Research integrity

The James Hutton Institute is committed to the highest standards of research practice and scientific publishing and upholds all commitments made under the Universities UK concordat.

The James Hutton Institute expects all individuals performing research on its behalf, or using its facilities and resources, to uphold national and international standards of integrity and follow best practice guidelines issued by government, regulatory bodies, funders, publishers and learned societies.

The James Hutton Institute researchers
The James Hutton Institute researchers
  • Promote and advise on best research practice to members of the institute.
  • Investigate allegations of research misconduct made against members of the institute.

If you have any concerns regarding research conducted by a member or affiliate of The James Hutton Institute email us.

For allegations of research misconduct contact:

Based in Dundee
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

The Executive Member:

Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Science
T: +44 (0)344 928 5428 (*)

Professor Deborah Roberts is Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Science. She holds an Honorary Chair in the Business School, University of Aberdeen.

Her research experience spans agricultural economics and regional science and she has undertaken work for a wide range of funding bodies including the European Commission, DEFRA, ESRC, the Scottish Government, Forestry Commission, Scottish Natural Heritage and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Information Governance Officer:

Information Governance Officer
Based in Aberdeen
T: +44 (0)1224 395065

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