Andy Taylor

Molecular Fungal Ecologist
Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

My main research area is the above- and below ground interactions between fungi, plants and animals on which I have published 95 papers, numerous chapters and reports. A long-standing research interest are species level interactions and functionality among ectomycorrhizal symbiotic fungi colonising the roots of trees.

Current research focusses on using wholistic approaches to investigate drivers of change in ecosystem services in (semi-) natural and anthropogenically influenced ecosystems. Studies include impacts of land-use change (reforestation) on belowground biodiversity and changing C dynamics, and large-scale studies of how links between aboveground plant heterogeneity and belowground taxonomic and functional biodiversity influence carbon and nutrient pools in alpine systems. High-throughput next generation sequencing is used for characterising cryptic soil taxonomic and functional biodiversity. Molecular tools are also used to examine environmental influences on spatial structuring of populations and communities at both local and continental scales. Population and species level functional studies of ectomycorrhizal fungi involved in nutrient and carbon cycling in soils are also currently under investigation.


Birch seedlings colonised by the ectomycorrhizal fungus, Paxillus involutus

Competitive interactions between two ectomycorrhizal fungi on tree rot tip

Fruiting structures of an ectomycorrhizal fungus

Piloderma mycelium


Prior to appointment

  • Gottlicher, S.G.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Grip, H.; Betson, N.R.; Valinger, E.; Hogberg, M.N.; Hogberg, P. (2008) The lateral spread of tree root systems in boreal forests: estimates based on 15N uptake and distribution of sporocarps of ectomycorrhizal fungi., Forest Ecology and Management, 255, 75-81.
  • Taylor, A.F.S. (2008) Missing links – &13C anomalies between substrates and consumers., New Phytologist, 177, 845-847.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Fransson, P.M.A. (2007) Natural abundance of 15N and 13C in saprotrophic fungi: what can they tell us?, In: Fungi in the environment (ed. Geoff Gadd). BMS Symposium, Nottingham, September 2004, pp141-157.
  • Nygren, C.M.R.; Edqvist, J.; Elfstrand, M.; Heller, G.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2007) Detection of extracellular protease activity in different species and genera of ectomycorrhizal fungi., Mycorrhiza, 17, 241-248.
  • Menkis, A.; Vasiliauskas, R.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Stenlid, J.; Finlay, R. (2007) Afforestation of abandoned farmland with conifer seedlings inoculated with three ectomycorrhizal fungi¿impact on plant performance and ectomycorrhizal community, Mycorrhiza, 17, 337-348.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Hills, A.E.; Simonini, G.; Munoz, J.A.; Eberhardt, U. (2007) Xerocomus silwoodensis sp. Nov., a new species within the European X. subtomentosus complex., Mycological Research, 111, 403-408.
  • Clemencon H.; Hosaka K.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2007) Rhizomorph anatomy confirms the taxonomic position of Sclerogaster (Phallomycetidae, Basidiomycota)., Mycotaxon, 100, 85-95.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Alexander, I.J. (2006) Ectomycorrhizas: life in the real world., Mycologist, 19, 102-112.
  • Menkis, A.; Vasiliauskas, R.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Stenstrom, E.; Stenlid, J.; Finlay, R. (2006) Fungi in decayed roots of conifer seedlings in forest nurseries, afforested clear-cuts and abandoned farmland., Plant Pathology, 55, 117-129.
  • Taylor, A F.S.; Hills, A.; Simonini, G.; Both, E.E.; Eberhardt, U. (2006) Detection of species within the Xerocomus subtomentosus complex in Europe using rDNA-ITS sequences., Mycological Research, 110, 276-287.
  • Taylor, A.F.S. (2006) Common mycelial networks: life-lines and radical addictions., New Phytologist, 169, 6-8.
  • Toljander, J .F.; Eberhardt, U.; Toljander, Y. K.; Paul, L.R.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2006) Species composition of an ectomycorrhizal fungal community along a local nutrient gradient in a boreal forest., New Phytologist, 170, 873-884.
  • Eberhardt, U.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2005) Molecular systematics of boletoid fungi., In: Fungi Europaei, Volume 2: Boletus s.l.: Strobilomycetaceae, Gyroporaceae, Gyrodontaceae, Suillaceae, Boletaceae ( J.A. Munoz). pp35-43.
  • Fransson, P.M.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Finlay, R.D. (2005) Mycelial production, spread and root colonisation by the ectomycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma crustuliniforme and Paxillus involutus under elevated atmospheric CO2., Mycorrhiza, 15, 25-31.
  • Menkis, A.; Vasiliauskas, R.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Stenlid, J.; Finlay, R. (2005) Fungal communities in mycorrhizal roots of conifer seedlings in forest nurseries under different cultivation systems, assessed by morphotyping, direct sequencing and mycelial isolation., Mycorrhiza, 16, 33-41.
