Robin has a background in plant science, and for over 35 years has been involved in modelling biological systems, ranging from the gene level to the global level. He has had a long experience in crop modelling, particularly of tropical crops, having developed models of Eucalyptus, cassava, and tea production, and has modelled the impact of climate change on rice production systems in Asia. Subsequently, he extended this work to soil processes, which has included work on methane emissions from rice agriculture, carbon sequestration under biomass plantations in the UK, the sustainability of carbon and nitrogen in cropping systems in Nepal, and symbiotic nitrogen fixation while a Visiting Professor at Kyoto University in Japan in 2003.
Robin currently acts as Leader of the Natural Assets Theme of the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme at the James Hutton Institute, and is also responsible for coordinating climate change activities across the Institute, particularly in relation to the ClimateXChange initiative providing policy advice to the Scottish Government. He is a member of the Scottish Government Agriculture and Climate Change Strategy Group (ACCSG), and a member of the Global Steering Group of the CGIAR’s ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins.
Robin’s overall research interests are in the processes of change and adaptation in coupled socio-ecological systems in response to external drivers, and in using complex adaptive systems ideas and integrated modelling approaches, including agent-based models, to understand these processes. He is particularly interested in exploring these ideas in relation to mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and to the provision of ecosystem services.
He currently coordinates the EU-FP7 REDD-ALERT project on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), a collaboration of 12 partners in Europe, Indonesia, Cameroon, Peru and Vietnam. The aim of the project includes evaluating mechanisms for translating REDD benefits received at the national level into incentives for reducing deforestation at the local level. A related project, funded by Defra, reviewed approaches to estimating baselines for calculating REDD credits. As part of this work, he represented MLURI as a non-governmental organisation at the UNFCCC CoP14 (Poznan, 2008) and CoP15 (Copenhagen, 2009), and was an invited speaker by the EU on tropical deforestation at both events.
Over his career, Robin has been successful in winning more than £9.8 million in research funding.
- Ferretto, A.; Smith, P.; Genney, D.R.; Matthews, R.; Hadizadeh, M.; Brooker, R. (2023) Modelling the future distribution of rare bryophytes in Scotland: the importance of the inclusion of habitat loss, Plant Ecology and Diversity, 16(3-4), 105-125
- Ferretto, A.; Matthews, R.; Brooker, R.; Smith, P. (2022) Planetary Boundaries and the Doughnut frameworks: A review of their local operability, Anthropocene, 39, Art. 100347
- Reilly, J.A.; Dawson, T.P.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, P.; Musk, C.C.; Potts, J.M.; Polhill, J.G. (2021) Projecting the effect of crop yield increases, dietary change and different price scenarios on land use under two different state security regimes., International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability,19(3-4), 288-304
- Matthews, K.B.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Miller, D.G.; Fitton, N.; Jones, E.; Bathgate, S.; Randle, T.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, P.; Perks, M. (2020) Not seeing the carbon for the trees? Why area-based targets for establishing new woodlands can limit or underplay their climate change mitigation benefits., Land Use Policy, 97, Article No. 104690.
- Ferretto, A.; Brooker, R.; Aitkenhead, M.; Matthews, R.; Smith, P. (2019) Potential carbon loss from Scottish peatlands under climate change., Regional Environmental Change, 19, 2101-2111.
- Hall, C.; Macdiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, P.; Hubbard, S.F.; Dawson, T.P. (2019) The relationship between forest cover and diet quality: a case study of rural southern Malawi., Food Security, 11, 635-650.
- Lippe, M.; Bithell, M.; Gotts, N.; Natalini, D.; Barbrook-Johnson, P.; Giupponi, C.; Hallier, M.; Hofstede, G.J.; Le Page, C.; Matthews, R.B.; Schluter, M.; Smith, P.; Teglio, A.; Thellmann, K. (2019) Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological systems across scales., Geoinformatica, 23, 269-298.
- de Ruiter, H.; Macdiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, P. (2018) Moving beyond calories and protein: Micronutrient assessment of UK diets and land use., Global Environmental Change – Human and Policy Dimensions, 52, 108-116.
- Hall, C.; Dawson, T.P.; Macdiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, P. (2017) The impact of population growth and climate change on food security in Africa: looking ahead to 2050., International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15, 124-135.
