Tools for Integrated Pest Management of potato diseases

Previously Topic A Lead (Plant Health) & Project Lead ‘Integrated Crop Protection’ RESAS Strategic Research Programme 2022-27
IPM of potato late blight through improved in-field detection of Phytophthora infestans, appropriate use of fungicides and host resistance and alternatives to conventional pesticides.
Coordinator of the SusCrop ERA-NET Project ECOSOL: Eco-friendly solutions for the integrated management of late and early blight of potatoes’
A coordinator of Euroblight – A potato late blight Network for Europe.
DNA-based diagnostics to investigate the epidemiology of potato diseases and for disease risk assessment.
IPM of aerial oomycetes including Bremia lactucae on lettuce
Epidemiology and control of soil-borne potato diseases: black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes), powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) and Rhizoctonia.
Other Activities
Alison is a key staff member leading Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPM) research at the James Hutton Institute.
Current secretary of the EAPR Council

Editor for Plant Pathology
- Lynott, J.S.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Sullivan, L.; Lees, A.K. (2023) Sensitivity of dominant UK Phytophthora infestans genotypes to a range of fungicide active ingredients, Plant Pathology, 73(3), 578-589
- Abuley, I.K.; Lynott, J.S.; Hansen, J.G.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K. (2023) The EU43 genotype of Phytophthora infestans displays resistance to mandipropamid, Plant Pathology, 72(2), 1305-1313
- Puidet, B.; Mabon, R.; Guibert, M.; Kiiker, R.; Loit, K.; Hong Le, V.; Eikemo, H.; Dewaegeneire, P.; Saubeau, G.; Chatot, C.; Aurousseau, F.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.; Abuley, I.; Hansen, J.G.; Corbiere, R.; Leclerc, M.; Andrivon, D. (2023) Investigating phenotypic traits as potential drivers of the emergence of EU_37_A2, an invasive new lineage of Phytophthora infestans in Western Europe, Plant Pathology, 72(4), 797-806
- Puidet, B.; Mabon, R.; Guibert, M.; Kiiker, R.; Soonvald, L.; Le, V.H.; Eikemo, H.; Dewaegeneire, P.; Saubeau, G.; Chatot, C.; Aurousseau, F.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K.; Abuley, I.; Hansen, J.G.; Corbiere, R.; Leclerc, M.; Andrivon, D. (2022) Examining Phenotypic Traits Contributing to the Spread in Northern European Potato Crops of EU_41_A2, a New Clonal Lineage of Phytophthora infestans, Phytopathology, 112(2), 414-421
- Bienkowski, D.; Aitkenhead, M.J.; Lees, A.K.; Gallagher, C.; Neilson, R. (2019) Detection and differentiation between potato (Solanum tuberosum) diseases using calibration models trained with non-imaging spectrometry data, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 167, art.105056
- Lees, A.K.; Roberts, D.M.; Lynott, J.; Sullivan L.; Brierley, J.L. (2019) Real-time PCR and LAMP assays for the detection of spores of Sporangia of Alternaria solani and Sporangia of Phytophthora infestans to inform disease risk forecasting, Plant Disease, 103(12), 3172-3180
- Njoroge, A.W.; Andersson, B.; Lees, A.K.; Mutai, C.; Forbes, G.A.; Yuen, J.E.; Pelle, R. (2019) Genotyping of Phytophthora infestans in Eastern Africa reveals a dominating invasive European lineage., Phytopathology, 109, 670-680.
- Ritchie, F.; Bain, R.A.; Lees, A.K.; Boor, T.R.W.; Paveley, N.D. (2018) Integrated control of potato late blight: predicting the combined efficacy of host resistance and fungicides., Plant Pathology, 67, 1784-1791.
- Chen, X.; Lewandowska, D.; Armstrong, M.R.; Baker, K.; Lim, T.Y.; Bayer, M.; Harrower, B.; McLean, K.; Jupe, F.; Witek, K.; Lees, A.K.; Jones, J.D.; Bryan, G.J.; Hein, I. (2018) Identification and rapid mapping of a gene conferring broad-spectrum late blight resistance in the diploid potato species Solanum verrucosum through DNA capture technologies, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 131(6), 1287-1297
- Skelsey, P.; Dancey, S.R.; Preedy, K.; Lees, A.K.; Cooke, D.E.L. (2018) Forecasting the spread of aerially transmitted crop diseases with a binary classifier for inoculum survival., Plant Pathology, 67, 920-928.
