Laura has a background in forestry and environmental sciences. Recent research interests included the analysis and evaluation of pan-European geographical datasets - digital elevation models (EuroDEM) and remote sensing images (Image2006) with investigation of data quality and error propagation. Previously she was involved in the organisation of a GIS system for collection of meta-data and information from soil survey and analytical determinations. Her PhD involved the development of a simplified land-use modelling method for the assessment of the risk of heavy metal polluted soil towards human health, and evaluating the influence of planning measures on this risk.
The major focus is the implications of soil and climate interactions for adaptation to climate change. I am working on the assessment of vulnerability of forest habitat networks to direct and indirect climate impacts, trade-offs between land uses, and on mapping spatio-temporal relationships between ground data and remote sensing-derived information.
- Gimona, A.; McKeen, M.; Baggio, A.; Simonetti, E.; Poggio, L.; Pakeman, R.J. (2022) Complementary effects of biodiversity and ecosystem services on spatial targeting for agri-environment payments, Land Use Policy, 126, Art. 106532
- Cerretelli, S.; Poggio, L.; Yakob, G.; Boke, S.; Habte, M.; Coull, M.; Peressotti, A.; Black, H.; Gimona, A. (2021) The advantages and limitations of global datasets to assess carbon stocks as proxy for land degradation in an Ethiopian case study, Geoderma, 399, Art. 115117
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Aalders, I.H.; Morrice, J.; Hough, R.L. (2020) Legacy data for 3D modelling of peat properties with uncertainty estimation in Dava bog – Scotland, Geoderma Regional, 22, art.00288
- Aitkenhead, M.; Poggio, L.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Coull, M.; Rivington, M.; Black, H.; Yakob, G.; Boke, S.; Habte, M. (2020) Estimating soil properties from smartphone imagery in Ethiopia, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 171, Art. 105322
- Minasny, B.; Berglund, O.; Connolly, J.; Hedley, C.; de Vries, F.; Gimona, A.; Kempen, B.; Kidd, D.; Lilja, H.; Malone, B.; McBratney, A.; Roudier, P.; O’Rourke, S.; Rudiyanto.; Padarian, J.; Poggio, L.; ten Caten, A.; Thompson, D.; Tuve, C.; Widyatmanti, W. (2019) Digital mapping of peatlands – A critical review., Earth Science Reviews, 196, Article No. 102870.
- Poggio, L.; Lassauce, A.; Gimona, A. (2019) Modelling the extent of northern peat soil and its uncertainty with sentinel: Scotland as example of highly cloudy region., Geoderma, 346, 63-74.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Johnson, S.; Bruneau, P.; Britton, A.J.; Mitchell, R.J.; Ross, L.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.J.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L. (2019) The potential for modelling peatland habitat condition in Scotland using long-term MODIS data., Science of the Total Environment, 660, 429-442.
- Cerretelli, S.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Yakob, G.; Boked, S.; Habte, M.; Coull, M.C.; Peressotti, A.; Black, H.I.J. (2018) Spatial assessment of land degradation through key ecosystem services: the role of globally available data., Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 539-555
- Poggio, L.; Simonetti, E.; Gimona, A. (2018) Enhancing the WorldClim data set for national and regional applications., Science of the Total Environment, 625, 1628-1643
- Brooker, R.W.; Brewer, M.; Britton, A.J.; Eastwood, A.J.; Ellis, C.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Genney, D.R. (2018) Tiny niches and translocations: the challenge of identifying suitable recipient sites for small and immobile species., Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, 621-630.
- Minasny, B.; Arrouays, D.; McBratney, A.B.; Angers, D.A.; Chambers, A.; Chaplot, V.; Chen, Z-S.; Cheng, K.; Das, B.S.; Field, D.J.; Hedley, C.; Hong, S.Y.; Mandal, B.; Malone, B.P.; Marchant, B.P.; Martin, M.; McConkey, B.G.; Mulder, V.L.; O’Rourke, S.; Richer-de-Forges, A.C.; Odeh, I.; Padarian, J.; Paustian, K.; Pan, G.; Poggio, L.; Savin, I.; Stolbovoy, V.; Stockmann, U.; Sulaeman, Y.; Tsui, C.; Vagen, T.G.; van Wasemael, B.; Winowiecki, L. (2018) Rejoinder to Comments on Minasny et al., 2017 Soil carbon 4 per mille. Geoderma, 292, 59-86., Geoderma, 309, 124-129.