- de Ruiter, H.R.; Macdiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.B.; Kastner, T.; Lynd, L.R.; Smith, P. (2017) Total global agricultural land footprint associated with UK food supply 1986-2011., Global Environmental Change, 43, 72-81.
- Brown, C.; Bakam, I.; Smith. P.; Matthews, R.B. (2016) An agent-based modelling approach to evaluate factors influencing bioenergy crop adoption in north-east Scotland., Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 8, 226-244.
- de Ruiter, H.; Macdiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.B.; Kastner, T.; Smith, P. (2016) Global cropland and greenhouse gas impacts of the UK food supply are increasingly located overseas., Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13, Article No. 20151001.
- Elston, D.A.; Rivington, M.; Topp, C.F.E.; Muhammed, S.; Potts, J.M.; Butler, A.; Kettle, H.; Baggaley, N.J.; Rees, R.M.; Matthews, R.B. (2015) Stratification of climate projections for efficient estimation of uncertainty and variation using weather-driven models., Climate Research, 66, 1-12.
- Van Straaten, O.; Corre, M.D.; Wolf, K.; Tchienkoua, M.; Cuellar, E.; Matthews, R.B.; Veldkamp, E. (2015) Conversion of lowland tropical forests to tree cash crop plantations loses up to one-half of stored soil organic carbon., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 112, 9956 – 9960.
- Cerutti, P.O.; Sola, P.; Chenevoy, A.; Iiyama, M.; Yila, J.; Zhou, W.; Djoudi, H.; Atyi, R.E.; Gautier, D.J.; Gumbo, D.; Kuehl, Y.; Levang, P.; Martius, C.; Matthews, R.B.; Nasi, R.; Neufeldt, H.; Njenga, M.; Petrokofsky, G.; Saunders, M.; Shepherd, G.; Sonwa, D.J.; Sundberg, C.; van Noordwijk, M. (2015) The socioeconomic and environmental impacts of wood energy value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic map protocol., Environmental Evidence, 4, Article No. 12.
- Smith, J.; Abegaz, A.; Matthews, R.B.; Subedi, M.; Orskov, E.R.; Tumwesige, V.; Smith, P. (2014) What is the potential for biogas digesters to improve soil fertility and crop production in Sub-Saharan Africa?, Biomass and Bioenergy, 70, 58-72.
- Subedi, M.; Matthews, R.B.; Pogson, M.; Abegaz, A.; Balana, B.B.; Oyesiku-Blakemore, J.; Smith, J. (2014) Can biogas digesters help to reduce deforestation in Africa?, Biomass and Bioenergy, 70, 87-98.
- Matthews, R.B.; van Noordwijk, M.; Lambin, E.; Meyfroidt, P.; Gupta, J.; Verchot, L.; Veldkamp, E.; Hergoualc’h, K. (2014) Implementing REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation): evidence on governance, evaluation and impacts from the REDD-ALERT project., Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 19, 907-925.
- van Noordwijk, M.; Matthews, R.B.; Agus, F.; Farmer, J.; Verchot, L.; Hergoualc’h, K.; Persch, S.; Tata, H.L.; Khasanah, N.M.; Widayati, A.; Dewi, S. (2014) Mud, muddle and models in the knowledge value-chain to action on tropical peatland conservation., Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 19, 887-905.
- Farmer, J.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, P.; Smith, J.U. (2014) The tropical peatland plantation-carbon assessment tool: estimating CO2 emissions from tropical peat soils under plantations, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 19, 863-885.
- Matthews, R.B.; van Noordwijk, M. (2014) From euphoria to reality on efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)., Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 19, 615-620.
- Nijnik, M.; Nijnik, A.; Bergsma, E.; Matthews, R.B. (2014) Heterogeneity of experts’ opinion regarding opportunities and challenges of tackling deforestation in the tropics: a Q methodology application., Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 19, 621-640.
- Matthews, R.B.; van Noordwijk, M. (guest editors). (2014) Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+): Lessons learnt in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cameroon and Peru., Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 19(6).
