Soil characterisation
Our work on soil characterisation operates across scales from microscopic to landscape and across a diverse range of settings from arable agriculture to semi-natural and natural environments.
This work leverages access to real-world sites, through our research farms, whilst our survey activities reach across Scotland. The robustness of our science is attested by refereed publications and its impact by connecting with stakeholders.
We have developed novel approaches to investigate soil mechanical and hydrological processes at the micro-scale. Much of the work is interdisciplinary with our Ecological Sciences group and others, focussing on how the root-soil interface affects the productivity of crops and understanding how soil microbes and plant roots manipulate their physical habitat. Good soil management is essential for sustainable agriculture.
We host and maintain the important National Soils Archive for Scotland and associated soil datasets. Here we apply our knowledge to the development of novel methods for soil monitoring, biophysical resource analyses and rapid methods of soil and water characterisation. Our work on soil and vegetation surveys informs both research and consultancies across a wide range of contexts and contributes to policy development within Scottish Government.
Good soil management is essential for sustainable agriculture.
The Soil characterisation team
Nikki Baggaley, Carrie Donald, Gillian Green, Jason Owen, Wakene Chewaka, Zisis Gagkas