Alison Karley

Ecological Sciences
T: +44 (0)1382 568820

Ali is an agroecologist with over 25 years’ experience in plant production and ecology. Ali leads the ‘Integrated Cropping Systems’ team within the Agroecology Group and currently leads the institute’s Science Challenge of supporting sustainable and resilient communities through social, economic and technical innovations. Her work contributes towards Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPM) research at the Institute: for details of ongoing IPM research, please visit the IPM@hutton website.

As pressure mounts to reduce dependence on agri-inputs, accompanied by uncertainty about the effects of climate change on crop production, the importance of diversifying agroecosystems for future sustainability is increasingly being realised. Ali’s research tests alternative cropping practices and pest control strategies to reduce reliance on external inputs and increase resilience to environmental stress. Her recent research has shaped current concepts about, and provided supporting evidence for, the design, management and ecological benefits of diversified agricultural systems and how to select crop types that optimise system functions. As co-ordinator of DIVERSify (EU Horizon 2020: 2017-2021), she led a consortium of 25 EU and international partner organisations to understand and demonstrate the benefits of mixed species cropping and identify crop species and cultivars that perform optimally when intercropped.

Ali works with scientists from diverse disciplines and actor groups, including farmers, agricultural industries, policy advisors and knowledge transfer organisations, to gain a cross-disciplinary understanding of the challenges of alternative cropping practices and the opportunities for innovation. Her work takes a collaborative approach with agricultural stakeholders in the UK and internationally to find out what knowledge already exists, where we can build on this with new research, including through on-farm participatory research and co-innovation, and how we can use open science to share data and new knowledge with the people who need it.

She is co-Chair of the Executive Committee for the annual Arable Scotland event, a member of the Impact Advisory Board for the University of St Andrews School of Mathematics, and an Associate Editor for Ecological Entomology.

  • NIHR Global Health research Group ‘Global CFaH’ 2022-2025 (£2.9M) (Co-I)
  • MDT Fellowship ‘Sustainable Food Systems’ 2023-2026 (£247K) (PI)
  • Darwin Partnership Award ‘Malawi-AgroBio’ 2021-2022 (£10K) (PI)
  • Scottish Government ‘EndoScot’ 2020-2023 (£66.5K) (Co-I)
  • EU Horizon 2020 ‘FRAMEwork’ 2020-2025 (€1.4M) (Co-I)
  • AHDB ‘Soft Fruit IPM’ 2020-2022 (£444K) (Co-I)
  • GCRF ‘ClimateSmart’ 2020-2022 (£50K) (Co-I)
  • Mains of Loirston ‘NOVELLA’ 2019-2023 (£47K) (Co-I)
  • Esmée Fairburn Foundation ‘SEAMS’ 2019-2023 (£400K) (Co-I)
  • Innovate UK ‘CherryBerry’ 2018-2021 (£734K) (Co-I)
  • EU Horizon 2020 ‘MiRA’ 2017-2021 (€3.65M) (Co-I
  • EU Horizon 2020 ‘DIVERSify’ 2017-2021 (€5M)