  • Rosling, A.; Lindahl, B.D.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Finlay, R.D. (2004) Mycelial growth and substrate acidification of ectomycorrhizal fungi in response to different minerals., FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 47, 31-37.
  • Johanson, K.J.; Nikolova, I.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Vinichuk, M.M. (2004) Uptake of elements by fungi in the Forsmark area. Technical Report (No. TR-04-26) Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., Technical Report (No. TR-04-26) Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co.
  • Vinichuk, M. M.; Johanson, K.J.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2004) 137Cs in the fungal compartment of Swedish forest soils., Science of the Total Environment, 323, 243-251.
  • Lindahl,B.L.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2004) Occurrence of N-acetylhexosaminidase-encoding genes in ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes., New Phytologist, 164, 193-199.
  • Puttsepp, U.; Rosling, A.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2004) Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Salix viminalis L. and S. dasyclados Wimm. clones in a short-rotation forestry plantation., Forest Ecology and Management, 196, 413-424.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Gebauer, G.; Read, D.J. (2004) Uptake of nitrogen and carbon from double-labelled (15N and 13C) glycine by mycorrhizal pine seedlings., New Phytologist, 164, 383-388.
  • Chen, D.M.; Bastias, B.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Cairney, J.W.G. (2003) Identification of laccase-like genes in ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes and transcriptional regulation in Piloderma byssinum (P.Karst.). Julich by nitrogen., New Phytologist, 157: 547-554
  • Rosling, A.; Landeweert, R.; Lindahl, B.D.; Larsson, K.-H.; Kuyper, T.W.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Finlay, R.D. (2003) Vertical distribution of ectomycorrhizal fungal taxa in a podzol soil profile., New Phytologist, 159, 775-783.
  • Cairney, J.W.G.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Burke, R.M. (2003) No evidence for lignase peroxidase genes in ectomycorrhizal fungi., New Phytologist, 160, 461-462.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Fransson, P.M.A.; Hogberg, P.; Hogberg, M.; Plamboeck, A.H. (2003) Species level patterns in 13C and 15N abundance of ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungal sporocarps., New Phytologist, 159, 757-774.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Finlay R.D. (2003) Effects of liming and ash application on below ground ectomycorrhizal community structure in two Norway spruce forests., Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 3, 63-76.
  • Lindahl, B.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Finlay, R. (2002) Defining nutritional constraints on carbon cycling – towards a less “phytocentric” perspective., Plant and Soil, 242, 123-135.
  • Rangel-Castro, J.I.; Danell, E.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2002) The use of different nitrogen sources by the edible ectomycorrhizal mushroom Cantharellus cibarius., Mycorrhiza, 12, 131-137.
  • Taylor, A.F.S. (2002) Fungal diversity in ectomycorrhizal communities: Sampling effort and species detection., Plant and Soil, 244, 19-28.
  • Erland, S.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2002) Diversity of ectomycorrhizal communities in relation to the abiotic environment., In: The Ecology of Mycorrhizas (eds. M. Van der Heijden and . Sanders). Ecological Studies Series. Volume. 157, Springer-Verlag, pp163-200.

Books / chapters

  • Taylor, Andy F. S.; Freitag, T.; Robinson, Lucinda J.; White, Duncan (2021) Characterisation of fungal communities and functions in agricultural soils, In: Otten, W. (ed.). Advances in measuring soil health. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science. Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Chapter 3, pp 41-68
  • Taylor, A.F.S. (2010) Fungi., In: Jeffery, S. & et al (eds.). European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg,, Section 2, III, 94pp.
  • Taylor, A.F.S. (2010) Approaches to soil biodiversity monitoring., In: European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity (eds. S. Jeffery et al). European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Chapter 8.3, pp80.
  • Taylor, A.F.S. (2010) Boreal forest fungi., In: Cunningham, A.B. & Yang, X. (eds.). Mushrooms in Forests and Woodlands: Resource management ,values and local livelihoods. Earthscan, London, 123-127. Part of chapter 6, Hidden world, crucial role: the ecology of fungi and mushrooms, box 6.3, pp123-127.
  • Knudsen, H.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2008) Funga Nordica: keys to the boletales., In: Vesterholt, J. & Knudsen, H. (eds.). Funga Nordica. Nordsvamp, Copenhagen, 149-179.

