Much of Debbie’s work focuses on an assessment of different aspects of biodiversity under different land management regimes.
She is currently working on a variety of projects:
- The Glen Finglas grazing experiment
- The effects of controlled fire on the biodiversity of heath communities
- The effects of deer carcasses on upland food webs
- Scottish native pinewoods
- A re-survey of vegetation records form the 1960’s & 70’s to detect long term changes linked to land management and climate change.
- Fielding, D.; Newey, S.; Pakeman, R.J.; Miller, D.; Gagkas, Z.; Matthews, K.; Smith, S.W. (2024) Limited spatial co-occurrence of wildfire and prescribed burning on moorlands in Scotland, Biological Conservation, 296, Art. 110700
- Dinning, J.; Stockan, J.; Fielding, D.A.; Young, M.R. (2022) Habitat suitability for Coenagrion hastulatum (Charpentier) (Northern Damselfly) in Northeast Scotland, Journal British Dragonfly Society, 38(1), 47-64
- Pakeman, R.J.; Fielding, D.A. (2021) Increased grazing drives homogenisation but reduced grazing increases turnover in upland habitat mosaics, Biodiversity and Conservation, 30(14), 4279-4295
- Pakeman, R.J.; Fielding, D.A. (2020) A functional assessment of the impact of changing grazing management of upland grassland mosaics., Applied Vegetation Science, 23, 539-550.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Fielding, D.A.; Everts, L.; Littlewood, N.A. (2019) Long term impacts of changed grazing regimes on the vegetation of heterogeneous upland grasslands., Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, 1794-1805.
- Mitchell, R.J.; Hewison, R.L.; Fielding, D.A.; Fisher, J.M.; Gilbert, D.J.; Hurskainen, S.; Pakeman, R.J.; Potts, J.M.; Riach, D. (2018) Decline in atmospheric sulphur deposition and changes in climate are the major drivers of long-term change in grassland plant communities in Scotland., Environmental Pollution, 235, 956-964
- Mitchell, R.J.; Hewison, R.L.; Britton, A.J.; Brooker, R.W.; Cummins, R.P.; Fielding, D.A.; Fisher, J.M.; Gilbert, D.J.; Hester, A.J.; Hurskainen, S.; Pakeman, R.J.; Potts, J.M.; Riach, D. (2017) Forty years of change in Scottish grassland vegetation: increased richness, decreased diversity and increased dominance., Biological Conservation, 212, 327-336.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Hewison, R.L.; Riach, D.; Fisher, J.; Hurskianen, S.; Fielding, D.; Mitchell, R.J. (2017) Long-term functional structure and functional diversity changes in Scottish grasslands., Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 247, 352-362.
- Newey, S.; Mustin, K.; Bryce, R.; Fielding, D.; Redpath, S.R.; Bunnefeld, N.; Daniel, B.; Irvine, R.J. (2016) Impact of management on avian communities in the Scottish highlands., PLoS ONE, 11, Article No. e0155473.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Alexander, J.; Brooker, R.; Cummins, R.; Fielding, D.; Gore, S.; Hewison, R.; Mitchell, R.; Moore, E.; Erford, K.; Pemberton, C.; Trinder, C.; Lewis, R. (2016) Long-term impacts of nitrogen deposition on coastal plant communities., Environmental Pollution, 221, 337-347.
- Douglas, D.J.T.; Buchanan, G.M.; Thompson, P.; Smith, T.; Cole, T.; Amar, A.; Fielding, D.A.; Redpath, S.M.; Wilson, J.D. (2016) Reply to comment on: Vegetation burning for game management in the UK uplands is increasing and overlaps spatially with soil carbon and protected areas., Biological Conservation, 195, 295-296.
- Eastwood, A.; Brooker, R.; Irvine, R.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Norton, L.R.; Bullock, J.M.; Ross, L.; Fielding, D.; Ramsay, S.; Roberts, J.; Anderson, W.; Dugan, D.; Cooksley, S.; Pakeman, R.J. (2016) Does nature conservation enhance ecosystem services delivery?, Ecosystem Services, 17, 152-162.