Books / chapters

  • Vasconcelos, M.W.; Grusak, M.A.; Pinto, E.; Gomes, A.; Ferreira, H.; Balázs, B.; Centofanti, T.; Ntatsi, G.; Savvas, D.; Karkanis, A.; Williams, M.; Vandenberg, A.; Toma, L.; Shrestha, S.; Akaichi, F.; Oré Barrios, C.; Gruber, S.; James, E.K.; Maluk, M.; Karley, A.J.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2020) The Biology of Legumes and Their Agronomic, Economic, and Social Impact, In: Hasanuzzaman, M., Araújo, S., Gill, S. (eds.) The Plant Family Fabaceae: Biology and Physiological Responses to Environmental Stresses, Springer, 3-25
  • Graham, J.; Karley, A.J.; Dolan, A.; Williams, D.; Jennings, N. (2019) Advances and challenges in sustainable raspberry/blackberry cultivation, In: Lang, G. (ed.) Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Temperate Zone Tree Fruits and Berries. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Volume 2: Case Studies, 397-422
  • Williams, D.; Aitkenhead, M.; Karley, A.J.; Graham, J.; Jones, H.G. (2018) Use of imaging technologies for high throughput phenotyping, In: Graham, J. & Brennan, R. (eds.) Raspberry: Breeding, Challenges and Advances. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 145-158
  • Mitchell, C.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Birch, A.N.E.; Begg, G.; Karley, A. (2018) An agroecological approach for weed, pest and disease management in Rubus plantations, In: Graham, J. & Brennan, R. (eds.) Raspberry: Breeding, Challenges and Advances. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 63-81
  • Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Ianetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Begg, G. (2016) Ecosystem services from croplands., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R. (eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp24-25.
  • Brooker, R.; Karley, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Newton, A.; Schob, C.; Morcillo, L. (2016) Biodiversity and function., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R.J.(eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp6-7.
  • White, P.J.; Karley, A.J. (2010) Potassium., In: Hell, R. & Mendel, R. (eds.). Plant Cell Monographs, 17, Cell Biology of Metals and Nutrients. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp199-224.
  • White, P.J.; Bengough, A.G.; Bingham, I.J.; George, T.S.; Karley, A.J.; Valentine, T.A. (2009) Induced mutations affecting root architecture and mineral acquisition in barley., In: Shu, Q.Y. (ed.). Induced Plant Mutations in the Genomics Era. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, pp381-384
  • Karley, A.J.; Marshall, B. (2007) Functional-structural modelling as a potential tool to assess the impact of resource competition on arable communities., In: Vos, J., Marcelis, L.F.M., de Visser, P.H.B., Struik, P.C. & Evers, J.B. (eds.). Functional-Structural Plant Modelling in Crop Production. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp231-241.