- Arrouays, D.; Leenaars, J.G.B.; Richer-de-Forges, A.; Adhikari, K.; Ballabio, C.; Greve, M.; Grundy, M.; Guerrero, E.; Hempel, J.; Hengl, T.; Heuvelink, G.; Batjes, N.; Carvalho, E.; Hartemink, A.; Hewitt, A.; Hong, S.; Krasilnikov, P.; Lagacherie, P.; Lelyk, G.; Libohova, Z.; Lilly, A.; McBratney, A.; McKenzie, N.; Vasquez, G.M.; Mulder, V.L.; Minasny, B.; Montanrella, L.; Odeh, I.; Padarian, J.; Poggio, L.; Roudier, P.; Saby, N.; Savin, I.; Searle, R.; Solbovoy, V.; Thompson, J.; Smith, S.; Sulaeman, Y.; Vintila, R.; Rossel, R.V.; Wilson, P.; Zhang, G-L.; Swerts, M.; Oorts, K.; Karklins, A.; Feng, L.; Navarro, A.R.I.; Levin, A.; Laktionova, T.; Dell’Acqua, M.; Suvananng, N.; Ruam, W.; Prasad, J.; Patil, N.; Husnjak, S.; Pasztor, L.; Okx, J.; Hallet, S.; Keay, C.; Farewell, T.; Lilja, H.; Juilleret, J.; Marx, S.; Takata, Y.; Kazuyuki, Y.; Mansuy, N.; Panagos, P.; Liedekerke, M.; Skalsky, R.; Sobocka, J.; Kobza, J.; Eftekhari, K.; Alavipanah, S.K.; Moussadek, R.; Badraoui, M.; Da silva, M.; Paterson, G.; da Conceição Gonçalves, M.; Theocharopoulos, S.; Yemefack, M.; Tedou, S.; Vrscaj, B.; Grob, U.; Kozak, J.; Boruvka, L.; Dobos, E.; Taboada, M.; Moretti, L.; Rodriguez, D. (2017) Soil legacy data rescue via GlobalSoilMap and other international and national initiatives., GeoResJ, 14, 1-19.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2017) 3D mapping of soil texture in Scotland., Geoderma Regional, 9, 5-16.
- Minasny, B.; Malone, B.P.; McBratney, A.B.; Angers, D.A.; Arrouays, D.; Chambers, A.; Chaplot, V.; Chen, Z-S.; Cheng, K.; Das, B.S.; Field, D.J.; Gimona, A.; Hedley, C.B.; Hong, S.Y.; Mandal, B.; Marchant, B.P.; Martin, M.; McConkey, B.G.; Mulder, V.L.; O’Rourke, S.; Richer-de-Forges, A.; Odeh, I.; Padarian, J.; Paustian, K.; Pan, G.; Poggio, L.; Savin, I.; Stolbovoy, V.; Stockmann, U.; Sulaeman, Y.; Tsui, C.C.; Vågen, T-G.; van Wesemael, B.; Winowiecki, L. (2017) Soil carbon 4 per mille., Geoderma, 292, 59-86.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2017) Assimilation of optical and radar remote sensing data in 3D mapping of soil properties over large areas., Science of the Total Environment, 579, 1094-1110.
- Verhagen, W.; Van Teeffelen, A.J.A.; Compagnucci, A.B.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Verburg, P.H. (2016) Effects of landscape configuration on mapping ecosystem service capacity: a review of evidence and a case study in Scotland., Landscape Ecology, 31, 1457-1479.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Spezia, L.; Brewer, M.J. (2016) Bayesian spatial modelling of soil properties and their uncertainty: the example of soil organic matter in Scotland using R-INLA., Geoderma, 277, 69-82.
- Gonzalez, J.; Luque, S.; Poggio, L.; Smith, R.; Gimona, A. (2016) Spatial bayesian belief networks as a planning decision tool for mapping ecosystem services trade-offs on multifunctional forested landscapes., Environmental Research, 144, 15-26.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2015) Downscaling and correction of regional climate models outputs with a hybrid geostatistical approach., Spatial Statistics, 14, 4-21.
- McCallum, H.M.; Park, K.J.; O’Brien, M.G.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Wilson, J.D. (2015) Soil pH and organic matter content add explanatory power to Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus distribution models and suggest soil amendment as a conservation measure on upland farmland., Ibis, 157, 677-687.