- Farmer, J.; Matthews, R.; Smith, P.; Langan, C.; Hergoualc’h, K.; Verchot, L.; Smith, J.U. (2014) Comparison of methods for quantifying soil carbon in tropical peats., Geoderma, 214, 177-183.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Saunders, M.; Evans, C.D.; Matthews, R.B. (2013) Comment on “Soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes from an afforested lowland raised peatbog in Scotland: implications for drainage and restoration” by Yamulki et al. (2013)., Biogeosciences, 10, 7623-7630.
- Matthews, R.B.; Rivington, M.; Muhammed, S.; Newton, A.C.; Hallett, P.D. (2013) Adapting crops and cropping systems to future climates to ensure food security: the role of crop modelling., Global Food Security, 2, 24-28.
- Dyer, G.A.; Matthews, R.B.; Meyfroidt, P. (2012) Is there an ideal REDD+ program? An analysis of policy trade-offs at the local level., PLoS ONE, 7, Article No. e52478.
- Bakam, I.; Balana, B.B.; Matthews, R.B. (2012) Cost-effectiveness analysis of policy instruments for greenhouse gas emission mitigation in the agricultural sector., Journal of Environmental Management, 112, 33-44.
- Shibu, M.E.; Matthews, R.B.; Bakam, I.; Moffat, A.J.; Baggaley, N.J. (2012) Estimating greenhouse gas abatement potential of biomass crops in Scotland under various management options., Biomass and Bioenergy, 47, 211-227.
- Matthews, R.; de Pinto, A. (2012) Should REDD+ fund “sustainable intensification” as a means of reducing tropical deforestation?, Carbon Management, 3, 117-120.
Prior to appointment
- Desbiez, A.; Matthews, R.B.; Tripathi, B.; Ellis-Jones, J. (2004) Perceptions and assessment of soil fertility by farmers in the mid hills of Nepal., Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 103, 191-206.
- Matthews, R.B. (2003) Rice production, climate change and methane emissions: adaptation and mitigation options., In: Proceedings of the International Rice Research Conference, 16-19 September 2002, Beijing, China. International Rice Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China, pp585-598.
- Panda, R.K.; Stephens, W.; Matthews, R.B. (2003) Modelling the influence of irrigation on the potential yield of tea (Camellia sinensis) in north-east India., Experimental Agriculture, 39, 181-198.
- Matthews, R.B.; Wassmann, R. (2003) Modelling the impacts of climate change and methane emission reductions on rice production: a review., European Journal of Agronomy, 19, 573-598.
- Graves, A.; Matthews, R.B.; Waldie, K.J. (2003) Low external input technologies for livelihood improvement in subsistence agriculture., Advances in Agronomy, 82, 473-555.
- Matthews, R.B. and Stephens, W. (2002) Concluding remarks., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Matthews, R.B. (2002) Where to now with crop modelling?, In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK., Chapter 15, pp209-229.
- Matthews, R.B., Stephens, W. and Hess, T. (2002) Impacts of crop/soil models., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Graves, A., Hess, T. and Matthews, R.B. (2002) Using models as tools in education and training., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Chapter 12, pp151-182.
- Matthews, R.B. and Wassmann, R. (2002) Global level processes., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK., Chapter 7, pp79-92.
- Matthews, R.B. (2002) Regional and national planning., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK., Chapter 6, pp69-77.
- Matthews, R.B. (2002) Crop management., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK, Chapter 5.
- Dawson, L.A. (2002) Crop genotype improvement., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK., Chapter 3, pp13-28.
- Matthews, R.B. (2002) Models as research tools., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK., Chapter 2, pp9-12.
- Matthews, R.B. (2002) Introduction., In: Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). CAB International, Wallingford, UK., Chapter 1, pp1-5.
- Matthews, R.B. and Stephens, W. (eds.) (2002) Crop-soil models: Applications in developing countries., CAB International, Wallingford, UK. 277pp. ISBN: 0 85199 563 2.
- Graves, A.R., Hess, T.M., Matthews, R.B., Stephens, W. and Middleton, T. (2002) Crop simulation models as tools in computer laboratory and classroom-based education., Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 31, 48-54.
- Matthews, R.B.; Stephens, W.; Hess, T.M.; Middleton, T.; Graves, A.R. (2002) Applications of crop/soil simulation models in tropical agricultural systems., Advances in Agronomy, 76, 31-124.
