Potato genetics
Potato genetics research at the Hutton employs cutting-edge methods to identify genes responsible for vital traits crucial to the potato industry.
We have developed diploid and tetraploid mapping populations and association panels, drawing from a diverse array of cultivars and germplasms available at The James Hutton Institute. Our efforts to boost genetic diversity include accessions of wild and cultivated land within the Commonwealth Potato Collection (CPC).
Translating our research:
We actively cultivate strong partnerships within the industry, engaging in collaborative potato breeding programs, notably with James Hutton Limited, to successfully translate our research into tangible outcomes. Addressing industry needs, our focus lies in equipping the sector with genetic tools and characterised materials to develop potato cultivars featuring desired agronomic traits, robust built-in resistance to pathogens and innovative solutions for environmental challenges intensified by climate change.
These pivotal traits not only improve the resilience of potatoes as a crop but also advance sustainable crop production practices.
Examples of genetic resources from the CPC include:
- Long-day-adapted Andigena potatoes (Neotuberosum)
- Long-day-adapted Phureja potatoes
- Solanum stenotomum, a diploid and primitive form of cultivated potatoes
- Disease-resistant accessions of S. verrucosum, S. vernei, S. spegazzinii and many more
Research focus, traits vital to the potato industry:
- Resistance to common pests and pathogens
- Tolerance to abiotic stresses like heat, drought and waterlogging
- Nitrogen requirements
- Quality, nutritional value and storage optimisation of potato crops