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Professor Lorna Dawson Honoured with Fletcher of Saltoun Award for Science
Congratulations to our Head of Forensic Science, Professor Lorna Dawson, who was presented with the Award for Science at the Fletcher of Saltoun Awards last week.
A ‘day in the life’ of a SEGS Graduate Research Assistant
Since 2020, the Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences (SEGS) department has been running a six-month graduate research assistant programme.
Engagement between scientists and school students
As scientists, it’s always difficult to reach out to audiences beyond researchers in the same field. That’s where “I’m a Scientist – Get Me Out of Here” comes in.
Hutton Scientist features in new series of Climate Science Podcasts
Professor Lorna Dawson CBE discusses the critical importance of soil and peatlands in episode nine of the Climate Science Podcast, produced (SAGES), to showcase the work of Scotland’s leading scientists and researchers.
December 2024 was the joint fifth warmest December in 70 years
Last month was the warmest December since 2016 and the joint 5th warmest December (along with December 1974) since the Hutton’s records began in 1954.
Wildfire Risk in Scotland
Wildfire risk is a growing concern amongst land managers and the fire service across Scotland with climate and land-use change, changes in seasonal rainfall, reductions in herbivore pressure and reforestation acting as potential fuel sources.
The second sunniest autumn on record at Invergowrie
A total of 354 hours of sunshine were recorded on our site during Autumn 2024, making this autumn the second sunniest since our records began in 1954.
A sustainable farming future
Last week I was delighted to accept an invitation to attend a lunch event at Westminster for the new Sustainable Farm Networks (SFN) initiative linked to Harper Adams.
SSCR Dinner 2024
The Scottish Society for Crop Research (SSCR) hosted a dinner in November to celebrate 100 years of coordinated crop research and plant breeding in Scotland.
10th ISRR Medal Lecture on Root Research
This years’ ISRR Dundee root medal and workshop on “Breeding crops for marginal conditions with an emphasis on roots” took place on the 6th November 2024.