- Douglas, D.J.T.; Buchanan, G.M.; Thompson, P.S.; Amar, A.; Fielding, D.A.; Redpath, S.M.; Wilson, J.D. (2015) Vegetation burning for game management in the UK uplands is increasing and overlaps spatially with soil carbon and protected areas., Biological Conservation, 191, 243-250.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Alexander, J.; Beaton, J.; Brooker, R.; Cummins, R.; Eastwood, A.; Fielding, D.; Fisher, J.; Gore, S.; Hewison, R.; Hooper, R.; Lennon, J.; Mitchell, R.; Moore, E.; Nolan, A.; Orford, K.; Pemberton, C.; Riach, D.; Sim, D.; Stockan, J.; Trinder, C.; Lewis, R. (2015) Species composition of coastal dune vegetation in Scotland has proved resistant to climate change over a third of a century., Global Change Biology, 21, 3738-3747.
- Fielding, D.; Newey, S.; van der Wal, R.; Irvine, R.J. (2014) Carcass provisioning to support scavengers: evaluating a controversial nature conservation practice., Ambio, 43, 810-819.
- DeGabriel, J.L.; Albon, S.D.; Fielding, D.A.; Riach, D.J.; Westaway, S.; Irvine, R.J. (2011) The presence of sheep leads to increases in plant diversity and reductions in the impact of deer on heather., Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 1269 – 1277.
Books / chapters
- Roberts, D.; Torrance, L.; Stirton, G.; Britton, A.J.; Craig, C.-A.; Kyle, C; Newman, C.; Macaulay, C.; Fielding, D.; Watson, H.; Pohle, I.; Robertson, J.; Maxwell, J.; Irvine, K.; Sutherland, L-A.; Dawson, L.A.; Shepherd, L.; Miller, P.; Ellis, R.; Richards, S.; Blok, V.; Hackett, C.; Kettle, H. (2018) Women in Science, The James Hutton Institute, 25pp
- Newey, S., Mustin, K., Fielding, D. Irvine, J. Redpath, S. Arroyo, B., Bryce, R., Beja, P., Bunnefeld, N. (2016) Consequences of game bird management for non-game species: a European review and Scottish case study., In: Irvine, R.J. (ed.). Biodiversity and Upland Management. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Chapter 1, pp4-5.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Fielding, D.; Littlewood, N.; Pozsgai, G.; Smith, S. (2016) Grassland management drives trade-offs for biodiversity., In: Pakeman, R.J. (ed.) Grassland Biodiversity. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp20-21.
- Fielding, D.; Littlewood, N.; Pozsgai, G.; Pakeman, R.J.; Evans, D. (2016) Upland grassland management for biodiversity., In: Pakeman, R.J. (ed.). Grassland Biodiversity. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp8-9.
- Fielding, D.; Irvine, R.J. (2016) Heath vegetation recovery after muirburn under different grazing regimes., In: Irvine, R.J. (ed.) Biodiversity and Upland Management. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Chapter 6, pp14-15.
- Fielding, D.; Newey, S.; Navarro, C.; Irvine, R.J. (2016) The impact of deer carcasses on soil nutrients and invertebrate communities., In: Irvine, R.J. (ed.) Biodiversity and Upland Management. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Chapter 15, pp32-33.
- Newey, S.; Fielding, D.; Irvine, R.J.; Van der Wal, R. (2016) The use of deer carcasses by avain and mammalian scavengers., In: Irvine, R.J. (ed.) Biodiversity and Upland Management. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Chapter 16, pp34-56.
Technical / contract reports
- Aitkenhead, M.; Coull, M.; Fielding, D.; Gagkas, Z.; Jabloun, M.; Lambe, S.; Lozada-Ellison, L.; Macfarlane, F.; McKeen, M.; Sideris, K.; Sozanska-Stanton, G. (2023) Restoration prioritisation in Northern Ireland, A report prepared by James Hutton Institute for Ulster Wildlife and Northern Ireland Environment Agency
- Britton, A.; Fielding, D.; Pakeman, R. (2023) Nitrogen mitigation: A review of nitrogen deposition impacts and mitigation potential in Scottish seminatural ecosystems, Zenodo.
