
Our blogs serve as a platform for our experts, researchers, and thought leaders to share their insights, experiences, and discoveries with you. Dive into a diverse range of topics, from sustainable agriculture and climate change to biodiversity conservation and cutting-edge innovations. Through our blog, we aim to bridge the gap between science and the wider community, offering a glimpse into the challenges and successes of our scientists.

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  • Taking Scotland’s rainforests to Davos

    Taking Scotland’s rainforests to Davos

    As biodiversity hotspots, Scotland’s rainforests are internationally important. The sheer quantity, diversity and rarity of the lichens, mosses and liverworts they are home to is stunning and a joy to experience.

  • Our warmest May – and spring – on record

    Our warmest May – and spring – on record

    We’ve recorded the warmest May – and the warmest spring overall – on record at our site in Invergowrie, mirroring UK-wide May and spring temperature records.

  • Scotland’s new superfruit – the honeyberry

    Scotland’s new superfruit – the honeyberry

    There’s a new Scottish superfruit in town. It’s described as being like a blueberry, but on steroids. It’s called the honeyberry and if you haven’t heard of it yet it’s likely you will soon, thanks…

  • Time for a Scottish islands typology?

    Time for a Scottish islands typology?

    From the outside, life in a Scottish island might seem like a common experience. Viewing it as such across our diverse islands can be detrimental.

  • Is there a place for urban agriculture in Scottish cities?

    Is there a place for urban agriculture in Scottish cities?

    Food security might not seem like a big issue in Scotland. Comparatively, to other places around the world, it’s not. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any problems within our food system.

  • eDNA in the spotlight – the second instalment

    eDNA in the spotlight – the second instalment

    This is the second instalment of a series of blog posts highlighting Hutton scientists and their collaborators using environmental DNA (eDNA for short) techniques.

  • Was April really that cold?

    Was April really that cold?

    Did April feel cold to you? It did to many people, but apparently it wasn’t all that cold. Our weather data from Invergowrie showed that April was the joint 17th warmest month on our records,…

  • Cover crops in a changing climate

    Cover crops in a changing climate

    Cover crops are one way to increase diversity on farm and potentially have multiple benefits both above and below ground. These benefits include adding carbon and nitrogen to the soil, improving soil structure, capturing nutrients…

  • A renewable opportunity or road block? Navigating policy and practice

    A renewable opportunity or road block? Navigating policy and practice

    Scotland’s rural land and its managers have been at the forefront of the transition to using renewable energy systems. Over the 20 years up to 2023, they’ve played a significant role in increasing the generation…

  • Is the world waking up to the PFAS problem?

    Is the world waking up to the PFAS problem?

    The US has joined a growing number of countries waking up to the risks posed by the presence of PFAS, more commonly known as forever chemicals, in our environment, drinking water and food.