and other environmental objectives in Scotland, In: Vaze, J., Chilcott, C., Hutley, L. and Cuddy, S.M. (eds.) MODSIM2023, 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 9-14 July 2023, Darwin, NT, Australia, 7pp
  • Paterson, E. (2017) Plant and microbial controls of priming effects at the root-soil interface., 6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Harpenden, UK, 3-7 September 2017.
  • Paterson, E. (2017) Root deposition: effects on soil biota and processes., Soil Dynamics: Organisms, Pools & Processes, Soro, Denmark, 4-10 June 2017.
  • Baggs, E.; Morley, N.; Paterson, E.; Villada, A.; Gougoulias, C.; Shaw, L. (2017) Linking carbon and nitrogen cycles in the rhizosphere., American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 9-13 December 2017.
  • Richards, S.; Withers, P.J.A.; Paterson, E.; Stutter, M.I. (2017) Removal and attenuation of sewage effluent combined tracer signals of phosphorus, caffeine and saccharin in soil., BSSS Early Careers Researcher Conference, Lancaster, UK,19-20 April 2017.
  • Waibel, M.; Santos, C.; Paterson, E.; Thornton, B.; Brennan, F.; Abram, F.; Tuohy, M. (2017) Biochemical characterisation of operational soil proteinaceous fractions, obtained by different extraction methods from grassland topsoils., 6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Harpenden, UK, 3-7 September 2017.
  • Paterson, E. (2016) Plant-soil interactions mediating rhizosphere C and N fluxes., Workshop on Soil Food Webs: Linking structure, energy flux and function, Berlin, Germany, 2-4 March 2016.
  • Paterson, E. (2016) Root-soil interactions mediating C and N fluxes in the rhizosphere., 3rd Doctoral Researcher’s Conference, Signaling at the Plant-Soil Interface, Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany, 14-16 September 2016.
  • Waibel, M.; Thornton, B.; Paterson, E.; Freitag, T. (2016) Interactions in labile C application to soil and soil organic matter mineralisation., 3rd Doctoral Researcher’s Conference, Signaling at the Plant-Soil Interface, Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany, 14-16 September 2016.
  • Paterson, E. (2015) Plant, soil and microbial controls of soil organic matter mineralisation: Is it possible to predict and manipulate priming effects?, 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Gottingen, Germany, 20-24 September 2015.
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Baggs, E.M.; Russell, J.; Morley, N.; Paterson, E. (2015) Respective impacts of root tissue recalcitrance and carbon deposition on soil processes., British Society of Soil Science Early Career Researchers Conference, University of York, 7-8 April 2015.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Schulte, R.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2014) Understanding emerging mechanisms that underpin nitrogen mineralisation., Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 3rd Year Symposium, 3-4 April 2014.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Paterson, E.; Baggs, E.M.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Schulte, R. (2014) Understanding emerging mechanisms that underpin nitrogen mineralisation and their impact on nitrogen management strategies., Proceedings of the 18th Nitrogen Workshop – The Nitrogen Challenge: Building a Blueprint for Nitrogen Use and Efficiency and Food Security. Lisbon, Portugal 30 June – 3 July, 2014
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2014) Understanding emerging mechanism underpinning C and N cycling in soil., Student Competition, The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, 20 March 2014.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Schulte, R.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2014) Is the Priming Effect on organic matter a missing component for optimising N-fertilisation to crop demand?, British Society of Soil Science, Annual Meeting, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, 3-5 September 2014.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2014) Using continuous steady-state 13C-labelling to determine mechanisms and regulators underpinning priming effects., British Society of Soil Science, Annual Meeting, Manchester University, Manchester, 3-4 September 2014.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2014) Is the rhizosphere priming effect an important mechanism for nitrogen mineralisation in soil?, Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Seminar, Teagasc, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland, 5 December 2014.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Schulte, R.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2013) The importance of plant-soil interactions for N mineralisation in different soil types., British Society of Soil Science, Early Careers Conference, University of York, 27-28 March 2013.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Schulte, R.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2013) The importance of plant-soil interactions for N mineralisation in different soil types., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013. EGU2013-6179. (Poster)
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Schulte, R.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2012) Soil organic matter priming: effect of labile carbon on N mineralisation in Irish grassland soils., Student Competition, The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, 8 April 2012.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Schulte, R.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2012) Soil organic matter priming: effect of labile carbon on nitrogen mineralisation in Irish grassland soils., Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen Research Day, 5 December 2012.