- Mitchell, R.; Fielding, D.; Hewison, R.; Jabloun, M.; Pakeman, R.; Rivington, M.; Taylor, A. (2023) Enhancing the Biodiversity of the Glen Lochay Estate Assessing the baseline and identifying options for potential future biodiversity management strategies and activities Report to Glen Lochay Estate, Report to Estate.
- Britton, A.; Fielding, D.; Pakeman, R. (2023) Nitrogen and climate: A review of the interactive effects of nitrogen deposition and climate change on Scottish semi-natural ecosystems, Zenodo.
- Fielding, D.; Newey, S.; Pakeman, R.J. (2022) Assessing the impacts of lime application to pastures on soils, biodiversity, and forage quality, The James Hutton Institute
- Pakeman, R.; Beaton, J.; Fielding, D.; Hewison, R.L.; McKeen, M.; Potts, J.; Quinzo-Ortega, L.; Stephen, T.Stephen, T.; Stockan, J. (2021) NatureScot Research Report 1254 Evaluation of the biodiversity outcomes of the 201420 SRDP Agri Environment Climate Scheme through a selection of case studies, NatureScot.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Beaton, J.; Fielding, D.; Hewison, R.; McKeen, M.; Potts, J.; Quinzo-Ortega, L.; Stephen, T.; Stockan, J. (2021) Evaluation of the biodiversity outcomes of the 2014-20 SRDP Agri-Environment Climate Scheme through a selection of case studies., Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Thomson, S.; Mc Morran, R.; Newey, S.; Matthews, K.B.; Fielding, D.; Miller, D.G.; Glass, J.; Gandossi, G.; McMillan, J.; Spencer, M. (2020) Summary Report – The socio-economic and biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors and the employment rights of gamekeepers., Commissioned Report for the Scottish Government, Project Number CR/2019/01, November 2020, 41pp.
- Matthews, K.B.; Fielding, D.; Miller, D.G.; Gandossi, G.; Newey, S. (2020) Socio-economic and biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors in Scotland, Phase 2, Part 3: Provide a more up to date assessment of the area of grouse moors in Scotland under management for driven grouse, mapping clearly the areas of moorland that are actively managed for grouse and the intensity of current management regimes., Contract Report for Scottish Government (CR/2019/01), SEFARI Website for Scottish Government.
- Stockan, J.A.; Fielding, D.F. (2017) Summary methods for controlling or eradicating aquatic invasive species., Report for CREW website.
- Stockan, J.A.; Fielding, D. (2017) Methods for controlling or eradicating invasive aquatic species., CREW Report, CRW2016_05, 40pp.
- Nolan, A.J.; Beesley, L.; Donnelly, D.; Fielding, D. (2016) Soil Survey Map Data and Reports, Scale 1:10,000, Volume 51 – Barnhill New Acquisition, Scottish Lowlands Forest District. (2016), Digital data submitted to Forestry Commission, Scotland.
- Fielding, D.A.; Matthews, R. (2015) Review of implications of land use change on climate change mitigation and adaption., Report to the Scottish Government.
- Mitchell, R.J.; Lilly, A.; Bell, J.S.; Cameron, C.; Donald, C.; Fielding, D.; Green, G.; Hewison, R.H.; McIntyre, S.; Newman, G.: Nolan, A.; Owen, J.; Smith, D.; Sturgeon, F.; Thompson, C.; Towers, W.; Williams E. (2014) Ecosystem effects of long-term herbivore exclusion., SNH Contract Report.
- Hewison, R.L.; Hooper, R.; Fielding, D.; Henderson, D.J. (2013) Vegetation and soil survey for the Inverchaolain Glen Afforestation Proposal Environmental Impact Assessment, Cowal, Argyll., Report for Edwin Thompson Chartered Surveyors.