- Lilly, A.; Miller, D.R.; Towers, W.; Donnelly, D.; Poggio, L.; Carnegie, P. (2015) Mapping of Scotland’s natural resources., Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers, 48, 35-46
- Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Polhill, J.G.; Castellazzi, M. (2015) Habitat networks and food security: promoting species range shift under climate change depends on life history and the dynamics of land use choices., Landscape Ecology, 30, 771-789.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2015) Sequence-based mapping approach to spatio-temporal snow patterns from MODIS time-series applied to Scotland., International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 34, 122-135.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2014) National scale 3D modelling of soil organic carbon stocks with uncertainty propagation – an example from Scotland., Geoderma, 232-234, 284-299.
- Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Aalders, I.; Aitkenhead, M. (2014) The effect of image compression on synthetic PROBA-V images., International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35, 2639-2653.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Brewer, M. (2013) Regional scale mapping of soil properties and their uncertainty with a large number of satellite-derived covariates., Geoderma, 209-210, 1-14.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2013) Modelling high resolution RS data with the aid of coarse resolution data and ancillary data., International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 23, 360-371.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Brown, I. (2012) Spatio-temporal MODIS EVI gap filling under cloud cover: an example in Scotland., ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 72, 56-72.
- Poggio, L.; Soille, P. (2012) Influence of pit removal methods on river network position., Hydrological Processes, 26, 1984-1990.
- Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Brown, I.; Castellazzi, M. (2012) Woodland networks in a changing climate: Threats from land use change., Biological Conservation, 149, 93-102.
Books / chapters
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Spezia, L.; Brewer, M. (2016) Example of bayesian uncertainty for digital soil mapping., In: Zhang, G.L., Brus, D., Liu, F., Song, X.D. and Lagacherie, P. (eds.). Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries. Springer Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Singapore, pp181-193.
- Baggaley, N.J.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Lilly, A. (2016) Comparison of traditional and geostatistical methods to estimate and map the carbon content of Scottish soils., In: Zhang, G.L., Brus, D., Liu, F., Song, X.D. and Lagacherie, P. (eds.). Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries. Springer Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Singapore, pp103-111.
- Brooker, R.; Eastwood, A.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Genney, D.; Ellis, C.; Brewer, M.I. (2016) Opportunities for translocating mountain species., In: Irvine, R.J. (ed.) Biodiversity and Upland Management. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Chapter 11, pp24-25.
- Gimona, A.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Poggio, L.; Castellazzi, M.; Brooker, R.; Pakeman, R.J. (2016) Modelling and mapping key ecosystem services., In: Brooker, R., Hester, A. & Pakeman, R.J. (eds.). Ecosystem Services. The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, pp8-9.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Brown, I.; Castellazzi, M.; Aalders, I.H. (2013) Changes in land use capability and impacts on ecosystem functions., In: Hepperle, E., Dixon-Gough, R., Maliene, V., Mansberger, R., Paulsson, J. & Podor, A. (eds.). Land Management: Potential, Problems and Stumbling Blocks. VDF Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, pp141-150.
- Dawson, L.A.; Rhind, S.M.; Zhang, Z.L.; Poggio, L.; Kyle, C.E.; Mayes, R.W.; Aalders, I.H.; Osprey, M.; Ross, J.; Cuthbert, A. (2012) Linking distribution of soil PaHs to location as a forensic tool., In: Morrison, R.D. & O’Sullivan, G. (eds.). Environmental Forensics: Proceedings of the 2011 INEF Conference. Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, Cambridge, pp199-205.
- Brown, I.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Castellazzi, M.S. (2011) Land capability classification to plan for a changing climate., In: Toth, G. & Nemeth, T. (eds.). Land Quality and Land Use Information – in the European Union. EUR – Scientific and Technical Research Series, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp289-296. ISBN 978-92-79-17601-2
- Poggio, L.; Soille, P. (2009) Land cover detection with unsupervised clustering and hierarchical partitioning., In: Locarek-Junge, H. & Weihs, C. (eds.). Classification as a Tool for Research, Proceedings 11th IFCS Biennial Conference & 33rd Annual Conference, Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation E.V., Dresden, 13-18 March 2009. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, Berlin, pp455-462.