  • Ghee, C.; Hallett, P.D.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D.; Paterson, E. (2012) Priming effects alter the temperature response of soil organic matter mineralisation., EUROSOIL 2012, Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), Bari, Italy, 2-6 July 2012
  • Ghee, C.; Hallett, P.D.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D.; Paterson, E. (2012) Soil organic matters in sustainable cropping., Planet Under Pressure, International Conference Centre, London, 26-29 March 2012.
  • Hallett, P.D.; Barre, P.; Bengough, A.G.; Loades, K.W.; Duckett, N.R.; Knappett, J.A.; Paterson, E.; Daniell, T.; Caul, S.; Zhang, B. (2012) Influence of plant roots on the physical behaviour of soils., The 8th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR); Roots to the Future, The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, 26-29 June 2012.
  • Paterson, E. (2012) Stable isotope labelling and tracking to quantify plant-mediated priming of soil organic matter mineralisation., EUROSOIL 2012, Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), Bari, Italy, 2-6 July 2012.
  • Paterson, E. (2011) Soil structure, biology and organic matter., Scottish Society of Crop Research Annual Meeting, Battleby, Perth, 24 February 2011.
  • Baggs, E.; Chadwick, K.; Giles, M.; Freitag, T.; Paterson, E. (2011) How strong is the coupling between plant C-flow and rhizosphere denitrification?, Rhizosphere 3 International Conference, Perth, Australia, 25-30 September 2011.
  • Chadwick, K.L.; Paterson, E.; Prosser, J.I.; Baggs, E.A. (2009) Is it plant – or soil-derived carbon that drives denitrification?, Scottish Root Group Meeting, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen, 3 November 2009.
  • Chadwick, K.L.; Paterson, E.; Prosser, J.I.; Baggs, E.A. (2009) Is it plant – or soil-derived carbon that drives denitrification?, Nitrogen Cycling Meeting, 14th, Alicante, Spain, 16-18 September 2009.
  • Tandy, S.; Brittain, S.; McLeod, C.; Paterson, E.; Tomos, A.D. (2009) An intereaction between root acidic exudates and DU shrapnel in contaminated soil measured at mm resolution., COGER Meeting, Warrington, 6-8 April 2009.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Giles, M.; Paterson, E.; Neilson, R. (2018) Selecting grass species to reduce greenhouse gas emissions., Science at the Parliament, Holyrood, 30 May 2018.
  • Uwase, I.; Hallett, P.; George, T.; Paterson, E. (2018) Can traditional barley varieties offer an agricultural adaptation to cope with climate change and phosphorus depletion?, Scottish Parliament, 20 February 2018. (Poster)
  • Jilkova, V.; Jandova, K.; Sim, A.; Paterson, E. (2018) Priming effect of labile and recalcitrant litter carbon on the decomposition of temperate coniferous forest soils., European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018, EGU2018-6472, SSS6.5. (Poster)
  • Kelly, S.R.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E.; Abram, F.; Brennan, F.P. (2018) The effect of liming on microbially mediated soil organic matter N turnover., Microbiomes Underpinning Agriculture, Cork Ireland, 1-2 October 2018. (Poster)
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Paterson, E.; Daniell, T.; Russell, J.; Hackett, C.; Cairns, J.E.; Thierfelder, C.; Baggs, E.M. (2018) From barley to maize: Exploiting the potential of genotype selection to optimize root-soil interactions., 21st World Congress of Soil Science (12-17 August 2018), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12-17 August 2018. (Poster).