Technical / contract reports

  • Karley, A. (2024) Final report of the EUCAP Network Focus Group on ‘Crop Associations, including protein crops and Milpa’, The final report was published of the EU-CAP Network Focus Group on ‘Crop Associations, including protein crops and Milpa’, led by Alison Karley in her role as Coordinating Expert.
  • Pakeman, R.; Baggaley, N.; Negassa, W.; Glendell, M.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Neilson, R.; Paterson, E.; Stutter, M.; Conington, J.; Potts, J.; Skuce, P. (2024) Understanding metrics for effective environmental measures under the Agricultural Reform Programme for Scotland, Edinburgh Research Archive – ClimateXChange Publications
  • Malloch, G.; Mitchell, C.; Smith, A.; Karley, A.J. (2024) Impact of Local and Landscape Factors on Spotted Wing Drosophila Epidemiology, Published on Zenodo
  • Pakeman, R.; Baggaley, N.; Chewaka, W.; Glendell, M.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Neilson, R.; Paterson, E.; Stutter, M.; Conington, J.; Miller, G.; Skuce, P.; Potts, J. (2024) Understanding metrics for effective environmental measures under the Agricultural Reform Programme for Scotland, ClimateXChange
  • Glendell, M.; Blackstock, K.; Adams, K.; Brickell, J.; Comte, J.; Gagkas, Z.; Geris, J.; Haro, D.; Jabloun, M.; Karley, A.; MacLeod, K.; Naha, S.; Paterson, E.; Rivington, M.; Thompson, C.; Upton, K.; Wilkinson, M.; Williams, K. (2024) Future predictions of water scarcity in Scotland impact on distilleries and agricultural abstractors CRW2023_05, Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW)
  • Matthews, K.; Blackstock, K.L.; Wardell-Johnson, D.H.; Miller, D.G.; Tavana, M.; Thomson, S.; Moxey, A.; Neilson, R.; Baggaley, N.; Giles, M.; Karley, A.; Loades, K.; Paterson, E.; Pakeman, R.; Hawes, C.; Stockan, J.; Stutter, M.; Addy, S.; Wilkinson, M.E.; Juarez-Bourke, A.; Waylen, K.A.; Rivington, M.; Aitkenhead, M.J.; Coull, M.C. (2023) Synthesis Report: Screening Enhanced Conditionality Measures, An output of RESAS commissioned project Supporting
    Scotland’s Land Use Transformations (JHI-C3-1),59pp, Published online
  • Burgess, P.; Ramsey, R.; Karley, A.J. (2023) A roadmap to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the Scottish potato crop, Report produced for SEFARI funded project
  • Karley, A.J. (2023) Crop associations including Milpa and protein crops – Discussion paper, Discussion paper produced for the contract of ‘Coordinating Expert’ for the first meeting of the EU CAP Network Focus Group on ‘Crop Associations including Milpa and protein crops’, Vienna, Austria, 28-29 November 2023
  • Karley, A.; Mitchell, C.; Smith, A.; Malloch, G. (2023) Impact of Local and Landscape Factors on Spotted Wing Drosophila Epidemiology Summary report of work conducted in 2022-2023, Zenodo
  • Lozada-Ellison, L.; Karley, A.J. (2023) What will affect future Scottish arable and horticulture production? Identifying drivers of change with agricultural stakeholders, Zenodo.
