A cool, dry June for Invergowrie

Did June feel cold to you? It felt cold to many, perhaps following May and this Spring’s record warm temperatures.

In fact it was only the 26th coldest June on record at the James Hutton Institute’s Invergowrie campus since 1954.

The daily average air temperature was a 12.8ºC, just 0.5ºC below the 13.3ºC long-term average, with a high of 23.7ºC on June 24 and a low of 3.2ºC on June 6 and 7.

While cool, it was drier than normal, with below average rainfall. Just 39.4 mm of rainfall – 62.8% of the long-term average – made June the 25th driest on record.

However, the Hutton’s Invergowrie site had almost average sunshine hours, at 158.6 hours of sunshine, just 2.5% below the long-term average.

This was enough to make it the 26th dullest recorded (and the dullest since 2020).

Field work on Mull in “Baltic” conditions early in June. The work is revisiting vegetation plots set up in the 1970s to investigate how climate change and nitrogen pollution are impacting alpine vegetation and soil biodiversity. Photo by Andrea Britton.
Cotton grass on the peatland at the Hutton's Glensaugh research farm in early June. Image by Catherine Smart
Cotton grass on the peatland at the Hutton’s Glensaugh research farm in early June. Image by Catherine Smart

Interested in our data? We also host a pollen count.

We monitor pollen from 12 species of plants/trees that can cause hayfever daily, from March until September.

Air is analysed at a rate of 10 litres per minute and the quantity of each pollen type is recorded over a 24-hour period.

Find out more here.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog post are the views of the author(s), and not an official position of the institute or funder.