- Skelsey, P.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Lynott, J.S.; Lees, A.K. (2016) Crop connectivity under climate change: future environmental and geographic risks of potato late blight in Scotland., Global Change Biology, 22, 3724-3738.
- Heltoft, P.; Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K.; Sullivan, L.; Lynott, J.; Hermansen, A. (2016) The relationship between soil inoculum and the development of Fusarium dry rot in potato cultivars Asterix and Saturna., European Journal Plant Pathology, 146, 711-714.
- Peters, J.C.; Harper, G.; Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.; Wale, S.J.; Hilton, A.; Gladders, P.; Boonham, N.; Cunnington, A.C. (2016) The effect of post-harvest storage conditions on the development of black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) on potato in crops grown for different durations., Plant Pathology, 65, 1484-1491.
- Brierley, J.L.; Hilton, A.J.; Wale, S.J.; Woodhall, J.W; Lees, A.K. (2016) The relative importance of seed- and soil-borne inoculum of Rhizoctonia solani AG-3 in causing black scurf on potato., Potato Research, 59, 181-193.
- Van Weymers, P.S.M.; Baker, K.; Chen, X.W.; Harrower, B.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Gilroy, E.M.; Birch, P.R.J.; Thilliez, G.J.A.; Lees, A.K.; Lynott, J.S.; Armstrong, M.R.; McKenzie, G.; Bryan, G.J.; Hein, I. (2016) Utilizing ‘Omic’ technologies to identify and prioritize novel sources of resistance to the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans in potato germplasm collections., Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, Article No. 762.
- Brierley, J.L.; Hilton, A.J.; Wale, S.J.; Peters, J.C.; Gladders, P.P.; Bradshaw, N.J.; Ritchie, F.; Mackenzie, K.; Lees, A.K. (2015) Factors affecting the development and control of black dot on potato tubers., Plant Pathology, 64, 167-177.
- Tomczynska, I.; Stefanczyk, E.; Chmielarz, M.; Karasiewicz, B.; Kaminski, P.; Jones, J.D.G.; Lees, A.K.; Sliwka, J. (2014) A locus conferring effective late blight resistance in potato cultivar Sarpo Mira maps to chromosome XI., Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127, 647-657.
- Were, H.K.; Kabira, J.N.; Kinyua, Z.M.; Olubayo, F.M.; Karinga, J.K.; Aura, J.; Lees, A.K.; Cowan, G.H.; Torrance, L. (2013) Occurrence and distribution of potato pests and diseases in the major potato growing areas in Kenya., Potato Research, 56, 325-342.
- Brierley, J.L.; Sullivan, L.; Hilton, A.J.; Wale, S.J.; Hilton, A.J.; Kielebrink, D.T.; Lees, A.K. (2013) Relationship between Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea soil inoculum level, host resistance and powdery scab on potato tubers in the field., Plant Pathology, 62, 413-420.
- Lees, A.K.; Sullivan, L.; Lynott, J.S.; Cullen, D.W. (2012) Development of a quantitative real-time PCR assay for Phytophthora infestans and its applicability to leaf, tuber and soil samples., Plant Pathology, 61, 867-876.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Cano, L.M.; Raffaele, S.; Bain, R.A.; Cooke, L.R.; Etherington, G.J.; Deahl, K.L.; Farrer, R.A.; Gilroy, E.M.; Goss, E.M.; Grunwald, N.J.; Hein, I.; Maclean, D.; McNicol, J.W.; Randall, E.; Oliva, R.F.; Pel, M.A.; Shaw, D.S.; Squires, J.N.; Taylor, M.C.; Vleeshouwers, V.G.A.A.; Birch, P.R.J.; Lees, A.K.; Kamoun, S. (2012) Genome analyses of an aggressive and invasive lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogen., PLoS Pathogens, 8, Article No. e1002940.
- Lees, A.K.; Stewart, J.A.; Lynott, J.S.; Carnegie, S.F.; Campbell, H.; Roberts, A.M.I. (2012) The effect of a dominant Phytopthora infestans genotype (13_A2) in Great Britain on host resistance to foliar late blight in commercial potato cultivars., Potato Research, 55, 125-134.
- Wright, J.; Lees, A.K.; van der Waals, J.E. (2012) Detection and eradication of Spongospora subterranea in mini-tuber production tunnels., South African Journal of Science, 108, 85-88.