Technical / contract reports
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Gagkas, Z.; Lilly, A. (2018) 3D digital soil mapping for Scottish soils using remote sensing., Internal Report for RESAS.
- Gimona, A.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Hewitt, R.; Castellazzi, M.; Poggio, L. (2018) Simulating the effect of linear features on nutrient and sediment export at the catchment scale., Report.
- Williamson, J.; Morton, D.; Artz, R.R.E.; Burden, A.; Rowland, C.; Tornero, L.; O’Neill, A.; Poggio, L.; Khomik, M.; Donnelly, D.; Evans, C.D. (2018) The role of earth observation in an integrated framework for assessing peatland habitat condition and its impact on greenhouse gas accounting., Final Report to Defra, Project number MI07.
- Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Castellazzi, M. (2018) Unsupervised habitat classification using Sentinel 1 and 2 data and legacy habitat data: a pilot project., Report to Scottish Government, 11pp.
- Poggio, L.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Gimona, A. (2017) Remote sensing data to support the Natural Asset Register: a report on methodology., Internal Research Report, James Hutton Institute.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Poggio, L.; Donnelly, D.; Aitkenhead, M.J. (2017) Comparison of remote sensing approaches for detection of peatland drainage in Scotland., Report for CxC website.
- Aitkenhead, M.; Poggio, L.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Gimona, A.; Artz, R.R.E. (2016) Detection of peatland drainage with remote sensing – a scoping study., Technical Report to CxC Directorate.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Poggio, L. (2015) Determination of organic carbon stocks in blanket peat soils in different condition – assessment of peat condition., Final Project Report to SEPA (TT1401).
- Brooker, R.W.; Ahrends, A.; Bond, C.; Castellazzi, M.; Ellis, C.; Gimona, A.; Harding, A.; Kirkbride, V.; Poggio, L.; Rowan, J.; Wignall, R. (2014) Summary Report: Climate change risk-based assessment for notifiable features in Scotland., Summary Report for CXC, December 2014.
- Aitkenhead, M.J.; Black, H.I.J.; Squire, G.; McLeod, K.; Hastings, E.; Troldborg, M.; Aalders, I.; Towers, W.; Lilly, A.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Brown, I.; Castellazzi, M.; Matthews, K.B.; Baggaley, N.J. (2014) A review of ecosystem service mapping within Scottish Government RESAS funded research., Report for Scottish Government.
- Brooker, R.W.; Ahrends, A.; Bailey, D.; Brewer, M.; Brown, I.; Castellazzi, M.; Gimona, A.; Ellis, C.; Harding, A.; Harrison, P.; Hopkins, C.; Moss, A.; Muir, M.; Poggio, L. (2014) Phase 1 Final Report: Climate change risk-based assessment for notifiable features in Scotland., Report produced for Scottish Natural Heritage.
- Brooker, R.W.; Ahrends, A.; Bailey, D.; Brewer, M.; Brown, I.; Castellazzi, M.; Gimona, A.; Ellis, C.; Harding, A.; Harrison, P.; Hopkins, C.; Moss, A.; Muir, M.; Poggio, L. (2013) Climate change risk-based assessment for notifiable features in Scotland: interim report., Report delivered to SNH as part of the CXC activities.
- Brown, I.; Dunn, S.M.; Matthews, K.B.; Poggio, L.; Sample, J.; Miller, D. (2012) The water supply/demand balance and climate change., Summary Report, Centre of Expertise for Water (CREW).
- Brown, I.; Dunn, S.M.; Matthews, K.B.; Poggio, L.; Sample, J.; Miller, D. (2012) Mapping of water supply-demand deficits with climate change in Scotland: land use implications., Technical Report, Centre of Expertise for Water (CREW).
- Aitkenhead, M.J.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Aalders, I.H. (2012) PROBA-V Evaluation of accuracy characteristics in heterogeneous zones., Report to Belgian Space Agency.
