Dr Chen Wang is a Landscape and Visualisation Scientist, who joined the Information and Computational Sciences group at the James Hutton Institute in 2010.
He received his BEng at Soochow University, and a PhD in computer science at University of Bradford. He has been a teaching assistant at the University of Bradford (2005-2008).The modules he was involved with include Scripting Programming and Technical Animation, Real-time 3D Computer Graphics for Games.
He is responsible for developing materials for 2D/3D visualisation, including landscapes under scenarios of change due to rural development and climate change, and the interpretation of landscapes/seascapes and contribute to the development, and execution, of proposals for funding from other sources, and the preparation of scientific outputs.
He is a member of Virtual Landscape Theatre team, responsible for developing landscape models, preparing and participating in Knowledge Exchange events and Conference Exhibitions for stakeholders, visiting groups, professional and public audiences.
He has been invited to Royal Garden Party at Holyrood 2022 to recognise his work with the VR Theatre.
His research interests include 3D modelling of landscapes; Integrating virtual environment with Remote Sensing and GIS for land and sea planning; Urban environment modelling and reconstruction; Augmented Reality visualization; Character and traffic animation; 3D flooding modelling and simulation for monitoring and management.
He is also interested in designing combination approaches for representation and assessment of 3D virtual environment in land planning and management and Bringing more exploration and interaction to scenario modeling and data visualisation through 3D GIS and Virtual Reality.
His recent work of digital twin prototype for smart farming provides an innovative framework to integrate spatial data modelling, analytical capabilities, scenarios simulation and visualisation. His current work in planning and testing preferences of future woodland expansion have significant potential to contribute to Glensaugh climate-positive farming initiative (e.g., ‘carbon farming’ through expanding woodland).
Recent Projects:
European Union
External Projects
- MDT – Beidavar (2021-2022): Bringing more exploration and interaction to data visualisation through Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- RSE-NSFC Joint Project 2016-2018: Water body surveying and visualization using satellite altimetry and remote sensing images.
- Contribution of green and open space to human health and wellbeing (GreenHealth)
Scottish Government
Past research
Some 3D Visualisation Projects are listed below:
Integration of GIS and Virtual Reality for Future Land-Use: A Case Study from Royal Deeside
A 3D model of Aboyne was developed to present information on land-use as part of a knowledge exchange programme. This was implemented as a tool for eliciting stakeholder and public opinions on benefits associated with land-use. Multiple functionalities of the interactive models for the case study area have been designed and tested among participants such as: ‘drag-and-drop’ features. It allows audiences to choose where they would like to position elements was added based on a series of 3D icons. The virtual reality environment (Virtual Landscape Theatre) was used as the medium with invited groups from schools and youth groups, university students, natural heritage managers, planners, and the general public, enabling fly-through, exploring specific views, and switching between presence and absence of some wildlife.
Moving Forward from Ash Dieback: Scenarios of Change in Visualisation
The approach taken was to present the information in an interactive highly visual way by developing a 3D model using Maya software and generating trees showing various stages of infection. Take the video walk-through of a virtual reality model of a hypothetical woodland in north-west Scotland to learn what signs to look for, informing you of a woodland being infected (red sign) or uninfected (blue sign), photographs of symptoms of the disease, and view scenarios of the loss of ash trees and regeneration of woodland trees.
Offshore Renewable, West Coast
A prototype 3D model was developed to present alternative designs of a hypothetical windfarm offshore of the island of Tiree, on the west coast of Scotland. The model was used to identify issues associated with the development of offshore windfarms, including alternative options for the heights of wind turbines, and factors such as sea state and atmospheric visibility.
Community Planning and Engagement for Greenspace Using 3D Visualisation Tools
This research describes the findings of engagement with local communities in a case study in Dundee identifying scenarios of potential greenspace content, use, and environments conducive to health and well-being. 3D visualisation tools were used to present multiple functions of the greenspace, community-identified priorities and the introduction of potentially new 3D features such as dog exercise area, shelter for adults, barbeque equipment and car parking.