- Merz, U.; Lees, A.K.; Sullivan, L.; Schwarzel, R.; Hebeisen, T.; Kirk, H.G.; Bouchek-Mechiche, K.; Hofferbert, H.R. (2012) Powdery scab resistance in Solanum tuberosum: an assessment of cultivar x environment effect., Plant Pathology, 61, 29-36.
- Gilroy, E.M.; Breen, S.; Whisson, S.C.; Squires, J.; Hein, I.; Kaczmarek, M.; Turnbull, D.; Boevink, P.; Lokossou, A.; Cano, L.M.; Morales, J.; Avrova, A.O.; Pritchard, L.; Randall, E.; Lees, A.K.; Govers, F.; van West, P.; Kamoun, S.; Vleeshouwers, V.G.A.A.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Birch, P.R.J. (2011) Presence/absence, differential expression and sequence polmorphisms between PiAVR2 and PiAVR2-like in Phytophthora infestans determine virulence on R2 plants., New Phytologist, 191, 763-776.
- Andrivon, D.; Avendano-Corcoles, J.; Cameron, A.M.; Carnegie, S.F.; Cooke, L.R.; Corbiere, R.; Detourne, D.; Dowley, L.J.; Evans, D.; Forisekova, K.; Griffin, D.G.; Hannukkala, A.; Lees, A.K.; Lebecka, R.; Niepold, F.; Polgar, Z.; Shaw, D.S.; Thompson, J.; Trognitz, B.; van Raaij, M. G.; Zimnoch-Guzowska, E. (2011) Stability and variability of virulence of Phytophthora infestans assessed in a ring test across European laboratories., Plant Pathology, 60, 556-565.
- Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Hilton, A.J.; Wale, S.J.; Gladders, P.; Bradshaw, N.J.; Peters, J.C. (2010) Relative importance of seed-tuber and soilborne inoculum in causing black dot disease of potato., Plant Pathology, 59, 693-702.
- Lees, A.K.; Sullivan, L.; Cullen, D.W. (2009) A quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of Polyscytalum pustulans, the cause of skin spot disease of potato., Journal of Phytopathology, 157, 154-158.
- Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Lees, A.K. (2009) Quantifying potato pathogen DNA in soil., Applied Soil Ecology, 41, 234-238.
- Lees, A.K.; van de Graaf, P.; Wale, S. (2008) The identification and detection of Spongospora subterranea and factors affecting infection and disease., American Journal of Potato Research, 85, 247-252.
Books / chapters
- Lees, A.K.; Bittara, F.; Secor, G. (2019) Powdery scab of potato caused by Spongospora subterranea, In: Campos, H., Ortiz, O. (eds.) The Potato Crop – Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to Humankind. Springer
- Lees, A.K. (2018) Fungal diseases affecting potato storage, In: Wale, S. (ed.) Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Potatoes: Volume 2: Production and Storage, Production and Sustainability. Cambridge, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Ltd., 179-185
- Colon, L.T.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Gronbech-Hansen, J.; Lassen, P.; Andrivon, D.; Hermansen, A.; Zimnoch-Guzowska, E.; Lees, A.K. (2005) Eucablight: a late blight network for Europe., In: Haverkort, A.J. and Struik, P.C (eds.). Potato in Progress: Science Meets Practice. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, pp290-297
- Kerby, N.W.; Dale, M.F.B.; Lees, A.K.; Taylor, M.A.; Bradshaw, J.E. (2005) Breeding and diagnostic developments for better storage of potatoes to meet future industry needs., In: Potato in Progress: Science Meets Practice (eds. Haverkort, A.J. and Struik, P.C.), Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, pp76-85. (Proceedings of the Potato 2005 Congress, Emmeloord, Netherlands, 5-7 September 2005.)
- Parry D.W.; Pettitt T.R.; Jenkinson P.; Lees A.K. (1994) The cereal fusarium complex., In: Blakeman, J.P. & Williamson, B. (eds.). Ecology of Plant Pathogens. CABI, Wallingford, pp301-320.
Technical / contract reports
- Cooke, D.; Lees, A. (2021) Population monitoring and fungicide sensitivity testing of Phytophthora infestans across GB 201921 Project annual report for 201920, AHDB Research Report.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K.; Chapman, A.; Cooke, L.R.; Bain, R. (2014) GB Late Blight Populations: monitoring and implications of population changes. Reporting Period 2009-2012., Potato Council Final Report (R423), 94pp.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K.; Chapman, A.; Cooke, L.R.; Bain, R. (2014) GB Late blight populations: monitoring and implications of population changes., Potato Council Final Report, R423.