- Grogan, P. and Matthews, R.B. (2002) A modelling analysis of the potential for soil carbon sequestration under short rotation coppice willow bioenergy plantations., Soil Use and Management, 18, 175-183.
- Matthews, R.B., Wassmann , R. and Knox, J.W. (2000) Coupling crop and soil models to simulate methane emissions from rice fields in Asia., Journal of Agricultural Science, 135, 326-327.
- Matthews, R.B., Wassmann, R., Knox, J. and Buendia, L. (2000) Using a crop/soil simulation model and GIS techniques to assess methane emissions from rice fields in Asia. IV. Upscaling of crop management scenarios to national levels., Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 58, 201-217.
- Knox, J., Matthews, R.B. and Wassmann, R. (2000) Using a crop/soil simulation model and GIS techniques to assess methane emissions from rice fields in Asia. III. Databases., Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 58,179-199.
- Matthews, R.B., Wassmann, R., Buendia, L. and Knox, J.W. (2000) Using a crop/soil simulation model and GIS techniques to assess methane emissions from rice fields in Asia. II. Model validation and sensitivity analysis., Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 58,161-177.
- Matthews, R.B., Wassmann, R. and Arah, J. (2000) Using a crop/soil simulation model and GIS techniques to assess methane emissions from rice fields in Asia. I. Model development., Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 58, 141-159.
- Olszyk, D.M., Centeno, H.G.S., Ziska, L.H.,Kern, J.S. and Matthews, R.B. (1999) Global change, rice productivity and methane emissions: comparison of simulated and experimental results., Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 97, 87-101.
- Matthews, R.B. and Stephens, W. (1998) CUPPA-Tea: A simulation model describing seasonal yield variation and potential production of tea. II. Biomass production and water use., Experimental Agriculture, 34, 369-389.
- Matthews, R.B. and Stephens, W. (1998) CUPPA-Tea: A simulation model describing seasonal yield variation and potential production of tea. I. Shoot development and extension., Experimental Agriculture, 34, 345-367.
- Matthews, R.B.; Stephens, W. (1998) The role of photoperiod in determining seasonal yield variation in tea., Experimental Agriculture, 34, 323-340.
- Singh, U.; Matthews, R.B.; Griffin, T.S.; Ritchie, J.T.; Hunt, L.A.; Goenaga, R. (1997) Modeling growth and development ofroot and tuber crops., In: Understanding Options for Agricultural Production, Chapter VII. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht.
- Matthews, R.B., Kropff, M.J., Horie, T. and Bachelet, D. (1997) Simulating the impact of climate change on rice production in Asia and evaluating options for adaptation., Agricultural Systems, 54, 399-425.
Books / chapters
- Gupta, J.; Shin, H.Y.; Matthews, R.B.; Meyfroidt, P.; Kuik, O. (2012) The forest transition, the drivers of deforestation and governance approaches., In: Gupta, J., van der Grijp, N. & Kuik, O. (eds.). Climate Change, Forests and REDD: Lessons for Institutional Design. Routledge, London and New York, pp25-51.
- Gupta, J.; Matthews, R.B.; Minang, P.; van Noordwijk, M.; Kuik, O.; van der Grijp, N. (2012) Climate change and forests: From the Noordwijk Declaration to REDD., In: Gupta, J., van der Grijp, N. & Kuik, O. (eds.). Climate Change, Forests and REDD: Lessons for Institutional Design. Routledge, London and New York, pp1-24.
- Gupta, J.: Matthews, R.B.; Meyfroidt, P.; Haug, C.; Kuik, O.; van der Grijp, N. (2012) The future of forests., In: Gupta, J., van der Grijp, N. & Kuik, O. (eds.). Climate Change, Forests and REDD: Lessons for Institutional Design. Routledge, London and New York, pp229-258.
- Singh, S.J.; Haberl, H.; Gauble, V.; Grunbuhel, C.M.; Lisivieveci, P.; Lutz, J.; Matthews, R.B.; Mirtl, M.; Vadineanu, A.; Wildenberg, M. (2010) Conceptualising long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER): Integrating the social dimension., In: Muller, F., Schubert, H. & Klotz, S. (eds.). Long-Term Ecological Research: Between Theory and Application. Springer, Berlin, pp377-398.