Public Interpretation of Land and Sea Use Using Visualisation Tools
Prototype 3D models offer greater flexibility in delivering a comprehensive creative features set with tools for animation, modeling, simulation and rendering in Loch Linnhe.
It is important for development of prototype models for use in raising public awareness of changes in rural areas, focusing on greenspaces, and testing responses to scenarios of change. Specifically, the focus is on the design of appropriate types and speeds of movement of features. This modelling is done using the Maya and ArcGIS software packages together in a novel combination of spatial and visualisation tools. The experiment results show evidence that different types of animation with interactive communication will influence participation and decision making in land use planning.
Animation of Undersea Environment, with Movement of Fish,Water,Shadows and Flora
The model includes the representation of lighting and consequent illumination and reflections, and the movement of the sea surface. It includes marine flora and fauna such as starfish, sea weed, sea grass, sea anemone, shell, fan coral, coral reef rocks with lobster, crabs, dolphins, and other fish. This model is the basis of an animation of a hypothetical marine environment for discussing issues relating to potential impacts of change and the introduction of man-made structures, such as renewable energy developments.
Visualise Offshore Oil Platform with Different Sea State
The 3D model of Oil Platform incorporates different sea states, according to the World Meteorological Organisation 0-9 scale. The 3DS Max software is used to develop the sea states. The ‘Tide Height’ parameter is used to determine the height of nominal plane of the sea surface for computing reflections.
Renewable Energy, Solar Farm Visualisation
A prototype 3D model was developed to present alternative designs of a hypothetical Solar Farm. In the online version there could be different layers people could click on or off and add comments.
- Li, S.; Guo, W.; Wang, C.; Tang, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, H.; Li, Y.; Wei, Z.; Chen, J.; Sun, Z. (2023) Alternative splicing impacts the rice stripe virus response transcriptome, Virology, 587, Art. 109870
- Stutter, M.I.; Baggaley, N.; Ó hUallacháin, D.; Wang, C. (2021) The utility of spatial data to delineate river riparian functions and management zones: a review., Science of the Total Environment, 757, Article No. 143982
- Han, H.; Hou, J.; Huang, M.; Li, Z.; Xu, K.; Zhang, D.; Bai, G. Wang, C. (2020) Impact of soil and water conservation measures and precipitation on streamflow in the middle and lower reaches of the Hulu River Basin, China., Catena, 195, Article No. 104792.
- Wang, C.; Hou, J.; Miller, D.R.; Brown, I.; Jiang, Y. (2019) Flood risk management in sponge cities: the role of integrated simulation and 3D visualization., International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 39, Article No. 101139.
- Wang, C.; Jiang, Y.; Xie, H.; Miller, D.R.; Brown, I. (2016) Development of a flood warning simulation system: a case study of 2007 Tewkesbury flood., Floodrisk 2016, 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management, Lyon, France, 17-21 October 2016. E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 7, Article No. UNSP 18021.
- Xie, H.; Luo, X. ; Xu, X.; Wang, C.; Pan, H.; Tong, X. ; Liu, S. (2016) Estimation of urban surface water at subpixel level from neighbourhood pixels using multispectral remote sensing image., SPIE Remote Sensing, International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, 26-28 September 2016. Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXII, Proceedings, Volume 1004, Article No. 100040O.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.; Brown, I.; Jian, Y. (2016) Public participation to support wind energy development: The role of 3D GIS and virtual reality., Proceedings of 24th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, 2016, Plzen, Czech Republic, 30 May – 3 June 2016. (Peer-reviewed).