- Lees, A.; Cooke, D,.E.L.; Toth, I.; Dolan, A.; SRUC; Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. (2014) Scottish Government Plant Health Workshop., Rapporteur, Scottish Government Plant Health Workshop, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, 8 December 2014.
- Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A. (2012) International diagnostics collaboration: informing management of potato diseases through epidemiology and diagnostics., R422 Final Report. Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
- Carnegie, S.F.; Campbell, H.; Heaton, K.; Wale, S.; Davey, T.; Roberts, A.M.I.; Kirkwood, M.; Lees, A.K. (2010) Research project report: Independent variety trials 2009., Potato Council Ltd., Stoneleigh, Report No 2010/12, 41pp.
- Wale, S.; Lees, A.K.; Peters, J.; Brierley, J.L.; Woodhall, J.W.; Davey, T. (2010) Final report: Extending the scope of modern potato diagnostics and their interpretation., Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K.; Shaw, D.S.; Bain, R.; Ritchie, F.; Taylor, M. (2010) Final report: Survey of GB blight populations., Potato Council, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Kenilworth, Warwickshire.
- Torrance, L.; Toth, I.K.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Fenton, B.; Blok, V.C.; Lees, A.K. (2010) Risks of new or emerging pests and pathogens posed by environmental change., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2009, pp14-17.
- Lees, A.K.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Fenton, B.; Newton, A.C. (2010) Understanding pathogen biodiversity as a key to controlling crop diseases., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2009, pp24-25.
- Wale, S.; Hilton, A.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Peters, J.; Gladders, P.; Bradshaw, N. (2008) Developing effective integrated control measures for the control of black dot., R249 Final Report. Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
- Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.; Hilton, A.; Wale, S.; Peters, J.; Elphinstone, J.; Boonham, N. (2008) Improving decision making for the management of potato diseases using real-time diagnostics., R253 Final Report, Potato Council Ltd, Stoneleigh.
- Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K.; Wale, S.; (2008) Powdery scab: strains and conducive conditions. A review of literature and other sources of information., Research Review, Potato Council Ltd., Stoneleigh, 43pp.
- Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Stewart, J.A.; Sullivan, L.; Cullen, D.W. (2006) Molecular diagnostics: quantitative tools for investigating potato pathogens., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2006, pp26-27.
Conference papers
- Paveley, N.; Young, C.; Fraaije, B.; van den Bosch, F.; Kildea, S.; Burnett, F.; Havis, N.; Lees, A.; Lynott, J.; Bain, R.; Corkley, I.; Ritchie, F. (2023) Choice of resistance management tactics: how flexible should we be?, Reinhardsbrunn Symposium 2023, 24-27 April 2023, Friedrichroda, Germany
- Cooke, D.; Lees, A.; Kessel, G.; Andrivon, D.; Hansen, J.G. (2021) Mitigating the impact of the evolving population of Phytophthora infestans on potato late blight management, Presentation at BSPP ‘Our Plants Our future’ conference. Edgbaston, UK, Dec 6-8 2021.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Lynott, L.; Sullivan, L.; Skelsey, P.; Torro-Galiana, A.; Lees, A.K. (2020) Integrated potato late blight management in response to an evolving pathogen population., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020, pp205-210.
- Ritchie, F.; Paveley, N.; Carolan, K.; Lees, A.L.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Bain, R.; van den Bosch, F. (2019) Integrated control to manage pathogen evolution., Proceedings of The 17th EuroBlight Workshop, York, UK, 12-15 May 2019. WUR -Special Report No 19, 2019, pp79-86.