  • Greenfield, L.M.; Hill, P.W.; Paterson, E.; Jones, D.L. (2017) The use of 14C labelled proteins to assess the efficiency of extracting proteins from soil., BSSS Early Careers Researcher Conference, Lancaster, UK, 19-20 April, 2017. (Poster)
  • McCloskey, C.S.; Paterson, E.; Kirk, G. (2017) Measuring and modelling plant-driven soil carbon dynamics., BSSS Early Careers Researcher Conference, Lancaster, UK, 19-20 April 2017. (Poster)
  • Waibel, M.; Santos, C.; Paterson, E.; Thornton, B.; Brennan, F.; Abram, F.; Tuohy, M. (2017) Characterisation of proteins obtained by different extraction methods from a grassland topsoil., ENVIRON 2017, Athlone, Ireland, 10-12 April 2017. (Poster)
  • Hill, E.; Hill, P.W.; Jones, D.L.; Paterson, E.; Newsham, K.K. (2017) Do conventional pulse-labelling techniques effectively simulate competition for amino acid nitrogen in soil?, BSSS Early Careers Researcher Conference, Lancaster, UK, 19-20 April 2017. (Poster)
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Baggs, E.M.; Russell, J.; Daniell, T.; Cairns, J.E.; Thierfelder, C.; Hackett, C.; Paterson, E. (2017) Root trait selection for sustainable soil health: From barley to maize – exploiting the potential of genotype selection to optimize root-soil interactions., The James Hutton Institute Annual Research Symposium, Dundee, United Kingdom, 22 November 2017. (Poster)
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Baggs, E.M.; Russell, J.; George, T.; Morley, N.; de La Fuente Canto, C.; Paterson, E. (2016) Barley genotype-specific variation in rhizodeposition derived C impacts mineralization of native soil organic matter and recent organic material inputs in soil: Evidence for redirecting crop breeding strategies towards root-trait selection., The 2016 CGIAR-ISPC Science Forum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12-14 April 2016. (Poster)
  • Alegria Terrazas, R.; Balbirnie, K.; Paterson, E.; Baggs, E.; Bulgarelli, D. (2015) Deciphering the cross-talk between host genotype, microbiota structure, and plant growth in barley., Rhizosphere 4, Maastricht, Netherlands, 21-25 June 2015. (Poster)
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Baggs, E.; Russell, J.; Morley, N.; Paterson, E. (2015) Barley genotype-specific variation in rhizodeposition derived C impacts mineralization of native soil organic matter and recent organic material inputs in soil., The 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Gottingen, Germany, 20-24 September 2015.
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Baggs, E.M.; Russell, J.; George, T.; Morley, N.; de La Fuente Canto, C.; Paterson, E. (2015) Barley genotype-specific variation in rhizodeposition derived C impacts mineralization of native soil organic matter and recent organic material inputs in soil., The British Society of Soil Science Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom, 5 December 2015. (Poster)
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Baggs, E.; Russell, J.; Morley, N.; Paterson, E. (2013) Mineralization of 13C labelled root and shoot residues of ryegrass and their partitioning in soil fractions., Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences (IBES), Annual Research Day, University of Aberdeen, 6 December 2013.
  • Mwafulirwa, L.; Baggs, E.; Russell, J.; Morley, N.; Paterson, E. (2013) Assessing the potential of root trait selection as a breeding strategy for climate change mitigation., The James Hutton Institute Postgraduate Student Competition, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, 28 March 2013.
  • Bradley, R.; Paterson, E.; Chapman, S.J.; Thornton, B.; Sim, A. (2013) Testing the root-priming of soil organic matter decomposition using the isotopic signature of fossil fuel CO2., European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013.
  • Ghee, C.; Paterson, E.; Hallett, P.D.; Neilson, R.; Robinson, D. (2013) Priming is instrinsically insensitive to temperature., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013.
  • Murphy, C.J.; Baggs, E.M.; Schulte, R.; Morley, N.; Wall, D.P.; Paterson, E. (2012) Soil organic matter priming: Effect of labile carbon on N mineralisation in Irish grassland soils., 17th International Nitrogen Workshop, Wexford, Ireland, 26-29 June 2012.
  • Murphy, C.; Baggs, E.A.; Paterson, E.; Wall, D.; Schule, R. (2012) Priming effect: the effect of priming on N mineralisation in Irish grassland soils., 17th International Nitrogen Workshop Innovations for Sustainable use of Nitrogen Resources, Wexford, Ireland, 26-29 June 2012.