- Eitzinger, J.; Thaler, S.; Orlandini, S.; Nejedlik, P.; Kazandjiev, V.; Vucetic, V.; Sivertsen, T.H.; Mihailovic, D.T.; Lalic, B.; Tsiros, E.; Dalezios, N.R.; Susnik, A.; Kersebaum, C.K.C.; Holden, N.M.; Matthews, R.B. (2009) Agroclimatic indices and simulation models., In: Survey of Agrometeorological Practices and Applications in Europe regarding Climate Change Impacts (eds. P. Nejedlijk and S. Orlandini). Cost Action 734: Impact of Climate Change and Variability on European Agriculture. European Science Foundation, Florence, Italy, pp15-114.
- Matthews, R.B.; van Noordwijk, M.; Gijsman, A.J.; Cadisch, G. (2004) Models of below-ground interactions: their valididty, applicability, and beneficiaries., In: Belowground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems: Concepts and Models with Multiple Plant Components (eds. M. Van Noordwijk, G. Cadisch and C.K. Ong). Chapter 3, Wallingford, CAB International, pp41-60.
- Matthews, R.B. (2002) Who are models targeted at., In: Crop-soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries (eds. R.B. Matthews and W. Stephens). Chapter 13, CAB International, Wallingford, pp185-193.
- Matthews, R.B., Kropff, M.J., Bachelet, D., Horie, T. Moon Hee Lee, Centeno, H.G.S., Shin, J.C., Mohandass, S. Singh, S. and Defeng, Zhu. (1995) Modeling the impact of climate change on rice production in Asia., In: Climate Change and Rice (ed. S. Peng, K.T. Ingram, U. Neue and L. Ziska). Springer Verlag. pp314-325.
Technical / contract reports
- Matthews, K.B.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Miller, D.G.; Baggaley, N.; Lilly, A.; Matthews, R.B.; Fitton, N.; Jones, E.; Smith, J.; Smith, P.; Perks, M.; Bathgate, S.; Taylor, P.; Randle, T.; Ray, D. (2018) Analysis of the potential change in carbon stocks from new forestry planting in Scotland., CxC website
- Rees, R.M.; Buckingham, S.; Chapman, S.J.; Jones, S.; Lilly, A.; Mathews, R.B.; Morison, J.I.L.; Perks, M.; Vanguelova, E.I.; Yamulki, S.; Yeluripati, J. (2018) Soil carbon and land use in Scotland., Final Report to ClimateXChange, Rapid Evidence Assessment.
- Matthews, K.B.; Wardell-Johnson, D.; Miller, D.G.; Baggaley, N.; Lilly, A.; Matthews, R.B.; Fitton, N.; Jones, E.; Smith, J.; Smith, P.; Perks, M.; Bathgate, S.; Taylor, P.; Ray, D. (2017) Analysis of the net change in carbon stocks from future forestry planting in Scotland., Meeting with Forestry Commission Scotland and Climate Exchange Directorate Staff, ECCI, Edinburgh, 23 January 2017.
- Morrison, J.I.L.; Matthews, R.B. (eds.) (2016) Agriculture and forestry climate change impacts summary report., Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) Network (with additional support from the Scottish Government), 24pp. ISBN 978-0-9934074-0-6.
- Melo, P.C.; Abdul-Salam, Y.; Roberts, D.; Gilbert, A.; Matthews, R.B.; Cohen, L.; Sebastien, M.; Gomez Y Paloma, S. (2015) Income elasticities of food demand in Africa: a meta-analysis., JRC Technical Report, EUR 27650 EN, Publications Office of the European Union.
- Waldron, S.; Yeluripati, J.B.; Saunders, M.; Conniff, A.; Chapman, S.J.; Miller, D.G.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, J.; Govan, S. (2015) The peatland carbon calculator – its use and future potential., CXC Final Report, 14 December 2015, 92pp.
- Waldron, S.; Yeluripati, J.B.; Saunders, M.; Conniff, A.; Chapman, S.J.; Miller, D.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, J.; Govan, S. (2015) Use of and priorities for extending the Peatland Carbon Calculator., Draft Report to CxC.