- Ritchie, F.; Paveley, N.D.; Carolan, K.; Lees, A.K.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Bain, R.A.; Van den Bosch, T.B.M. (2019) Integrated control to manage pathogen evolution., The 17th EuroBlight Workshop, York, UK, 12-15 May 2019. (Presentation)
- Andrivon, D.; Puidet, B.; Kiiker, R.; Wilk, N.; Mabon, R.; Guibert, M.; Le, V.H.; Heikemo, H.; Hansen, J.G.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K.; Aurousseau, F.; Corbiere, R.; Deweigenaere, P.; Saubeau, G.; Chatot, C.; Schepers, H.T.A.M.; Evenhuis, A.; Lucca, F.; Kessel, G.J.T. (2019) Phenotypic traits of the new Phytophthora infestans genotypes expanding in Europe., The 17th EuroBlight Workshop, York, UK, 12-15 May 2019. Powerpoint presentation, 16 slides.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Hansen, J.G.; Lassen, P.; Sanmohan, B.; Lees, A.K.; Kessel, G.J.T. (2018) Tracking populations of Phytophthora infestans from field to continent via the EuroBlight database., Invited speaker at International Congress of Plant Pathology, Boston, USA, 28 July – 3 August 2018.
- Brierley, J.L.; Sullivan L.; Lynott, J.L.; Lees, A.K. (2018) Predictive diagnostics for soil-borne diseases of potato: an essential component of IPM., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp267-270.
- Toth, I.K.; Lees, A.; Neilson, R.; Brierley, J.; Bienkowski, D. (2018) Research on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for potato., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp187-192.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Hansen, J.G.; Lassen, P.; Lees, A.K.; Kessel, G.J.T. (2018) The Euroblight approach to pathogen monitoring to tackle the global challenge of potato late blight management., 10th World Potato Congress, Biodiversity, Food Security, and Business, Cusco, Peru, 27-31 May 2018. Invited presentation.
- Cooke, D.E.; Randall, E.; Sullivan, L.; Lees, A.K. (2018) The origins and implications of a novel population of Phytophthora infestans on potato crops in Scotland., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp203-208.
- Andrivon, D.; Hansen, J.G.; Runno-Paurson, E.; Eikemo, H.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K.; Gaucher, D.; Glorvigen, B.; Barbary, A.; Aurousseau, F.; Corbiere, R.; Mabon, R.; Le, V.H.; Chatot, C. (2017) IPMBlight 2.0: using pathogen population information to improve late blight control., Presentation, EAPR 20th Triennial Conference Versailles, France, 9-14 July 2017.
- Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Roberts A.G. (2017) Summary of powdery scab research in Scotland: investigations of infection of potato by Spongospora subterranea and host resistance., Proceedings of the 3rd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 18-21 July 2016. Potato Research 60, 205-207.
- Hansen, J.G.; Lassen, P.; Roer Hjelkrem, A-G.; Eikemo, H.; Cucak, M.; Lees, A.; Gaucher, D.; Chatot, C.; Kessel, G. (2017) Integration of pathogen and host resistance information in existing DSSs – introducing the IPMBlight2.0 approach., In: Schepers, H.T.A.M. (ed.). Proceedings of the 16th Euroblight Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 14-17 May 2017. PAGV Special Report No.18, 147-158.
- Ritchie, F.; Bain, R.; Lees, A.; Boor, T.; Paveley, N. (2017) Predicting the combined efficacy of host resistance and fungicides., In: Schepers, H.T.A.M. (ed.). Proceedings of the 16th Euroblight Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 14-17 May 2017. PAGV Special Report No.18, 139-146.
- Andrivon, D.; Corbiere, R.; Hansen, J.G.; Eikemo, H.; Puidet, B.; Gaucher, D.; Chatot, C.; Aurousseau, F.; Barbary, A.; Glorvigen, B.; Lees, A.; Cooke, D.E.L. (2017) IPMBlight2.0 : using pathogen population information to improve late blight control., In: Schepers, H.T.A.M. (ed.). Proceedings of the 16th Euroblight Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 14-17 May 2017. PAGV Special Report No.18, 33-38.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Skelsey, P.; Dancey, S.; Randall, E.; Sullivan, L.; Lees, A.K. (2016) Potato late blight research update; populations, primary inoculum and predictions., The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp211-216.
- Brierley, J.; Sullivan, L.; Lynott, J.; Lees, A. (2016) The effect of increased soil organic matter on severity of disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG3 on potato., The Dundee Conference: Proceedings of Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp 267-272.
- Hansen, J.G.; Andersson, B.; Sjoholm, L.; Liljeroth, E.; Edin, E.; Bain, R.A.; Lees, A.; Ritchie, F.; Kildea, S.; Cooke, L.; Young, G.; Filippov, A.; Hannukkala, A.; Hausladen, H.; Hausvater, E.; Hermansen, A.; Naerstad, R.; Kapsa, J.; Runno-Paurson, E.; Koppel, M.; Musa, T.; Gulbis, G.; Ronis, A. (2015) Epidemics and control of early & late blight, 2013 & 2014 in Europe., Proceedings of the 15th Euroblight Workshop, Brasov, Romania, 13-15 May 2015. PPO Special Report No.17, Wageningen DLO Foundation, pp11-30.