  • Lozada, L.M; Karley, A. (2022) The adoption of agroecological principles in Scottish farming and their contribution towards agricultural sustainability and resilience, SEFARI webpage. (Appendices:
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; Black, K.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.j.; James, E.K.; Maluk, M.; Newton, A.; Squire, G.R.; Walker, G.; White, P. (2017) Teaming up for good: intercropping and farming-science partnership at the James Hutton Institute., NGO Report for, 8 November 2017.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; Black, K.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.J.; James, E.K.; Maluk, M.; Newton, A.C.; Squire, G.R.; Walker, G.; White, P.J. (2017) Sustainable legume systems for improved primary produce., SAB Annual Report, May 2017.
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.; Karley, A.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R. (2017) Crop mixtures in the Strategic Research Programme., Workshop Report, James Hutton Institute, Dundee, 27 July 2017. Report circulated to workshop attendees.
  • Greenland, A.G.; Bentley, S.; Jones, H.; Karley, A.; Lee, D.; Sherlock, D.; Valentine, T.; White, C.; Young. P. (2017) New wheat root ideotypes for improved resource use efficiency and yield performance in reduced input agriculture., AHDB Project Report, Reference No. RD-2008-3575.
  • Brooker, R.; Aalders, I.H.; Ballingall, K.; Begg, G.; Birch, A.N.E.; Elliott, G.; Ellis, C.; Freitag, T.; Hawes, C.; Holland, J.; Holmes, B.; Hough, R.L.; Karley, A.; McCracken, D.; Mitchell, R.; Stockan, J.; Zadoks, R.; Albon, S.A.; Hester, A.J.; Pakeman, R.J. (2013) Biotic and biophysical underpinning of ecosystem services in the Scottish context: a review., Published online as an outputs from WP 1.1 of the Ecosystem Services Theme of the SRP.
  • Squire, G.R.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; James, E.K.; Karley, A.J.; Young, M.W. (2011) Scotland’s wild arable plants., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2010, pp21-23.
  • Karley, A.J.; Johnson, S.N.; Clark, E.; McMenemy, L.S. (2010) Insect herbivore-microbe interactions: impacts on insect fitness and behaviour., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2009, pp23-24.
  • Johnson, S.N.; Karley, A.J.; Hawes, C.; Mitchell, C. (2008) Aboveground-belowground trophic linkages., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2007, pp40-41.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.S.; Wishart, J.; Young, M.W.; Karley, A.J.; Valentine, T.A.; Hawes, C.; Squire, G.R. (2006) Common wild plants as biodiversity indicators., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2006, pp42-43.
  • Karley, A.J.; Marshall, B.; Young, M.W.; Holroyde, S.; Wright, G.M.; Squire, G.R. (2004) Plant archtecture and structural-functioning modelling., Annual Report of the Scottish Crop Research Institute for 2003/2004, pp157-159.