- Fielding, D.A.; Matthews, R. (2015) Review of implications of land use change on climate change mitigation and adaption., Report to the Scottish Government.
- Hough, R.L.; Bengough, A.G.; Chapman, S.J.; Daniell, T.; Matthews, R.; Squire, G.; Towers, W.; White, P.J. (2014) Heat in the soil form (NIA-NGGT0017)., Interim Report for National Grid.
- Munoz-Rojas, J.M.; Topp, K.; Ogston, M.; Pimblett, D.; Donnelly, D.; Lilly, A.; Towers, W.; Matthews, R.B. (2014) SRDP Report on draft final targeting maps and criteria., SRDP Spatial Targeting Project-Climate Change Working Group Report to Scottish Government and Final Version of the SRDP Spatial Targetting Tool.
- Chapman, S.J.; Thomson, K.; Matthews, R.B. (2013) AFOLU accounting: implications for implementing peatland restoration – costs and benefits., CXC Enquiry Number 1208-01, Edinburgh, ClimateXChange.
- Rivington, M.; Dinnie, E.; Craig, T.; Heslop, S.; Slee, B.; Matthews, R.; Nijnik, M.; Morris, S.; Stewart, D.; Martin-Ortega, J.; Dawson, L.A.; Daniell, T. (2013) Climate: public understanding and policy implications., The James Hutton Institute response to the UK Parliament House of Commons Select Committee Inquiry, April 2013.
- McKee, A.; Dinnie, E.; Matthews, R. (2013) Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill., The James Hutton Institute Consultation Response to the Scottish Government.
- Brown, I.; Dunn, S.M.; Matthews, K.B.; Poggio, L.; Sample, J.; Miller, D. (2012) Mapping of water supply-demand deficits with climate change in Scotland: land use implications., Technical Report, Centre of Expertise for Water (CREW).
- Marsden, K.; Ebmeier, S.; Matthews, R. (2012) Peatlands and climate change., SPICe Briefing, 28/12, 20 April 2012.
- Artz, R.R.E.; Chapman, S.J.; Donnelly, D.; Matthews, R. (2012) Potential abatement from peatland restoration., Briefing Note to Scottish Government.
- Smith, J.; Abegaz, A.; Avery, L.M.; Balana, B.B.; Davidson, G.; Edwards, S.; Eshete, G.; Hailemichael, K.; Leckie, S.; Lemna, B.; Mahteme, Y.; Melamu, R.; Mwirigi, J.; Naik, L.; Orskov, E.R.; Pertiwiningrum, A. Subedi, M.; Tumwesige, V.; Yilma, D.; Yongabi, K.; Zenebe, G.; Mugisha, J.; Glenk, K.; Walekhwa, P.; Casson, E.; Austin, G.; Bechtel, K.; Matthews, R.; Goude, P.; Semple, S.; Strachan, N. (2011) DFID Interdisciplinary expert workshops on the potential of small-scare biogas digesters in sub-Saharan Africa., Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, 16-18 May 2011. Report.
- Smith, J.; Abegaz, A.; Avery, L.; Balana, B.; Davidson, G.; Edwards, S.; Eshete, G.; Hailemichael, K.; Leckie, S.; Lemna, B; Mahteme, Y.; Melamu, R.; Mwirigi, J.; Naik, L.; Orskov, B.; Pertiwiningrum, A.; Subedi, M.; Tumwesige, V.; Yilma, D.; Yongabi, K.; Zenebe, G.; Mugisha, J.; Glenk, K.; Walekhwa, P.; Casson, E.; Austin, G.; Bechtel, K.; Matthews, R.; Goude, P.; Semple, S.; Strachan, N. (2011) The potential of small-scale biogas digesters in Sub-Saharan Africa., DFID Interdisciplinary Expert Workshop on the Potential of Small-Scale Biogas Digesters in Sub-Saharan Africa, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, 16-18 May 2011.
- Moran, D.; MacLeod, M.; Wall, E.; Eory, V.; Pajot, G.; Matthews, R.B.; McVittie, A.; Barnes, A.; Rees, B.; Moxey, A.; Williams, A. (2008) UK marginal abatement cost curves for the agriculture and land use, land use change and forestry sectors out to 2022, with qualitative analysis of options to 2050., Final Report to the Committee on Climate Change, Report No. RMP4950. SAC Commercial Ltd, King’s Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JG. 152pp.