- Ritchie, F.; Bain, R.A.; Lees, A.K.; Dyer, C. (2014) Evaluating cultivar-based integrated control with reduced fungicide inputs for the control of potato late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, in the UK., Proceedings Crop Protection in Southern Britain: Precision Decisions for Profitable Cropping, Peterborough, UK, 25-26 November 2014. Association of Applied Biologists, 127, 71-76.
- Lahuf, A.A.; Lees, A.K.; Torrance, L.; Roberts, A.G. (2014) Identification of sources of resistance to potato mop-top virus and its vector Spongospora subterranea., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014, pp277-283.
- Bain, R.A.; Ritchie, F.; Lees, A.K.; Dyer, C. (2014) Practical Lessons for Northern Britain from a three-year feasibility study of cultivar resistance-based integrated control of potato blight (P. infestans)., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain
- Lahuf, A.A.; Lees, A.K.; Torrance, L.; Roberts, A.G. (2014) Identification sources of resistance to Potato mop-top virus and its vector Spongospora subterranea., Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014.
- Brierley, J.; Lynott, J.; Sullivan, L.; Hawes, C.; Lees, A. (2014) Introduction and persistence of seed and soil-borne potato pathogens within a rotation., Proceedings Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014.
- Brierley, J.; Lynott, J.; Sullivan, L.; Hawes, C.; Lees, A. (2014) Introduction and persistence of seed and soil-borne potato pathogens., Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014.
- Hansen, J.G.; Andersson, B.; Bain, R.A.; Lees, A.; Ritchie, F.; Kildea, S.; Cooke, L.; Young, G.; Filippov, A.; Hannukkala, A.; Hausladen, H.; Hausvater, E.; Heldak, J.; Vrabcek, P.; Hermansen, A.; Naerstad, R.; Kapsa, J.; Koppel, M.; Musa, T.; Gulbis, G.; Ronis, A.; Schepers, H.; Vogelaar, K.; Vanhaverbeke, P.; Kanetis, L. (2013) The development and control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in Europe in 2012., Proceedings of the 14th Euroblight Workshop, Limassol, Cyprus, 12-15 May 2013. PPO Special Report No. 16, pp11-26.
- Bain, R.A.; Convery, C.; Lees, A.K.; Schepers, H.T.A.M. (2013) Tuber blight in relation to Phytophthora infestans genotype., Proceedings of the Fourteenth EuroBlight Workshop, Limassol, Cyprus, 12-15 May 2013.
- Bain, R.A.; Ritchie, F.; Lees, A.K.; Dyer, C.; Schepers, H.T.A.M. (2013) Impact of fungicide input on leaf blight (Phytophthora infestans) development on different potato cultivars., Proceedings of the Fourteenth EuroBlight Workshop, Limassol, Cyprus, 12-15 May 2013.
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K.; Lassen, P.; Hansen, J.G. (2012) Making sense of Phytophthora infestans diversity at national and international scales., Proceedings of 13th EuroBlight Workshop, St Petersburg, Russia, 9-12 October 2011.
- Chapman, A.; Lees, A.K.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Cooke, L.R. (2012) Competition between genotypes of Phytophthora infestans., Proceedings of 13th Euroblight Workshop. St Petersburg, Russia, 9-12 October 2011.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Lees, A.K (2023) Plant Health Projects, Potatoes in Practice, 10 August 2023, Dundee
- Lees, A.; Lynott, J.S. (2023) Fluazinam and Metalaxyl sensitivity in P infestans, Potatoes in Practice, 10 August 2023, Dundee
- Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.; Kessel, G.; Andrivon, D.; Lassen, P.; Hansen, J.G. (2018) Understanding Phytophthora infestans populations at local and global scales., Phytopathology, 108, S1.263. Abstract.