Technical / contract reports

  • Mitchell, R.; Fielding, D.; Hewison, R.; Jabloun, M.; Pakeman, R.; Rivington, M.; Taylor, A. (2023) Enhancing the Biodiversity of the Glen Lochay Estate Assessing the baseline and identifying options for potential future biodiversity management strategies and activities Report to Glen Lochay Estate, Report to Estate.
  • Baggaley, N.; Britton, A.; Barnes, A.; Buckingham, S.; Holland, J.; Lilly, A.; Pakeman, R.; Rees, B.; Taylor, A.; Yeluripati, J. (2021) Understanding carbon sequestration in upland habitats, Climate x Change Research Report.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Britton, A.J.; Stockan, J.A. (2021) Conservation translocation for ecosystem restoration., Report to NatureScot.
  • Mitchell, R.J.; Broome, A.; Harmer, R.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Brooker, R.W.; Duncan, R.; Ellis, C.J.; Hester, A.J.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Iason, G.R.; Littlewood, N.A.; Mackinnon, M.; Pakeman, R.J.; Pozsgai, G.; Ramsey S.; Riach, D.; Stockan, J. A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2014) Assessing and addressing the impacts of ash dieback on UK woodlands and trees of conservation importance (Phase 2)., Natural England Report.
  • Taylor, A.F.S.; Holden, E.M.; Kilkenny, N.; Potts, J.M.; Genney, D.R. (2014) Development of a surveillance scheme for priority fungi in Scotland., Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 762.
  • Mitchell, R.J.; Bailey, S.; Beaton, J.K.; Bellamy, P.E.; Brooker, R.W.; Broome, A.; Chetcuti, J.; Eaton, S.; Ellis, C.J.; Farren, J.; Gimona, A.; Goldberg, E.; Hall, J.; Harmer, R.; Hester, A.J.; Hewison, R.L.; Hodgetts, N.G.; Hooper, R.J.; Howe, L.; Iason, G.R.; Kerr, G.; Littlewood, N.A.; Morgan, V.; Newey, S.; Potts, J.M.; Pozsgai, G.; Ray, D.; Sim, D.A.; Stockan, J.A.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Woodward, S. (2013) Ash dieback: impacts on other species and understanding the ecology of ash., Report to JNCC.
  • Mitchell, R.J.; Beesley, L.; Briggs, R.; Cuthbert, A.; Dawson, J.J.C.; Helliwell, R.C.; Hewison, R.L.; Kerr, C.; Leith, I.D.; Owen, I.J.; Potts, J.M.; Newman, G.; Smith, D.; Shephard, L.J.; Sturgeon, F.; Taylor, A.F.S.; White, D.; Williams, A.; Williams, E.; Black, H.I.J. (2013) Testing soil quality indicators., Report to SEPA.
  • Pakeman, R.J.; Stockan, J.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Hester, A.J. (2012) Comments on the Cairngorm Nature Draft Action Plan from the James Hutton Institute., Cairngorms National Park Consultation on the Cairngorms Nature Draft Action Plan.
  • Pakeman, R,J.; Beale, C.; Brooker, R,; Chamberlain, D.; Demars, B.O.L.; Iason, G.R.; McLeod, J.; Littlewood, N.; Lisewski, V.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2011) Prioritising species and habitat actions by Local Biodiversity Action Partnerships in Scotland., Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • Black, H.I.J.; Britton, A.J.; Helliwell, R.C.; Langan, S.J.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Booth P.D. (2009) To establish soil indicators to assess the impact of atmospheric deposition on environmentally senstive areas., Consultancy Service, SEPA.