Conference papers

  • Brooker, R.; Hewison, R.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.; Neilson, R.; Pakeman, R.; Raubach, S.; Shaw, P.; Verrall, S.; Karley, A. (2023) Crop mixtures as part of the sustainability toolbox for the distilling industry, World Distilled Spirits Conference, 9 May 2023, EICC, Edinburgh.
  • Brooker, R.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.; Mitchell, C.; Hewison, R.; Karley, A. (2022) Identifying challenges and developing solutions lessons from participatory approaches to improving and promoting crop mixtures, Crop Production in Northern Britain Conference, 1-2 March 2022, Online.
  • Karley, A.J.; Newton, A. (2022) Intercropping with barley to support winter pea cropping, Crop Production in Northern Britain Conference, 1-2 March 2022, Online.
  • Sumner-Kalkun, J.C.; Madden, S.; Highet, F.; Karley, A.; Arnsdorf, Y.M.; Kenyon, D. (2020) Potential impacts of “Candidatus Liberibacter Solancearum” (LSO) and its pysllid vectors in the UK., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Production Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020.
  • Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Hawes, C.; Young, M.W.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Iannetta, P.P.M.I.; Newton, A.C. (2020) Crop species mixtures as part of integrated farm management., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Production Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020, pp143-147.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schoeb, C.; Karley, A.J. (2020) Linking ecological theory to sustainable crop production., World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 23-28 February 2020. PowerPoint presentation.
  • Brooker, R.W.; Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J. (2020) Do we need weeds? The place of non-crop plants in arable systems., Proceedings, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 25-26 February 2020, pp149-154.
  • Karley, A.J.; Banfield-Zanin, J.A.; Bickler, C.; Bliss, K.; Brooker, R.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Midmer, A.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Pearce, B.; Tippin, L.; George, D.R. (2019) Knowledge Exchange in ‘Plant Team’ Cropping with on-farm participatory research., European Conference on Crop Diversification, Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 September 2019. Book of Abstracts, pp56-57.
  • Karley, A.J.; Bickler, C.; Brooker, R.W.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Kiær, L.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Scherber, C.; Weih, M.; Pearce, B.; Schöb, C. (2018) Harnessing innovations in Plant Team cropping through science-practitioner information exchange., XV European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), Geneva, Switzerland, 27-31 August 2018. PS-6-01, p38 (Presentation)
  • Karley, A.J.; Newton, A.C.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Guy, D.; Mitchell, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Weih, M.; Scherber, C.; Klaer, L. (2018) DIVERSify-ing for sustainability using cereal-legume “plant teams”., Association of Applied Biologists Meeting, Advances in Legume Science, Glasgow, UK, 21-22 March 2018. Aspects of Applied Biology, 138, 57-62.
  • Karley, A.J.; Graham, J.; Mitchell, C.; Williams, C.; Mitchell, D.; Jennings, N.; Dolan, A.; McFarlane, S.; Prashar, A.; Begg, G.; Birch, A.N.E. (2018) IPM tools for pest and disease management in raspberry plantations., Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2018: The Dundee Conference, Environmental Management and Crop Production, Apex City Quay Hotel, Dundee, 27-28 February 2018. Conference Proceedings, pp55-58.
  • Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Banks, G.; Ford, L.; Young, M.; Quesada, N.; Begg, G. (2017) Aphid infestations and biocontrol in cereal crops in Scotland: effects of winter cropping across three regions., 7th Meeting of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity in Conjunction with a British Ecological Society Agricultural Ecology Special Interest Group Meeting, Dundee, 29-31 March 2017. Landscape management for functional biodiversity IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 122, 90-93.
  • Black, K.; Walker, G.; White, P.J.; Karley, A.; Ramsay, L.; Ramsay, G.; James, E.K.; Squire, G.R.; Iannetta, P.P.M. (2016) Mainstream pulses: exploring local solutions to supply chain limitations., 2nd Conference of the International Legume Society, Legumes for a Sustainable World, Tróia, Portugal, 11-14 October 2016. Conference paper and presentation.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.; Ramsay, L.; Ramsay, G.; James, E.K.; Squire, G.R. (2016) Sustainable and profitable protein production using faba bean., 14th Congress of the European Society of Agronomy, in association with Association of Applied Biologists, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5-9 September 2016. Conference paper and presentation.