- Skelsey, P.; Lees, A.; Torrance, L. (2017) Blightsense: Development of a rapid biosensor system for in-field detection of Phytophthora infestans., In: Schepers, H.T.A.M. (ed.). Proceedings of the 16th Euroblight Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 14-17 May 2017. PAGV Special Report No.18, 239. (Poster)
- Carolan, K.; Bain, R.; Lees, A.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Ritchie, F.; Paveley, N.; van den Bosch, F. (2017) To make cultivar resistance durable spray fungicide., In: Schepers, H.T.A.M. (ed.). Proceedings of the 16th Euroblight Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 14-17 May 2017. PAGV Special Report No.18, 237. (Poster)
- Lees, A.; Skelsey, P.; Cooke, D.E.L. (2017) Smartspray: Optimised detection and control of potato blight: sensing pathogens to inform smart spray decisions., In: Schepers, H.T.A.M. (ed.). Proceedings of the 16th Euroblight Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 14-17 May 2017. PAGV Special Report No.18, 235. (Poster)
- Roberts, A.G.; Tillemans, V.; Chapman, S.; McGeachy, K.; Torrance, L.; Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K. (2017) New insights into the lifecycle of Spongospora subterranea: a microscope study., In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 18-21 July 2016. Potato Research 60, 200-201. Abstract.
- Lees, A.; Cooke, D.; Dancey, S.; Skelsey, P. (2017) Potato late blight: tools for integrated pest management., Potato Late Blight: Tools for Integrated Pest Management. Proceedings of AAB Conference ‘Advances in IPM’, Harper Adams 26-27 September 2017.
- Bienkowski, D.; Lees, A.K.; Gallagher, C.; Neilson, R. (2016) In-field detection of potato disease can analysis of UAV imaging differentiate between crop stresses?, European Association for Potato Research Pathology & Pests Section Meeting, Dundee, 7-11 August 2016.
- Schepers, H.T.A.M.; Lees A.K.; Hansen J.G. (2016) Best Agricultural practices and chemical control of potato late blight in Europe., Compendio de Resúmenes XXVII Congreso Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), Panama City, 22-26 August 2016.
- Lahuf, A.A.; Lees, A.K.; Torrance, L.; Roberts, A.G. (2014) Identification sources of resistance to potato mop-top virus and its vector Spongospora subterranea., Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Environmental Management and Crop Protection, West Park Conference Centre, Dundee, 25-26 February 2014.
- Lees, A.; Brierley, J. (2013) Predicting soil-borne disease as a tool for management., 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Beijing, China, 25-30 August 2013.
- Lahuf, A.A.; Sullivan, .L.; Lees, A.; Torrance, L.; Roberts, A.G. (2013) New genetic sources of resistance to potato mop-top virus and its vector Spongospora subterranea., International Advances in Plant Virology Conference, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 25-27 September 2013. Poster session.
- Brierley, J.L.; Lees, A.K.; Sullivan, L.; Wale, S.; Kiezebrink, D. (2012) The effect of Spongospora subterranea soil inoculum levels on powdery scab., 8th World Potato Congress, Edinburgh, 27 May 2012 (Poster).
- Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Sullivan, L. (2011) Is there any relationship between level of S. subterranea inoculum and disease?, Proceedings of the 2011 Powdery Scab Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland. August 2011.
- Stroud, G.P.; Harper, J.; Wale, S.; Lees, A.K.; Brierley, J.L.; Peters, J.C. (2010) Post-harvest development of black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) on potato., EAPR Pathology Section Meeting, Carlow Ireland, 13-16 September 2010 (Abstract).
- Peters, J.C.; Woodhall, J.W.; Brierley, J.L.; Wale, S.; Lees, A.K. (2010) Spatial distribution of soil-borne pathogens to inform disease risk prediction., EAPR Pathology Section Meeting, Carlow Ireland, 13-16 September 2010 (Abstract).
- Lees, A.K.; Carnegie, S.F.; Shaw, D.S.; Bain, R.A. (2010) The effect of P. infestans population changes on host resistance ratings., 12th EuroBlight Workshop, Arras, France, 3-6 May 2010 (Poster).
- Chapman, A.; Cooke, L.R.; Cooke, D.E.L.; Lees, A.K. (2010) P. infestans: monitoring and implications of population changes., 12th Euroblight Meeting, Arras, France, 3-6 May 2010 (Poster).
- Gopalakrishnan, V.; Lees, A.K.; Torrance, L.; Roberts, A.G. (2009) Acquisition and transmission of PMTV by Spongospora subterranea., Association of Applied Biologists. Potatoes: Viruses and their Vectors, SASA, Edinburgh, 16 September 2009 (Poster).