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Brown, I.; Jiang, Y.; Castellazzi, M. (2016) Visualisation techniques to support public interpretation of future climate change and land use choices: a case study from N-E Scotland., International Journal of Digital Earth, 9, 586-605.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.; Jian, Y.; Brown, I. (2016) Integration of GIS and virtual reality for future land-use: A case study from Royal Deeside., 24th GIS Research UK (GISRUK2016) Conference, University of Greenwich, London, 30 March – 1 April 2016.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Jiang, Y.; Donaldson-Selby, G. (2015) Use of 3D visualisation tools for representing urban greenspace spatial planning., ICISCE2015, 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, Shanghai, China, 24-26 April 2015, pp530-534.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.; Jiang, Y.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Morrice, J. (2015) Visualisation of spread of Chalara ash dieback for raising public awareness and responsible woodland access., GIS Research UK 2015, Leeds, 15-17 April 2015. Proceedings, Chapter 69, pp653-658.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Jiang, Y.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Horne, P.; Morrice, J. (2014) 3D Modelling of offshore wind farms for the west coast of Scotland., GIS Research UK (GISRUK) 2014 Conference, University of Glasgow, 16-18 April 2014.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Jiang, Y.; Morrice, J. (2013) Developing a novel approach for 3D visualisation of Tarland., 17th International Conference Information Visualisation, London, 15-18 July 2013.
- Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.; Morrice, J.G.; Howe, J. (2013) Public interpretation of land and sea use using visualisation tools., GIS Research UK, University of Liverpool, 3-5 April 2013.
- Wang, C.; Wan, T.R.; Palmer, I.J. (2012) Automatic reconstruction of 3D environment using real terrain data and satellite images., Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 18, 49-63.
Prior to appointment
Books / chapters
- Miller, D.R.; Ode Sang, A.; Brown, I.; Munoz-Rojas, J.; Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G. (2020) Landscape modelling and stakeholder engagement: Participatory approaches and landscape visualisation, In: Sang, N. (ed.) Modelling Nature-Based Solutions Integrating Computational and Participatory Scenario Modelling for Environmental Management and Planning. Cambridge University Press, 19-55
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Jiang, Y.; Horne, P.; Morrice, J. (2012) Integration of Maya and ArcGIS: A new approach to representation in virtual., Design and Decision Support Systems, Eindhoven, August 2012.
Technical / contract reports
- Kirsch, A.; Dupont, A.; Berchoux, T.; Jain, P.; Damari, Y.; Chahid, N.; Ysebaert, R; Sorichetta, A.; Steele, J.; Voepel, H.; McCallum, I.; Tapia, C.; Slätmo, E.; Stjernberg, M.; Miller, D.; Hopkins, J.; Wang, C.; Stortini, F.; Ntabuhashe, M.; Chasset, L.; Bahta, M.; Doval, M.; Martins, B.; Ricci, M.; Kurdys-Kujawska, A. (2025) GRANULAR, Data Management Plan(2). Update, D1.4, Report to the European Commission, Project: Giving Rural Actors Novel data and re-Useable tools to Lead public Action in Rural areas (GRANULAR), D1.4
- Miller, D.; Schwarz, G.; Chartier, O.; Salle, E.; Zomer, B.; Bognar, J.; Arcuri, S.; Černič Istenič, M.; Martino, G.; Moodie, J.; Vilcu, R.; Irvine, K.; Nijnik, M.; Wang, C. (2023) Second Set of Recommendations for Future Research Agendas, Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors (SHERPA), D7.4
- Miller, D.; Wang, C.; Lostrangio, C.; Zomer, B.; Chartier, O.; Chmielinski, P.; Dawson, L.; Féret, S.; Potters, J.; Gizinska, K.; Salle, E.; Santos, P.; Schwarz, G.; Tudor, M. (2023) Synthesis outputs adapted for citizen audiences Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with actors (SHERPA), Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with actors (SHERPA). Deliverable D7.6
- Wilkinson, M.E.; Wang, C. (2017) A review of spatial (GIS) tools to aid in the placement of measures which disconnect flow pathways in the farmed landscape., RESAS Report.
- Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M. (2017) Aquaculture spatial planning tool factsheet: seascape visibility analysis., Factsheets on Tool Selection and Guidance for Users and Practitioners; Project Report for Aquaspace, Milestone 20.
- Billing, S-L.; Gubbins, M.; Miller, D.R.; Watret, R.; Adams, T.; Black, K.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Greenhill, L.; Tett, P. (2017) Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK., In: Strand, O. & Bergh, O. (eds.) Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture (Aquaspace). Deliverable 4.2 Case Study Final Reports, Report to the European Commission, James Hutton Institute. Chapter 15, 251-272.
- Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M. (2016) Use of 3D visualisation technology for wind farms and other development proposals – update., Interim Contract Report to Scottish Government.
- Miller, D.R.; Morrice, J.; McKeen, M.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Munoz-Rojas, J. (2016) Use of digital and 3D technology in planning: research report., Final Report for Scottish Government, pp109.
- Munoz-Rojas Morenes, J.; Morrice, J.; Miller, D.; Horne, P.; Donaldson-Selby,G.; Wang, C. (2014) Review report of best practice examples for landscape management, planning and conservation (Deliverable 5)., Deliverable 5 for the e-CLIC Project (Making European Policy Popular through Callenge, Learning, Innovation, Cooperation: An experiment on the European Landscape Convention).
- Munoz-Rojas Morenes, J.; Morrice,J.; Miller, D.R.; Horne,P.; Donaldson-Selby,G.; Wang, C. (2014) Learning objectives outline report; the role of ICT tools in promoting landscape challenges, learning, cooperation and innovation in the context of the European Landscape Convention (Deliverable 6)., Deliverable 6 for the e-CLIC Project (Making European Policy Popular through Challenge, Learning, Innovation, Cooperation: An Experiment on the European Landscape Convention.
- Miller, D.R.; Munoz-Rojas Morenes, J.; Morrice, J.; Horne, P.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C. (2014) Review of ICT tools for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention through awareness raising, learning, innovation and cooperation (Deliverable 7)., Deliverable 7 for the e-CLIC Project (Making European Policy Popular through Challenge, Learning, Innovation, Cooperation: An Experiment on the European Landscape Convention.
- Munoz-Rojas Morenes, J.; Morrice, J.; Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C. (2013) Review report of landscape related policy issues (Deliverable 4)., Deliverable 4 for the e-CLIC Project – Making European Policy Popular through Challenge, Learning, Innovation, Cooperation: An Experiment on the European Landscape Convention.
- Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Morrice, J.; Morris, S. (2013) Greenspace services: community planning., Scottish Government, GreenHealth Information Note Series (No. 4).
- Miller, D.R.; Morrice, J.; Aspinall, P.; Brown, K.M.; Cummins, R.; Dinnie, E.; Gilbert, A.; Hester, A.J.; Horne, P.; Mitchell, R.; Morris, S.; Roe, J.; Thompson, C.W. (2012) Contribution of green and open space in public health and well-being., Scottish Government, Green Health Progress Report, 2012. Project No. MLU/ECA/UGW/847/08
Conference papers
- Wang, C.; Gimona, A.; Miller, D.; Wilkinson, M.; Ovando, P.; Wilkins , B.; Jiang, Y. (2022) Bringing more exploration and interaction to scenario modeling and data visualisation through 3D GIS and Virtual Reality, 30th Annual Geographical Information Science Research UK (GISRUK), 5th – 8th April 2022, Liverpool, United Kingdom
- Wang, C.; Gimona, A.; Miller, D.; Wilkinson, M.; Ovando, P.; Wilkins , B.; Jiang, Y. (2022) Bringing more exploration and interaction to scenario modeling and data visualisation through 3D GIS and Virtual Reality, 30th Annual Geographical Information Science Research UK (GISRUK), 5th – 8th April 2022, Liverpool, United Kingdom
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Billing, S-L. (2018) 3D visualization tools to support scenarios analysis in aquaculture case studies., Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment 2018, Paphos, Cyprus, 26-29 March 2018.
- Wang, C. (2017) 3D visualization tools to support soil management in relation to sustainable agriculture and ecosystem services., 19th European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017), Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 19, EGU2017-726.
- Miller, D.R.; Morrice, J.; Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Horne, P.L.; Howe, J. (2016) Seascape visibility as an output to management and planning., Aquaspace Project Scottish Stakeholder Workshop, SAMS, Oban,18 January 2016.