- Brown, I.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Castellazzi, M.; Aitkenhead, M.; Brooker, R. (2011) Developing upland habitat inventories for Annex 1 and priority BAP habitats., Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
Conference papers
- Arrouays, D.; Minasny, B.; McBratney, A.B.; Grundy, M.; McKenzie, N.; Thompson, J.; Gimona, A.; Hong, S.Y.; Smith, S.; Hartemink, A.; Chen, S.; Martin, M.P.; Mulder, V.L.; Richer-de-Forges, A.C.; Odeh, I.; Padarian, J.; Lelyk, G.; Poggio, L.; Savin, I.; Stolbovoy, V.; Sulaeman, Y.; Nursyamsi, D.; Zhang, F.L.; Greve, M.H.; Libohova, Z.; Lagacherie, P.; Roudier, P.; Leenaars, J.G.B.; Heuvelink, G.B.M.; Montanarella, L.; Panagos, P.; Hempel, J. (2017) Globalsoilmap for soil organic carbon mapping and as a basis for global modeling., Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy, 21-23 March 2017. Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon 2017.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Spezia, L.; Brewer, M. (2014) Example of Bayesian uncertainty for digital soil mapping., The 6th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries, Nanjing, China, 11-14 November 2014.
- Poggio, L.; Alessandro, G. (2013) 3D modelling with spatial uncertainty of soil carbon in Scottish soils, GlobalSoilMap Conference 2013, Orleans, France, 7-9 October 2013.
- Castellazzi, M.S.; Brown, I.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L. (2012) Exploring path-dependencies and spatial variability in landscape scale scenarios for ecosystem services assessments., International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany 1-5 July 2012, (eds. R. Spelt, A. A. Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp).
- Castellazzi, M.S.; Brown, I.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2012) Modelling land use change and its spatial variability for ecosystem services assessments., International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany 1-5 July 2012, (eds. R. Seppelt, A. A. Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp).
- Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Aalders, I.H.; Aitkenhead, M.J. (2012) The impacts of TER image compression on classification of synthetic PROBA-V images., 32nd EARSeL Symposium “Advances in Geosciences”, Mykonos, Greece, May 2012.
- Aalders, I; Poggio, L.; Morrice, J. (2012) Peat and renewable energies., 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Symposium on Governance Structures in Land Management, European Academy for Land Use and Development, Ankara, Turkey, 14-16 September 2012.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Castellazzi, M.; Brown, I.; Miller, D. (2012) Spatio-temporal characterisation of ecosystem functions based on macro-habitats., 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), Leipzig, Germany, 1-5 July 2012.
- Brown, I.; Poggio, L.; Castellazzi, M.; Dunn, S.M.; Sample, J. (2012) Implications of land use and climate change for the water balance in Scotland., IWA World Congress on Water, Climate, Energy, Dublin, Ireland, 13-18 May 2012.
- Dawson, L.A.; Rhind, S.M.; Zhang, Z.L.; Poggio, L.; Kyle, C.E.; Mayes, R.W.; Aalders, I.H.; Osprey, M.; Ross, J.; Cuthbert, A. (2011) Distribution of PAHs across the soils of Scotland., International Network of Environmental Forensics Conference, St John’s College, Cambridge, 24-27 July 2011. Conference Proceedings, pp.18-19.
- Brown, I.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Castellazzi, M.S. (2011) Land capability classification to plan for a changing climate., LQ2011 – Land Quality and Land Use Information, University of Pannonia, Keszthely, Hungary, 26-27 May 2011. Abstract.
- Castellazzi, M.S.; Joannon, A.; Brown, I.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L. (2010) Developing a nested-scale landscape modelling framework for ecosystem services., International Conference on Integrative Landscape Modelling (LANDMOD2010), Montpellier, France, 3-5 February 2010.
- Castellazzi, M.S.; Brown, I.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2010) Multi-scale modelling of ecosystem services – an iterative approach., International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2010), Ottawa, Canada, 5-8 July 2010.
- Poggio, L.; Soille, P. (2009) Influence of spurious pit removal methods from STRM on river networking positioning., International Conference, University of Zurich, 31 August – 2 September 2009.
- Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Castellazzi, M.S.; Brown, I. (2009) Vulnerability of forest habitat networks to direct and indirect climate impacts., In: Ecological Networks: Science and Practice (Catchpole R. Proceedings of the IALE UK Conference, 16th, Edinburgh University, 1-3 September 2009.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Simonetti, E.; Hester, A.J. (2019) Soil properties and climate interact in shaping the future potential distribution of native tree species in Great Britain., EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-9191. (Abstract)
- Iason, G.R.; Beaton, J.K.; Reid, S.; Ellis, C.; Finger, A.; Newey, S.; Irvine, J.; McLeod, J.; Gilbert, L.; Fielding, D.; Dagleish, D.; McInnes, C.; Artz, R.; Miller, P.; Gimona, A.; Poggio, L.; Eastwood, A.; Fisher, A.; Skuce, P. (2018) RESAS Strategic Research Programme: Biodiversity and Ecosystems., Posters presented at The Wild North East – Scotland’s Natural Gem, organised by North East Scotland Biodiversity Partnership, James Hutton Institute, 13 April 2018.