- Fielding, D.; Hewison, R.L. (2013) Brief protected species survey ( badgers, otters, red squirrels, water voles and bats) for the Inverchaolain Glen Afforestation Proposal Environmental Impact assessment, Cowal, Argyll., Report for Edwin Thompson Chartered Surveyors.
- Eastwood, A.; Nijnik, M.; Brooker, R.; Pakeman, R.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Norton, L.; Ross, L.; Bullock, J.; Albon, S.; Vellinga, N.; Fielding, D.; Irvine, R.J.; Ramsay, S.; Cooksley, S. (2013) Nature conservation and ecosystem service delivery., Joint Nature Conservancy Council, Contract C12-0170-0635.
- Stockan, J.A.; Fielding D. (2013) Impact of riparian invasive non-native plant species on freshwater habitats and species. Final report., CREW Report CD 2012/37.
- Littlewood, N.A.; Fielding, D. (2012) Response to consultation on management plan for Glen Finglas., Woodland Trust.
- Cummins, R.P.; Hewison, R.L.; Dunn, S.M.; Fielding D.A.; Chapman S.J.; Hooper, R. (2011) St Fergus moss – Continuaton of peat extraction. Environmental impact assessment., Contract Report for Northern Peat and Moss Company.
- Pakeman, R.J.; Lewis, R.; Kriel, A.; Moore, E.K.; Pemberton, C.; Gore, S.; Hewison, R.L.; Alexander, J.; Cummins, R.; Fielding, D.; Orford, K.; Mitchell, R.; Brooker, R.; Nolan, A.J.; Eastwood, A.; Huband, S. (2011) Detecting biodiversity change in a rare habitat: a botanical re-survey of the Machair., Final Report to the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.
- Fielding, D.A.; Irvine, R.J.; van der Wal, R. (2009) The role of ungulate carcasses for biodiversity., Contract Report for The John Muir Trust.
Conference papers
- Hewison, R.L.; Smith, S.; Fielding, D.; Pakeman, R. (2024) Long-Term Experimental Sites, Environmental Monitoring Programs and Natural Resource Surveys, Poster produced for the Biodiversity Group for the Ecological Sciences Review, February 2024
- Newey, S.; Mustin, K.; Bryce, R.; Fielding, D.; Daniel, B.; Bunnefeld, N.; Irvine, R.J. (2012) Bird diversity and game management in the Scottish Highlands, UK., International Conference on Hunting for Sustainability: Ecology, Economics and Society, Ciudad Real, Spain, 27-29 March 2012.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Taylor, A. F. S.; Fielding, D.; Freitag, T.; Oddi, L.; Robinson, L.; van Paassen, J.; White, D.; Britton, A. J. (2022) Spatial congruity across six kingdoms of alpine biodiversity, International Mountain Conference 2022, 11 – 15 September 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Britton, A.J.; Freitag, T.; Oddi, L.; Fielding, D.; van Paassen, J.; White, D.; Robinson, L.; Taylor, A.F.S. (2019) Topography drives heterogeneity in alpine soil function., International Mountain Conference 2019, Innsbruck, 8-12 September 2019. (Poster)
- Iason, G.R.; Beaton, J.K.; Reid, S.; Ellis, C.; Finger, A.; Newey, S.; Irvine, J.; McLeod, J.; Gilbert, L.; Fielding, D.; Dagleish, D.; McInnes, C.; Artz, R.; Miller, P.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Eastwood, A.; Fisher, A.; Skuce, P. (2018) RESAS Strategic Research Programme: Biodiversity and Ecosystems., Posters presented at The Wild North East – Scotland’s Natural Gem, organised by North East Scotland Biodiversity Partnership, James Hutton Institute, 13 April 2018.
- Fielding, D.; Nazir, S.; Newey, S.; van der Wal, R.; Verdicchio, F.; Irvine, R.J.; Fairhurst, G. (2013) Wireless internet Sensing Environment (WiSE): Resource management using satellite and wireless sensor networks., New Technologies for Monitoring Biodiversity, Symposium, London Zoological Society, London, 16-17 May 2013. (Poster)