  • Slater, J.M.; Gilbert, L.; Karley, A.J.; Johnson, D. (2016) Managing soil to promote plant defence against pests., The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp 59-64.
  • Gilbert, L.; Slater, J.; Karley, A.; Johnson, D. (2016) Can underground fungal networks aid crop pest control?, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp 49-54.
  • Newton, A.C.; Karley, A.J.; Schob, C.; Brooker, R.W.; Pakeman, R.J.; Iannetta, P.; Guy, D.C.; Black, K. (2016) How diverse can crop mixtures be in an integrated pest management context?, The Dundee Conference: Crop Protection in Northern Britain 2016, Dundee, 23-24 February 2016, pp 73-80.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.; Binnie, K.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.J.; Schmidt, S.; White, P.; Bengough, G. (2015) Tools and techniques for phenotyping plant:soil interactions., Integrated Plant and Algal Phenomics (IPAP) Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30 June 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.; Bentley, S.; Greenland, A.; Otten, W.; Schmidt, S.; Squire, G.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.J. (2015) Recent developments in root phenotyping pipelines of cereal crops: transparent soil and rhizotubes., ISSR 2015. 9th International Symposium of the ISRR. “Roots down under – Belowground solutions to global challenges”, Canberra, Australia, 6-9 October 2015. Paper O-23.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Bengough, A.G.; Dupuy, L.X.; Hallett, P.; Karley, A.J.; McKenzie, B.M.; Newton, A.; Schmidt, S.; Stobart, R.; Squire, G.; Young, M.; Hawes, C. (2015) Evaluating interactions at the plant:soil interface., UK-India Initiative in Agroecology, Centre for Pollination Studies, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, 21-23 February 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Binnie, K.; Skiba, A.K.; Squire, G.R.; Bentley, S.; Jones, H.; Greenland, A. (2015) Root phenotyping systems: contrasting controlled environment ex situ and in the field systems., 2015 Monogram Network Meeting, Rothamsted, Harpenden, 29 April – 1 May 2015. PowerPoint presentation.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R.; Bentley, S.; Jones, H.; Greenland, A. (2015) Root phenotyping systems: contrasting controlled environment ex situ and in the field systems., MonoGram, Rothamsted Research, 29 April – 1 May 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.; Binnie, K.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.K.; Schmidt, S.; White, P.; Bengough, A.G. (2015) Tools and techniques for phenotyping plant:soil interactions. , International Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30 June 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Upton, C.M.; Bentley, S.; Greenland, A.; Otten, W.; Schmidt, S.; Squire, G.; Dupuy, L.X.; Karley, A.J. (2015) Recent developments in root phenotyping pipelines of cereal crops: Transparent soil and rhizotubes., 9th International Symposium of the International Society of Root Research, Roots Down Under – Belowground Solutions to Global Chanllenges, Canberra, Australia 6-9 October 2015.
  • Valentine, T.A.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R.; Bentley, S.; Lee, D.; Morreale, G.; Greenland, A. (2014) New wheat root ideotypes for reduced input systems: ex situ root characterisation., Wheat Breeding 2014, ‘Tools, Targets and Progress’, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, 29-30 January 2014.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; James, E.K.; Smith, B.; Davies, C.; Karley, A.J.; Lopez del Egido, L.; Hawes, C.; Young, M.; Ramsay, G.; Birch, A.N.E.; Valentine, T.A.; Warburton-Brown, C.; Goldring, A.; Hughes, T.; Sprent, J.; Wolfe, M.; Rees, R.M. (2013) Sustainable intensification: a pivotal role for legume supported cropped systems., AAB/BeS-AeG Rethinking Farmed Systems in the UK, St. Catherine’s College University of Oxford, 18-19 December 2013. Co-organiser/Invited speaker. Aspects Applied Biology 121, 73-82.
  • George, T.S.; French, A.; Brown, L.K.; Daniell, T.J.; Karley, A.J.; Ramsay, L.; White, P.J. (2013) Genotypic variation in the ability of plants to tolerate manganese deficiency in cereals grown in calcareous systems: the role of root phytases., XVII International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 August 2013.
  • George, T.S.; French, A.; Brown, L.K.; Daniell, T.; Karley, A;. Ramsay, L.; White, P.J. (2013) Genotypic variation in the ability of plants to tolerate manganese deficiency in cereals grown in calcareous systems: the role of root phytases., In: XVII International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 August 2013. Proceedings, pp39-40.
  • Squire, G.R.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J. (2012) Impacts of GMHT crops on biodiversity and ecosystem services., MEACB Meeting of the European Advisory Committee on Biosafety. Paris, France, 13-14 December 2012.
  • Mitchell, C.; Graham, J.; Johnson, S.N.; Karley, A.J.; Woodhead, M.; Brennan, R.M.; Cooke, D.E.L.; (2012) How root traits of soft fruit help resist pest and pathogen attack., SSCR/Bulrush Event, Dundee.