- Mendes Costa, E.; Poggio, L.; Pinheiro, H.S.K.; Marcondes, R.A.T.; dos Anjos, L.H.C. (2018) Predicting soil carbon content in a limited accessible area using 3D modelling: Study case at Itatiaia National park, Brazil., European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-14124.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2018) Soil properties, soil functions, soil security for sustainable management. , BONARES Conference 2018, Soil as a Sustainable Resource, Berlin, Germany, 26-28 February 2018.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Bruneau, P.; Johnson, S.; McBride, A.; Artz, R.R.E. (2018) Mapping of peatland conditions in Scotland., European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-15914.
- Poggio, L.; Lassauce, A.; Gimona, A. (2018) Highly organic soils in Scotland as seen by Sentinel 1 and 2 sensors., European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-14434.
- Poggio, L.; McLeod, J.; Castellazzi, M.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Gimona, A. (2018) Digital soil assessment modelling for land evaluation in Scotland., European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-14355.
- Poggio, L.; Lassauce, A.; Salt, D.; Gimona, A. (2018) Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud platform for detection and mapping of peatlands. A workflow example in Scotland., European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-14024.
- Glendell, M.; Stutter, M.I.; Gimona, A.; Richards, S.; Troldborg, M.; Baggaley, N.; Lilly, A.; Vinten, A.J.A.; Macleod, C.; Pohle, I.; Poggio, L. (2018) Modelling of phosphorus pollution risk to watercourses in Scotland using Bayesian Belief Networks., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (EGU 2018), Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April 2018. EGU2018-1938. (Poster).
- Holland, J.E.; Poggio, L.; Hewison, R.; Huang, J.; Taylor, J.; Triantafilis, J. (2017) High resolution estimation of peat depth using electromagnetic induction in a Scottish peatland., Pedometrics 2017, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 26 June – 1 July 2017. Book of Abstracts, p101.
- Cerretelli, S.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Peressotti, A.; Black, H.I.J. (2017) The loss of ecosystem services due to land degradation. Integration of mechanistic and probabilistic models in an Ethiopian case study., European Geosciences Union (EGU 2017), General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. EGU2017-8142 (Poster).
- Poggio, L.; Artz, R.R.E.; Donaldson-Selby, G.; Aitkenhead, M.; Donnelly, D.; Gimona, A. (2017) Peat drainage conditions assessment in Scotland., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU 2017), Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. EGU2017-8059 (Poster).
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2017) Soil properties, soil functions and soil security., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU 2017), Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. SSS1.7 (Poster Abstract).
- Poggio, L.; Baggio Compagnucci, A.; Gimona, A. (2016) Modelling and integration of soil functions in Scotland using spatialized Bayesian belief networks (BBN)., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Viol. 18, EGU2016-1468.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Bruneau, P.; Johnson, S.; McBride, A.; Artz, R.R.E. (2016) Peat conditions mapping using MODIS time series., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 (EGU 2016), Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-1472.
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A.; Aalders, I.; Morrice, J.; Hough, R.L. (2015) Modelling uncertainty of carbon stocks changes in peats., European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015. EGU2015-14147 (Poster)
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2015) 3D modelling of Scottish soil properties: towards high resolution DSM for Scotland supported by remote sensing., Pedometrics 2015, Cordoba, Spain, 14-18 September 2015.
- Compagnucci, A.B.; Donnelly, D.; Poggio, L.; Irvine, R.J.; Gimona, A. (2015) An interactive Ecosystem Services tool to support land use decision making. Aberdeenshire Regional Land Use Pilot., Workshop Presentation for Ecosystem Services Modelling Course in Bilbao, BC3 Basque Centre Climate Change, 7-17 April 2015. (Poster).
- Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2014) BBNs using spatial data., ESCOM Conference, Edinburgh, 29 April – 1 May 2014.
- Lassauce, A.; Poggio, L.; Gimona, A. (2014) GinKoS: a tool for GAM Kriging interpolations with simulations., The 6th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries, Nanjing, China, 11-14 November 2014. (Poster).