- Miller, D.R.; Morrice, J.; Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Horne, P.L.; Howe, J. (2015) Public interpretation of land and sea using visualisation tools., IALE UK Annual Conference, Seacape Ecology – Connecting Land Sea and Society, University of Edinburgh, 7-9 September 2015.
- Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Morrice, J. (2015) Integrating planning and landscape management to deliver public policy on energy and land use., Energy Landscapes: Perception, Planning, Participation and Power, European Conference of the Landscape Research Group, Dresden, 16-17 September 2015.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Jiang, Y.; Brown, I. (2015) Marine and seascape visualisation to support planning of the renewable energy developments., 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection (SEEP), University of West Scotland, Paisley, 11-14 August 2015.
- Munoz-Rojas Morenes, J.; Miller, D.; Morrice, J.; Horne, P.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Papageorgiou,F.; Bell, S. (2014) A role of (geo)-ICT tools in the implementation of European policies for sustainable development; an experiment with the European Landscape Convention, GIS Research UK (GISRUK) 2014 Conference, University of Glasgow, 16-18 April 2014.
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Jiang Y.; Horne P.; Morrice, J. (2013) Community planning and engagement for greenspace using 3D visualisation tools., 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), Convention Center of University Town, Guangzhou University, China, 1-3 November 2013.
- Munoz-Rojas, J.M.; Miller, D.R.; Morrice, J.; Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Aalders, I.H.; Papageorgiou, F.; Horne, P. (2013) Building a methodology and tools to make the European Landscape Convention popular through challenge, learning, innovation and cooperation., Changing European Landscapes: Landscape Ecology, Local to Global: Symposium on Collaborative research for the European Landscape Convention, IALE 2013 European Congress, Manchester, 9-12 September 2013.
- Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.; Donnelly, D.; Morrice, J.; Donaldson-Selby, G; Wang,C. (2013) Mapping physical and visual access of greenspace., GreenHealth Conference, Edinburgh, 11 March 2013.
- Miller, D.R.; Brown, I.; Matthews, K.B.; Morrice, J.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Horne, P.; Castellazzi, M.;Tveit, M.; Ode, A. (2012) Linking landscapes, land use change and ecosystem services with stakeholder understanding and decision-making., Invited Keynote Address, Sixth International Conference on Environmental Modelling and Software – iEMS 2012, Leipzig, Germany, 4 July 2012.
- Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.; Castellazzi, M.; Brown, I.; Morrice, J.; Ode-Sang, A. (2012) Testing public preferences for future land uses and landscapes., Proceedings of GIS Research UK, University of Lancaster, 11-13 April 2012.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Wang, C. (2024) Stakeholder evaluation of forest multifunctionality in view of prospects for rewilding, Conference and workshop on Interdisciplinary perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of rewilding, 20-21 May 2024, University of Aberdeen
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.; Gimona, A.; Nijnik, M.; Jiang, Y. (2024) Forest Digital Twin to Support Sustainable Woodland Management and Planning, The IUFRO 2024 World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Martino, S.; Poskitt, S.; Joyce, K.; Martinat, S.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M. (2024) Incorporating participatory assessment methods into natural capital valuation, Abstract submitted for the session on “Innovation in valuation and governing of forest ES to strengthen forest resilience and create pathways to societal impacts” The IUFRO 2024 World Congress, 23-29 June 2024, Stockholm
- Wang, C.; Miller, D.; Gimona, A.; Nijnik, M.; Jiang, Y. (2023) An integration of digital twin technology, GIS and VR for the service of environmental sustainability , EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienne, Austria and Online.
- Nijnik, M.; Miller, D.; Martino, S.; Martinat, S.; Waylen, K.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M.; Gimona, A.; Rivington, M.; Ovando, P. (2022) Incorporating participatory assessment methods into natural capital valuation, 4th ESP Europe Conference, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Crete.
