I am currently involved in several projects, including NUE-Leg (Nitrogen Utilisation Efficiency-Legumes) which is funded by the UK Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). The aim of this project is to minimise the dependence of grassland farmers on inorganic nitrogen fertiliser by employing novel legume varieties, the most efficient rhizobial symbionts and optimised plant nutritional formulations. The other projects investigate the rhizobia associated with indigenous UK legumes in the genera Astragalus and Oxytropis as well the symbionts of broom (Cytisus scoparius) and gorse (Ulex europaeus).
I still actively supervise PhD students based at UP (in conjunction with colleagues at the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute [FABI]). The five students I currently supervise predominantl focus on rhizobia in the genera Paraburkholderia, Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Rhizobium. The legume hosts span soybean to various indigenous South African legumes.
- Rouws, L.; Barauna, A.; Beukes, C.; Rouws, J.R.C.; de Faria, S.M.; Gross, E.; dos Reis, F.B.; Simon, M.F.; Maluk, M.; Odee, D.W.; Fordeyn, S.; Kenicer, G.; Young, J.P.W.; Reis, V.M.; Zilli, J.; James, E.K. (2024) Soil characteristics drive contrasting patterns of association between symbiotic rhizobia of endemic and widespread Mimosa species in Brazil, Applied Soil Ecology, 204, article 105741
- van Lill, M.; Venter, S.N.; Muema, E.K.; Palmer, M.; Chan, W.Y.; Beukes, C.W.; Steenkamp, E.T. (2024) SeqCode facilitates naming of South African rhizobia left in limbo, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 47, Art. 126504
- Claassens, R.; Venter, S.N.; Beukes, C.; Stepkowski, T.; Chan, W.Y.; Steenkamp, E. (2023) Bradyrhizobium xenonodulans sp. nov. isolated from nodules of Australian Acacia species invasive to South Africa, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 46, Art. 126452
- Bellès-Sancho, P.; Beukes, C.; James, E.; Pessi, G. (2023) Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiotic Paraburkholderia Species: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives, Nitrogen, 4, 135-158
- Bopape, F.; Beukes, C.; Kopotsa, K.; I. Hassen, A.; Steenkamp, E.; Gwata, E. (2023) Symbiotic Performance and Characterization of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) Rhizobia Occurring in South African Soils, Agriculture, 13(1), Art. 30
- Wanjafo, E.I.; Venter, S.N.; Beukes, C.; Steenkamp, E.T.; Gwata, E.T.; Muema, E.K. (2022) Nodulation and Growth Promotion of Chickpea by Mesorhizobium Isolates from Diverse Sources, Microorganisms, 10(12), Art. 2467
Prior to appointment
- Avontuur, J.; Palmer, M.; Beukes, C.; Yin Chan, W.; Tasiya, T.; van Zyl, E.; Coetzee, M.; Stepkowski, T.; Venter, S.; Steenkamp, E. (2022) Bradyrhizobium altum sp. nov., Bradyrhizobium oropedii sp. nov. and Bradyrhizobium acaciae sp. nov. from South Africa show locally restricted and pantropical nodA phylogeographic patterns, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 167, Art. 107338.
- Steenkamp, E.T.; van Zyl, E.; Beukes, C.W.; Avontuur, J.R.; Palmer, M.; Chan, W.Y.; Mthombeni, L.S.; Phalane, F.L.; Sereme, T.K.; Venter, S.N. (2015) Burkholderia kirstenboschensis sp. nov. nodulates papilionoid legumes indigenous to South Africa, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 38(8), 545-554
- Beukes, C.W.; Venter, S.N.; Law, I.J.; Phalane, F.L.; Steenkamp, E.T. (2013) South African papilionoid legumes are nodulated by diverse Burkholderia with unique nodulation and nitrogen-fixation loci, PLoS ONE, 8(7), Art. E68406