- Galbraith, D.; Smith, P.; Mortimer, N.; Stewart, R.; Hobson, M.; McPherson, G.; Matthews, R.; Mitchell, P.; Nijnik, M.; Norris, J.; Skiba, U.; Smith, J.; Towers, W. (2006) Review of greenhouse gas life cycle emissions, air pollution impacts and economics of biomass production and consumption in Scotland., Final Report to SEERAD, Project No. FF/05/08.
- Matthews, R.B.; Gilbert, N.; Roach, A.; Polhill, J.G.; Gotts, N.M.; Izquierdo, L.R. (2005) Development of a rural economy and land use simulation modelling strategy., Final Project Report of RELU Development Activity RES-224-25-0102, Macaulay Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen AB158QH, UK.
Conference papers
- Polhill, J.G.; Ge, J.; Fitton, N.; Macdiarmid, J.; Matthews, R.B.; Dawson, T.; Clark, H.; Whybrow, S.; Aphale, M.; Smith P. (2019) Exploring scenarios affecting international food and nutrition security with an agent- based model of global trade., 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme, Bern, Switzerland, 24-26 April 2019. (Talk)
- Ge, J.; Polhill, J.G.; Macdiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.; Dawson, T.; Aphale, M. (2018) The impact of trade on food security – Preliminary results from an agent-based global trade model., Social Simulation Conference (SSC) 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-24 August 2018
- Ge, J.; Polhill, J.G.; MacDiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.; Dawson, T.; Aphale, M. (2018) The impact of global food trade on food security and land use in the context of climate change – an empirical agent-based model., Landscape 2018, Berlin, Germany, 12-16 March 2018.
- Reilly, J.; Dawson, T.; Matthews, R.; Polhill, J.G.; Smith.P (2016) An agent-based model for studying the effects of sustainable intensification on food security in the nation state., International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Toulouse, France, 10-14 July 2016. Paper, 11..
- Macleod, C.J.A.; Irvine, K.N.; Currie, M.; Munoz-Rojas, J.; Morris, S.; Falloon, P.; Fox, T.A.; Matthews, R.; Birch, A.N.E.; Craig, T.; Goulding, K.; Shamal, S.A.M. (2015) Systems thinking in human-environment science: synthesis of research, policy and perspectives on using and improving existing collaborative working approaches across the water, energy, food and environment nexus., Center for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR) Symposium, University of Dundee, February 2015.
- Tumwesige, V.; Avery, L.M.; Austin, G.; Balana, B.B.; Bechtel, K.; Casson, E.; Davidson, G.; Edwards, S.; Getachew, E.; Gebreeziabher, Z.; Glenk, K.; Hailemichael, K.; Mugisha, J.; Kasozi, A.; Leckie, S.; Lemna, B.; Magombe, J.; Matheme, Y.; Matthews, R.; Melamu, R.; Mwirigi, J.; Naik, L.; Orskov, E.R.; Pertiwiningrum, A.; Sabiiti, E.; Semple, S.; Subedi, M.; Ssendagire, W.; Sylvia, N.; Turyareeba, P.; Walekwha, P.; Yilma, D.; Yongabi, K.; Zenk, G.; Smith, J. (2011) Small-scale biogas digester for sustainable energy production in sub-saharan Africa., 1st World Sustainability Forum (WSF 2011) (e-conference), held at, 1-30 November 2011.
- Dawson, R.; Matthews, R.B. (2010) Technical challenges and route-map for creating a model of UK land use., LWEC-Foresight workshop “The land use data challenge and modelling the land use system”, London, 4 November 2010.
- Matthews, R.; Bakam, I.; Muhammed, S. (2007) Global climate change: climates of the future, choices for the present., In: Keynote paper presented at African Technology Policy Studies Conference on Science, Technology and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa,19-22 November 2007.
- Matthews, R.B.; Bakam, I. (2007) A combined agent-based and biophysical modelling approach to address GHG mitigation policy issues., International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM07), Christchurch, New Zealand, 10-13 December 2007.