- Nijnik, M.; Martino, S.; Martinat, S.; McKeen, M.; Wang, C.; Miller, D. (2022) Safeguarding forest natural assets by incorporating participatory approaches to natural capital valuation, International IUFRO Symposium. Managerial forest economics and accounting as a base for decision making in a changing world, 5-7 September 2022, Hamburg, Germany
- Nijnik, M.; Martinat, S.; McKeen, M.; Wang, C.; Miller, D. (2022) Safeguarding forest natural assets by incorporating participatory approaches to natural capital valuation , IUFRO Div. 4.05 Conference, 5-7 September 2022, Hamburg, Germany
- Polhill, G.; Baggaley, N.; Castellazzi, M.; Gimona, A.; Hare, M.; Ibiyemi, A.; Lilly, A.; Loades, K.; Macdiarmid, J.; Macleod, K.; McCormick, B.; McKeen, M.; Rivington, M.; Roxburgh, N.; Salt, D.; Smith, B.; Udugbezi, E.; Wang, C.; Wilkins, B. (2022) Developing agile approaches to scientific modelling in policyrelevant contexts, iEMSs 2022, 3-8 July 2022, Brussels, Belgium.
- Wang, C.; Gimona, A.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Jiang, Y. (2020) Use of digital and 3D visualisation technology in planning for woodland expansion., EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2020.
- Wang, C.; Gimona, A.; Jiang, Y. (2019) Design and implementation of an integrated platform for forest landscape visualization., 10th IALE World Congress, Milan, Italy, 1-5 July 2019. Book of Abstracts, T0655, p216.
- Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; McKeen, M. (2017) Exploring aquaculture in virtual reality., Aquaspace Public Engagement Event, Ocean Explorer Centre, Scottish Association for Marine Sciences, Oban, 26 May 2017. (Poster)
- Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Howe, J.; McKeen, M. (2017) Exploring uses of our coastal waters in virtual reality., Public Engagement Event, Ocean Explorer Centre, Scottish Association for Marine Sciences, Oban, 26 May 2017. (Poster)
- Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Howe, J. (2017) Exploring uses of our coastal waters., Public Engagement Workshops, Ocean Explorer Centre, Scottish Association for Marine Sciences, Oban, 26 May 2017. (Poster)
- Miller, D.R.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C.; Howe, J.; McKeen, M.; Gubbins, M. (2017) Spatial planning of aquaculture in seascapes., The James Hutton Institute Annual Symposium, Caird Hall, Dundee, 22 November 2017. (Poster).
- Wang, G.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Miller, D.R. (2016) 3D GIS approach for flood risk management., Joint Workshop – British Council Newton Fund Researcher Links, “OPTIMISTIC”: floOd PredicTIon and Management In Steep urbanIsing Catchments, 11-14 September 2016.
- Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.L.; Morrice, J.G.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C. (2016) Public identification of pressures for change and development of scenarios of future land use., SRUC-SEPA Conference, What Future for our Farming Systems? Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions. Agriculture and the Environment XI, Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh 1-2 March 2016.
- Miller, D.R.; Horne, P.L.; Morrice, J.G.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Wang, C. (2015) Public identification development of scenarios of future land use in Scotland’s national parks., Cairngorms National Park Research Conference, 21-22 October 2015.
- Miller, D.R.; Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Horne, P.; Howe, J. (2014) Multi-functional use of land and sea., Poster at SRUC/SEPA Biennial Conference: Delivering Multiple Benefits from our Land: Sustainable Development in Practice, University of Edinburgh, 15-16 April 2014.
- Munoz-Rojas, J.; Miller, D.R.; Morrice, J.; Horne, P.; Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Papageorgiou, F.; Bell, S. (2014) The E-CLIC project: making the European Landscape Convention popular through Challenge, Learning, Innovation and Cooperation., Poster at Ecosystem Services Community Conference, Launch Meeting, University of Edinburgh, 30 April – 1 May 2014.
- Munoz-Rojas, J.; Miller, D.R.; Morrice, J.; Horne, P.; Wang, C.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Papageorgiou, F.; Bell, S. (2014) The E-CLIC project: making the European Landscape Convention popular through Challenge, Learning, Innovation and Cooperation., Poster at SRUC/SEPA Biennial Conference: Delivering Multiple Benefits from our Land: Sustainable Development in Practice, University of Edinburgh, 15-16 April 2014.