Conference papers

  • Mitchell, R.; Albon, S.; Stockan, J.; Taylor, A.; Bates, S.; Bellamy, P.; Dandy, N.; Downey, H.; Ellis, C.; Hodgetts, N.; Jackson, R.; Johnstone, C.; Lamberte, L.; Nichols, C.; Rabiey, M. (2023) Diversifying tree species composition within our forests to increase resilience – an interdisciplinary approach, Hutton Annual Research Symposium, 21 November 2023, Apex Hotel, Dundee
  • Randerson, P.; Avery, L.M.; Hough, R.L.; Taylor, A.; Freitag, T.; Jefferson, B.; Tyrrel, S. (2012) Optimising wastewater irrigation of short rotation coppice for sustainable water and energy: a systems approach., Constructed Wetlands Association AGM, Slimbridge, UK.
  • Artz, R.R.E.; Smart, C.; Toftegaard, T.; Tajuddin, R.; Chambers, S.M.; Cairney, J.W.G.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Grelet, G. (2010) Laccase genetic diversity and regulation of enzyme production in ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and related taxa within the Helotiales., International Mycological Congress, IMC9, Edinburgh, 1-6 August 2010.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Mitchell, R.; Albon, S.; Cocks, L.; Johnstone, C.; Stockan, J.; Taylor, A.; Bellamy, P.; Bates, S.; Dandy, N.; Downey, H.; Ellis, C.; Jackson, R.; Lamberte, L.; Hodgetts, N.; Nichols, C.; Rabiey, M. (2023) Diversifying tree species within our forets to increase resilience – an interdisciplinary approach, Creating Canopy: the biology and practice of establishing trees and woodlands for people and nature including FraxNet meeting, 27-29 November 2023, University of Nottingham and Online
  • Mitchell, R.; Albon, S.; Bates, S.; Bellamy, P.; Cocks, L.; Dandy, N.; Downey, H.; Ellis, C.; Jackson, R.; Johnson, C.; Hodgetts, N.; Lamberte, L.; Nichols, C.; Rabiey, M.; Stockan, J.; Taylor, A. (2023) Diversifying tree specie within our forests to increase resilience – an interdisciplinary approach, CIEEM 2023 Scottish Conference : The Role of Trees in a Sustainable Future, 3 October 2023, Edinburgh
  • Britton, A.; Ewan, K.; Whyte, A.; Freitag, T.; Robinson, L.; White, D.; Morton, I.; Taylor, A. (2022) Going underground unleashing the power of citizen cience and eDNA to explore alpine soil biodiversity, International Mountain Conference 2022, 11 – 15 September 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Taylor, A. F. S.; Fielding, D.; Freitag, T.; Oddi, L.; Robinson, L.; van Paassen, J.; White, D.; Britton, A. J. (2022) Spatial congruity across six kingdoms of alpine biodiversity, International Mountain Conference 2022, 11 – 15 September 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Broyd, R.C.; Mills, R.T.E.; Britton, A.J.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Ostle, N.J. (2019) Functional ecology of alpine soils under changing snow cover regimes., International Mountain Conference 2019, Innsbruck, 8-12 September 2019. (Poster)
  • Britton, A.J.; Freitag, T.; Oddi, L.; Fielding, D.; van Paassen, J.; White, D.; Robinson, L.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2019) Topography drives heterogeneity in alpine soil function., International Mountain Conference 2019, Innsbruck, 8-12 September 2019. (Poster)
  • Freitag, T.; Taylor;, A.; Black, H.I.J.; Campbell, C.D. (2017) Scotland’s natural assets:
    the unseen majority – soil microbial communities., 40th T.B. Macaulay Lecture. Prosperity Without Growth: Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow, Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 4 October 2018. (Poster)
  • Broyd, R.C.; Mills, R.T.E.; Britton, A.J.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Ostle, N.J. (2017) Snow cover and carbon stocks in oceanic-alpine ecosystems., British Ecological Society Winter Meeting 2017, Ghent, 11-14 December 2017, p59. (Poster)
  • Oddi, L.; Britton, A.J.; Freitag, T.; van Paassen, J.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2017) Microbial community activity along gradients of snow lie in the Scottish Highlands., British Ecological Society Winter Meeting 2017, Ghent, 11-14 December 2017, p60. (Poster)
  • Nuhn, M.; Binder, M.; Halling, R.; Taylor, A.; Hibbett, D.S. (2013) Phylogenetic overview of the Boletineae., Phytopathology, 103, 104.
  • Koljalg, U.; Larsson, K-H.; Abarenkov, K.; Nilsson, H.R.; Alexander, I.J.; Eberhardt, U.; Erland, S.; Kjoller, R.; Larsson, E.; Pennanen, T.; Sen, R.; Taylor, A.F.S.; Vralstad, T.; Tedersoo, L.; Ursing, B.M. (2004) UNITE – a web-based database for the identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi., Rhizosphere Congress 2004, Perspectives and Challenges: A Tribute to Lorenz Hiltner, Munich, Germany, 12-17 September 2004. Abstract for poster.