Carla Barlagne
Carla Barlagne is a researcher in agricultural and rural economics working in the Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences (SEGS) research group at the James Hutton Institute.
She has a background in agronomy, agricultural economics and behavioural economics. Prior to joining The James Hutton Institute she has received her PhD from The University of the French West Indies and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and carried a one-year postdoc at INRA (Guadeloupe, French West Indies/Paris, France).
Her research investigates the generation, uptake and development of various forms of innovation (technological, organisational or social innovation) within socio-ecological systems. She focuses on understanding the barriers and enabling factors of innovation. She also explores the link between the management of agrobiodiversity and the resilience of food chains.
Carla uses a system approach to solving research questions and implements a variety of qualitative and quantitative tools such as:
- Social Network Analysis
- Statistical and econometric analysis: factor analysis, discrete choice modelling
- Valuation techniques such as choice experiment
- Experimental economics and laboratory experiments
- Surveys (face to face, focus groups, internet)
- Scenario planning