- Matthews, R.B.; Polhill, J.G.; Gilbert, N.; Roach, A., (2005) Integrating agent-based social models and biophysical models., Proceedings, MODSIM Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 9-12 December, 2005.
- Matthews, R.B.; Pilbeam, C.J. (2005) Modelling the long-term productivity and soil fertility of maize/millet cropping systems in the mid-hills of Nepal., Proceedings, MODSIM Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 9-12 December, 2005.
Conference posters / abstracts
- Falloon, P.; Challinor, A.; Galdos, M.; Rivington, M.; Matthews, R.B.; Semenov, M.; Freeman, B.; Pope, E. (2019) Towards a UK climate-crop modelling capability for impact assessments on food security., Climate Impacts and Risk Assessment National Meeting, University of Bristol, 14 January 2019.
- de Ruiter, H.R.; Macdiarmid, J.I.; Matthews, R.B.; Smith, P. (2015) Assessing land requirements associated with UK food consumption: implications for food security and environmental sustainability., Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 74, E119.
- Nijnik, M.; Slee, B.; Matthews, R.B. (2015) Climate change and forestry: common pool regimes as panacea or Pandora’s box?, International Association for the Study of the Commons Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, 25-30 May 2015.
- Chapman, S.J.; Artz, R.R.E.; Donnell, D.; Matthews, R. (2013) Peatland restoration: potential abatement and estimation of carbon savings., IUCN Conference: Investing in Peatlands: Partnership for a New Peatland Era, York, 10-12 September 2013. (Poster)
- Matthews, R.B. (2012) REDD-ALERT: Evaluating the impacts of REDD+ on livelihood generation, food production and ecosystem service provision., Planet Under Pressure, International Conference Centre, London, 26-29 March 2012.
- Nijnik, M.; Matthews, R.B. (2012) Expert perceptions regarding opportunities and challenges of climate change mitigation by tackling deforestation in the tropics., Workshop on Climate Change and Carbon Management, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, 1 March 2012.
- Nijnik, M.; Nijnik, A.; Matthews, R.B. (2012) Assessing experts’ opinion on challenges and opportunities of tackling deforestation in the tropics: a Q- method application., International Conference of the COST Action ECHOES (Forestry and Climate Change), Tackling Climate Change: The contribution of forest scientific knowledege, Tours, France, 20-24 May 2012. Abstract.
- Nijnik, M.; Nijnik, A.; Matthews, R.B. (2011) Heterogeneity of stakeholder perceptions regarding opportunities and challenges of tackling deforestation in the tropics (selected preliminary findings of the EC funded FP7 project REDD-ALERT)., Q Methodology Conference 2011, 27th Annual conference of the International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity (ISSSS) Birmingham, 7-9 September 2011.
- Robiglio,V.; Poggio, L.; Tchienkwa, M.; Minang, P.; Matthews, R.B. (2010) Forest landscape changes in Southern Cameroon., Landscape Ecology International Conference – Forest Landscapes and Global Change: New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration, Braganca, Portugal, 21-24 September 2010. (Poster)
- Matthews, R.B. (2009) Interactions between climate change, land use, and the provision of ecosystem services., Knowledge Scotland event at Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, 7-8 October 2009. (Poster)
- Matthews, R.B. (2009) REDD-ALERT: Evaluating global-level climate policy options and their local level implementation., Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen, 10-12 March 2009. (Poster)
- Bakam, I.; Pajot, G.; Matthews, R.B. (2009) Emission trading: an agent-based model to study the effects on the Scotland agriculture sector under different emission target constraints., Coupling Humans and Complex Ecological Landscapes, US-IALE Symposium, Snowbird, Utah, 12-16 April 2009.
- Matthews, R.B. (2008) Transitions to increased domestic bioenergy use and their implications for land-use and ecosystem services., UK Energy Research Council, London, 16 January 2008. (Poster)
- Matthews, R.; Brown, I.; Bakam, I.; Shibu, M.E. (2008) Balancing ecosystem services: an agent-based approach to analysing tradeoffs between food production, carbon storage, and fuel production in tropical forests., Conference on Food Security and Environmental Change: Linking Science, Development and Policy for Adaptation, University of Oxford, UK, 2-4 April 2008. (Poster)