Conference posters / abstracts

  • Boldrin, D.; Cuthbertson, K.; Birrell, L.; Scott, M.; Karley, A. (2024) ClimateSchools initiative poster presentation, Poster presented as part of the SEFARI Gateway exhibit at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Science and the Parliament event in Edinburgh on 26th November 2024, which had a theme of the future of STEM in Scotland
  • Lozada-Ellison, L.; Karley, A.; Mitchell, C.; Malloch, G.; Bebber, D.; Gurr, S. (2024) Ensuring future resilience to pests and diseases a multidisciplinary approach, Poster presented at the ENRA conference in Edinburgh on 23rd September 2024 which brought together policy makers with researchers providing evidence to support policy through Scottish Government (RESAS) funded research
  • Skelsey, P.; Maloney, K.; Leslie, K.; Karley, A. (2024) Accurate potato virus forecasts: developing new models to guide sustainable management of potato crops in Scotland, Scotland’s Plant Health Conference 2024, 4 June 2024, Edinburgh
  • Brooker, R.; Keillor, B.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.; Karley, A. (2021) Impacts of largescale environmental drivers and crop composition on the benefits of intercropping, British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Liverpool, 13/12/21.
  • Macheda, D.; Bennett, A.; Prashar, A.; Karley, A.J. (2019) Uncover the interactions between arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and Solanum tuberosum under osmotic stress., 3rd Meeting of the MiRA Consortium, James Hutton Institute, West Park, Dundee, 26 August 2019. (Poster)
  • Macheda, D.; Bennett, A.; Prashar, A.; Karley, A.J. (2019) Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Solanum tuberosum to cope with abiotic and biotic stresses., Postgraduate Conference, Newcastle, 22 November 2019. (Poster)
  • Highet, F.; Sumner-Kalkun, J.; Carnegie, M.; Kenyon, D.; Arnsdorf, Y.; Madden, S.; Karley, A.J.; Mitchell, C.; Stockan, J.; Beaton, J.; Quine, C.; MacLeod, A.; Ouvard. D. (2019) The assessment of the potential of the Psyllid Trioza anthrisci to vector ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (Lso) in Scotland., Scotland’s Plant Health Conference, Edinburgh, 28 May 2019.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Begg, G.; Boath, A.; James, E.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.J.; Maluk, M.; Ferrando Molina, F.; Newton, A.C.; Quilliam, R.; Squire, G. (2018) The potential of legume-supported food- and feed-chains to strengthen capacities for sustainable economic development., CECHR Annual Symposium, University of Dundee, Dundee, 21 May 2018.
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schöb, C. (2018) Plant genetics vs. trait diversity: impacts on weed community assembly., Scotland’s Biennial Land Use and Environment Conference XII, Rewarding the Delivery of Public Goods: How to Achieve this in Practice? Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 28-29 November 2018. (Poster).
  • Brooker, R.W.; Hewison, R.; Mitchell, C.; Newton, A.C.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schöb, C.; Karley, A.J. (2018) Crop mixtures., BES Annual Meeting 2018, Birmingham, 16-19 December. (Poster)
  • Whitehead, M.; Karley, A.; Darby, A. (2018) Aphid genetics and parasitism resistance., Handout at Potatoes in Practice, Invergowrie, Dundee, 8 August 2018. (Poster)
  • Brooker, R.; Iannetta, P.; Karley, A.; Newton, A.; Pakeman, R.J.; Schoeb, C. (2016) Plant genetic vs. trait diversity: impacts on weed community assembly, British Ecological Society 2016 Annual Meeting, Liverpool, 11-14 December 2016. (Poster)
  • Squire, G.R.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Begg, G.S. (2016) Sustainable deintensification., Problems and Solutions in Food Security – from Surf to Turf. Scottish Universities Insight Institute (SUII), University of Strathclyde Glasgow, 23-24 May 2016. Poster.
  • Squire, G.R.; Young, M.W.; Banks, G.; Ford, L.; Quesada Pizarro N.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J. (2016) Deintensify or die?, SRUC-SEPA Conference, What Future for our Farming Systems? Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions. Agriculture and the Environment XI, Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh 1-2 March 2016.
  • Karley, A.J.; Preedy, K.; Young, M.; Banks G.; Ford, L.; Squire, G. (2016) The contribution of weeds to biodiversity and nitrogen dynamics in lowland arable systems., SRUC-SEPA Conference, What Future for our Farming Systems? Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions. Agriculture and the Environment XI, Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh 1-2 March 2016.
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; James, E.K.; Hawes, C.; Lopez Del Egido, L.; Karley, A.; Olukosi, O.; Houdijk, J.; Crampton, V.; Moench, M.; Palomba, G.; Ianieri, J.; Clarke, F.; Duncan, K.; Squire, G.; Walker, G.; Ramsay, G. (2014) The road less travelled: from ‘ecological services’ to ‘agronomic practice., In: Abstracts of the European Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, University of Debrecen, Hungary 25-29 September 2014. Poster presentation.
  • Gilbert, J.L.; Karley, A.; Becker, L.; Littlewood, N.A. (2014) Can changing land management help deliver biodiversity benefits?, SRUC and SEPA Biennial Conference, Edinburgh, April 2014.
  • Young, M.W.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R. (2012) Modelling the utility of legumes: increasing the sustainability of arable yield and reducing the dependence on inorganic nitrogenous fertilisers., 2nd Annual Meeting of Legume Futures, University of Athens, 26-30 March 2012 (Poster).
  • James, E.K.; Iannetta, P.P.M.; Doherty, S.; Young, M.W.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R.; (2012) Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by faba bean at the Centre for Sustainable Cropping, Dundee, Scotland., 2nd Annual Meeting of Legume Futures, University of Athens, 26-30 March 2012 (Poster).
  • Iannetta, P.P.M.; Young, M.W.; Begg, G.S.; Hawes, C.; Karley, A.J.; Squire, G.R. (2012) Modelling the utility of legumes: increasing the sustainability of arable yield and reducing the dependence on inorganic nitrogenous fertilisers., 12th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Helsinki, Finland, 20-24 August 2012 (Poster).